Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura restarted the sankirtana movement in modern times ,and Srila Prabhupada took their mercy and spread it all over the world.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada sat down and was chanting for some years, day and night.The Panca tattva came to him and told him to now go and preach.
He was preaching to chant Hare Krsna as ones formost duty, many wonderfull lectures and books are written in glorification of Srila Bhaktisidhanta Prabhupada , but if we miss this point of chanting 64 rounds we have not understood his teachings.
Srila Prabhupada tried hard to introduce the 64 rounds in ISKCON, but his early disciples where to neophyte to chant 64 rounds.
Gaura Govinda Maharaja once asked me if I had understood the 10 subjects in Srimad Bhagavatam ,then he explained so many things and said if we do not understand these things how can we preach.Then I went with him to his sannyasa quaters and we talked about the sandarbhas.I told him I had read the other sandarbhas but the Priti sandarbha seemed the most difficult to fully comprehend.He told me to come to Bhuvanesvara and I will teach you .But I was busy "preaching and distributing books", I now regret I did not go and learn from him.What good was my distributing so many books and doing Harinama when I missed this oportunity?
But because I acted in good faith, Krsna will somehow carry what I lacked in this regard.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada also stated that the preachers should know the rasa sastras, and other books of the Goswamis in our line, but first by regularly chanting not less than 64 rounds.Some fools preach ,such books are not for us.This is because they have no adhikara.Just understanding the Jaiva dharma is unlimeted.something we can preach from there, but really better is to encourage devotees to read this book and then ask questions.
Bookdistribution is very dear to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and Srila Prabhupada.Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada called it the big mrdanga,we are letting the acaryas, in our case Srila Prabhupada do the preaching.What is our job, remain his instruments, be someones vartma pradaksa Gurus bring them to Krsna
and Srila Prabhupada.
Some are very eager to be a Guru, but what is the qualifikation has to be seen.Srila Prabhupada said the Guru should be uttama adhikari( NOI text 5 purport) .Are you an uttama adhikari Guru?Has Lord Nityananda Prabhu asked you to be a Guru or Srila Prabhupada or Lord Caitanya,or Lord Narasimhadeva? Or the previous acaryas? Still many like to be worshipped as Guru.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written about Guru abhiman,,the pride that comes with thinking I am a Guru or sannaysi.

mana, tumi sannyasi sajite keno cao?
bahirer saja jata, antarete phanki tata,
dambha puji' sarira nacao


My dear mind, why do you want to disguise yourself as a sannyasi? As much as you decorate yourself externally with this garb, to that same degree you deceive yourself internally with this hoax. Worshiping your own false pride, your simply make a show of your material body by artificially accepting the dress of the renounced order.

Verse 2


amar bacana dharo, antara bisuddha koro,
krishnamrta sada koro pana
jivana sahaje jay, bhakti-badha nahi pay,
tadupaya koroho sandhana


Now please try to understand my advice on how to become a true sannyasi. Just make your heart completely pure, and constantly drink the nectar of Krishna consciousness. Search for that life-style in which your spiritual life can be executed easily and automatically, free from any distracting obstacles to pure devotion.

Verse 3


anayase jaha pao, tahe tusta hoye jao,
adambare na koro prayas
purna-bastra jadi nai, kaupina paro he bhai,
sita-bastra kantha bahirbas


Just be satisfied with whatever you get easily, and never endeavor for any type of artificial pomp and grandeur. Even if you do not have proper clothes to wear, just wear a loin-cloth, dear brother! And in cold weather you can simply wear an old torn quilt.

Verse 4


aguru candana nai, mrttika-tilaka bhai,
harer badale dharo mala
ei-rupe asa-pas, sukhadir kubilas,
kharbi chado samsarer jvala


There is no need for fancy sandalwood pulp scented with perfume, my dear brother; you can use some ordinary earth or clay to mark your forehead with tilaka. Your fancy necklaces can be exchanged for a nice tulasi-mala. Living like this in such a simple state of mind, all your nonsense external arrangements for so-called happiness will diminish, and you will thus be able to escape from the burning fever of materialistic existence.

Verse 5


sannyasa-bairagya-bidhi, sei asramer nidhi,
tahe kabhu na koro' adar
se-saba adare bhai, samsare nistar nai,
dambhiker linga nirantar


In reality it is complete renunciation that is the wealth of the sannyasa-asrama. By following this rule, one would certainly never look forward to receiving respect from others. Beware, dear brother! Deliverance from this material world is not possible for one who wants to get such respect by taking sannyasa. Instead, he gets ensnared in mundane existence due to constantly maintaining the conceited pride of subtle profit, adoration and distinction.

Verse 6


tumi to' chaitanya-das, hari-bhakti taba as,
asramer linge kiba phal?
pratista koroho dura, basa taba santipura,
sadhu krpa tomar sambal


You are actually an eternal servant of Lord Chaitanya, and your real interest as such is devotion to Shri Hari. What other wonderful thing could you get from the external form of the sannyasa-asrama? Casting all false prestige to a far distant place, make your residence in the transcendentally peaceful realm, far beyond the varnasrama-dharma system, and live on the mercy of the Rupanuga Vaishnavas as your only life-giving substance.

Verse 7


vaisnaver paricoy, abasyaka nahi hoy,
adambare kabhu nahi jao
binoder nibedana, radha-krishna-guna-gana,
phukari' phukari' sada gao


It is actually not even necessary to introduce oneself as a Vaishnava, and once should never try to thereby make a show of external pomp and grandeur. Bhaktivinoda's humble submission to you is that you should constantly sing songs about the glorious qualities of Radha and Krishna at the top of your lungs.

Jaya Radhe Shyam
your insignificantly and lowly servant
Payonidhi das

Views: 118

Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 9:12am
i have heard a discussion lecture with Jaydvaita Swami and Trivikrama Swami, and I believe Danavir Maharaja about the "no objection to be a Guru" in ISKCON, but unless Lord Nityananda comes and ask
that devotee , you please act as a Guru,why should one take on followers in the name of comfortabel living? Yes I forgot someone has to do the "hard" service of living in comfort.But that is fine someone will act as Guru, and many senior men in ISKCON are taking that responsibility, but are you giving your disciples the highest level of KC and are you on that level?Are you training the disciples properly?
Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 9:15am
Are you having your feet washed and am still not free from sex desires?Do you know your Sthaiya bhava and meditating on Krsna and Mahaprabhus nitya lilas?
Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 9:50am
I will not be cheated again and take the water from unholy rascals posing as sadhus ,however I take the water from the lotusfeet of all holy vaisnavas and drink it and take the dust from the feet of all real vaisnavas,Srila Narottama das Thakura sings "Thakura Vaisnava pada" ,just do not end up marrying your disciples wife or go of with some boy.I will serve you in my house as long as you cahnt 64 rounds strictly and set the example of an advanced soul .
Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 11:40am
It is sad there is so much fighting among devotees ,and various groups of vaisnavism, this is the age of Kali.I personally am convinced that 16 rounds is not enough, Srila Prabhupada tried to introduce 64 rounds into ISKCON.And finally agreed to minimum 16 but always try to increase.So after 30 and 40 years if one is still fighting and still only chanting minimum 16 ,is it very strange to understand.I was told yesterday about one devotee suing another for slander, the judge awarded $1 to the devotee suing.Better to chant more and fight less.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 11:23pm

kṛpā koro vaiṣṇava ṭhākura, sambandha jāniyā

bhajite bhajite, abhimāna hau dūra


'āmi to vaiṣṇava', e buddhi hoile, amānī nā ho'bo āmi

pratiṣthāśā āsi', hṛdoya dūṣibe, hoibo niraya-gāmī


tomāra kińkora, āpane jānibo, 'guru'-abhimāna tyaji'

tomāra ucchiṣṭha, pada-jala-reṇu, sadā niṣkapaṭe bhaji


'nije śreṣṭha' jani, ucchiṣṭthādi dāne, ho'be abhimāna bhāra

tāi śiṣya taba, thākiyā sarvadā, nā loibo pūjā kā'r


amānī mānada, hoile kīrtane, adhikāra dibe tumi

tomāra caraṇe, niṣkapaṭe āmi, kāńdiyā luṭibo bhūmi


1) O Vaisnava Thakura! Please give me your mercy – knowledge of my relationship with Bhagavan and the ability to do bhajana, sending my false ego far away.

2) If I think "I am a Vaisnava," then I will never become humble. My heart will become contaminated with the hope of receiving honor from others, and I will surely go to hell.

3) Give me the mercy that I can renounce the false conception of my being guru and can be your servant. Let me accept without duplicity your remnants and your foot-bath water.

4) By thinking that I am superior (guru) and giving my remnants to others, I will bring about my destruction. Let me always identify as your disciple and not accept any worship or praise from others.

5) In this way I can renounce the desire for honor for myself and can offer respect to others. Weeping sincerely at your lotus feet and rolling on the ground, I pray that you will give me the ability to chant nama purely.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 11:31pm
a prayer by a Guru to his Guru
Comment by Paramananda das on October 12, 2009 at 5:55pm
this song is from Kalyana kalpa taru


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