Dandavat pranams
Jaya Sri Guru Gauranga,Gandarvika Giridhari
Jaya Srila Prabhupada
I was reading yesterday about how eggplants are not good for celibacy:
in Bhakti Vikas Maharajas Brahmacari book: In the chapter of Retention of semen.
I have read in Haribhaki Vilasa some quotes where Krsna has stated in various Puranas that He turns His lotusface away from those who eat eggplants (and burnt food) ....
Well now we know, when I read these quotes I have never touched eggplants again. Some may laugh at this , I think it is no laughing matter....
This is from Hari Bhakti Vilasa- 8th Vilasa :
vrintakam jalikashakam
kusumbhashmantakam tatha
phalanòum lashunam shuklam
niryasam caiva varjayet
atha-now; abhakshyani-inedible; kaurme-in the Kurma Purana; vrintakam-eggplant; jalikashakam-plantain; kusumbha-safflower; ashmantakam-ashmantaka; tatha-so; phalanòum-onion; lashunam-garlic; shuklam-sour cereal; niryasam-tree sap; ca-and; eva-indeed; varjayet-one should avoid.
What Is Inedible (For the Purpose of Offering to the Lord)
In the Kurma Purana it is said:
"One should avoid eggplant, plantain, safflower, ashmantaka, onion, garlic, sour cereal, and the sap of trees.
Text 161
na bhakshayati vrintakam
tasya durataro harih
skande-in the Skanda Purana; na-not; bhakshayati-eats; vrintakam-eggplant; tasya-of him; duratarah-far away; harih-Lord Hari.
In the Skanda Purana it is said:
"Lord Krishna stays far away from anyone who eats eggplant."
Text 162
kim canyatra
vartakum brihatim caiva
dagdham annam masurakam
yasyodare pravarteta
tasya durataro harih
kim ca-furthermore; anyatra-in another place; vartakum-eggplant; brihatim-eggplant; ca-and; eva-indeed; dagdham-burned; annam-food; masurakam-masura dal; yasya-of whom; udare-in the stomach; pravarteta-is; tasya-of him; duratarah-far away; harih-Lord Krishna.
In another scripture it is said:
"Lord Krishna stays far away from anyone who places eggplant, burned food, or masura dal in his stomach."
Text 163
kim ca
alavum bhakshayed yas tu
dagdham annam kalambikam
sa nirlajjah katham brute
pujayami janardanam
kim ca-furthermore; alavum-alavu; bhokshayet-eats; yah-one; tu-indeed; dagdham-burned; annam-food; kalambikam-kalambika; sa-he; nirlajjah-shameless; katham-how?; brute-speak; pujayami-I worship; janardanam-Lord Hari.
It is also said:
"How can a shameless person who eats alavu, kalambika, and burned food, say the words: `I worship Lord Hari'?
Text 164
ata evoktam yamale
yatra madyam tatha mamsam
tatha vrintaka-mulake
nivedayen naiva tatra
harer aikantiki ratih
ata eva-therefore; uktam-said; yamale-in the Yamala; yatra-where; madyam-liquor; tatha-so; mamsam-meat; tatha-so; vrintaka-eggplant; mulake-and radish; nivedayen-may offer; na-not; eva-inded; tatra-there; hareh-of Lord Krishna; aikantiki-unalloyed; ratih-love.
In the Yamala it is said:
"Only a person without genuine devotion for the Lord will offer Him wine, meat, eggplant, or radish."
Text 165
atha naivedyarpana-mahatmyam
naivedyani manojnani
krishnasyagre nivedayet
kalpantam tat-pitrinam tu
triptir bhavati shashvati
atha-now; naivedyarpana-of offering food; mahatmyam-the glories; skande-in thr Skanda Purana; naivedyani-should be offered; manojnani-beautiful; krishnasyagre-in Lord Krishna's presence; nivedayet-should offer; kalpantam-to the end of the kalpa; tat-pitrinam-of his ancestors; tu-indeed; triptih-satisfaction; bhavati-becomes; shashvati-eternal.
The Glories of Offering Food to the Lord
In the Skanda Purana it is said:
"By offering many delicious foods to Lord Krishna, a person makes his ancestors happy until the end of the kalpa.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
Views: 5169
Madhya Lila 3.48
Amongst the various vegetables were newly grown leaves of nimba trees fried
with eggplant. The fruit known as patola was fried with phulabadi, a kind of
dhal preparation first mashed and then dried in the sun. There was also a
preparation known as kusmanda-manacaki.
We request our editors of cook books to add all these nice preparations
described by the experienced author Srila Kaviraja Gosvami.
Madhya 3.48
Dear Devotees,
Thanks for the enlivening posts on this subject. I receive mail all the time
asking why we eat things that are apparently 'not recommended' for Vaisnavas
in various scriptures and traditions.
My bottom line is ALWAYS this: what our dear Srila Prabhupada cooked and ate
is my guide. He is the walking, living scripture.
Here in Australia Srila Prabhupada personally cooked eggplant with his own
hands, and recommended we cook it as well.
I also have a famous eggplant story involving Srila Prabhupada. Here it is:
Kurma dasa
Srila Prabhupada of course ate eggplant his whole life and I hardly
think that Krsna is going to turn His face away from him:
August 15 1976 - Bombay
Prabhupada is attempting to treat his disease by adjusting the spicing
in his diet. In the morning he instructed Palika to soak black pepper
and cumin seed and then grind them into a paste. He had her do the
same with tumeric. She cooked his lunch using this spicing, carefully
mixing the paste with the required amount of water and adding it to
his lunch preparations. Then this evening he called her in and had her
make two parathas and a potato and eggplant subji. We were delighted
to see him eat and he told us that the spicing had given him a good
October 10 1976 - Aligarh
Mrs. Saigal has been cooking expertly for Srila Prabhupada and he
called her into his room in the late evening to thank her. After her
first day's efforts he had complimented her and said she had cooked so
nicely he had eaten enough for three days in one. He especially liked
the neem begun, a traditional Bengali eggplant dish she had made. In
response to Srila Prabhupada's request Mrs. Saigal also made a jar
full of chudi (sevian) savoury noodles which he has been keeping on
his desk and occasionally dipping into. Now on the eve of his
departure he thanked her and smilingly told her that she had looked
after him just like a daughter. Mrs. Saigal was highly gratified that
she had pleased His Divine Grace by her humble efforts.
December 7 1976 - Hyderabad farm
On the way back from the walk we saw a farmer some three hundred
meters distant traversing the fields with a basket of eggplants on his
head, destined for the local markets. Prabhupäda had us call him over,
and after looking at the produce he began to bargain. Çréla Prabhupäda
spoke in Hindi, the farmer in Telegu, and Räma-çraddhä translated.
Prabhupäda started off by telling the man that since we are sädhus, he
should give his vegetables as a gift, but we don’t want them for free,
so what was his price? Räma-çraddhä was bit reluctant to say it, but
Prabhupäda encouraged him, “Bolo, bolo!”
The man asked for fifteen rupees for the whole basket and estimated he
had ten kilos. Mahäàsa thought it a little high, so Prabhupäda offered
five. The man came down to ten, but Prabhupäda would not budge from
five. After a brief discussion the man declined. “I will better go
there and sell it,” he said and set off across the fields again. ...
Then a good two minutes after the eggplant farmer had left us, Çréla
Prabhupäda had second thoughts. He asked Mahäàsa what the market price
of the produce was and Mahäàsa told him about one rupee per kilo. So
the man was asking the regular price, and on top of this, Hansadüta
pointed out that we would spend five rupees in petrol just to go to
the market and it would take us so much time. So Prabhupäda had us
call him back. The fellow was a good distance away by this time, but
responding to the loud calls of the devotees he made his way slowly
back. He must have expected Prabhupäda was going to pay his price, but
as we waited for him to arrive I suggested that we offer him seven or
eight. When he finally returned Prabhupäda asked him what was his
process for selling his wares. The man explained how he had to get up
early, collect his produce, then walk so far to go to the market and
then sit there all day trying to sell his goods. So Prabhupäda told
him that if he sold to us he would save so much trouble and time. Then
he offered him six rupees. There was a short discussion between the
devotees and the man and then they told Prabhupäda, “He wants
thirteen!” Everyone laughed. We thought after taking so much trouble
to walk over the second time he would accept Prabhupäda’s offer. Again
he turned to go, so Prabhupäda offered seven. Still he continued on
his way. As he walked some distance one of the devotees reminded
Prabhupäda that the farmer had initially said ten. So again, a third
time, Prabhupäda had us call him back. As he trudged back over the
rough sods of the ploughed field, Mahäàsa, midst our laughter, said we
should offer him nine. Prabhupäda also laughed, but finally he bought
the whole load, basket and all, for ten. The farmer went off happily,
having saved himself a trip to the markets, and later we were happy,
because it turned out there was actually fourteen kilos.
December 20 1976 - Wardha
When we first arrived in Wardha Çréla Prabhupäda had told Çrutirüpa
that he would accept the hospitality of his hosts and allow them to
provide his meals. She could simply confer with them and advise them
on what to cook. He hasn’t been so pleased with their provision,
however, and each meal he has asked her to add something extra. Today
she made practically everything. For his breakfast she provided mung
vada with coconut chutney, fresh channa, ginger and lime, sliced
oranges, peeled mosambi, apple, banana, papaya, fresh sandesh with
keshar, lichi, chicku, pomegranate, powha (a flat-rice dish), and
finally carrot halva. Prabhupäda was satisfied with her efforts. He
ate all the powha and told her, “Everything is nice, freshly prepared.
You have learned very nicely; now keep on.” For his lunch he asked her
to prepare sukta, a kind of stew made primarily with bitter melon, and
çäk, spinach. He also reminded her that since his stay in Våndävana he
had been taking a mixture of dahls—tor, channa, urd, and mung.
Accordingly, at 1 P.M. he had rice, mooli, sukta, and mixed dahl, all
prepared in the three-tier cooker, and a variety of subjis—okra,
potato strings, a wet cauliflower-potato preparation, and bindi.
Prabhupäda liked everything and told her, “Please keep on making it
this way.” But the preparation he especially liked was the pea
kachorés. He told her at least four times—sitting on his seat,
standing up, entering the bathroom, and again when he came out— “The
kachories were first class.”
She had also made some eggplant, which she cooked in a cast-iron wok.
Before trying it, he picked it up and his hand went black, and he said
with a little disappointment, “Oh, it is not done properly.” But he
ate it, and then rang the bell, and when she answered he told her,
“No, it is prepared very nicely” and ate the whole thing.
Your humble servant, Hari-sauri dasa
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Greg Jay a href="mailto:jay.greg@gmail.com">jay.greg@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Paramananda prabhu ji, PAMHO AGTSP
> I'm not sure what the purpose of your posting below is. If it is
> informational, thank you. I'm aware of these rules but perhaps many others
> aren't. If it is an inquiry about these rules read on. If it is meant to
> condemn others for eating eggplant then also read on.
> There are more sastric and traditional rules about eating and cooking that
> any other subject. Yes, we know these rules. However there are also other
> customs that may be adopted by different Vaisnavas. For example Madhva
> Vaisnavas did not eat eggplants up to the time of Vadiraja Swami, but during
> his time the Lord Himself in the form of Lord Hayagriva asked for a
> particular type of green eggplant ( gula in Kannada) to be added to the
> sambhar of His offerings. This was part of a lila to alleviate some poison
> that was given to the deity by mistake. Since that time everyday Madhva
> Vaisnavas offer this gula eggplant sambhar to Lord Krsna in Udipi. So there
> are rules certainly and then there are exceptions to those rules and also
> allowances made by great saints and devotees. These allowances then become
> part of what is called sistachara or traditional practice. Hari Bhakti
> Vilasa of course was written for Gaudiya Vaisnavas but it also contains many
> things that are not commonly practiced today. For example though we follow
> Ekadasi in a simply way by refraining from eating certain food items we do
> not fast for three nights taking food once only on dasami, no food on
> ekadasi and once only on dvadasi, nor do any of us stay awake throughout the
> whole night of ekadasi as is all prescribed in Hari Bhakti Vilasa. Of course
> we can do these things. And there is no harm if you want to follow a
> restricted diet of no eggplant but if your posting is meant to condemn
> others for eating it, sistachara or traditional practice can be cited in
> response. If your posting is a question as to whether all should follow
> these rules or why we do not follow these rules I think I have explained
> above. If it is simply meant as information for others, then I thank you for
> your informative posting.
> sincerely
> Gaura Keshava das
dear devotees
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