Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Brajanath the(chief) thief secretary of Narayana Maharaja


Narayana Maharajas secretary Brajanat has just admitted to me he stole 10.000 US dollars when he left ISKCON:
he wrote:I left on my own accord and kept a petty 10,000 US which I intended to return

but people like you convinced me that I do not need to return it all, actually I should have taken millions of US instead and have used that money to propagate the pure message of bhakti

not like your bhogus gurus who sink in sense grat

my response: Be honest and return the 10.000 dollars why are you so dishonest, it is not your money, if you are honest return it
or you might end up as King Nrga no matter how many bogus Gurus there was or are, why are you also bogus,and do like them.You have no intention to ever return this money ,it has noting to do with me you are a thief, and stole from Srila Prabhupada

He is always aggressive with money ,Krsna only knows how much money he stole from NM camp, and in NM camp they trust this thief, I once pointed out his greed for money and NM chastised him..noone should trust this rascal with money neither in ISKCON or Narayana Maharjaa math
he is a kali chela...( he will come back to ISKCON if he can steal money trust me, he is never up to any good)

your servant
Payonidhi das

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