Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear devotees
Please accept my dandavat pranams
All glories to Sri Guru Gauranga
all glories to Srila Prabhupada
Srila Prabhupada gave a very nice lecture about Lord Baladeva:
First of all I have many previous articles about the glories of Lord Balaramas Purnima and the glories of Lord Baladeva:
In his Vraja Vilasa Stava  ,Srila Raghunath das Goswami has glorified   Baladeva and His Mother Rohini:

Because of her own son Balarama’s intimate friendship with Him, Rohini-devi showers her love upon Lord Krsna. She is an expert cook and she delights the king and queen of Vraja with her sincere friendship and saintly qualities.


The splendour of Lord Balarama’s transcendental form eclipses many millions of glistening rising moons, and the slightest scent of His boundless strength is sufficient to destroy many armies of demons. Although He knows the supernatural power of his younger brother, Krsna, still, out of love for Him, He never leaves Him alone in the forest for even a moment. I offer my prayers to Lord Balarama, the enemy of Dhenukasura.

comments: Balarama is a Suhrid sakha ,and is 8 days older than Krsna, some mistakingly think ,He is one year older than Krsna.This is a misconception.The Suhrid sakhas have some parental affection for Krishna and always want to protect Him from harm in the forest.When Mother Yasoda sends Krsna with the other cowherd boys  ,she asks Balarama and the other older cowhered boys to protect Krsna ( this is explained in Govinda lilamrta )
Rohini also cooks for Krsna Balarama every morning in Nandagrama  and  her cooking along with Yasoda and Radharani and other Gopis has been described in great details in books such as Krsna Bhavanamrta and Govinda Lilamrta.
One person what preaching that Radharani never cooks the seem preperation for Krsna twice ,however this is a fabrication,with no support by Krsna das Kaviraja or Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura.
In Vrindavana Balarama does often not show His Aisvarya His  supreme power, as He is playing the role of a small cowhered boy.My Gurudeva told a pastime told in Vraja how once Balarama borrowed Krsnas peacock feather, and Kesi Demon kicked Balarama, crying Balarama went back and told Krsna take your peacock feather back and please kill this demon.
The killing of Kesi Demon is also mentioned in the Vraja Vilasa Stava:

With his mad neighing, Kesi made the three worlds tremble, and with the wild rolling of his eyes he set the entire universe on flames. Krsna killed this demon as easily as one splits a blade of grass and then washed the blood from His hands at a place now known as Kesi-tirtha. I worship that sacred place.

In Vraja Vilasa another very important vers comes at the end :

When the Yamuna river would not come according to His order, angry Lord Balarama began to drag it toward the ocean with the edge of His plough. I devotedly offer my respects to the wonderful Rama-ghatta, where even today all men may see the marks where Balarama began to drag the Yamuna.

And again a very important vers:


Neither Brahma, Narada, Siva, or the great devotees with pure love of Krsna are able to properly or completely understand the sweetness of the land of Vraja. Only Lord Balarama and His mother Rohini, who are both filled with transcendental love, are able to understand the land of Vraja. How is it possible to describe the land of Vraja?


Devotees pray to Balarama and Rohini that please you give us proper understanding of Krsnas Vraja lilas,

This Vraja Vilasa stava of Srila Raghunath das Goswami is more confidential than any part of Srimad Bhagavatam

This in just one drop of some of the glories of Lord Balarama, since many devotees have asked me to speak and write something about Lord Balarama ,I do so for their pleasure, and pray for the mercy of the devotees of Krsna ... Balarama.

vaisnava das anu das

Paramananda das

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