Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

It is all about money and power and more money and power and so on.....

It is all about money and power and more money and power and so on.....

Narayana Maharaja chastised that leaders in ISKCON can not give bhakti because they just want money, though this is an over generalization certainly there is much truth to it.
The gas drilling in New Vrindavan is all about money power and more money and more power.


Dwijamani Prabhu wrote me:

Dwijamani Das
Hare Krishna Prabhu. Thought you would be interested in a 'leaked' email from New Vrndaban GBC Board,
Anuttama das, Malati devi dasi, Rukmini devi dasi, Tamohara das

January 20, 2010
To: New Vrndaban Board of Directors
...We understand that a contract for leasing New Vrndaban land for the purpose of natural gas drilling is being offered to New Vrndaban and several adjoining corporations and individuals. When this was first discussed, the GBC Board expressed its approval to go forward with negotiations, with certain stipulations.
Those considerations included that 1) an experienced attorney would be consulted and retained to develop the contract, 2) that essential NV buildings such as the temple and Palace would not be unduly impacted, 3) that environmental issues would be addressed so as to minimize potential harm, 4) The funds received the natural gas must be held in a separate, designated corporate New Vrndaban account, and those funds be utilized for specific development and improvement projects, and 5) an annual budget be developed by the NV Board of Directors and approved by the GBC.
The Directors of IMNV and the associated devotee corporations have worked hard to protect the project and negotiate the best possible lease. As it appears that these conditions have been largely met, the New Vrndaban GBC Board gives its approval and encouragement to sign the gas lease that has been negotiated. The one remaining task it to obtain appropriate legal advice and develop the Trust, Foundation, or other legal structure that will be the recipient and controller of the funds.
New Vrndaban GBC Board,
Anuttama das, Malati devi dasi, Rukmini devi dasi, Tamohara das

Rati manjari added:
Rati Manjari also, i feel compelled to add that many of the local devotee land owners who did sign, have said they only did so because the temple had signed, and that if the temple would not have signed, they never would have signed.
such a tragedy.

Though I do not like to see any faults , I have to be very frank in this matter.Many of the leaders in ISKCON US can not be trusted they are doing everything for money and power
and call it bhakti.

Anuttama das used to have a jewelry business in ISKCON Denver and this is according to many devotees that told me, (illegal by the way) and he profited by that.

When he came to Potomac in 1995 ,he was part of allowing demigod worship, Satya Narayana pujas , mayavadis speaking at the temple all for money.
I complained to the GBC, and consequently ruled was passed in 1996 to ban this.I was asked to leave ISKCON Potomac because of my objection to this.
Anuttama das told me at that time ,demigod worship is valuable and in the mode of goodness.

Recently under his management we had no Ratha yatra on July 4th because he spaced out getting the permits, and it became a very small scale operation on July 3th that left many senior devotees including myself outraged.

He has shown on many occasions his complete disrespect for Srila Prabhupadas bookdistribution and has opposed local bookdistributors in Washington DC.
Is he an enemy of ISKCON? Certainly not ,but I consider him a selfish sakama bhakta.(So is Ramabhadra that runs a bingo hall in ISKCON Brooklyn and also is anti book distribution, and have completely destroyed bookdistribution in NYC)

In ISKCON Potomac and many temples in US, most serve grains on Visnutattva apperance days simply because they figured it makes more money.Though
it opposes Srila Prabhupadas instructions and that of sastra.
There is a lack of proper spiritual leadership in ISKCON US and Canada and it is strongly felt.

There is simply no consideration of anything in New Vrindavana with the gas drilling but money and yes I stand with that it is completely demoniac as does 99 % of devotees in ISKCON.
What is new in ISKCON certainly not that it is about money and power, and money and power that is all ,nothing to do with bhakti,stopped being fooled, by such leaders throwing misleading facts in your eyes..this is simply Trinivarta business.Putana tattva is false mentorship (like an affectionate so called mother that is actually offering poison)
and Trinivarta throws sand in the eyes with false logic and misleads one....

your servant
Payonidhi das

I stick with my first article in this matter:

dear respected devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada would have never approved of gas drilling at New Vrindavan.New Vrindavan was supposed to be a replica of Vrindavan with 7 major temples,this never took place.
I will not get into the scandalous behavior of past New Vrindavan leaders because most already know about the past murders and homosexual activities there and child abuses etc.
However now another twist it is gas drilling .Polluting even the air ,water and everything in New Vrindavan. Simply for making money.Some of Srila Prabhupada disciples are only so in name
because no true disciple would allow gas drilling in New Vrindavan.Shame on the North American GBC for allowing this.What happened to plain living and high thinking? This is fraud to make a quick buck, and to me it is utterly demoniac ,and ugra karma mentality. When will all the ugra karma stop in New Vrindavan. ? I guess because modern Vrindavan has become so filthy and dirty , the pace has to be kept up in New Vrindavan?.Those who are demoniac have no discrimination.

Krsna states in Bhagavad Gita: 16 .7

pravrttim ca nivrttim ca
jana na vidur asurah
na shaucam napi cacaro
na satyam tesu vidyate
"Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them."

The word Shaucam is significant here because this Gas drilling is not cleanSrila Prabhupada noted that this exploitation of the inner resources of the earth like oil
drilling (and we should surely include gas drilling also), is the cause of earth quakes.And though it may not appear New Vrindavan is in an earth quake area, but come on.
Will the international GBC approve or does approve of this? If the DOM was implemented in ISKCON such demoniac activities would never take place.because the general devotees
would never approve of it.
Who in New Vrindavan
is profiting from this? This is Krsnas land ,and why has this been allowed? Who are the rascals behind this, I am sure this is the question Srila Prabhupada and Krsna
is asking.They know... there is something very "smelly " about this gas drilling.
Shame on whoever allowed this,this is a great transgressions.Yes I call it demoniac and is against the very purpose New Vrindavan was created.!/pages/All-About-Fracking-Gas-Drilling-at-Iskcon-New-Vrindaban/152438404807870
your servant
Payonidhi das

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