Tulsi Kavacha :
atha nyāsaḥ
Nyāsa mantra
oṃ asya śrī-tulasī-kavaca-stotra-mahā-mantrasya
śrī-mahādeva ṛṣiḥ
anuṣṭup chandaḥ
śrī-tulasī devatā
mano ‘bhīṣṭa-kāmāni sarva-vidyārthe jape viniyogaḥ
This Tulasi-kavaca stotra (prayer) great mantra whose ṛṣi (preceptor) is Lord Śiva, chandas (Vedic poetic meter) is anuṣṭubh, devatā (object of worship) is Śrīmatī…
Added by Paramananda das on December 4, 2022 at 9:30am —
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Many Prabhupada disciples have invented many things in the name of Bhakti , in 1995 I protested Demigodworship at ISKCON Potomac and Satya Narayana Pujas, Mayavadis speaking at the temple (because0 they had rented the temple to do so )
BEcause I protested i was asked to leave the temple, I said gladly I am the only book distributor this temple have mark my words , Lord Caitanya will never send you another book distributor in the next duration of Kali yuga ,and so far my blessing has…
Added by Paramananda das on December 4, 2022 at 5:30am —
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The Later Pastimes of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu
In this chapter there is a summary description of all the pastimes performed by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu during the middle period of His activities as well as the six years at the end of His activities. All of these are described in brief. There is also a description of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s ecstasy that occurred when He recited the verse beginning yaḥ kaumāra-haraḥ, as well as a description of how that ecstasy was…
Added by Paramananda das on December 2, 2022 at 7:36am —
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One so-called Prabhupada disciple once asked me to marry his Bengali daughter claiming she was good at sex, I thought he gave birth to a whore , he fathered a whore and now he is selling his whore daughter to me and unwilling Brahmacari .This is why I am very disgusted with many of Srila Prabhupada disciples they have no brains and no Vaisnava Behavior .They change Srila Prabhupadas books and treat Srila Prabhupada with such disrepect , Dravida das claims he only know Srila Prabhupadas books…
Added by Paramananda das on December 1, 2022 at 6:08am —
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All are fake, ...they just want to exploit and use me for their own stupid purposes, I am thus giving up preaching any sense to all these idiots
Anyone not chanting 64 rounds daily is not my friend and I will not associate closely with such rascals
Dandavat pranams
Jaya Sri Guru Gauranga, Gandarvika Giridhari
Jaya Srila Prabhupada
Want to be free from maya? Then please chant minumum 64 rounds daily as ordered by Lord Gauranga:
Lord Gaurānga is calling,…
Added by Paramananda das on December 1, 2022 at 5:20am —
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Chapter 39 - The importance of the Mokṣadā Ekādaśī
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[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
Yudhiṣṭhira said:
1-3. I salute Viṣṇu who is actually the lord, who gives happiness to the three worlds, who is the lord of the universe, the author of everything, the ancient Puruṣottama. O lord of gods, I ask (because) I have a great doubt (and also) for the well-being of the world…
Added by Paramananda das on December 1, 2022 at 5:13am —
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: Subject: Kadamba Kanana Swami and Hansa Rupa das shoemaker mentality
I have suffered some physical setbacks ,due to having atrial fibrillation, I am not surprised from I was 19 to 42 I went through a lot of Tapasya on Book distribution sometimes distributing Srila Prahbupadas books in minus degrees (minus 60 in North Sweden ) and some times in 40 or 50 degrees heat Celcius or more ,,I gained some weight that I am trying to overcome now by daily walking and swimming etc…
Added by Paramananda das on November 29, 2022 at 6:30am —
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Hari-nāma Cintāmaṇi – Chapter 4
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Hari-nāma Cintāmaṇi - Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Hari-nāma Cintāmaṇi – Chapter Four
Nāmāparādha – Sādhu-nindā
(Offences to the Holy Name – Criticising Sādhus)
satāṁ nindā nāmnaḥ paramam aparādhaṁ vitanute
yataḥ khyātiṁ yātaṁ katham u sahate tad‑vigarhām
Criticising devotees is the greatest offence that one can make to the Holy Name. The Name can never tolerate…
Added by Paramananda das on November 29, 2022 at 6:28am —
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Ten prayers for a dwelling near Sri Govardhan
by Srila Raghunath Das Goswami
nija-pati-bhuja-danda-chchhatra-bhavam prapadya
atula-prthula-saila-sreni-bhupa priyam me
nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam [1]
prapadya–You attained bhavam–the position chchhatra–of the umbrella danda–atop the handle bhuja–of the arm nija–of your pati–Lord [and]…
Added by Paramananda das on November 20, 2022 at 7:23am —
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The austerity of speech!
I gave a lecture once at ISKCON Soho street when I was Sankirtana leader and Bhakta and Asrama leader there in 1996 ,I mentioned Srila Prabhupada at one point was considering having a second wife (as is explained in Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta as well) but Srila Prabhupada's father Gaura Mohan De , said one day when you take sannyasa will be easy for you if your wife is not to your liking (no need to have a second wife ). Ranchor Prabhu a disciple interrupted my…
Added by Paramananda das on November 3, 2022 at 12:05pm —
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Sri Sri Damodarastakam - Text 5
idam te mukhambhojam avyakta-nilair
vrtam kuntalaih nigdha-raktais ca gopya
muhus cumbitam bimba-raktadharam me
manasy avirastam alam laksa-labhaih
O Lord! Your lotus like face is completely surrounded by very dark blue, glossy reddish- | tinted curling hair and is kissed again and again by mother Yasoda | Your lotus face is endowed with lips red as bimba fruits - may it always remain visible in my heart | The attainment of millions of…
Added by Paramananda das on October 24, 2022 at 8:44am —
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the ignorant loan shark Swami
Before the new temple in Baltimore was build I was asked to spend Narasimha Caturdasi with devotees in Baltimore and me and my son stayed over night also because back then the temple had that facility ..devotees did abhisheka of my Narasimha Silas one is a Narasimha Tadiya sila, from the pillar of Lord Narasimha where Lord Narasimha emerged and the other is from Rakta Kunda where Lord Narasimha washed His lotus hands called Rakta Kunda .This one…
Added by Paramananda das on October 23, 2022 at 7:00am —
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Apperanceday of Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja
Yesterday I was thinking who was Srila Prabhupadas real friends in his life, and the first person that came to mind was Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja ..Srila Prabhupada more than once said he is my older godbrother and my Siksa Guru, everything I learned I learned from him that was Srila Prabhupadas humility .Srila BR Sridhara Maharaja for example send his formost disciple Bhakti Sundara Govinda Swami to serve our…
Added by Paramananda das on October 18, 2022 at 12:12pm —
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Do not wear any gold in this Kali-yuga!
Why you should not wear gold in this Kali-yuga? Because Pariksit Maharaja blessed Kali that he can reside in 5 places,
1 any place where people kill and eat animals
2 where they gamble for money
3 where people engage in illicit sex life
4 where there is the intoxication of alcohol, drugs,cigarettes pills ets to get high, etc
And where there is GOLD, what…
Added by Paramananda das on October 18, 2022 at 12:32am —
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KRSNA You can no longer touch me!
Sri Radha told Krsna , first you killed Vatsasura the calf and now you have killed a bull , Shame on you Krsna ! Krsna smiled : dear Priya Radha , there was no sin there ,they were demons disgused as a calf and a bull.
Sri Radha said it does not matter, even you have to atone for killing a calf and a bull .So Krsna called all the holy places, because Radha had suggested He immidialty leave VRINDAVANA and go on pilgrimage and visit all holy places…
Added by Paramananda das on October 17, 2022 at 1:43pm —
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Give me money give me money !
Money Money give me give me

This is the mantra of many Indian devotees that come to serve in ISKCON in USA and Europe ,,I was visiting one temple and the disciple of an Indian ISKCON Guru came up to me , Prabhu we need money to build a temple in Thailand please help ..he did not know me and never talked to me ,,but his Guru has trained him to beg for money ..ISKCON is often only about money , how much money can you give…
Added by Paramananda das on October 14, 2022 at 10:16am —
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Bhakti Vikas Swami and his British imperialist mentality
Bhakti Vikas Swami is being carried on Harinama on Janmashtami, sorry I find that arrogant, who does this? Is he getting to old so he needs to be carried
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ccdnAEwfFg RASCALDOM ,some years ago he wanted to be my Diksa Guru and give up the Diksa I had from Srila Narayana Maharaja , I wrote him out are you out of your mind , you are a…
Added by Paramananda das on September 16, 2022 at 4:26pm —
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When the Guru is in Maya
I, unfortunately, had an ISKCON Guru that was in Maya and full of ulterior motives. He eventually fell down from Bhakti in 1998 as I had predicted to the GBC in 1996.He once asked me what will I do with my Salagrama and Govardhana Silas if I leave Krsna consciousness.I thought what a rascal,why would I ever leave Krsna consciousness. He eventually left stealing millions of dollars and married his own female disciple,be careful when you chose a Guru .Do not have…
Added by Paramananda das on September 12, 2022 at 9:29am —
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Lord Vamanadev does not appear in every material Universe He appeared in the one we are in !
taṁ vaṭuṁ vāmanaṁ dṛṣṭvā…
Added by Paramananda das on September 7, 2022 at 12:38am —
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Srimati Radharani even chastised Lord Vamanadeva in anger with Krsna :
the good fortune of Bali and Bali maharaja and Suparnakha !
So in the Brahmara Gita Srimati Radharani chastised Krsna in the form of a Bumble bee, our acaryas has explained that Krsna Himself became this Bumble been to hear the accusation of Srimati Radharani .So in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.47.17 Srimati Radharani had chastised Krsna for in His previous incarnation as Lord Ramachandra to kill Vali also called Bali…
Added by Paramananda das on September 7, 2022 at 12:35am —
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