Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Purusottama Month is meant for pure bhakti only and worship of Vraja Bhakti

Dandavat pranams
Jaya Sri Guru Gauranga ,Gandharvika Giridhari
jaya Srila Prabhupada
In the months on Purusottama vaisnavas chant the Jagannatha astakam and remembers the lotus feet of Lord Jagannatha , Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to chant this Jagannatha astakam regularly setting the example for us all:
Book Name: None
Language: Sanskrit
(1) kadācit kālindī-taṭa-vipina-sańgītaka-ravo mudābhīrī-nārī-vadana-kamalāsvāda-madhupaḥ ramā-śambhu-brahmāmara-pati-gaṇeśārcita-pado jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu  me
(2) bhuje savye veṇuḿ śirasi śikhi-puccham kaṭi-taṭe dukūlaḿ netrānte sahacara-kaṭākṣaḿ vidadhate sadā śrīmad-vṛndāvana-vasati-līlā-paricayo jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu  me
(3) mahāmbhodhes tīre kanaka-rucire nīla-śikhare vasan prāsādāntaḥ sahaja-balabhadreṇabalinā subhadrā-madhya-sthaḥ sakala-sura-sevāvasara-do jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu  me
(4) kṛpā-pārāvāraḥ sajala-jalada-śreṇi-ruciro ramā-vāṇī-rāmaḥ sphurad-amala-pańkeruha-mukhaḥ surendrair ārādhyaḥ śruti-gaṇa-śikhā-gīta-carito jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu  me
(5) rathārūḍho gacchan pathi milita-bhūdeva-paṭalaiḥ stuti-prādurbhāvam prati-padamupākarṇya sadayaḥ dayā-sindhur bandhuḥ sakala jagatāḿ sindhu-sutayā jagannāthah svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me
(6) para-brahmāpīḍaḥ kuvalaya-dalotphulla-nayano nivāsī nīlādrau nihita-caraṇo 'nanta-śirasi rasānando rādhā-sarasa-vapur-ālińgana-sukho jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu  me
(7) na vai yāce rājyaḿ na ca kanaka-māṇikya-vibhavaḿ na yāce 'haḿ ramyāḿ sakala jana-kāmyāḿ vara-vadhūm sadā kāle kāle pramatha-patinā gīta-carito jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me
(8) hara tvaḿ saḿsāraḿ druta-taram asāraḿ sura-pate hara tvaḿ pāpānāḿ vitatiḿ aparāḿ yādava-pate aho dīne 'nāthe nihita-caraṇo niścitam idaḿ jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me
(9) jagannāthāṣṭakaḿ punyaḿ yaḥ paṭhet prayataḥ śuciḥ sarva-pāpa-viśuddhātmā viṣṇu-lokaḿ sa gacchati
TRANSLATION 1) Sometimes in great  happiness Lord Jagannatha makes a loud concert with  His flute in the groves on the banks of the Yamuna. He  is like a bumblebee tasting the beautiful lotus like faces of the cowherd  damsels of Vraja, and great personalities such as Laksmi, Siva, Brahma, Indra,  and Ganesa worship His lotus feet. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of  my vision.
2) In His left hand Lord Jagannatha holds a flute, on His head He wears peacock  feathers, and on His hips He wears fine yellow silken cloth. From the corners of  His eyes He bestows sidelong glances upon His loving devotees, and He always  reveals Himself through His pastimes in His divine abode of Vrndavana. May that JagannathaSvami be the object of my vision.
3) On the shore of the  great ocean, within a large palace atop the brilliant, golden Nilacala Hill, Lord Jagannatha  resides with His powerful brother Balabhadra and His  sister Subhadra, who sits between Them. May that Jagannatha Svami, who bestows the opportunity for devotional service  upon all godly souls, be the object of my vision.
4) Lord Jagannatha is an ocean of mercy and as beautiful as a row of  blackish rain clouds. He is the storehouse of bliss for Laksmi and Sarasvati, and His face  resembles a spotless full-blown lotus. The best of demigods and sages worship  Him, and the Upanisads sing His glories. May that Jagannatha Svami be the  object of my vision.
5) When Lord Jagannatha moves along the road on His Rathayatra car, at every step large assemblies of brahmanas loudly chant prayers and sing songs for His  pleasure. Hearing their hymns, Lord Jagannatha becomes  very favorably disposed toward them. He is the ocean of mercy and the true  friend of all the worlds. May that Jagannatha Svami, along with His consort Laksmi, who was born from the ocean of nectar, be the object  of my vision.
6) Lord Jagannatha, whose eyes resemble full-blown lotus petals, is  the ornament on Lord Brahma's head. He resides on Nilacala Hill with His lotus feet placed on the heads of Anantadeva. Overwhelmed by the  mellows of love, He joyfully embraces SrimatiRadharani's body, which is like a cool pond. May that Jagannatha Svami be the  object of my vision.
7) I do not pray for a  kingdom nor do I pray for gold, rubies, or wealth. I do not ask for a beautiful  wife as desired by all men. I simply pray that Jagannatha Svami, whose glories  Lord Siva always sings, may be the constant object of my  vision.
8) O Lord of the demigods,  please quickly remove this useless material existence I  am undergoing. O Lord of the Yadus, please destroy this vast, shoreless ocean  of sins. Alas, this is certain Lord Jagannatha bestows  His lotus feet upon those who feel themselves fallen and have no shelter in this  world but Him. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of my vision.
9) The self-retrained,  virtuous soul who recites these eight verses glorifying Lord Jagannatha becomes cleansed of all sins and duly proceeds to  Lord Visnu's abode.
HH Mahanidhi Swami has written something very nice about Purusottama month:
In this month also we are supposed to worship Govardhana and Sri Gopala the lifter of Govardhana:
By Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura]
vittasathyam akurvano danam dadhyad dvijataye
vidyamane dhane sathyam kurvano rauravam vrajet
dine dine dvijendraya dattva bhojanam-uttamam
divasasyastame bhage vrati bhojanam acaret
indradyumnah satadyumno yauvanasvo bhagirathah
purusottamam aradhya yayur bhagavadantikam
tasmat sarva prayatnena samsevya purusottamah
sarva sadhanatah sresthah sarvartha phala-dayakah
govardhana-dharam vande gopalam gopa-rupinam
gokulotsavam-isanam govindam gopika-priyam*
kaundinyena pura proktam imam mantram punah punah
japan-masam nayed bhaktya purusottamam-apnuyat
dhyayen-navaghana-syamam dvibhujam muralidharam
lasat pita-patam ramyam sa-radham purosottamam
dhyayam dhyayam nayen-masam pujayan purusottamam
evam yah kurute bhaktya svabhistam sarvam apnuyat
“Giving up miserliness, one should give in charity to the brahmanas. If a person remains miserly even though he has wealth, his miserliness will be the cause of his going to Raurava (one type of hell). Everyday one should feed the Vaisnavas and brahmanas with the best foodstuffs. A person who is following the vows should take his food in the eighth part of the day. Indradyuyamna, Satadyuyamna, Yauvanasva and Bhagiratha attained samipya, close association of Bhagavan by worshiping the Purusottama month. One should perform service to Purusottama with all of one’s endeavors. Such service to Purusottama is superior to all types of sadhana and fulfills all variety of desires. In a previous age, Kaundilya Muni repeatedly chanted the mantra ‘govardhana-dharam vande’. By chanting this mantra with devotion during Sri Purusottama month, one will attain Sri Purusottama Himself. One should devote Purusottama month to constantly meditating uponnava-ghana dvibhuja muralidhara pitambara Sri Krsna with Sri Radha. Those who do this with devotion will have all their cherished desires fulfilled.”
“I worship the lifter of Govardhana, Gopala, who has the form of a gopa. He is the festival of Gokula (gokula-utsava), the Supreme Controller of all (isvara), and He is Govinda the beloved of the gopis (gopika-priyam).”
There is very important prayers to Govardhana and Sri Gopal by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura in his Stavamrta Lahari :
Song Name: Madhura Mrdula Cittah Prema
Official Name: Gopaladevastakam
Book Name: Stavamrta Lahari
Language: Sanskrit
madhura-mṛdula-cittaḥ prema-mātraika-vittaḥ
svajana-racita-veṣaḥ prāpta-śobhā-viśeṣaḥ
vividha-maṇi-mayālańkāravān sarva-kālaḿ
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
nirupama-guṇa-rūpaḥ sarva-mādhurya-bhūpaḥ
śrita-tanu-ruci-dāsyaḥ koṭi-candra-stutāsyaḥ
amṛta-vijayi-hāsyaḥ procchalac-cilli-lāsyaḥ
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
dhṛta-nava-para-bhāgaḥ savya-hasta-sthitāgaḥ
prakaṭita-nija-kakṣaḥ prāpta-lāvaṇya-lakṣaḥ
kṛta-nija-jana-rakṣaḥ prema-vistāra-dakṣaḥ
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
smṛta-ratipati-yāgaḥ prīti-haḿsī-taḍāgaḥ
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
madhurima-bhara-magne bhāty asavye'valagne
trivalir alasavattvāt yasya puṣṭānatatvāt
itarata iha tasyā māra-rekheva rasyā
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
vahati valita-harṣaḿ vāhayaḿś cānuvarṣaḿ
bhajati ca sagaṇaḿ svaḿ bhojayan yo'rpayan svam
giri-mukuṭa-maṇiḿ śrīdāmavan-mitratā-śrīḥ
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
adhidharam anurāgaḿ mādhavendrasya tanvaḿs
tadamala-hṛdayotthāḿ prema-sevāḿ vivṛṇvan
prakaṭita-nija-śaktyā vallabhācārya-bhaktyā
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
pratidinam adhunāpi prekṣyate sarvadāpi
praṇaya-surasa-caryā yasya varyā saparyā
gaṇayatu kati bhogān kaḥ kṛtī tat-prayogān
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
giridhara-vara-devasyāṣṭakenemam eva
smarati niśi dine vā yo gṛhe vā vane vā
akuṭila-hṛdayasya premadatvena tasya
sphuratu hṛdi sa eva śrīla-gopāla-devaḥ
1) May Srila Gopaladeva, whose heart is charming and gentle, for whom  pure love is the only wealth, who wears garments made by His devotees, who is  splendidly handsome, and who wears many kinds of jewel ornaments, eternally  appear in my heart.
2) May Srila Gopaladeva, whose virtues and handsomeness have no equal,  who is the king of all sweetness, who is served by all bodily splendour, whose face is praised by millions of moons, whose  smile defeats nectar, and whose eyebrows playfully dance, appear in my  heart.
3) May Srila Gopaladeva, who is the abode of all ever-fresh opulence and  auspiciousness, whose left hand rests on His waist, who possesses handsomeness  multiplied millions of times, who protects His devotees, and who expertly  increases their love for Him, appear in my heart.
4) May Srila Gopaladeva, whose sidelong glances gradually increase His  devotees' love, whose knowing smile announces His nectar pastimes, who remembers  the Kamadeva-yajna, and who is a lake where the swans  of pure love play, appear in my heart.
5) May Srila Gopaladeva, the three lines on whose charming waist, created  from looseness and slight chubbiness, are like the mark of Kamadeva, appear in my heart.
6) May Srila Gopaladeva, who showers transcendental bliss, who shares  lunch with His friends, who gives them Govardhana  Hill, the crest-jewel of mountains, and who shines with friendship for Sridama, appear in my heart.
7) May Srila Gopaladeva, who with devotional potency placed loving  devotional service in the pure heart of MadhavendraPuri, appear in my heart.
8) Even today sweet loving service to Srila Gopaladeva may be seen at  every moment. What saintly devotee can count the many offerings made to Him? May Srila Gopaladeva appear in  my heart.
9) May Srila Gopaladeva appear in the heart of the pure-hearted devotee  who, living either at home or in the forest, remembers Him by chanting, either  in the day or night, these eight verses glorifying the Deity of Govardhana Hill.
  Those who claim to be vaisnavas should give up all miserliness and chant 1 -2 or 3 lahks during this Purusottama month that is 1000 times more powerful for bhakti than Kartika.
Song Name: Krsna Prasadena Samasta  Saila
Official Name:  Govardhanastakam
Language: Sanskrit
kṛṣṇa-prasādena  samasta-śaila-
sāmrājyam āpnoti ca  vairiṇo ’pi
śakrasya yaḥ prāpa baliḿ sa sākṣād
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
sukhānubhūter  ati-bhūmi-vṛtteḥ
mahendra-vajrāhatim apy  ajānan
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
yatraiva kṛṣṇo  vṛṣabhānu-putryā
dānaḿ gṛhītuḿ kalahaḿ vitene
śruteḥ spṛhā yatra mahaty  ataḥ śrī
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
snātvā saraḥ svāśu  samīra-hastī
yatraiva  nīpādi-parāga-dhūliḥ
ālolayan khelati cāru sa śrī
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
kastūrikābhiḥ śayitaḿ kim  atrety
ūhaḿ prabhoḥ svasya muhur  vitanvan
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
didṛkṣavo yatra hariḿ hariṇyaḥ
yāntyo labhante na hi  vismitāḥ sa
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
yatraiva gańgām anu nāvi  rādhām
ārohya madhye tu  nimagna-naukaḥ
kṛṣṇo hi rādhānugalo  babhau sa
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
vinā bhavet kiḿ hari-dāsa-varya-
padāśrayaḿbhaktir ataḥ śrayāmi
yam eva saprema nijeśayoḥ śrī-
govardhano me diśatām  abhīṣṭam
etat paṭhed yo  hari-dāsa-varya-
mahānubhāvāṣṭakam ārdra-cetāḥ
śrī-rādhikā-mādhavayoḥ padābja-
dāsyaḿ sa vinded acireṇa  sākṣāt
1) May Govardhana Hill,  which by Krsna's mercy became the king of all mountains and received the  respectful tribute of its arch-enemy Indra, fulfill my  desire.
2) As it was held above the earth it  became so filled with happiness by experiencing the softness of its beloved  Krsna's lotus hand it did not even know it was being struck by Indra's  thunderbolt. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
3) Trying to collect  a toll, Krsna quarreled there with King Vrsabhanu's daughter. The personified  Vedas yearn to list to that quarrel. May Govardhana his fulfill my  desire.
4) Bathing in a nearby  lake, the elephant of a pleasant breeze, covered with pollen of kadamba and  other flowers, gracefully plays there. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my  desire.
5) Does the sweet fragrance  of Govardhana come from the musk deer who relax there? From the Lord who plays  there? Or is it Govardhana's own natural scent? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my  desire.
6) Searching there for Lord  Hari on the path of His flute music, the astonished deer do not find Him. May  Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
7) As the Divine Couple  traveled on the Ganges there the boat began to sink in the middle. Krsna was  splendidly handsome as Radha clung to His neck. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my  desire.
8) Without taking shelter  of the feet of the hill that is the best of Lord Hari's servants and full of  love for the divine king and queen, how is it possible to attain pure devotional  service? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.
9) May the reader of these  eight verses glorifying Lord Hari's greatest servant, his heart melting with  pure love, quickly attain direct service to the lotus feet of Sri Sri  Radha-Madhava. 
Vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das

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