Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


THUNDERBOLT (vrajra) -
Th is mark reveals that meditation
on Nitai’s feet smashes to pieces the
mountain of His devotee’s karmic reactions to
past sins. It also indicates that whoever holds
on to His feet becomes as exalted as Lord Indra
(whose weapon is the thunderbolt).

ROSE-APPLE (jambu-phala)
- Th is mark is indicative that His
feet are the only worshipable objects
for all those who are residents of this region
of Jambudvipa (“island of the rose-apple”,
according to Vedic cosmography)

CLUB (gada) - Th is mark is to
show that Nitai’s feet are capable
of chastising the elephant of sinful
lust. It further indicates that for whoever takes
shelter of His feet, all their ancestors will also
receive benefi t.

SPEAR (sakti) - Th is mark assures
those who wish to have the
miserable bonds of the mundane
sphere cut, and who take shelter of Nitai, His
feet immediately appear to slash all entanglements
and diffi culties. It also indicates that
He is saktimana or the natural possessor of all
divine potencies, whereas His servants are not
endowed with separate, independent power
but are completely dependent on Him.

FLOWER (puspa) - Th is mark
shows that the divine fame of His
feet spread everywhere just like the
fragrance of a fl ower. It also shows that His
feet are not hard, but soft as fl ower petals.
And it means that just as every fruit comes
into being after the plant blooms, similarly all
spiritual fruits come into being after fi rst blossoming
at the soles of His feet.

(valli) - Th is
mark symbolizes
how intelligent persons
hold on to the lotus
feet of Lord Nityananda
fi rmly just as a creeper fi rmly
grasps whatever it is ascending.

PLOW (hala) - H.H. Gour Govinda
Swami in his book “Th e Flow
of Nectar” explains: “Balarama
is Nityananda Prabhu. His lotus feet are as
cool as the cooling eff ect of crores of moons.
Balarama has a plow in his hand, and Krsna a
fl ute. In the beginning cultivation - karsana is
needed. Th en all the nasty weedlike things will
be rooted out. Th e fi eld should be cultivated
properly with the plow of Balarama, then the
fi eld of the heart - hrdaya-ksetra - becomes
fertile and the seed of the devotional creeper
- bhakti-lata - will be sown. After proper cultivation
by the plow of Nityananda/Balarama
when the land is fertile, then the seed should
be sown. Th en when one develops premabhakti
you will be attracted by Krsna’s fl ute.
Th e fl ute means akarsana - attraction. Karsana-
akarsana - cultivation and enchantment.

CONCH (sankha) - Th is auspicious
mark indicates that those who
take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord
Nityananda are always rescued from all sorts
of distress. Just as during the arati ceremony
the conchshell is used to hold water that is offered
directly after the fi re of the ghee-lamp,
similarly Nityananda’s lotus feet hold transcendental
water that soothes His devotees
from the blazing fi re of material miseries. Also
this symbol proclaims ultimate victory for the
devotees, since the conchshell mark on His
feet contains the entire ocean of material existence
that may now be easily crossed. Th is
mark also also shows that those who resort to
Nitai’s feet become completely fearless.

FLAG (dhvaja) - Th is mark announces
that for the devotees meditating
on His feet, Th ey give security

FLAG (dhvaja) - Th is mark announces
that for the devotees meditating
on His feet, Th ey give security
and safe protection from all sorts of fear.

FISH (matsya) - Th is mark shows
that just as a fi sh cannot live without
water, similarly the surrendered
devotees cannot live a moment without directly
associating with His feet. It also shows
that all the most cherished desires and longings
of those who resort to Nitai’s feet will be
truly fulfi lled. It also means that the mind is
very fi ckle, just like a fi sh who wavers this way
and that, and so only after much meditation
do His feet fi nally come into the heart. It also
indicates that Nitai’s feet will come to live in
one’s heart only if the heart has been liquefi ed
by soft loving emotions; His feet do not thrive
where it is dry.

LOTUS (kamala) - Th is mark
increases greed for nectar in the
minds of the beelike devotees who
meditate on Nitai’s feet. Th e lotus also signifi
es that just as a lotus grows out of water,
similarly those whose eyes swell with tears
upon holding the Divine lotus feet of Nitai
and safe protection from all sorts of fear.

Nityananda Prabhu to
their heart receive the highest
benefi t. Th is mark also shows that the goddess
of fortune, Sri Laksmi Devi always resides at
His feet rendering humble service. It signifi es
that His feet are so soft that they can only be
compared to lotus petals; indeed upon fi rst
glancing at His lotus feet, you would think
you are directly seeing fresh lotus blossoms. It
also reveals that just as a lotus blooms by day
and contracts by night, similarly those who
remain steeped in meditation on Th eir feet
always feel the blossoming unfoldment of brilliant
sattvika ecstasies that dispel the darkness
of ignorance. It also means that the bee of the
devotee’s mind cannot fl y beyond the bondage
of dry jnana (knowledge) and vairagya (renunciation)
without the temptation off ered by the
superior nectar of Th eir lotus feet.

BOW (dhanu) - Th is mark reveals
that those who take shelter
of Nitai’s lotus feet will be perpetually
free from all worries and diffi culties. It
also shows that those who are stupefi ed in the
material world remain motionless like a target
and do not come to His feet. Whereas those
who come to the ultimate goal of His feet remain
there and never go back to the material
world. Further, when the mind of the devotee
meets the target of His feet, then prema condenses
as a result and overfl ows as the tears
showering from their eyes.

GOAD (ankusa) - Th is mark indicates
that meditation on Nitai’s feet
brings the elephants of the devotee’s
minds under control and keeps them on the
right path. It also shows that those who thus
stay on the path toward Th eir feet be come superior
among men, just as one riding on top of
an elephant travels far above the rest.

HALF-MOON (ardha-candra)
this mark symbolizes how His feet
truly provide the desired objectives
of the devotees. It signifi es that even devatas
like Lord Siva (whose symbol is a half moon)
have decorated their own heads with the soles
of His feet. It also shows that devotees who
likewise decorate their own head with His
feet can become exalted like Lord Siva. Just
as the moon showers nectar with its cooling
rays, similarly Nitai’s lotus feet shower nectar
upon the devotees, extinguishing the threefold
material miseries. So that the minds of
the devotees may reside at His feet, they bear
the symbol of the moon (which is the devata
or presiding deity of the mind) upon His
feet. Just as the moon is one, yet it destroys
the darkness seen by many people simultaneously,

devotees may reside at His feet, they bear
the symbol of the moon (which is the devata
or presiding deity of the mind) upon His
feet. Just as the moon is one, yet it destroys
the darkness seen by many people simultaneously,
similarly the Lord is one and yet by His
cleverness can deliver many souls at the same
time. Th e half-moon also indicates that since
His toenails appear like ten splendorously
full moons, the real moon has shriveled up in
shame and appears in half-form.

PITCHER (kalasa) - Th is mark
shows that Nitai’s feet hold the
golden pitcher full of purely nectarean
ambrosia to be freely consumed by the
surrendered souls; indeed, they will never be
bereft of nectar for this pitcher always remains
full. Th is mark also indicates that His feet can
pour out nectar that extinguishes the blazing
three-fold miseries of the separated devotees.
Th e full pitcher is a symbol to show that no
inauspiciousness can come near His devotees.
Rather His feet bring ripples of happiness
emanating from divine auspiciousness.

DISK (cakra) - Th is mark cuts
down the six enemies of the devotees
- lust, anger, greed, illusion,
envy and bewilderment. It indicates teja-tattva,
or the principle of brilliance by which He
destroys the darkness of sins from within His
devotee’s hearts.

SKY (ambara) - Th is mark indicates
that His feet are all pervading
throughout the entire creation,
both within and without all manifestations.
It also shows that even though His feet are
everywhere, they are unattached just like the

UMBRELLA (catra) - Th is mark
proves that those who take shelter
of Nitai’s feet are shielded from the
incessant rainfall of material miseries. It also
denotes that those who sit in the shade of His
feet become exalted just like maharajas (great
kings), who usually have umbrellas held over
their heads.

ALTAR (vedi)
- Th is mark
proclaims that
the sins of those who
meditate upon His feet
are burned up as if on the
altar of sacrifi ce. Furthermore,
it indicates that just as the universe is
nourished by the brahmanas off ering fi re-sacrifi
ces, similarly those who off er their minds in
sacrifi ce to His feet stimulate universal nourishment
that aff ects all of creation.

COW-HOOF (gospada) - Th is
mark signifi es that for those who

have taken full shelter of Nityananda Prabhu  uninteruptedly attains His lotusfeet 


Views: 401

Comment by Paramananda das on October 1, 2009 at 4:19am
Comment by Paramananda das on October 1, 2009 at 6:35am
the only auspiscious sign not explained is the arrows.And the gospada..calves hoofprint is not completed.
The Bhagavatam (10.14.58) says:

samasrita ye pada-pallava-plavam
mahat-padam punya-yaso murareh
bhavambudhir vatsa-padam param padam
padam padam yad vipadam na tesam

“For one who has accepted the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord, who is the shelter of the cosmic manifestation and is famous as Mukunda, or the giver of mukti, the ocean of the material world is like the water contained in a calf’s footprint. param padam, or the place where there are no material miseries, or Vaikuntha, is his goal, not the place where there is danger in every step of life.”

Those who take shelter of Lord Nityananda Prabhu should do so by daily chanting His holy names and 64 rounds of the Mahamantra, then He will take us to the lotusfeet of Lord Caitanya as He is the Adi Guru.If we desire the company of the eternal assocaition of Krsna and Balarama as sakhas, He grants this boon.All the main associates of Lord Nityananda Prabhu are sakhas in Krsnas lilas.And Lord Nityananda Prabhu who is Balarama Himself are the leaders of all the cowhered boys.During Krsnas noon lilas all the sakhas stay with Balarama while Krsna with only a few priyanarma sakhas go and meet Radharani and the various Gopis at Radha kunda.
Those arrow can taken as Balarama and Krsna shoots Their devotees hearts with the arrows of prema, like in the Kama Gayatri.Thus the pure devotees are absorbed in love at the feet of Krsna Balarama.Wheras those not surrendered are feeling the constant arrows of material cupid burning the heart with lust.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 11:03pm
Srila Raghunatha das Goswami got the mercy of Lord Nityananda and was thus abel to get the shelter of Lord Caitanya.
Srila Krsna das Kaviraja also got the mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu (both later realized their nitya svarupa as manjaris):
CC Ādi 5.179: I have thus described the power of the servants of Lord Nityānanda. Now I shall describe another characteristic of His mercy.

CC Ādi 5.180: That night Lord Nityānanda appeared to me in a dream because of my good quality in chastising my brother.

CC Ādi 5.181: In the village of Jhāmaṭapura, which is near Naihāṭi, Lord Nityānanda appeared to me in a dream.

CC Ādi 5.182: I fell at His feet, offering my obeisances, and He then placed His own lotus feet upon my head.

CC Ādi 5.183: "Arise! Get up!" He told me again and again. Upon rising, I was greatly astonished to see His beauty.

CC Ādi 5.184: He had a glossy blackish complexion, and His tall, strong, heroic stature made Him seem like Cupid himself.

CC Ādi 5.185: He had beautifully formed hands, arms and legs, and eyes like lotus flowers. He wore a silk cloth, with a silk turban on His head.

CC Ādi 5.186: He wore golden earrings on His ears, and golden armlets and bangles. He wore tinkling anklets on His feet and a garland of flowers around His neck.

CC Ādi 5.187: His body was anointed with sandalwood pulp, and He was nicely decorated with tilaka. His movements surpassed those of a maddened elephant.

CC Ādi 5.188: His face was more beautiful than millions upon millions of moons, and His teeth were like pomegranate seeds because of His chewing betel.

CC Ādi 5.189: His body moved to and fro, right and left, for He was absorbed in ecstasy. He chanted "Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa" in a deep voice.

CC Ādi 5.190: His red stick moving in His hand, He seemed like a maddened lion. All around the four sides of His feet were bumblebees.

CC Ādi 5.191: His devotees, dressed like cowherd boys, surrounded His feet like so many bees and also chanted "Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa," absorbed in ecstatic love.

CC Ādi 5.192: Some of them played horns and flutes, and others danced and sang. Some of them offered betel nuts, and others waved cāmara fans about Him.

CC Ādi 5.193: Thus I saw such opulence in Lord Nityānanda Svarūpa. His wonderful form, qualities and pastimes are all transcendental.

CC Ādi 5.194: I was overwhelmed with transcendental ecstasy, not knowing anything else. Then Lord Nityānanda smiled and spoke to me as follows.

CC Ādi 5.195: "O my dear Kṛṣṇadāsa, do not be afraid. Go to Vṛndāvana, for there you will attain all things."

CC Ādi 5.196: After saying this, He directed me toward Vṛndāvana by waving His hand. Then He disappeared with His associates.

CC Ādi 5.197: I fainted and fell to the ground, my dream broke, and when I regained consciousness I saw that morning had come.

CC Ādi 5.198: I thought about what I had seen and heard and concluded that the Lord had ordered me to proceed to Vṛndāvana at once.

CC Ādi 5.199: That very second I started for Vṛndāvana, and by His mercy I reached there in great happiness.

CC Ādi 5.200: All glory, all glory to Lord Nityānanda Balarāma, by whose mercy I have attained shelter in the transcendental abode of Vṛndāvana!

CC Ādi 5.201: All glory, all glory to the merciful Lord Nityānanda, by whose mercy I have attained shelter at the lotus feet of Śrī Rūpa and Śrī Sanātana!

CC Ādi 5.202: By His mercy I have attained the shelter of the great personality Śrī Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī, and by His mercy I have found the refuge of Śrī Svarūpa Dāmodara.

CC Ādi 5.203: By the mercy of Sanātana Gosvāmī I have learned the final conclusions of devotional service, and by the grace of Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī I have tasted the highest nectar of devotional service.

CC Ādi 5.204: All glory, all glory to the lotus feet of Lord Nityānanda, by whose mercy I have attained Śrī Rādhā-Govinda!

CC Ādi 5.205: I am more sinful than Jagāi and Mādhāi and even lower than the worms in the stool.

CC Ādi 5.206: Anyone who hears my name loses the results of his pious activities. Anyone who utters my name becomes sinful.

CC Ādi 5.207: Who in this world but Nityānanda could show His mercy to such an abominable person as me?

CC Ādi 5.208: Because He is intoxicated by ecstatic love and is an incarnation of mercy, He does not distinguish between the good and the bad.

CC Ādi 5.209: He delivers all those who fall down before Him. Therefore He has delivered such a sinful and fallen person as me.

CC Ādi 5.210: Although I am sinful and I am the most fallen, He has conferred upon me the lotus feet of Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 11:07pm
It astonishes us that Nityananda Balarama showed him a blackish color, actucally Lord Nityananda Balarama was completly overwhelmed with love for Krsna, in Mahabhava and thus His transcendental body assumed this transcendental complexion ....
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 11:14pm
We should often meditate on this transcendental form of the combined form of Nityananda-Balarama.
I once sponsored a set of Caitanya Caritamrta in Ekachakra, in the school there, I was sad to see many did not seem to meditate much on Lord Nityananda Prabhu there, I pray Lord Nityananda Prabhu may eternally bestow his mercy on those fortunate to have taken birth in this Gupta Vrindavan of Ekachakra, I offer my obaisences to this transcendental place, that is beyond material destruction of the universe.


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