Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Bhagavat and Narayana Maharajas attacks on ISKCON

dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Some may have heard about the controversy stirred up by Bhagavad Maharaja ,that was Srila Prabhupadas disciples but have renounced him and joined Narayana Maharaja.
So he is attacking Srila Prabhupada by certain statements. He has gotten this from Narayana Maharaja
Yes if we wanted to find faults in such statements of Srila Prabhupada such as I posted actually this article was for the mundane persons, such as the followers of Narayana Maharaja and for Narayana Maharaja and the like that have lost faith in Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.
So Narayana Maharaja is openly finding faults with Srila Prabhupada and with ISKCON
I have responded in some of my articles:
Narayana Maharaja has stated that all leaders in ISKCON just want money and those who are sincere will come to him.Yes sadly some have been "skimming milk" and I know one sannyasi that left this world with 7 million dollars in his account, Deenabhandhu Prabhu told me of a sannyasi that recently lost 7 million dollars in some business dealings.
In ISKCON there has sadly been so much financial abuse., Actually what Srila Prabhupada has pointed too about jews and blacks, it is true because some of our jewish vaisnava friends
are to powerful and one such Swami has set up a whole empire within ISKCON ,just like his siksa Guru Kirtananda Swami did.
I agree with NM there is to many leaders in ISKCON that can not give real bhakti and just want power and money and have no and little interest in preaching and will not sacrifice, many comfort riders have become Gurus and sannyasis and it is a fact.But still we have to stay in ISKCON and things have to change from within.So yes if one is a power hungry black bodied or jewish or any kind of such person he can stop stealing from Prabhupada and ISKCON or go join Narayana Maharaja.Trust me we are all born as small raksasas so what is this arayan race in Kali yuga?.But we have to understand all these things Srila Prabhupada said in contest, isolating them will make one find faults with Srila Prabhupada.Or quoting them out of context.

Canto 11: General History Chapter 17: Lord Kṛṣṇa's Description of the Varṇāśrama System
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.17.27
ācāryaḿ māḿ vijānīyān
nāvanmanyeta karhicit
na martya-buddhyāsūyeta
sarva-deva-mayo guruḥ
ācāryam — the spiritual master; mām — Myself; vijānīyāt — one should know; na avamanyeta — one should never disrespect; karhicit — at any time; na — never; martya-buddhyā — with the idea of his being an ordinary man; asūyeta — one should be envious; sarva-deva — of all demigods; mayaḥ — representative; guruḥ — the spiritual master.
One should know the ācārya as Myself and never disrespect him in any way. One should not envy him, thinking him an ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the demigods.
This verse appears in Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 1.46). His Divine Grace Oḿ Viṣṇupāda Paramahaḿsa Parivrājakācārya Aṣṭottara-śata Śrī Śrīmad A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda has commented on this verse as follows.
"This is a verse from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (11.17.27) spoken by Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa when He was questioned by Uddhava regarding the four social and spiritual orders of society. He was specifically instructing how a brahmacārī should behave under the care of a spiritual master. A spiritual master is not an enjoyer of facilities offered by his disciples. He is like a parent. Without the attentive service of his parents, a child cannot grow to manhood; similarly, without the care of the spiritual master one cannot rise to the plane of transcendental service.
"The spiritual master is also called ācārya, or a transcendental professor of spiritual science. Manu-saḿhitā (2.140) explains the duties of an ācārya, describing that a bona fide spiritual maser accepts charge of disciples, teaches them the Vedic knowledge with all its intricacies, and gives them their second birth. The ceremony performed to initiate a disciple into the study of spiritual science is called upanīti, or the function that brings one nearer to the spiritual master. One who cannot be brought nearer to a spiritual master cannot have a sacred thread, and thus he is indicated to be a śūdra. The sacred thread worn on the body of a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya or vaiśya is a symbol of initiation by the spiritual master; it is worth nothing if worn merely to boast of high parentage. The duty of the spiritual master is to initiate a disciple with the sacred thread ceremony, and after this saḿskāra, or purificatory process, the spiritual master actually begins to teach the disciple about the Vedas. A person born a śūdra is not barred from such spiritual initiation, provided he is approved by the spiritual master, who is duly authorized to award a disciple the right to be a brāhmaṇa if he finds him perfectly qualified. In the Vāyu Purāṇa an ācārya is defined as one who knows the import of all Vedic literature, explains the purpose of the Vedas, abides by their rules and regulations and teaches his disciples to act in the same way.
"Only out of His immense compassion does the Personality of Godhead reveal Himself as the spiritual master. Therefore in the dealings of an ācārya there are no activities but those of transcendental loving service to the Lord. He is the Supreme Personality of Servitor Godhead. It is worthwhile to take shelter of such a steady devotee, who is called āśraya-vigraha, or the manifestation or form of the Lord of whom one must take shelter.
"If one poses himself as an ācārya but does not have an attitude of servitorship to the Lord, he must be considered an offender, and this offensive attitude disqualifies him from being an ācārya. The bona fide spiritual master always engages in unalloyed devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By this test he is known to be a direct manifestation of the Lord and a genuine representative of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu. Such a spiritual master is known as ācāryadeva. Influenced by an envious temperament and dissatisfied because of an attitude of sense gratification, mundaners criticize a real ācārya. In fact, however, a bona fide ācārya is nondifferent from the Personality of Godhead, and therefore to envy such an ācārya is to envy the Personality of Godhead Himself. This will produce an effect subversive to transcendental realization.
"As mentioned previously, a disciple should always respect the spiritual master as a manifestation of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, but at the same time one should always remember that a spiritual master is never authorized to imitate the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. False spiritual masters pose themselves as identical withŚrī Kṛṣṇa in every respect, to exploit the sentiments of their disciples, but such impersonalists can only mislead their disciples, for their ultimate aim is to become one with the Lord. This is against the principles of the devotional cult.
"The real Vedic philosophy is acintya-bhedābheda-tattva, which establishes everything to be simultaneously one with and different from the Personality of Godhead. Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī confirms that this is the real position of a bona fide spiritual master and says that one should always think of the spiritual master in terms of his intimate relationship with Mukunda (Śrī Kṛṣṇa). Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, in his Bhakti-sandarbha (213), has clearly defined that a pure devotee's observation of the spiritual master and Lord Śiva as one with the Personality of Godhead exists in terms of their being very dear to the Lord, not identical with Him in all respects. Following in the footsteps of Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī and Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, later ācāryas like Śrīla ViśvanāthaCakravartī Ṭhākura have confirmed the same truths. In his prayers to the spiritual master, Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura confirms that all the revealed scriptures accept the spiritual master to be identical with the Personality of Godhead because he is a very dear and confidential servant of the Lord. GauḍīyaVaiṣṇavas therefore worship Śrīla Gurudeva (the spiritual master) in the light of his being the servitor of the Personality of Godhead. In all the ancient literatures of devotional service and in the more recent songs of Śrīla Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura, Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura and other unalloyed Vaiṣṇavas, the spiritual master is always considered to be either one of the confidential associates of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī or a manifested representation of Śrīla Nityānanda Prabhu."
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Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
His Holiness Hrdayananda dasa Goswami
Gopiparanadhana dasa Adhikari
Dravida dasa Brahmacari
Now this verse refers to Srila Prabhupada ,he is the real Acaryadev, these are all simply attacks by Narayana Maharaja and his disciples like Bhagavat Maharaja to bring down ISKCON.
I have often suggested financial transparency in ISKCON and also the chanting of 64 rounds, the reading and distributing of Srila Prabhupadas books
I am again humbly doing so.I was born in Denmark where there is no or little racism but I have learned from the behavior of Devamrta Swami not all black bodied devotees are pure devotees ,and from Dhanudhara Swami how manipulative,envious and cruel a Jewish bodied devotee can be, so I have no problems with Srila Prabhupadas statements about women, blacks ,jews or anyone.
We are all born equally as we are all spirit souls and in a fallen stage in Kali yuga, and no matter where we are born we all come from a fallen background indians also,though persons like Navayogendra Swami, thinks otherwise that indians are all the pure arayan race even if they like him are agressive for power and money.I have seen indian devotees steal money ,have illicit sex etc..
Yes there is faults in all of us in Narayana Maharaja also ,none of us are God.NM and his followers sees NM as the supreme acaryadeva
We should take Srila Prabhupada and his Gurumaharaja in this way and try to strictly follow our Guruvarga,then we can understand Srila Prabhupadas statements, give up all greed ,lust anger and struggle for power, name fame adoration and wealth.ISKCON and NM should be friends, but Kali has started a big fight
this is all due to Kali yugas influence.And there is many many problems in NM camp, including problems with power struggle ,illicit sex and drugs
your servant
Payonidhi das
See also
The real solution is to chant 64 rounds without offence and serve Srila Prabhupada bas...simple
As for Prabhupadas comments on jews, I once read part of Hitlers" My Kampf"
he accused jews to start business meant to spread irreligion and profeetering from world war 1 and all wars,that behind
all big business there is a jewish person trying to exploit, doing everything to increase their wealth and power
without having the interest of only themselves and other jews, killing them all was no good solution,and Srila Prabhupada obviously did not condone that.
These things are controversial ,I am not perfect at all,these are my thoughts on these matters without cutting corners
I offer my pranams to all vaisnavis,and devotees in various types the body is a shell only for the spirit soul and such karmic discriptions only fit if one acts in the bodily concept of life

Views: 261

Comment by Paramananda das on November 26, 2010 at 1:50am
Comment by Paramananda das on November 26, 2010 at 1:51am
Comment by Paramananda das on November 26, 2010 at 9:18am
Comment by Paramananda das on November 26, 2010 at 10:00am
Not only did Dhanudhara get reinstated as the Gurukula principle,he was allowed to be a Guru, supported by his jewish godbrothers.
At the end of the day he is a demon, he always was one and remaims one he stills give lectures on ISKCON property in Vrindavan, supported by Bhurijana and others
He has never rendered any service all has been disservice to ISKCON,why is he lecturing on ISKCON property?, when I went to Vrindavan recently I was pressured by Apurva das to go listen to him, since he is also such a fool to take siksa from Dhanudhara I am most disgusted. why is such an offensive childmolester allowed to do so many things on ISKCON property in Vrindavan?He once had me banned from joining the Vraja Mandal parikrama for no good reason Lokanath Maharaja wanted me, but they told him (Bhurijana and Dhanudhara if I joined the parikrama, they would not allow the Vraja mandal parikrama party in Krsna Balarama temple. this is how jews rule ISKCON,they destroy ISKCON. many childmolesters in ISKCON and childabusers are all from jewish background..I am so glad Bhurijana is also out of power he was also a demon when a manager, please no more demons in ISKCON Vrindavan
Kadambha Kanana also supported these rascals, but that is another story he is another power hungry rascal
please tell these 3 I called them Maharascals, out of them Dhanudhara is a demon
Payonidhi das


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