Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


Dandavat pranams
Please accept the blessings of my Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada
this sannyasi  a disciple of my gurudeva has written something very important:
With the help of Sri  Balarama Swami BV Parivrajak
Balarama helps us to purify our heart (Vrindavan) by killing two demons:  Dhenuka and Pralamba. He killed many other demons such as Dvivida Gorilla,  Balvala, the wrestlers in the arena of Kansa and others, but Dhenuka and  Pralamba are particularly important for the sadhakas. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur  explains in Sri Chaitanya Shikshamrita that the contaminations they represent  have to be removed by dint of the devotee’s own endeavours. When a devotee tries  with enthusiasm to remove these impurities, then, by the mercy of Lord Balarama,  they are cast far away.
The killer of Dhenuka The vrindavan lila is very sweet and  reassuring. Whenever any obstacle comes to disrupt the normal flow of life,  Krishna and Balarama intervene with Their formidable prowess. The residents of  Vrindavan have nothing to fear because Krishna and Balarama are always with  them, assuring them all kinds of protection. The killing of Dhenukasura  occurred right after the banishment of the Kaliya serpent from the Yamuna river.  Once the cowherd boys had heard of a large grove where there were palmyras  bearing delicious fruit, but dared not go there because it was guarded by  Dhenuka, a demon in the form of an ass. The demon charged at Balarama when He  began to gather the fruit. Balarama killed Dhenuka hurling him against one of  the palmyras. The demon fell dead together with the tree’s fruits. Thereafter  the boys and cattle were able to frequent the grove. Dhenuka is the ass  demon. He represents the bad mentality of overburdened load-carrying. If we  are influenced by the Dhenuka mentality, we are spiritually unaware, totally  ignorant of our nature as servants of the Lord. Dhenuka is the misleading  mentality that causes delusion about what and who is actually worshipable. It  also stimulates foolish interpretations of the divine nature of the holy name of  the Lord. In short, Dhenuka represents ignorance of knowledge of the soul  through gross materialistic intelligence. Dhenuka is ass-like foolishness. One  has to be very determined not to remain under the spell of Dhenukasura if he/she  is interested in spiritual advancement. The Garga Samhita reveals why  Balarama killed Dhenuka during His Braj lila. In his previous life, Dhenuka was  Sahasika, a son of Bali Maharaj. Sahasika offended the sage Durvasa by  disturbing him when the muni was meditating. Sahasika was enjoying with ten  thousand women on Mount Gandhamadana and making a lot of noise. The sage Durvasa  became very irritated and cursed him to become an ass. Durvasa said, “You fool!  Ass-like ! Become  an ass! After 400,000 years, you will attain liberation by the the hand of Lord  Balarama, in the transcendental circle of Mathura, in the sacred forest of  Talavan.” Dhenuka could not be killed by Krishna for two reasons. Firstly,  Krishna was bound to make true the words of Durvasa Muni. The second reason was  that Krishna had given His word to Prahlad Maharaj that He would not kill  anybody in his dynasty.
The killer of Pralamba According to the Brahma-vaivarta Purana,  Pralamba was Sudarshana in his previous life. Sudarshan was one of the brothers  of Suhotra, who became Bakasura in Braj lila. According to the Garga Samhita,  Pralamba was Vijay, the son of a Gandharva king named Huhu. He was cursed by  Kuvera to become a demon for stealing some from one of his gardens. The killing of Pralamba  occured during the rainy season, just after Krishna swallowed the two forest  fires. The demon approached Krishna and Balarama when They were playing with all  the other boys of Braj. Pralamba joined them in their games with a view to  killing them, and passed unnoticed. The boys then new game called ‘game of the deer’ (harinakridanam nama). They formed two teams and raced in pairs, skipping like  deer, up to the bhandira tree. The bhandira was a gigantic banyan tree. It  reached up to the sky and provided shade for Krishna and Balarama when they were  out grazing the cattle. The boys enjoyed very much the game of the deer. The boy  who was last to reach the bhandira tree had to carry his rival back to the  starting point on his shoulders. Krishna competed against Shridama and Balarama  against Pralamba. Balarama won as He reached the banyan tree first. The winners  had to be carried on the back of the losers. So, Balarama climbed on the  shoulders of the false gopa, the intruder Pralamba, who reverted to his huge  demonic form and raced away with Him. Balarama, however, killed him by pounding  the head of the demon with His formidable fists.
Pralamba represents lust for the company of the opposite sex, as well as  desire for profit, adoration and distinction. These are all very strong  obstacles. It is very difficult to overcome lust for the opposite sex, greed for  money, the desire for sense gratification and the inclination to increase one’s  honour and be worshipped by others. Pralamba represents also duplicity. He  entered the group of the boys in disguise and passed unnoticed for a while.  Similarly, when one lives  with others with duplicious motives, he may be  successful for a while, but ultimately he will be exposed by Balarama’expert  investigation. Pralamba is the emblem of dishonesty in the guise of innocence  and purity. We should be very careful to avoid the effect of Pralamba in our  mind. Honest people are very rare, which means that Pralamba is an effective  agent of Kansa and the age of Kali. Pralamba is synonimous with double-dealing,  diplomacy, cheating, fraud, kali-chela and so forth. A Pralamba type of person  cannot thrive in any walk of life. Sooner or later, his dishonesty will be found  out. He will be hated by all men of his society. He will fail in all his  ventures. To cover up an untruth, he will tell hundred lies.
If one understands that the Pralamba tendencies are very detrimental for  one’s development in Krishna consciousness, he/she will try to cast them out. If  one tries with humility, Krishna will be pleased and bestow His mercy. The  devotee must petition the Lord for the strength to vanquish all the miseries  which comes along with the Pralamba mood. One should pray and cry sincerely  before the Lord on a daily basis. As soon as Balarama awakens in the devotee’s  heart, these contaminations will be instantly removed.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura remarks that the methods of the process of  purification are very deep and mysterious and that it is necessary to learn  about them directly from a genuine spiritual master. Since Balarama is the  original guru, a bonafide master is empowered by Him. When the aspiring devotee  takes shelter of the spiritual master, he/she receives some of that  transcendental shakti and is thereby able to overcome the influence of  Pralamba. Balarama promotes the process of purification by killing Dhenuka  and Pralamba in our heart. Gurudeva slays the same demons in the heart of his  disciples by the strength of his personal conduct and relevant instructions.  Under the shelter of the spiritual master, one becomes interested in discharging  devotional service and develops a taste for hearing and chanting about Krishna.  The more one is interested in hearing and chanting, the more he/she is purified  from the worldly contamination.
My humble attempt to praise the mighty Sri Balarama ends with a verse from  the Balarama Kavacha. This armor (kavacha) was given to the gopis of Vrindavan  by Garga Muni. Later on, it was repeated to Duryodhan, who was a favorite of  Balarama during the holocaust of Kurukshetra.
kamat sada raksha tu dhenukarih krodhat sada mam dvivida  prahari lobhat sada raksha tu balvalarir mohat sada mam kil  magadharih
O Dhenukari, killer of the ass-like demon, kindly protect me from lust. O  Dvivida Prahari, killer of the gorilla demon, kindly protect me from anger. O  Balvalari, killer of Balvala, kindly protect me from greed. O Magadhari, kindly  protect me against illusion.
Let us always remember Sri Balarama hurling the ass-demon on top of the  palmyras of the Talvan forest! Let us always remember Sri Balaram while He smote  down the Pralamba demon, the duplicitous nature hidden in the heart! The  pastimes of Sri Balarama are endless and the source of truthfulness and beauty  for the whole world. May the mercy of Sri Balarama flood the earth and sweep  away the hearts of all from all undesirable contamination. May He enable us to  distinguish truth from illusion for the benefit of everyone!
May Sri Balarama be pleased! All glories, all glories to Sri Balarama!
Comment by Paramananda das :
My dear Gurudeva ,Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja told me in 1989 that please carefully study Sri Chaitanya Shikshamrita by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and daily  recite the Manah siksa by Srila Raghunath das Goswami and carefully chant one lahk of the Maha mantra daily .
  Caitanya Siksamrta containes a very important part about the demons Krsna and Balarama kill in Vraja:
these are the sacred words of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura:
Part Six
Description of the 8 fold pastimes
Not everyone is qualified to read the daily pastimes of Radha and Krishna.It is esoteric knowledge of great wonder which must be kept secret.The devotee should not let those who are not qualifiedhear these topics.As long as the soul has not attained greed for the spiritual world on the path of raga, the description of these pastimes must be kept hidden from him.As long as the person has no realization of the pure spiritual nature of the transcendental name, form, qualities and pastimes of Krishna, he has no qualification for hearing these pastimes.
Hearing these pastimes, the unqualified person will simply meditate on material relationships of male and female,under the influence of maya, and by this he will become degraded.The reader, with great care should attain initiation into the srngara rasalike Narada, and then he can enter the pastimes. Otherwise material logic will cast the heart into darkness.Those who are qualified should read and meditate on the descriptions of the pastimes daily.This will remove all sin and bestow the spiritual mood. The pastimes are human-like, but though they appear worldly, they are amazingly spiritual for the person possessing all power and all good qualities.
Using these pastimes, Govinda Lilamrta and many other works have been written.The qualified person, on reading them, experiences bliss. By understand the srngara rasa which is discussed in the next chapter the raganugadevotee, meditating on the excellent pastimes, performs his eternal service to the Lord. This constitutes his daily worship.Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has instructed that the devotee should consider carefully the following verse from five chapters on rasa lila from the Bhagavatam.The word faith here means faith in non-material objects.
Anyone who faithfully hears or describes the Lord's playful affairs with the young gopis of Vrndavana will attain the Lord's pure devotional service. Thus he will quickly become sober and conquer lust, the disease of the heart.
Krishna's activities are of two types: daily and occasional.In Goloka all the eightfold pastimes unfold daily. In the earthly pastimes, occasional pastimes are joined to the eightfold pastimes.Krishna's coming to and going from Vraja and his killing of the demons are occasional pastimes.They are unavoidable for the devotee still living in the material world.Those occasional pastimes are present in Goloka in an indirect way, but are actually present only in the material world.These occasional pastimes, which are unfavorable for the practice of meditating on the daily pastimes, are given a symbolic significance . By remembering those pastimes the devotee aspires to destroy his own sinful conduct.
Putana represents the fake guru who teaches bhukti and mukti, material enjoyment and liberation. Devotees attached to bhukti and mukti are like Putana. Being merciful to the pure devotees, Krishna as a baby, killed Putana to protect the devotees' newly appearing affection for him.
The cart represents the load produced by old and recently acquired bad habits, by laxity and by pride. The mood created by thinking of baby Krishna breaks the cart, or removes this evil.
The whirlwind demon represents pride in being learned, and the consequent use of faulty arguments and dry logic, the quest for liberation, and association with such people. This includes all types atheists believing in material causality.Being merciful on seeing the affection for the devotee to Him baby Krishna kills that whirlwind and removes the obstacles to worship.
Pride stemming from intoxication with wealth, which breeds violence, illicit sex and addiction to wine, and finally loose speaking and shameless brutality to other living beings, is represented by the Yamala Arjuna trees.Krishna, being merciful, removes this sin in breaking the Yamala Arjuna trees.
Being controlled by greed and the sinful activities caused by it are represented by Vatsasura.By Krishna's mercy this fault is vanquished.
False dealing due to deceit and cheating are represented by Bakasura.Without eliminating this, pure bhakti does not appear.
The sinfulmentality to do violence to others is represented by Aghasura.This tendency must be removed.It is one of the offenses.
Skepticism due to practicing jnana and karmaand disregard for the sweetness of Krishna from attachment to the Lord's majestic aspect are presented by Brahma when he was put into illusion by Krishna.
Complete ignorance of spiritual truth, originating from material intelligence, lack of spiritual intuition and foolishness, which is contrary to spiritual knowledge, is represented by Dhenuka.
Pride, deceit, harming others, cruelty, represented by Kaliya must be given up by the devotee.
Any type of conflict such as argument, disagreement with other sampradayas, malice to devatas, fightingare represented by the forest fire.
Pralambasura represents lust for women, greed, desire for worship and position.These must also be given up.
The forest fire which Krishna swallowed represents the obstacles that atheists create against dharma and preachers of dharma.
The brahmanas performing yajna representindifference to Krishna caused by identity with varnasrama or absorption in karma khanda.
Worship of Indra signifies worship of many gods,or worship of self as God.
Varuna symbolizes intoxicants.Somepeople mistakenly think that liquor will increase spiritual bliss.Such thinking must be given up.
The snake which attempted to swallow NandaMaharaja represents Mayavada and similar philosophies which try to swallow up the real nature of bhakti.Mayavada association must be avoided.
Sankhacuda symbolizes desire for fame and desire for women.
Aristasura the bull demon symbolizes disregard for bhakti and attraction forcheating religion.
The illusion of being a great devotee or acarya, is represented by Kesi. Lording it over others and material pride must be given up.
Vyomasura represents thieves and fake devotees.
In the Eighth Chapter of Shri Krishna Samhita from the thirteenth verse to the end of the chapter, the eighteen anarthaswhich are obstacles to Vraja bhajana have been mentioned.Adding to this the pride of wealth represented by the Yamala arjuna trees and the pride of performance of karma represented by the brahmanas, it becomes twenty obstacles. These twenty are unfavorable for Vraja bhajana. The serious chanter should first address the Lord and pray to him for the power to give up these unfavorable items. By doing this the heart becomes purified. If the devotee prays humbly to Krishna to remove all the obstacles in the heart which are represented by the demons He killed, He will certainly do so.All the obstacles represented by the demons whom Balarama killed can be removed by the efforts of the devotee himself.
Here is the secret of Vraja bhajana.Dhenukasura represents the bad mentality which carries heavy loads. Pralamba represents lust for women, greed and desire for worship and position. The devotee must remove these obstacles by his own efforts with the mercy of Krishna.Dhenukasura means ignorance of ones own spiritual identity (svarupa), the identity of the Name and the identity of Krishna.With great endeavor the devotee himself removes these obstacles. Pralamba represents lust for man or woman, greed for material objects, endeavor for material enjoyment, pride, desire for worship and position.Understanding these to be very detrimental to progress, the devotee should make great effort to remove them.If his humility is true, certainly Krishna will be merciful.Then Baladeva will make his appearance, and all the obstacles will be destroyed in a second.Then, step by step, progress in cultivation of bhakti will take place.As this process is by nature very esoteric, the devotee, being spotless in character, should learn it from a qualified guru.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das

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