Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Spying for Radha Krsna or spying for maya


Everyone in the material world is interested in a good spy story, this is because in Radha Krisnas pastimes these things are there, and they are pervertedly reflected in the material world.Lets cover the example of some famous material spies before we get into the transcendental realm.Spies are mostlyor always immoral people often with double spy tendencies, they spy for 2 Goverments at once risking their life,ifany party finds out.Everyone in material society are facinated by James Bond movies, actually the real James Bondin British history is Ripley.He was born in Ukraine but ended up in England and was the most famous spy .lots of killings,many women , being a double agent for 2-3 countries ,benefitting for all this, untill he finally got caught by therussian communists in 1920 something and was excecuted.There is so many examples in ancient and modern history .In Radha Krisnas lilas there is  spies (transcendental spies, fully beyond the material modes of nature)   , they are often Duytis (messengers) between Radha and Krishna, and theytell Sri Radha about Krishnas activities and Krsnas intimate friends the Priyanarma sakhas  give so many details to Krishna about the activities of Radha.

All glories to the fully transcendental spies of Radha Krsna


Payonidhi das

Views: 89

Comment by Paramananda das on December 22, 2010 at 2:03pm

for Sidney Reily se e

Sometimes there is also "double agents" in Radha Krsnas lilas but rare

Comment by Paramananda das on December 22, 2010 at 2:04pm
actually these Duytis of Radha Krsna are favorable to both


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