Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures…/radha-kavacha-from-narada-pan…

the advanced devotees sees that this body belongs to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna so Narada Muni in Narada Pancaratra has given this protective prayer Radha Kavacha, actually Narada Munis spiritual identity in Vraja is Naradiya Gopi , Purnamasi took Narada Muni to Kusuma Sarovara and asked him to take a dip inside it and then he came out as a sakhi , I am not sure what kind of service Naradiya Gopi renders to Sri Sri Radha Krsna .Some Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas have stated that Narada Muni in Krsnas pastime is also Madhumangal ,these things are way beyond out comprehension .In Gaura lila Sri Narada Muni appeared as as Srivasa Pandit . Srila Prabhupada once had a program that was not so well attended which is unusua las Srila Prabhupadas preaching engaments where normally packed. Srila Prabhupada however was pleased and commented that Narada Muni attended the program and was smiling and blessing all present. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakuta wrote his famous bhajan Narada Muni Bhajiya Vina :Srila Narada Muni eternally resides at Narada Van it is opposite of Kusuma Sarovara here he also wrote book such as Narada Bhakti Sutra ,I have been there many times paying my obaisences to Narada Muni and His gopi svarupa as Naradiya Gopi .I want to mention also Srila Prabhupada mentiones in CC that Prahlada Maharaja was born in Prahlada Pura that is now in Pakistan so that place used to be Narada Munis asrama ,later Narada Muni was cursed by Daksa that he could not stay very long in once place as he had delivered the thousands of sons of Daksa and made them into sannyasis .But Krsna told Narada Muni that you can recite in Vrindavana at Narada Van because my abode is not part of the material world .So Narada muni is eternally serving Sri Sri Radha Krsna in Vrindavana ,so now you know ! I once had a dream Aindra Prabhu was being trained by Narada Muni so I think this dream must be true .

Radha Kavacha from Narada Pancaratra
Here is Narada Munis , Christmas gift to everyone Radha Kavacha spoken by Narada Muni in Narada Pancarata ,may Sri Radha protect us all this is spoken by L…

SB 1.4: The Appearance of Śrī Nārada

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