Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Today is Guru Purnima and the holy disappeance day of Srila Sanatana Goswami ;I was praying to Sanatana Goswami to give me intelligence and help to glorify him, but I got inspired to glorify Srila Jagadananda first to also please Srila Sanatana Goswami,who had so much love for Jagadananda Pandita.
This Prema Vaivarta is such an important book written by Srila Jagadananda Pandit it contains the essence of the teachings of Lord Caitanya..let us all bow at his lotusfeet.In chapter 15 he reveals some Gauranga lilas not mentiond in CC or CB or any other vaisnava litterature.It is wonderful how Durvasa Muni cursed this boy and how he was liberated by Lord Caitanya Himself.Durvasa muni also appeared in Gaurangas lilas:111. Sri Jagannatha Acarya, who was also known as Gangadasa Pandita, was very dear to Lord Caitanya. In his previous life he had been Durvasa Muni, who delighted the gopis and was very dear to them. (see
Narayana Maharaja hs stated that Jagadananda Pandit is really a manjari (it would appear so from his own statements in the later part of Prema Vaivarta) but Lord Caitanya has stated he is the incarnation of Satyabhama, Srila Kavi Karna Pura writes in his Gaura Ganodesa Dipika :
51. The person who appeared in Lord Caitanya's pastimes as Jagadananda Pandita was actually an incarnation of Srimati Satyabhama-devi. What devotee can say otherwise?
Srila Prabhupada has also mentioned this in his purports of the CC.If Kavi Karnapure says what devotee can otherwise?Also confirmed by Krsna das Kaviraja in CC 10.21
I accept that and the statement of Sriman Mahaprabhu himself.
  Also there is a vers that describes the great sage Visvamitra muni in the Gaura Ganodesa Dipika :
49. The same person who appeared as Visvamitra Muni, who arranged the marriage of Lord Ramacandra, and who also appeared as the brahmana messenger sent by Srimati Rukmini-devi to Lord Kesava, also appeared in Lord Caitanya's pastimes as Vanamali Acarya, who was famous as a learned astrologer.
(they are all the one and same person the great sage Visvamitra Muni--with great eagerness I pay my full obaisences at his lotusfeet)
This Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika is so amazing the more you read it, there more nectarean is becomes:

44. The same person who was Maharaja Janaka, the king of Mithila, appeared during Lord Caitanya's pastimes as Vallabhacarya. Some people differ from this view, and say that Vallabhacarya was an incarnation of Maharaja Bhismaka.

45. The same person who formerly appeared as Janaki-devi and Rukmini-devi appeared during Lord Caitanya's pastimes as Srimati Laksmipriya, the daughter of Vallabhacarya.

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Comment by Paramananda das on September 21, 2009 at 4:09am

Prema Vivarta

I offer my repeated obeisances at the lotus feet of Shrimati Radharani, whose partial expansion, Shrimati Satyabhama, resides in Dvaraka.

The son of Nanda Maharaja, Shri Krishna, has now appeared as Shri Krishna Chaitanya, and having brought with Him Shri Gadadhara Pandita, they purify and bless the land of Nadia.

Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu brought Gadadhara Pandita to Shri Purusottama-Ksetra, Puri and there They manifested many confidential pastimes, in the conjugal mood as "Gaura Gadai".

The Lord introduced Gadadhara Pandita to the worship of the Shri Tota-Gopinatha Deity and encouraged him in that service.

To me He gave Lord Giridhari's worship, Who resides on the ocean shores. Additionally He sent me all the devotees from Bengal to look after.

Shrila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami is more dear to me than my very life, for he is Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's life and soul.

I throw myself, my entire life, at the lotus feet of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. I am able to write this Prema-vivarta only on the instructions and by the inspiration of all the devoted Vaishnavas.

Lord Chaitanya's Dancing is Eternal

All of you, my brothers! Please worship Shri Gauranga, the Lord and master of my heart, because without Him, life becomes a meaningless dreary and drab burden.

My Lord Gauranga dances eternally in Shrimati Sacidevi's courtyard in Mayapura, accompanying Him is Lord Nityananda and Advaita Acarya Prabhu. He danced in Shrivas Pandita's house absorbed in the most ecstatic moods; anyone beholding Him thus never forgets that wonderful sight.

His sublime pastimes and bodily movements remain indelibly imbedded in my heart like moving pictures, and as my soul yearns and cries out to see more, They flash across the screen of my mind.

When I saw my Lord dancing in the Jagannatha Mandira, endless waves of ecstatic emotion flooded my heart. What is there for me in this wretched life except to see the exquisite dancing movements of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu performing on the banks of the Jahnavi Ganga River.

Comment by Paramananda das on September 21, 2009 at 4:11am
All demigods and demigoddesses are Lord Chaitanya's servitors

Everyone must worship the lotus feet of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with undeviating devotion and reject the worship of demigods and goddesses as though they were on the same level. Know that all the demigods and goddesses are servitors of Shri Gauranga. Never let the mind entertain the idea that Lord Krishna and Lord Gauranga are different personalities.

Be enlightened in spiritual truth; your spiritual master is the recipient of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's special mercy. The eternal associates of the Lord are the different limbs of His transcendental body.

As for those who adamantly oppose Lord Chaitanya's divine position as the supreme person they should clearly understand that every soul is Lord Gauranga's servant.

Firm faith in worshipping Lord Chaitanya

Do not indulge in useless criticism and finding faults in others. Deep within your heart simply worship the lotus feet of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with unflinching devotion.

Chant Lord Gauranga's holy name, because His name is omnipotent; all other names of demigods, goddesses and Vishnu-tattvas are perfectly harmonised and contained in His name.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the original spiritual master in this cosmic creation, so teach everyone the process of simple, unalloyed love for Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Give up deceit and hypocrisy and purify your mind. Either sincerely worship Lord Gauranga or maintain society, family and friendship. It is impossible to do both.

Choose between engaging yourself in the transcendental devotional service of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu or taking shelter of mundane activities; serving family, friends and society. It is impossible to maintain both these activities simultaneously.

I, Jagadananda, humbly caution that if we do not develop single-mindedness in executing devotional service, then we place ourselves in the impossible position of trying to cross a river with two boats, with a foot in each.
Comment by Paramananda das on September 21, 2009 at 4:13am
Chapter 6—The Ultimate Goal of Living Entities

The Living entity and Lord Krishna
the living entities are infinitesimal parts of the Supreme Absolute Truth, and Lord Krishna is that Supreme absolute Personality, transcendental and effulgent. When the living entities realise that Lord Krishna is the eternal and absolute controller, they engage in His loving devotional service.

The living entities in their conditioned state

When the living entity desires to enjoy separately from Krishna, the illusory potency of the Lord, maya, immediately grabs the soul in her clutches. Being maya's captive, he becomes bewildered and acts like someone who has been possessed by a witch.

The jiva soul, forgetting his constitutional position as the eternal servant of Krishna, perfect and pure, becomes a slave of maya. In this condition he roams eternally in the material world from one body to another.

He goes through many births, sometimes born as a king, sometimes as an ordinary citizen, sometimes as a brahmana and sometimes as a sudra or menial labourer. Sometimes he is suffering, and sometimes he is happy. Sometimes he is born as an insect, and sometimes he goes to heaven. Then sometimes he has to come down to this earth again, and sometimes he has to go to hell. Sometimes he is born as a demigod, sometimes as a demon, sometimes as the master and other times the servant.

Only the association of saintly souls can save one

Roaming about in the material world, taking one birth after another, if by chance the living entity comes in contact with a saintly person he becomes immediately knowledgeable of his true identity as pure spirit soul, an eternal servant of Krishna. Enlightened by this knowledge, he does not want material entanglement any longer, and he laments: "Alas! Why have I served this illusory material energy for so long?"

He bitterly regrets and cries out, "Krishna! My Lord, I am Your eternal servant. Ever since I left the shelter of Your lotus feet my life has been completely devastated."

Lord Krishna is so merciful that if anyone appeals to Him earnestly, He immediately releases the jiva from material entanglement. When the jiva breaks away from maya's captivating spell and strives toward Lord Krishna by rendering devotional service, he regains the supreme shelter of the Lord's lotus feet. Lord Krishna fortifies him with His transcendental, internal potency, and this overbearing power of the Lord's spiritual potency weakens maya's influence on the living entity.

The only desirable object is to be able to chant the holy name of the Lord in the association of pure and saintly devotees. This is the best and only way to conquer nescience.

I, Jagadananda, the eternal servant of Lord Gaurasundara, have given up all other hope and shelter and am sitting here with only one desire: to receive the shelter of Shri Gaurasundara's lotus feet.
Comment by Paramananda das on September 21, 2009 at 4:14am
Chapter 7— Chanting the Holy Name is for Everyone
Chanting is not possible in the company of non devotees

One cannot chant the holy name of Lord Krishna purely in the company of non devotees. The sound and syllables of the name may be uttered, but that is not real chanting.

Chanting of this nature is at best the clearing stage or namabhasa. It is always mixed with offenses to the holy name. This chanting is a detriment to spiritual progress and cannot be considered as pure devotional service.

The Proper Method of chanting

If you want to chant Lord Krishna's holy name purely, then earnestly seek the company of pure devotees of the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna. Reject all the unwanted desires for sense enjoyment, liberation, mystic powers, and other material desires.

Avoid the ten offenses against the holy name of the Lord and become free from the dualities of honour and dishonour. This material world is meant to be utilised in the service of the Lord. Render service without attachment for material things and chant the holy name of Lord Krishna constantly.

Accept everything that is favourable for executing devotional service and reject everything that is unfavourable. Do not endeavour for mundane speculative knowledge, fruitive activities and mystic yoga. False renunciation is 'monkey renunciation', which only aims at bodily pleasure and comforts. Bear in mind that Lord Krishna always protects and maintains everyone. Humbly surrender your life and soul to the lotus feet of the Lord, and, in that way, rid yourself of unwanted material desires.

The Supreme Lord Krishna knows that it is very difficult for the living entities to find the association of real saintly persons, so He has now come to Nadia as a pure devotee of the Lord. Therefore, all who are endowed with proper intelligence should take shelter of Lord Gauranga's lotus feet, because Lord Gauranga is the perfect saint and spiritual master.
Comment by Paramananda das on September 21, 2009 at 4:15am
Chapter 8—Be Free From Finding Fault With Others

Worship Lord Gauranga with a pure heart
Thrice i do confirm it my brothers! Worship Lord Gauranga! Lord Gauranga is the original spiritual master of this entire cosmic manifestation. If you sincerely desire to worship Lord Gauranga, then purify your mind and become free from the tendency to find fault and criticise others. In this manner take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga.

Lord Gauranga knows everyone's innermost thoughts, so how can you cheat Him? When your heart becomes pure and free from all vices, you will easily understand His instructions. Ultimately you will end up cheating yourself if you engage your thoughts in nonessential things like finding faults with others. How can you hide your thoughts from the Supreme Lord Gauranga? He knows everything in your heart.

Lord Gauranga has taught us to follow His ideal life and character. If you want the best for yourself, then follow His instructions.

Insincere devotional service

Simply telling the world, "I am Lord Chaitanya's servant", will not suffice. Real success in devotional life, comes when one take to heart the life and teachings of Lord Chaitanya. Making an external show of worshipping Lord Chaitanya, by keeping the appearance of a devotee, wearing tilaka, tulasi mala, etc. but secretly committing sins, then Lord Gauranga will certainly discover such cheating and deception.

You will become very degraded and despised by everyone if you try to act in this way. All of your devotional practices will be ruined by committing offenses against the holy name. Such a capricious mentality will hurl you to the depths of depravity and you will be shunned by all. You will be forced to commit offenses against the holy name, which will gradually destroy the creeper of devotion. What is more crippling to devotional life than the committing of sins while chanting the holy name?
Comment by Paramananda das on September 21, 2009 at 4:16am
No hardship is involved in chanting the holy name. It is an easily attainable, priceless spiritual gem. Simply by moving the lips and tongue and loudly pronouncing the Lord's name, one can chant the holy name. And if that involves too much physical effort, then certainly it is easy to remember the holy name. Even if a person is dumb or suffering from mental aberrations, he can at least hear the holy name of the Lord, and that hearing will destroy all the sinful reactions within his heart and give him the highest goal in spiritual life.

As a result of worshipping the temple Deity with proper devotion for many, many births, the holy name of Krishna appears and dances constantly on one's tongue. The paths of fruitive activity, speculative knowledge or mystic yoga are incapable of offering the same spiritual success, because according to the scriptures, a little fault in the execution of these processes will render everything null and void.

So give up endeavouring in these other processes. Take complete shelter of the holy name, for it is the essence of all religious practices, and very soon you can easily cross over the ocean of birth and death.

About Shrila Kavi-Karnapura

All glories to Kavi-Karnapura! He is a greatly blessed soul. Both of us hail from the same village. He has revealed in his writings some of the marvellous qualities of the holy name. One who is the recipient of Lord Gauranga's mercy is certainly the most fortunate soul in the entire universe. Kavi-Karnapura, having received the Lord's mercy at the tender age of seven, became respected by all as a great poet.

All glory to Shri Sivananda Sena, the father of Shri Kavi-Karnapura. In my early years he taught me Bhagavad-gita and Shrimad Bhagavatam. He took me to Nadia and placed me at the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga. Shrila Sivananda Sena has always been my saviour and mentor in times of happiness and distress.
Comment by Paramananda das on June 15, 2016 at 3:59am

Prema Vivarta 


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