Sastra Caksusa

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Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja appereanceday 1/11 2023

Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja appereanceday 1/11 2023

He was a pure Vaisnava Srila Prabhupada loved this Godbrother very much and they would often meet ,as often they could ,Srila Prabhupada went to meet him at Visakapatnam
I would highly recommend devotees to hear his emotional memories and talks about our Srila Prabhupada this is from Vanimedia so fully bonafide in ISKCON also

B.V. Puri Maharaja Remembers Srila Prabhupada - YouTube .I recall in Kartika in 1992 he was speaking at Krsna Balarama Mandir for Srila Prabhupadas disappearance festival .
This was the first time I met Maharaja and I was invited to his temple close to Seva Kunja in Vrindavana , there I had Darshan of Maharaja and learned many things, about the importance to chant 64 rounds on the order of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada, the glories of fasting on Radhastami , so many things he would teach

He was a strict Brahmacari and sannyasi his whole life, once he was preaching in the West and one Mataji had come into his room to start cleaning ,not with his consent but he was already over 80 years old and he cried out Krsna Krsna loudly , and he told the devotees I am a sannyasi ,I can not be alone in the room with a lady ,otherwise Lord Caitanya might reject me like He did Chota Haridas ,so he was a real Acarya

I never met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada or even Srila Prabhupada but having met a pure Vaisnava like HH Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puru Maharaja I have and heard many divine isntructions from him ,he was surely my Siksa Guru also.When Radha Krsna was installed at his temple in Vrindavana in 1992 I was requested to lead the Kirtana during the whole installation and considered my self most fortunate .I was very fortunate to have bowed down to his lotusfeet and have had his association ,so today is his Holy Vyasa Puja, I am not a fan of washing anyones socalled Lotusfeet, but I will surely beg for the dust of his lotus feet birth after birth.Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja was very very attached to Sri Yamunadevi and he loved to sit on the bank on Yamuna and chant 64 rounds daily ,he often went and many times daily to take Darshan of Sri Yamuna devi and chant Hare Krsna on her banks .Srila Rupa Goswami has stated in Yamuna astakam that simply the breeze from Sri Yamuna sends us back to Godhead ,Goloka Vrindavana so he used to chant prayers to Sri Yamuna devi,,I love Sri Yamunadevi very much and also daily chant Her Gayatri mantra with my other Gayatri Mantras and often chant prayers to Her so His devotion to Sri Yamunadevi did not go unnoticed by me

I surely miss his association , one time I had come to his temple in Vrindavana and was taking my shoes of but behind me Maharaja had come down the stairs and I was blocking him unknowingly from coming down the last stair he just stood there and smiled ,I offered my humbled obeisances and inside asked for forgiveness to obstruct the path of a pure devotee
He is one of the most important Sadhus I ever met in my life on the same level of my Gurudeva ,and he is actually senior ...

Song Name: Bhratur Antakasya Pattane
Official Name: Sri Sri Yamunastakam
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala

bhratur antakasya pattane ’bhipatti-harini
preksayati-papino ’pi papa-sindhu-tarini
nira-madhuribhir apy asesa-citta-bandhini
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

kanti-kandalibhir indranila-vrinda-nindini
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

mathurena mandalena carunabhimandita
prema-naddha-vaisnavadhva-vardhanaya pandita
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

kirtitapi durmadoru-papa-marma-tapini
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

tusta-buddhir astakena nirmalormi-cestitam
tvam anena bhanu-putri sarva-deva-vestitam
yah staviti vardhayasva sarva-papa-mocane
bhakti-puram asya devi pundarika-locane


1) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who saves one from having to enter the city of her brother Yamaraja, the sight of whom enables the most sinful persons to cross the ocean of sin, and the sweetness of whose water charms the hearts of everyone, always purify me.

2) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who decorates the great Khandava forest with a stream of pleasant waters, who is filled with lotus flowers and dancing birds, and who blinds the terrible sins of they who desire to bathe in her, always purify me.

3) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, a drop of whose water destroys the sinful reactions of the people, who creates a great flood of confidential pure devotional service to Lord Nandananadana, and who brings auspiciousness to they who desire to live on her shore, always purify me.

4) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who divides the seven oceans and seven continents, who witnessed many of Lord Mukunda's transcendental pastimes, and whose splendor rebukes a host of sapphires, always purify me.

5) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who is decorated by the beautiful district of Mathura, who expertly protects they who follow the path of loving devotional service, and who with the playful motions of the waves that are her arms offers respectful obeisances to Lord Padmanabha's feet, always purify me.

6) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, whose charming shores are decorated with many loving cows, who is filled with many splendid and fragrant kadamba flowers, and who is delighted to have the company of Lord Krsna's devotees, always purify me.

7) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who is filled with the warblings of thousands of joyful mallikaksa swans, who is worshiped by the Vaisnavas, devas, siddhas, and kinnaras, and the slightest scent of the fragrant breeze moving on whose shores stops the cycle of repeated birth and death, always purify me.

8) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who is the famous, splendid, spiritual river flowing through the Bhuh, Bhuvah, and Svah planets, who burns away the greatest sins, and who is fragrant with scented ointments from Lord Krsna's transcendental body, always purify me.

9) O lotus-eyed one, O daughter of Suryadeva, O rescuer from all sins, please flood with pure devotional service that person who, reciting these eight prayers with a cheerful heart, glorifies you, whose waves are pure and splendid, and who is accompanied by all the demigods.

Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja would often chant the Yamuna Astakam by Srila Rupa Goswami

I also met Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja Prior to Vrindavana in 1992 because in 1986 -87 I visited him in Visakhapatnam , this is where the famous temple of Sri Sri Varaha Narasimha is Simhacalam , maybe you have read my book Sri Narsimha and know about this famous temple of Lord Varaha Narasimha ,so this whole area is very sacred .Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharajas childhood name was Narasimha das
HDG Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaj - Prabhupada Rays
you can find several letters from Srila Prabhupada to BV Puri Maharaja who also came to see Srila Prabhupada the last month of his life and I believe Maharaja came back once he heard Srila Prabhupada had left his body, actually, he asked Srila Prabhupada to please allow him to stay until he would leave his body Srila Prabhupada said no you just go on your preaching tour as planned ..May be an image of 1 person

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