Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Some devotees think this chanting of 64 rounds is some fanatic behavior ,this is because they are fanatic about staying in mayadevis world (Devi dham) .Without chanting 64 rounds noone can get out of maya..why? Because Lord Caitanya ordered it.Did He do so in a strong way:Sarva dharman paritejya ,like Krsna?
No He did not He is Krsna Himself, He simply indicadet I will not accept offerings in your house unless you chant 64 rounds.Still you do not accept this?Why you want Lord Caitanya to scream :"Chant 64 rounds or.."
Lord Caitanya is not pragmatic or an angry Supreme Lord.First this order has to be followed, then otherwise what preaching can be done? Preaching I am not this body? It is not realized untill one chants minimum 64 rounds every is FACT.Love for matter and love for Lord Caitanya does not mix well.Yes it is good you want to preach, but first we have to get out of maya.Vaco vegam ,manasa krodha vegam,jivha vegam
These urges will only be controlled by chanting 64 rounds minimum and not overindulging in food and sleep.
Even a grhastha should not be a grhamedhi, for defenition see SB 2 canto 1 chapter.Yes Lord Caitanyas order is also to preach. But how? Whoever you meet tell them that Krsna is your eternal father, friend and wellwisher.
How you can preach if you do not understand Krsna yourself? Are you a fanatic christian preacher?
Is Krsna your Prananatha, the Lord of your very breath? Then what is your preaching?Yes we can preach by distributing the books of Srila Prabhupada and doing Harinama.Srila PRabhupada himself chastised devotees,
what will your 5 minutes preaching do? But if he also gets a book ,he can be saved.Then why we have outside jobs if we want to preach? Talk is very cheap.Prema pum artho mahan..the goal of life is to develop love for Krsna.Untill we have this bhava then what is our preaching? Therefore our first busieness is to learn how to love Krsna.Some simply use devotional service for ulterior motives, what good is that?Bhava bhakti and prema bhakti is not attained untill we are fully absorbed in Krsna 24 hours a day, His names, pastimes ,qualities, sweet transcendental form.How many hours a day do you remember Krsna ,or I that is the test.Gaura Govinda Maharaja told his disciple Govinda Bhasya (now BV Asrama Maharaja) are you seeing Shyamasundara playing His flute Govinda Prabhu?.Srila Prabhupada came to give us Krsna,the question is are we taking? IS our mind full of Krsna thoughts 24 hours a day?Gaura Govinda Maharaja asked me a question also on top of his lunges in Toronto 1993:" Payonidhi Prabhu are you free from all material desires".This is the question Srila Prabhupada is asking all, are you free from all material desires and are you seeing Krishna.If we are not, immidiatly take to chanting Hare Krsna ,minimum 64 rounds a day.After that we read Srila Prabhupadas books, then we preach.We should not cut corners.

Views: 139

Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 10:25pm
Preaching means explaining our eternal relationship with Krsna and make the audience desire, pure devotional service, not this karma and jnana misra bhakti .
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 10:29pm
If we have faith in Krsna ,He will maintain us simply by preaching.I pray I may develop this faith strongly.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 10:32pm
When a devotee realizes his nitya svarupa his preaching takes on a different dimension.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 10:39pm
Someone may ask did Lord Caitanya not accept prasadam from Lord Jagannatha in Puri? I have no doubt in my mind noone would dare not chant 64 rounds in Puri during Lord Caitanyas presence, Sarvabhuama Bhattacarya was overseeing the worship of Lord Jagannatha after taking to Lord Caitanyas lotusfeet, I am sure some strict rules was enforced, otherwise He would not have bent His own rule.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 8, 2009 at 10:43pm
Someone may say how can I speak so strong? Because today is the disapperance day of Srila Narottama das Thakura who was ordered that in order to become an empowered preacher first you must chant 64 rounds,this is the instruction of Lokanatha das Goswami.( posted in this forum)
Comment by Paramananda das on October 9, 2009 at 7:07am
One can continue his profession but like Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura showed us never failing to chant 64 rounds


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