Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Email exchange with HH Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja

Subject: Re: the name is not "Payo", and please stop encouraging taking grains on Visnutattva days

my dear Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

As I appreciate the point of seeing good in others, there is still a serious issue at heart and that is to not take grains on Visnutaatva apperancedays.Srila Sanantana Goswami was instructed to present all the rules and regulations in Hari Bhakti Vilasa by Lord Caitanya., Even HH Satsvarupa Maharaja told me he thinks he is above those rules, this may explain why most of his disciples take grains on Visnutattva apperance days, but then again Maharaja,whom am I to see any faults, so let me not see constructive faults and not worry for my fellow members in ISKCON that gets deprived of the benefit from observing Visnutattva fasting?,Since Krsna has given this fool a little brain I am trying to use it for Krsnas service, However I am strongly disappointed with our GBC, sannyasis, and Gurus, TP and temples that fails to follow Srila Prabhupadas instructions on this, and it is my duty to speak out. I am disappointed you have failed to address the not taking grains on Visnutattva apperance days,Personally I am willing to keep taking birth until the GBC agrees to make Srila Prabhupadas instructions on no grains on Janmastami ,and Gaura Purnima etc as taking grains on these days is not beneficial for our bhakti.In this issue I am fully confident I am doing the right thing, otherwise I would not present it so strongly with sastric reference.If my presentation is flawed with sastric mistakes or misquoting Srila Prabhupada then I am at fault, but in this case there is no such flaw or my mistake.So with all humility I beg the vaisnavas in this email to please help, make sure these instructions of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sanatana Goswami of no grains be followed .I personally do not visit temples where grains are served on Visnutattva apperance days.But that is me. I have made this into a GBC proposal with the help of Praghosa Prabhu ,but the GBC brushed it of like it had zero merit. Bhakta Rupa Prabhu refused to present certain sastric things as he claimed there was spelling mistakes etc.Well I may make such mistakes, the larger issue is to be understood.We can not be cowards and stick the head in the sand. I am also one of the persons that warned the GBC back in 1986 about the problem of not expelling pedophiles.In 1990 I went to New Vrindavan and told HH Devamrta Swami he was part of something most bogus. .In 1992 about devotees hearing rasa sastra without qualification, this was presented by HH Bhakti Vikas Maharaja to the GBC, and HH Jayadvaita Swamis response was who is this Payonidhi das anyway.In 1995 I suggested to the GBC to please please stop the hinduization of ISKCON.The allowance of demigod for hire worship in ISKCON temples, Satya Narayan pujas, the reading of Ramacarita Manasa (which all have mayavadi ideas in the translations, and states one can become Lord Ramachandra) though I just a few days ago found a quote in the Bhavisuttare Purana that Valmiki Muni reincarnated as Tulsi das Goswami, however Srila Prabhupadas instruction is specific is to avoid this book, obviously since all known translations are full of mayavadi tinges.) So the GBC passed rules 1996 that such things can not be done in the temple room, thus exposing this cost my being in "good standing among certain leaders in NA" . Thus when I returned to US in 1997 I decided not to live in a temple ,this caused me to have to enter the grhastha asrama a year later though I had fiercely battled to not enter the grhastha asrama.I tried to maintain my intense book distribution efforts in Washington DC where I was distributing up to 250 medium books a day from 1997 to 99 though being on my own and living outside the temple.(the only person kind enough to visit me was HH Niranjana Swami) .My friend Sadhusangananda Prabhu was the TP in Boston so that was my connection with ISKCON during this time ,with the fall of Harikesa(my former Guru) and then Sadhusangananda Prabhu leaving Boston drove me into the arms of the NM camp for a while .I like to mention in 1996, I mentioned to several GBC men especially to HH Bhakti Caru Swami that I was convinced Harikesa would fall down as I noticed his unfair dealings and increased attachments to money and female disciples .Sadly my predictions proved right, and I kept in touch with Harikesa until the very last month in may 1998 where he started to fall down seriously, even after that I wrote him a nice letter suggesting he please stay in ISKCON as a grhastha. In 2004 I had some dreams of Srila Prabhupada and asking me to return to ISKCON,I was very reluctant to be honest to return to ISKCON, but the dreams continued,so I took is as his divine mercy and have thus returned to ISKCON.I asked present GBC and past chairmens about wether I should keep the reinitiated name given by Narayana maharaja or go with my Payonidhi name given by Harikesa.I was advised to do that.I have not taken reinitiation in ISKCON but just stuck with Srila Prabhupadas vani in form of his books and lectures and letters. I have no intention to take reinitiation though I am pressured to sometimes, I have gone through two Gurus that is "enough trouble" for one life for me. I honestly do not think I am a qualified disciple and neither do I see any fit Gurus for myself, one criterion for reinitiation is for me chanting 64 rounds and 4 regs, ( I know Srila Prabhupada made it minimum 16 but tried to introduce 64) and HH Narayana Maharaja has given this advise to me since I first met him in 1986 while serving ISKCON Vrindavan in Mathura,and was asked by the TP to stay in NM math in Mathura and collecting for Janmastami Souvenir book. Now at the present my humble attempt is to beg all temples that serve grains to please stop this as it is not Srila Prabhupadas instruction , and I have proven by sastra and Srila Prabhupadas instructions this is not wanted. Thank you for your usual concern, I know you are a very kind devotee, and I was impressed you underwent austerities recently like the rest of us during Navadvipa mandal Parikrama walking barefeet, I tried hard bur after 3 days my feet was to much in blistering( I had to many, the doctor was puzzled how I could keep walking) I had to wear shoes. I last saw you at the Jagannath Mandir at the last day of the Parikrama where I was also allowed to share my humble realizations, that you kindly appriciated.I beg to your lotusfeet to please pray to Nitai Gaura and Srila Prabhupada I might be allowed to join the Navadvipa Parikrama again, in your holy association vancha kalpa...yes I am expert in speaking to strong sometimes,I do it fully knowing it may not make me popular, I once again ask the vaisnavas to forgive me and try to see my good qualities.I am by no means a perfect devotee, but full of many faults and I beg the vaisnavas to show me their mercy and compassion but also take this fasting from grains very serious for Visnutattva apperance days

your humble servant

Payonidhi das

-----Original Message----- From: Bhaktisiddhanta Swami To:; Cc: Devamrita Swami ; Giriraja Swami ; Gopal Krsna Goswami ; Jayapataka Swami (GBC) ; Bhurijana (das) ACBSP (Vrindavan - IN) ; Sura ; Svavasa ; Braja Bihari BJD ; Praghosa (das) SDG (IRL) ;;;; US ;;;;;; Govinda Datta ;;; Sent: Sat, Dec 11, 2010 6:23 am Subject: Re: the name is not "Payo", and please stop encouraging taking grains on Visnutattva days Dear Payonidhi Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Not in anyway to bring attention away from your well documented points, but it is also very important/more important to emphasize the proper 'bhava'(devotional attitude) as we follow the many rules and regulations. Then these important activities will activate our bhakti. Having a proper attitude in seva is what endears us to the Lord, not the external vaidhi exercises(which are only important when done in the right consciousness), the authorized stairway of rules and regulations, which only attract Krsna's mind when done in love, inviting His graces fall upon us. The barometer of that grace is genuine attachment to service, the Nama, Vaisnava seva(how we interact and positively encourage one another), and the preaching. Throughout the CC, Mahaprabhu clearly gives us lessons warning against the dangers of Vaisnava aparadhe more so than various rules and regulations, offenses to the deities etc. Krsna is not like a spider that as soon as we may make a slip, then we are damned or sent to hell forever, this is Christian conception. The warnings in the scriptures of what happens if we don't follow this or that are ultimately to encourage us to ultimately act from the heart...tesam satata yuktanam... Srila Prabhupada would try and 'encourage the good' in all of us, the appropriate bhava in service, and the proper mood, then everything else will follow. If you also adopt this balanced approach then your very scholarly presentations will penetrate not just the heads, but more importantly the hearts of your readers. Best Wishes Your Servant Bhaktisiddhanta Swami On 11/12/10 12:00 AM, "" wrote: > > My dear Dravida Prabhu > > Please accept my humble obaisences > All glories to Srila Prabhupada > It was good talking to you a month ago.I like to point out on more time that > taking grains on Visnuttatva days will prevent one from going back to Godhead > and will > cause one to take birth again, it is there in Hari Bhakti Vilasa.As the > leading > person in the BBT department for the vaisnava calender it is your duty to > Srila > Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya to specifie it is fast from grains, failure to do > so will in cure great karmic reactions for you and the BBT, what to speak of > those GBC.s and TP and sannyasis that allow all their > followers to take grains.Even if you do Nirjala on all these days personally > as > you told me you do on ekadasi, if one takes grains on Janmastami all ones > fasting becomes nil. > Sin personified also enters grains on Visnutattva apperance days just like on > ekadasi, but one fool speculated there is no reaction to taking grains on > Janmastami etc. > I send you and others a very polite email about not taking grains > > > .Even if > one himself observes all these days properly including Visnutattva apperance > days but misleads others to think it is ok to take grains on these days > what to speak of serving grains.Then sadly speaking but truthful one places > obstacles in ones own path back to Godhead and others.It is that simple. > And Prabhu kindly do not call me Payo, this unvaisna like behavior was started > by the late homosexual Guru, Rohini Kumara.The name is Payonidhi das, servant > of Supreme > Lords that rest in the Ocean of milk,Lord Narayana, that wants us to observe > these thing properly, and He is the Paramatma also, trying to guide us to go > back to the spiritual world. > I always appreciate you very much and have much love and affection for you as > my dear God uncle.So kindly forgive me speaking so strongly, I would have > called you once more > but was told you number got disconnected .Here locally Anuttama das allows the > serving of grains on all Visnutattva days and does not consult with anyone and > says it is in the vaisnava calendar that you can take grains composed by you > and Arcita so he is "just following", this is of course very irresponsible And > many tempels in the US still serves grains on Janamstami and Gaura Purnima > etc... > > > your servant > Payonidhi das >

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