Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Paramananda das's Blog (2,359)

The fake marriage of Sri Hanuman



Recently Ekalavya Prabhu asked me about the so called marriage of Narada Muni , now I got another one about Hanuman.

( him being married to Sulocana devi that was the daughter of the Sungod,  it was a "fake marriage" for him

him to learn certain part of the vedas

I found this answer at…


Added by Paramananda das on November 25, 2010 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

The personified vedas that became Gopis

Dear Devotees…


Added by Paramananda das on November 25, 2010 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Could Laxmi enter the Rasa lila or not?

dear Vaisnava friends

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


so 'ham yah sharanam prapto mama tasya vadanti casarvam tabhyam tad-artham hi tad-bhogyam na tu ye mama The wise say, "I surrender to Shri Shri Radha-Krishna. Whatever is mine is in truth Their property. Everything is for Their sake. Everything is meant for Their enjoyment. It is not meant for me." Sanat kumara Samhita sri-rasa-mandala jaya, jaya radha-syam…


Added by Paramananda das on November 22, 2010 at 1:00am — 6 Comments

Guru means heavy but fully in line with Srila Prabhupada?



I read the article by Gaura Govinda Swami posted on

From Krishna Kathamrita Bindu issue 238

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

Devotee 1: Some devotees say that since there are so many people coming to Krishna consciousness now, and since Srila Prabhupada said that we should become gurus, so even if we are not qualified, still, because the need is there for gurus, then we must take up the service to Srila Prabhupada of becoming a… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on November 21, 2010 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

Sanat Kumara Samhita

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

all glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.8.17

sanat-kumāro 'vatu kāmadevād

dhayaśīrṣā māḿ pathi deva-helanāt

devarṣi-varyaḥ puruṣārcanāntarāt

kūrmo harir māḿ nirayād aśeṣāt

May Sanat-kumāra protect me from lusty desires. As I begin some auspicious activity, may Lord Hayagrīva protect me from being an offender by neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to the…


Added by Paramananda das on November 20, 2010 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

some nectar about Lord Nityananda Prabhu and why Krsna left the rasa lila and where He went

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Far beyond the dog like mentality of Kali yuga, Radha and Krsna performs Their rasa lilas .First let us offer offer obeisances to Lord Nityananda Prabhu that beats the dog of Kali with His cowherd boy stick:

This is from the Nityananda astakam by Srila Vrindavan dasa Thakura…


Added by Paramananda das on November 19, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

prayers to Srila Gaura kisora das babaji

Dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

namo gaura-kisoraya saksad-vairagya-murtaye

vipralambha-rasambhode padambujaya te namah

I offer my respectful obeisances unto Gaura-kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja [the spiritual master of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati], who is renunciation personified. He is always merged in a feeling of separation and intense love of Krsna.

Due to Srila Prabhupadas instructions to…


Added by Paramananda das on November 18, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

Krishna on cleaning ones teeth before fasting: "Go brush your teeth"

dear Madhavananda Prabhu



While previously discussing fasting you made the objection how about if one got some grains stuck in his teeth before fasting on Visnutattva apperance days and next days swallows this, so I told you the teeth should be nicely cleaned.This is also the instruction of Krishna in regards to this Utpanna ekadasi and we can easy understand this is true for all fasting days where one should not take grains.

"The Supreme Lord Krishna replied,…


Added by Paramananda das on November 17, 2010 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Bogus sunday school at temple and some of the dark past of ISKCON

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

In 1986 while preaching in India and visiting many holy places in South India, I met with one Gurukula child that had been sexually molested in Mayapur a nepali boy called Acyuta.He told me about the many atrocities in Mayapure at the hands of Satydhanya ,Bhavananda and Nitai chand all pedophiles and child abusers of the worst kind

There was no serious mood to do anything about this when I came… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on November 17, 2010 at 5:33am — No Comments

misbehavior of Caitanya Nitai das



You told me Caitanya Nitai das was opposed that I bring Govardhana Silas to the temple on Govardhana puja( though you had requested me to do so, as the head pujari), he has become envious and poisonous against me just like a snake.I know him since he was a small boy in Gurukula in Vrindavan but he is so arrogant and puffed up

.SB 5.18.9: May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on November 16, 2010 at 10:00am — No Comments

Raga marg and siddha pranali in the line of Lord Caitanya

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Since Aindra Prabhu has mentioned in his book that the goal is ragamarg but has not described it,I am trying to do so here by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada ,the vaisnavas and the mercy of the Pancatattva, and Their associates and Radha Krsna and Their associates, Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has written some books most important with understanding Vaidhi and Raga marga one is Raga Vartma…


Added by Paramananda das on November 16, 2010 at 2:00am — 3 Comments

"2 sets of Yugal kisora"


In Vrindavan Krsna and Balarama are also seen as Yugal kisora, though general

it refers to Radha Krsna (see also ,Yugalastakam by Srila JivaGoswami

for example)

So in Vrindavan there is 2 Yugal Kisoras one is Radha Krsna and one is Krsna Balarama.

This is confirmed in Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava by Sri Nayananda Thakura…


Added by Paramananda das on November 14, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

If Radha Krsna asked you to do something would you do it?And if Srila Rupa Goswami is personally asking you?

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

The question is :If Radha Krsna asked you to do something would you do it?

The answer is obvious to most devotees but are we doing what Radha Krsna wants us to do at every minut of the day, ?

Do we want to to fully control our mind and senses 24/7 as instructed by Srila Rupa Goswami who is Radha Krsnas most confidential manjari Srila Rupa Manjari.The gayatri of Srila Rupa Manjari is given… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on November 12, 2010 at 6:51am — No Comments

I did not agree with Gaura Govinda Maharaja about the jiva issue

Dandavat pranams

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gaura Govinda Maharaja was of the opinion the jiva never came from the spiritual world, however in 1995 I gave one of Srila Prabhupadas tapes to one of his disciples and asked him to comment on Srila Prabhupadas statement:

"Because we have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago. Anadi karama-phale. Anadi means before the creation. We living entities, we are eternal. Even the creation is annihilated… Continue

Added by Paramananda das on November 11, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Mathura Mahatmya by Srila Rupa Goswami

dear Vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

.During Vraja Mandal Parikrama

and Kartika in general this Mathura Mahatmya is a must read book along with Vrindavan Mahimamrta ,for those who can appreciate the great glories of Vraja Dham and for those who wants to better appreciate Vraja Dham..…


Added by Paramananda das on November 11, 2010 at 5:00am — No Comments

correction to ye anilo prema dhana translation

dear Vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Vaisnavas sing this beautiful song in separation of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya and some of his immediate associates

Ye anilo prema dhana that was written by Srila Narottama das Thakura:this is the actual translation: and I humbly advised this devotee to correct…


Added by Paramananda das on November 10, 2010 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

the holy disapperance day of Srila Prabhupada

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Today is the holy disapperance day of Srila Prabhupada,.Yesterday one former sannyasi protested I post a link showing Srila Prabhupadas disapperance from this world on November 14th 1977


Added by Paramananda das on November 9, 2010 at 8:40am — 1 Comment

Becoming Spiritually Masterful" 73/08/03 London, Bhagavad-gita 2.2

dear Vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

I like to go over few points in this lecture of Srila Prabhupada.First of all becoming a Guru is no cheap thing, also becoming a disciple is no cheap thing.

One of the preliminary qualifications of a devotee is to chant 64 rounds daily ,because this is the instruction of Lord Caitanya.There is no need to claim I am a disciple or Guru if one does not even do this much.Then there is no…


Added by Paramananda das on November 8, 2010 at 9:30am — No Comments

Worships of Govardhana, Diwali and Purnachandra Maharaja

dear vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

namaste girirajaya sri govardhana namine ashesha klesha nashaya paramananda dayineI offer my respectful obeisances unto the king of all hills, Govardhana Hill (the source of enjoyment for the senses, land, and cows). He is a servant of Krsna and is Krsna Himself. He puts an end to unlimited sufferings and bestows the supreme bliss. (Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava)

Today I read…


Added by Paramananda das on November 6, 2010 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

comments on Aindra Prabhus book

dear Devotees



Many devotees may have read parts of Aindra Prabhus book or the whole book.Yes Ragamarg is the goal of our bhakti and even bookdistribution is not as much a goal as this is,this is the point he is making.However there is no ragamarg for most, why is that? They simply do not have the qualifikations of unselfish devotional service.Unselfish devotional service is developed by distributing Srila Prabhupadas books because this is one of the most essential…


Added by Paramananda das on October 19, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

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