Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

some devotees have so much aversion to chant 64 rounds

some devotees have so much aversion to chant 64 rounds 

why is it ? They have never read Bhagavad Gita 10.25 ?

Chapter 10: The Opulence of the Absolute

maharsinam bhrgur aham
giram asmy ekam aksaram
yajnanam japa-yajno 'smi
sthavaranam himalayah


maharsinam—among the great sages; bhrguh—Bhrgu; aham—I am; giram—of vibrations; asmi—I am; ekam aksaram-pranava; yajnanam—of sacrifices; japa-yajnah—chanting; asmi—I am; sthavaranam—of immovable things; himalayah—the Himalayan mountains.


Of the great sages I am Bhrgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental om. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himalayas.


Brahma, the first living creature within the universe, created several sons for the propagation of various kinds of species. The most powerful of his sons is Bhrgu, who is also the greatest sage. Of all the transcendental vibrations, the "om" (omkara) represents the Supreme. Of all the sacrifices, the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the purest representation of Krsna. Sometimes animal sacrifices are recommended, but in the sacrifice of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, there is no question of violence. It is the simplest and the purest. Whatever is sublime in the worlds is a representation of Krsna. Therefore the Himalayas, the greatest mountains in the world, also represent Him. The mountain named Meru was mentioned in a previous verse, but Meru is sometimes movable, whereas the Himalayas are never movable. Thus the Himalayas are greater than Meru.
Commentary by Sri Vishvanatha Chakravarthi Thakur of Gaudiya Sampradaya:
Ekaksara, one syllable, refers to the pranava om.
Commentary by Sri Ramanuja of Sri Sampradaya:
10.25 Of great seers like Marici etc., I am Bhrgu. Words are sounds that convey meaning. Of such words, I am the single-lettered word Pranava (Or Om). Of the sacrifices, I am the sacrifice of Japa (sacred formula silently repeated) which is the most prominent form of sacrificial offerings. Of immovables or mountains, I am the Himalaya.
Commentary by Sri Sridhara Swami of Rudra Sampradaya:
Of sound vibrations Lord Krishna’s vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence manifests as the sacred monosyllable OM which is uttered before every Vedic ritual can begin. The words ekam aksaram directly refers to OM. Of all acts of worship and propitiation Lord Krishna’s vibhuti manifests as japa-yajno or the reverential chanting of the holy names of the Supreme Lord with bhakti or exclusive loving devotion. Of immovable things His vibhuti is the towering Himalaya’s, the highest mountains on Earth.
Commentary by Sri Madhvacharya of Brahma Sampradaya:
Sri Madhvacharya did not comment on this sloka.
Commentary by Sri Keshava Kashmiri of Kumara Sampradaya:
Of articulate sound vibrations Lord Krishna’s vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the monosyllable OM the root of all sound. Among yagna or propitiation and worship of the Supreme Lord, His vibhuti is japa- yagno or the devoted chanting of the Supreme Lord Krishna’s holy names. Of immovable mountains His vibhuti is the Himalaya mountains.
Lord Caitanya has clearly asked we chant 64 rounds daily ,it is the most neglected instruction given by Lord Caitanya and only followed by a handful of sincere devotees if you accept Srila Narottama das Thakura as an authority in Bhakti you must accept his statement :

gauranga shrimukhe rupe kahila vaishnave;
laksha nama sankhya kari avasya karibe.

"Lord Gauranga gave the following instructions to all the Vaishnavas Himself and also through Shrila Rupa Goswami: Please compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krishna daily."
The 6 Goswami of Vrindavana also promoted 64 rounds daily :
prabhura achaye sankhya tina laksha nama;
eka laksha bhaktagane kaila kripa dana.

"Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu standard was to chant 3,00,000 names everyday. But He very mercifully awarded His devotees the process of chanting a minimum of 1,00,000 names of Krishna daily.

shri rupa kaila laksha granthera varnana;
tathapiha karila laksha nama grahana.

"Shrila Rupa Goswami has explained and quoted from over 100,000 different scriptures. Even though he was such a great scholar and devotee he himself chanted 100,000 Holy Names daily.

dasa gosvamira ache laksha pramana;
ei mata sarva bhakta kare harinama.

"Shrila Raghunatha dasa Goswami also rigidly followed the instructions of Lord Gauranga by chanting 100,000 names daily. In this way all the devotees chanted the Holy Names of the Lord daily without exception.

gauranga shrimukhe rupe kahila vaishnave;
laksha nama sankhya kari avasya karibe.

"Lord Gauranga gave the following instructions to all the Vaishnavas Himself and also through Shrila Rupa Goswami: Please compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krishna daily."
Official Name: Narottama Prabhorastakam
Book Name: Stavamrta Lahari
Language: Sanskrit
śrī kṛṣṇa nāmāmṛta varṣi vaktra
candra prabhā dhvasta tamo bharāya
gaurāńga devānucarāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

sańkīrtanānda jamnada hāsya
danta dyuti dyotita dińmukhāya
svedāśru-dhārā snapitāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

mṛdańga nāma śruti-mātra cañcat
padāmbuja mandamanoharāya
sadyaḥ samudyat pulakāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

gandharva garva kṣapaṇa svalāsya-
vismāpitāśeṣa kṛti vajāya
sva-sṛṣṭa-gana-prathitāya tasmai
 namo namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

ānanda mūrrchāvanipāta-bhāta-
dhūlībharālańkṛta vigrahāya
yad darśanaḿ bhāgya bhareṇa tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

sthale sthale yasya kṛpā-prapābhiḥ
kṛṣṇānya tṛṣṇā jana saḿhatīnām
nirmūlitā eva bhavanti tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

yad bhakti niṣṭhopala rekhika iva
sparśaḥ punaḥ sparśamaṇīva yasya
prāmāṇyan evaḿ śrutivad yadīyaḿ
tasmai namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

mūrtaiva bhaktiḥ kim ayaḿ kim eṣa
vairāgya-sāras tanumān nṛloke
sambhāvyate yaḥ kṛtibhiḥ sadaiva
tasmai namaḥ śrīla narottamāya

śrī rādhikā kṛṣṇa vilāsa sindhau
nimajjataḥ śrīla narottamasya
paṭhed ya evāṣṭakam etad uccaih
asau tādīyaḿ padavīḿ prayāti

kāruṇya dṛṣṭi śamitāśrita mantukoṭi
ramyāadharodyad ati sundara danta kāntiḥ
śrīman narottama mukhāmbuja mandhāsyaḿ
lāsyaḿ tanotu hṛdi me vitarat sva-dāsyam

rājan mṛdańga karatāla kalābhirāmaḿ
gaurańga gāna madhu pāna bharābhirāmam
śrīman narottama-padāmbuja mañju nṛtyaḿ
bhṛtyaḿ kṛtārthayatu māḿ phaliteṣṭa-kṛtyam

1) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura.  He is indeed a true follower of Lord Gauranga Deva. From his lotus mouth showers the nectar of Sri Krsna's name from which emanates the wonderful effulgence that destroys all ignorance.

2) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. He slightly smiles being absorbed in the bliss of chanting the holy names. His teeth illuminate in every direction. Torrents of ecstatic tears constantly bathe his face.

3) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. Just by hearing the sounds of mrdanga, his feet begin dancing. This captures one's mind, providing such pleasure that one's hair stands on end.

4) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. His dancing is so beautiful that it conquers the pride of the Gandharvas and amazes the assembly of all expert dancers and singers. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has thus initiated his own style of singing and playing the mrdanga called manohara sahi.

5) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. Sometimes, in ecstasy he falls unconscious to the ground. Thus his effulgent body is adorned by the dust as a decoration. Only by the greatest fortune may one behold this divine sight.

6) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. Wherever his mercy flows, it will completely uproot the thirst for anything other than Krsna, in all the people assembled there.

7) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. His faith and steadiness of devotion is as solid as a rock. His touch transforms like the philosopher's stone. His words are as beneficial as the words of the scriptures.

8) Again and again I offer my obeisances unto Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. Whenever pious people see him they begin to ponder: "Is he an embodiment of devotion or is he the incarnation of renunciation in this world?"

9) A person who is absorbed in the ocean of the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna should read these eight prayers aloud. By doing so, he will certainly attain the same abode obtained by Srila Narottama himself.

10) By Srila Narottama's merciful glance, even such qualities as unrestrained anger will be pacified. Let his beautiful limbs, the glow of his teeth, his lotus- like face, his slight smile and his dancing be manifested in my heart.
11) Made blissful by the exceedingly sweet sound of the mrdanga and karatalas and drinking the honey of the glorification of Sri Gauranga-deva as his lotus feet dance in a most enchanting fashion-May that Sri Narottama Thakura gratify me, his lowly servant, by bestowing the fulfillment of my internal desire.
Glorification of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura | Narottama Prabhor ...
Why this aversion to chant 64 rounds ?It is very simple ,because when one is in Maya chanting so much Hare Krsna is bothersome to the conditioned mind as stated in Nectar of instruction sloka 7 
syāt kṛṣṇa-nāma-caritādi-sitāpy avidyā-
pittopatapta-rasanasya na rocikā nu
kintv ādarād anudinaṁ khalu saiva juṣṭā
svādvī kramād bhavati tad-gada-mūla-hantrī


syāt — is; kṛṣṇa — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; nāma — the holy name; carita-ādi — character, pastimes and so forth; sitā — sugar candy; api — although; avidyā — of ignorance; pitta — by the bile; upatapta — afflicted; rasanasya — of the tongue; na — not; rocikā — palatable; nu — oh, how wonderful it is; kintu — but; ādarāt — carefully; anudinam — every day, or twenty-four hours daily; khalu — naturally;  — that (sugar candy of the holy name); eva — certainly; juṣṭā — taken or chanted; svādvī — relishable; kramāt — gradually; bhavati — becomes; tat-gada — of that disease; mūla — of the root; hantrī — the destroyer.


The holy name, character, pastimes and activities of Kṛṣṇa are all transcendentally sweet like sugar candy. Although the tongue of one afflicted by the jaundice of avidyā [ignorance] cannot taste anything sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue, and his disease is gradually destroyed at the root.


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