Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Deenabandhu Prabhu also is not my Guru

Please accept my humble obaisences All glories to Srila Prabhupada Deenabandhu Prabhu has shown me many times his Guru Abhiman how he wants to be my Guru, though we generally agree on most philosophical things in KC as he is well versed. 1) He fails to understand and appreciate the importance of distribution of Srila Prabhupadas books,what to speak of participating 2) he does not understand the importance of chanting 64 rounds what to speak of chanting this much ,Plus I have never seen him chant japa,which may explain his lack of KC in dealings with certain devotees 3) Yes he knows many places in Vraja and many lilas, but he fails to enter the depths of Vraja because of his refusal to chant minimum one lakh 4) he lives on top Vraja and has not entered Vraja Dham fully internally, but his love for Vraja will one day lead him there, plus by living and dying in Vraja he will go back to Godhead 5) his arrogance and desire for external prestige does not impress me the least 6) his desire for fame is a downfall and his mistreating younger devotees such as myself shows his lack of humility, I really do not desire his arrogant puffed up association ever 7) his class in LA that everything is perfect in India and especially in Vrindavan is his own desire for name and fame,his singing other songs on the Vyasasana than our acaryas shows his speculative mentality 8) his wearing a scarf of the Nimbarka sampradaya is not proper and promoting it,shame on him for that 9) often he knows when things are wrong but he never speaks up to loose his power and false prestige so he is watered down, as he wants to maintain his status quo and be respected everywhere he goes ( 10 he should stop being a diplomat and become a strong preacher ,and stop being a Guru bhogi and Guru Tyagi, for example he knows that taking grains on Visnutattva apperance days is wrong but will never speak up strongly against it he is weak and a cow hard Since he always sees me as my Guru, I want to inflate his false ego I pray to Sri Radha he will improve and understand bookdistribution is also Vraja seva ,now he thinks you only do Vraj seva when you go on "his parikramas",and you can never understand Vraja without him.Such arrogance will not please Sri Radha. He has shown me very cruel behavior sometimes and one of his godsister do not like to go to Krsna Balarama Mandir because he puts her down. Yes sometimes he is just way to puffed up, but this puffed up mood is there in many in Vrindavan that think they are better than devotees from the rest of the world, and they are to proud to leave Vrindavan for preaching (or to weak in KC?) .Those who claim to do Vraja seva without chanting one lakh daily are all neophytes. I pray I may never see the face of the rascals that believe distribution of Prabhupadas books is not Vraja seva ,I despise such persons, and look at the sun to pray He may purifie me and bestow Vraja seva on me.My true friends in Vrindavan are those great souls that distribute Srila Prabhupadas books there though they may be mistreated by others Jay Sri Radhe Shyam ,Jaya Gaura Nitai, Jaya Krsna Balarama

your servant Payonidhi das

please forward this to him

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