Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Paramananda das
  • Male
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • United States

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  • KrsnaCaran
  • Nemai Das
  • Kasisvara Dasa
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"I want to apologize to all of you I could not addit is simply a question of money"
Nov 15, 2024
Paramananda das commented on Paramananda das's blog post Good answer to is the Garga Samhita Authentic and then why the 6 Goswami did not quote from it ?
Nov 18, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Nov 18, 2023
Paramananda das commented on Paramananda das's blog post Neophytes lack proper understanding of Garga Samhita and have never even read it!
"by reading Garga Samhita one attains Goloka Vrindavana so to hell with those who said if is tinted with Aisvarya Jnana ,the statement in Garga Samhita itself is one attains Goloka Vrindavana those who doubt in the Garga Samhita are demons disguised…"
Nov 18, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Nov 16, 2023
Paramananda das commented on Paramananda das's blog post SRI SRI RADHA-KRSNA-GANODDESA-DIPIKA
"In this song Gauranga Bolite Habe Srila Narottama das Thakura has shown us how eager we must be to read all the books of the Goswamis especially all the books of SriRupa Goswami and Srila Raghunath das Goswami who preached Raga Marg Song Name:…"
Nov 16, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Nov 12, 2023
Paramananda das posted a blog post

How I obtained 1000 names of Lord Narasimha!

How I obtained 1000 names of Lord Narasimha!In 1986 in Vrindavana I started worshipping Ugra Narasimha Salagrama Sila, and my godbrother Kaliya Krsna Prabhu taught me everything in worship of Salagrama and Govardhana silas ,after that I also was asked to do daily Salagrama and Govardhana Puja on the alter of Sri Sri Krsna Balarama in ISKCON Vrindavana .Kaliya Krsna Prabhu had 1000 names of Lord Narasimha but only in Sanskrit so I obtained that from him .I asked Satya Narayana Prabhu to kindly…See More
Nov 10, 2023
Paramananda das posted a blog post

Pastime of how Sri Narada Muni Cursed Lord Vishnu

Pastime of how Sri Narada Muni Cursed Lord Vishnu Many years ago I read Ramacarita Manasa and there is a pastime where Sri Narada Muni thinks that he is more renounced than Lord Siva because Mohini Murti made Lord Siva fall down due to Yoga Maya..So Lord Visnu by His Yoga Maya created the following pastime ,Ramacharita Manasa is written by Sri Tulsi das the incarnation of Valmiki Muni so the pastime is bonafide..I always avoided retelling the pastime out of love for Sri Narada Muni who is the…See More
Nov 7, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Nov 5, 2023
Paramananda das posted a blog post

Jatila and Kutila the mother and sister in laws of Sri Radha

When we read Rasa Satra there are 2 persons we need to know Jatila and Kutila they are the mother in law and sister in law of Sri Radha ,here below Saccinanda Maharaja has explained something about them please carefully read Vrindavan lila: Jatila and Kutila the…See More
Nov 3, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Nov 2, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Nov 1, 2023
Paramananda das posted a blog post

29. Paying respects to others before the Deity.

The attention is to Lord Narasimhadevs lotusfeet not to yours !One time now many years ago Harikesa and Bhakti Caru Swami where touching each others" lotusfeet" during Bhagavatam class in Mayapure sitting in front of Lord Narasimha.It realty made me furious how can you pay attention so another devotees feet in front of Lord Narasimha ? One sannyasi made Harikesa and Bhakti Caru Swami look at me because he could see how furious I was that they dared touch each others feet in front of Lord Ugra…See More
Oct 22, 2023
Paramananda das posted blog posts
Oct 18, 2023
Paramananda das posted a blog post

There can be world peace in one minute!

There can be world peace in one minute!If Israel and Hamas just understand this one verse from Bhagavad Gita their fighting can end ,in one second.We are all Spirit Souls part of God, and to God we are all His children, our souls are not Hamas or Israelis soul, is a soul ..God is God whether you call God for Allah or Jehovah , Buddha ,Krsna what ever your religion has given as name for God, God is one as the Sun is one.I wish to pray to the Supreme Lord that the socalled Israelis and…See More
Oct 15, 2023



 Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura > Stavmrta-lahari > Sri Saci-nandana-vijayastaka

Shri Saci-nandana-vijayastaka

Eight Prayers Describing the Glories of the Son of Saci


gadadhara yada parah sa kila ksacanalokito

maya shrita-gayadhavana madhura-murtir ekas tada

navambuda iva bruvan dhrta-navambudo netrayor

luthan bhuvi niruddha-vag vijayate saci-nandanah

One day, Gadadhara Pandita heard the following words: O Gadadhara! I saw the most extraordinary person on the road to Gaya.  His form was very handsome, and He roared just like a thundercloud.  His eyes rained tears as if they had become rain clouds, and He rolled about on the ground, His voice choked up in the ecstasy of love of God. All glories to that Lord, the son of Saci-devi.


alaksita-carim harity-udita-matratah kam dasam

asav ati-budhagranir atula-kampa-sampadikam

vrajann ahaha modte na punar atra sastresv iti

sva-sisya-gana-vestito vijayate saci-nandanah

Oh, what kind of extraordinary state has He attained?  Although He is the leader of the scholars, He no longer delights in study.  When He holds class, surrounded by his pupils, if He hears the sound “Hari”, He begins to tremble.  All glories to that Lord, the son of Saci-devi.


haha kim idam ucyate patha pathatra krishnam muhur

vina tam iha sadhutam dadhati kim buddha dhatavah

prasiddha iha varna-sanghatita-samyag-amnayakah

sva-namni yad iti bruvan vijayate saci-nandanah

Once during class Lord Chaitanya interrupted a pupil and asked,‘What are you saying?  Instead of these verbs, you should constantly repeat the name of Krishna, the most famous of all worlds according to the Vedas.  O students, without Krishna, what benefit can verbs give?’  All glories to Lord Chaitanya, the son of Saci-devi, who chants His own holy name in that way.


navambuja-dale yad-iksana-savarnata-dirghate

sada sva-hrdi bhavyatam sapadi sadhyatam tat-padam

sa pathayati vismitan smita-mukhah sva-sisyan iti

prati-prakaranam prabhur vijayate saci-nandanah

No matter what the particular topic of study was, He would smile and instruct His astonished grammar students in this way: ‘O students, please place the two large eyes of Shri Krishna, which are as beautiful as two lotus petals, within your hearts, and please place His lotus feet within your hearts in the same way.’  All glories to that Lord, the son of Saci-devi.


kva yani karavani kim kva nu maya harir labhyatam

tam udisatu kah sakhe kathaya kah prapadyeta mam

iti dravati ghurnate kalita-bhakta-kanthah suca

sa murchayati mataram vijayate saci-nandanah

At other times, the Lord would say, ‘O friend, where shall I go, and what shall I do to attain Lord Hari?’ Who will show Him to Me?  Please tell me who will help me in this way’. Speaking thus, the Lord ran here and there and rolled about on the ground.  Their throats filled with grief, the stricken devotees called out to Him. In this way the Lord caused His mother Saci-devi, to faint.  All glories to that Lord, the son of Saci-devi.


smararbuda-durapaya tanu-ruci-chata-cchayaya

tamah kali-tama-krtam nikhilam eva nirmulayan

nrnam nayana-saubhagam divi-sadam mukhais tarayan

lasann adhi-dharah prabhur vijayate saci-nandanah

The reflection of the splendid beauty of the Lord is not attainable even by millions of Cupids, and with that splendour the Lord uproots the darkness of the ignorance of the age of Kali. Descending with the principal demigods, the Lord delighted the eyes of the residents of this earth planet.  All glories to that effulgent Lord, the son of Saci-devi.


ayam kanaka-bhudharah pranaya-ratnam uccaih kiran

krpaturataya vrajan abhavad atra visvambharah

yad-aksi-patha-sancarat-suradhuni-pravahair nijam

param ca jagad ardayan vijayate saci-nandanah

He is like a golden mountain that scatters jewels of pure love of God.  Because of His great mercy He wandered on this earth planet.  That Lord, known as Visvambhara, the maintainer of the universe, inundated His own universe with the currents of the Ganges river of tears of love of Godhead flowing from His eyes.  All glories to that Lord, the son of Saci-devi.


gato ‘smi mathuram mama priyatama visakha-sakhi

gata nu bata kam dasam vada katham nu vedani tam

itiva sa ni jecchaya vraja-pateh sutah prapitas

tadiya-rasa-carvanam vijayate saci-nandanah

Lord Krishna said to Uddhava: ‘What is the condition of Shrimati Radharani now that I have come to Mathura? Please tell me so that I may understand.’  In order to fulfil His own desire, Lord Krishna, the son of the king of Vraja, has descended as Lord Chaitanya to taste the mellows of His own devotional service


idam pathati yo ‘stakam guna-nidhe saci-nandana

prabho tava padambuje sphurad-amanda-visrambhavan

tam ujjvala-matim nija-pranaya-rupa-varganugam

vidhaya nija-dhamani drutam uri-kurusva svayam

O Lord, O son of Saci-devi, O ocean of transcendental qualities, please place in Your abode all who read these eight verses and are full of faith in Your lotus feet.  Please accept those readers whose intelligence is pure and who follow in the footsteps of the great devotees headed by Shrila Rupa Govami, who are full of great love for You.


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Good answer to is the Garga Samhita Authentic and then why the 6 Goswami did not quote from it ?

Good answer to is the Garga Samhita Authentic and then why the 6 Goswami did not quote from it ?

good answer His Grace Chaitanya Charan Das ha s given a good answer please listen...he also says we can not know what the 6 Goswamis did not quote from , he says they are not here to answer that question themselves so we can not speculate on why ..also maybe the Garga Samhita was not widely widespread at that time ? As he said no google search back that is an argument

Here is my… Continue

Posted on November 18, 2023 at 5:16pm — 1 Comment

Neophytes lack proper understanding of Garga Samhita and have never even read it!

Neophytes lack proper understanding Garga Samhita and have never even read it!

One devotee Isvara das from Nigeria has no faith in Garga Samhita and made offenses to Sri Garga Muni and Garga Samhita when I posted this chapter

Garga Samhtita has been reprinted by Danavir Swami but originally it was printed by Kusakratha prabhu in 1990

here is an online version of the book…


Posted on November 18, 2023 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

the glories of Govinda Kunda in Vraja and Surabhi kunj in Godruma Dvipa in Navadvipa

the glories of Govinda Kunda in Vraja and Surabhi kunj in Godruma Dvipa in Navadvipa

Indra bathed Krsna with Ganges water from the heavenly planets (as Sri Ganga flows there also ) and that was via the trunk of his elephant Airavata, Indra also brought a Surabhi cow , that also lives in the heavenly planets and give unlimeted milk to bath Lord Krsna .This is how Govinda Kunda at Govardhana hill was created..the 6 Goswami describe that Govinda Kunda water still taste like milk mixed with…


Posted on November 16, 2023 at 10:19am

Variyasi Devi Krsnas grandmother

Below is from Ananta das Pandits commentary to Srila Raghunath das Goswami Vraja Vilasa stave that is part of his book Stavavali .I never met him but he was obviously very learned in Rasa Sastra and lived in Radha Kunda most of his life where he engaged in Raganuga Bhakti..I never went out of my way to see any Babajis , but he is highly respected ,I believe Mahanidhi Swami took shelter of him while he was still alive ..I once met on Radha Kunda Babaji Madrasi Babaji He was very loving and kind… Continue

Posted on November 16, 2023 at 9:15am

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