Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

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"....and daily study the Manah Siksa"

"....and daily study the Manah Siksa very carefully"
 When I once visited Narayana Maharaja in Mathura in 1989, he told me to  always chant 64 rounds as it was the…

Added by Paramananda das on June 7, 2011 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Caitanya Mangal chapter one



This Caitanya Mangal by Locan das Thakura is a very important book for the followers of Lord Caitanya.We can read in Jaiva Dharma how the babajis

in Navadvipa after daily finishing their 64 or 128 or 192 rounds,would hear and discuss this Caitanya mangal for hours and feel great bliss.They would feel the presence of Lord Caitanya by this recitation…


Added by Paramananda das on June 4, 2011 at 5:30am — No Comments

Jesus Christ is not a non devotee of Lord Jagannath



you wrote:


31JUL1967 SRILA PRABUPADA's letter to Hayagriva das

"There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannath. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-devotee to live there? From that book it appears that Lord Jesus Christ lived in intimate relations with the priest order"

Jai… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on June 2, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

please no more Gay Gurus in ISKCON!!!!

dear devotees
 Recently another "anal chaser sannyasi" was 
exposed for approaching his male disciple for sex, this has been going on for to long in ISKCON.We can not allow any gays orchildmolesters to be sannyasis
and Gurus, and those in this asrama that are homosexuals should step down and avoid embarrassing ISKCON and Srila Prabhupadajust because they are
so eager for false prestige, adoration ,name fame…

Added by Paramananda das on June 1, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Jayadvaita Swami and 9/11 and chanting Hare Krishna

dear devotees


 In the past Jayadvaita Swami wrote an   article about 9/11 being orchestrated by George Bush and company back then , .Well as it is interesting obviously the solution to spread KC and chant Hare Krsna.
64 rounds is still…

Added by Paramananda das on June 1, 2011 at 7:08am — No Comments

Bhakti Ratnakara chapter 1



This Bhakti Ratnakara is a very important vaisnava litterature as it describes the life of many of Lord Caitanyas associates in detail.Srila Narahari Chakravati Thakura has ben nicely explained

at and the difference between him and Shri Narahari Sarakara Thakura(they are often mistaken).Srila Narahari Chakravti Thakura also… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on May 30, 2011 at 7:33am — No Comments

Memorial day of the real Hero

Memorial day of the real hero.

One time Kaustubha das was reading the life story of some of the war heroes from USA, there was one and two of them that had been to Srila Prabhupadasstorefront in New York in 1966 or so before they ended up in the hell of the war in Vietnam.So he shared this with us.  War is a very hellish thing.But when we read Mahabharat one can not put down the book as the lessons learned are so many and the fighting so intense.Srila Vyasadeva knew that persons in Kali…


Added by Paramananda das on May 28, 2011 at 8:07am — No Comments

Srila Prabhupada rejects Ramabhadra das as his disciple!

 This is from May 27 2011

Srila Prabhupada rejects Ramabhadra das as his disciple!

I wrote Ramabhadra das an email this year because he simply is stubborn and see nothing wrong in renting ISKCON Brooklyn property for a bingo hall  .So I have prayed to Srila Prabhupada very hard…

Added by Paramananda das on May 27, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Brahma Samhita vers 1 continued commentary by Srila Jiva Goswami,glorification of the holy name of Krsna



In the Brahma Samhita vers 1 Srila Jiva Goswami has glorified the holy name in this way:

1.       Krishna

          Shrimad Bhagavatam (1.3.28) explains:

          "All of the above-mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Shri Krishna is the original Personality of Godhead.*

          Brahma-samhita begins with a similar declaration of the supremacy of Lord Krishna.  In…


Added by Paramananda das on May 26, 2011 at 4:30am — No Comments

Brahma Samhita vers 1



krishno mamaiva sarvatra

svasti kuryat shriya samam

tathaiva cha sada karshnihi


"May Lord Krishna along with His beloved Radha bring about prosperity and auspiciousness at all times. In the same way may the devotee of Krishna, who is able to destroy all obstacles, always bring about auspiciousness." (Vishnu Yamala Samhita)

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada has advised to daily recite the Brahma Samhita and… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on May 26, 2011 at 4:20am — No Comments

chapter 22 of Advaita Prakash

dear devotees

dandavat pranams all glories to the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada 

One can not worship Lord Caitanya and neglect the other members of the Pancatattva this will not please Lord Caitanya.

In chapter 5 of the Adi lila of the CC this has been explained in detail by Krsna das Kaviraja:

These slokas describing the Pancatattva are so…


Added by Paramananda das on May 24, 2011 at 4:30am — No Comments

chapter 19 of Advaita prakash



In this chapter 19 0f Advaita Prakash we hear some of the unlimeted glories of Srila Rupa Goswami:
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written several bhajans glorifying Srila Rupa Goswami:
This is from Kalyana Kalpa Taru
1) O Lord Hari, Sri…

Added by Paramananda das on May 23, 2011 at 5:12am — No Comments

chapter 21 of Advaita Prakash



Advaita Acarya brought Lord Caitanya to this world:Srila Narottama das Thakura has sung:

je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur

heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur

1) He who brought the treasure of divine love and who was filled with compassion and mercy--where has such a personality as Advaita Acarya gone?

In the old ISKCON songbook it says Srinivasa Acarya, but this is a very gross…


Added by Paramananda das on May 23, 2011 at 5:00am — No Comments

God is not an old man with white beard

In the christian concept God is an old man with a white beard, however Lord Brahma has stated in Brahma Samhita:…

Added by Paramananda das on May 21, 2011 at 4:30am — No Comments

the contamination of Management?

the contamination of management?
In 2010 at the Navadvipa Mandal Parikrama, one sannyasi made the point that the Navadvipa Parikrama purifies one from the contamination 
of being in  manegement.Next morning Praghosa Prabhu was joking…

Added by Paramananda das on May 19, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

chapter 18 of Advaita Prakash

Such sweet pastimes are described in this Chapter and we have read and heard these pastimes also from the CC, but Ishana Thakura has given different details not found in 
the CC and Caitanya…

Added by Paramananda das on May 18, 2011 at 7:49am — No Comments

chapter 17 of Advaita Prakash

 Here Prabhodananda is mistaken for Prakashananda Sarasvati ,Srila Prabhupada has mentioned in the CC this is a very common mistake, Advaita Prakash
may have very well first been written down later…

Added by Paramananda das on May 18, 2011 at 7:12am — No Comments

My humble request to the GBC

Sent: Wed, May 18, 2011 7:57 am

Subject: my humble request to the GBC

my humble plea to the GBC
 There is a myth in ISKCON  by some that Bhavananda is a…

Added by Paramananda das on May 18, 2011 at 7:05am — No Comments

Advaita Acarya has no beard

Actually in Gaudiya math ,Advaita Acarya is presented as in the age of yauvana, and as He is God(Maha Visnu) He never grows old, this is a misconception we need to rectifie in ISKCON…

Added by Paramananda das on May 17, 2011 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

Narasimha Caturdasi

dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Here is some glories about Narasimha Caturdasi :

Actually best is to fast for 24 hours Nirjala fast this is what Lord Narasimha recommends to Prahlada Maharaja and this is recorded

in Narasimha Purana.In ISKCON we generally fast til Dusk and take ekadasi prasadam ,grains prasadam brakes the fast, so it is best to avoid until the next day:This is from Sanatana…


Added by Paramananda das on May 16, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

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