Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear Ramabhadra Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupad
When we met in Vrindavan, you was regretting to me that some devotees do not get empowered in ISKCON that are qualified, and ISKCON gets run by
unqualified indian devotees.Well the can of worm has just started because as time goes on the Indian Gurus wants to replace all the western devotees
with indian leaders
My response is this:
.The point what matters is qualification not ethnic background...we are all spirit souls
.The lack of KC leadership is much felt here in ISKCOn Potpmac, they of course do many things nicely.But preaching
potential are so huge here.Well I guess we can worry about this in many places.The problem is there is lack of desire among our present ISKCON leaders
to spread KC in the systematic way Srila Prabhupada wanted. Through Harinama and bookdistribution.What to do...empower the right people.I am one
such person that could help ISKCON in a large way .Empowerment...naaa I am to strict .I would try to increase the chanting to 64 rounds
and inspire devotees to also read Prabhupadas books daily 2 hours..and do daily Harinama and bookdistribtuion.You always meet complete resistance when you
try to
increase the preaching  and purity in ISKCON.This is my experience in 32 years in ISKCON.I am just trying to work on myself and chant without offences.And
preach to whoever I meet .Power and position  is to preach, not for misuse.K.rsna empowers devotees when He wants to, being a manager does not mean
one is a pure devotee by taking on the position automatically .Someone like Aindra Prabhu was worth more than 1000 managers because he was going for pure
also is not as important as
Being a temple manager often means lots of politics and intrigue, I personally always had zero taste for.All glories to managers .I just want to manage
to control my mind and chant as much as possible and preach pure bhakti.The externals are not so important to me.Unless they lead to pure Vraja bhakti.
My prayer is simply how can I chant 64 rounds without offencxes and pure love for Gauranga and Radha Krsna.I know if this happens everything else
will happens.Lokantha das Goswami told Srila Narottama das Goswami if you chant 64 rounds without offences your preaching will become empowered.
This is where my faith lies, not in institutional politics that are of this world of material duality.Aindra Prabhu has in his book exposed all
this external stuff.Preaching KC and Management in KC is a very interesting subject, and how to balance the two is a lifetime in preparation to try to serve Srila
Prabhupada to the best of our ability.Those on the path of Bhakti are all special as Aindra Prabhu also points out in his book.There might be mistakes if
anyone  knew better one would not make such mistakes but Krsna is in the heart of all of us to enlighten us to go Back to Goloka Vrindavan
to serve Him eternally.
I pray all is well in ISCKON NYC
Happy "Krsnas", Prabhu and hope to see you in the new year , of another opportunity to preach KC and spread Krsnas and PRabhupadas mercy to all.
your servant
Payonidhi das

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Comment by Paramananda das on December 23, 2010 at 1:54pm

dear Ramabhadra Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 I very  much appriciate your response .We have an  anti abortion march in Washington DC and around 300.000 plus persons will attend.
And I am trying to encourage the temple to make it a big Harinama, but sadly I doubt they will take it much serious.I could help
organize it, but they have so far not empowered me to do so..So I am just trying on my own to encourage many devotees to come..
I an more than willing to work with any temple that wants to spread the sankirtana movement, this is what my life is dedicadet too.
Failure in expanding the sankirtana movement leaves me very sad.Yesterday I was just thinking about NYC how there is millions of people
and how will they get Srila Prabhupadas books.Yes I am a very straighforward person , you know me very well.
I am gladd when I can distribute Srila PRabhupadas books, because daily I meet people that lives are changed by Srila Prabhupadas books.
There is so much mercy to be spread, and failure to do so often upsets me.SB 7.9.44. is very clear we should take compassion
  on the suffering
society this is Srila Prabhupadas mission., yes however I very am familiar with Srila Bhaktissidhanta Prabhupadas article.This is for our
internal meditation to better ourself.But the
society in general needs reformation, do you not agree this is Lord Caitanys mission, ,we need reformation in our own hearts to come more in line
with the desire of our Paramapara and Srial Prabhupada, even temples need to reform according to Srila PRabhupadas instructions.If we think there is no need for reformation, we will  not advance.We will not push ourself to surrender more to the preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada
and our own internal advancement..We in ISKCON need to cooporate to spread KC.People are suffering, nations have nuclear weapons still aimed
at each others that can blow up the whole earth, with powers of 30 times of the Hiroshima boms.Surely it is time for reform and preaching.
And by doing this we will serve the supreme reformer Lord Caitanya.We can quote Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and study his wonderfull
teachings, in my humble opinion will we take his strict approach to chanting 64 rounds to heart?This is one of the essences of his teachings that to few sadly try to follow.I hope in the future I might be abel to again try to help ISKCON in NYC spread the Harinama   sankirtana and bookdistribution.
your humble servant
Payonidhi das
Jaya Sri Sri Radha Govinda
PS kindly send my pranams to devotees in NYC 

Dear Pyonidhi Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I appreciate your dedication to chanting 64 rounds and your desire to see Hari Nam and book distribution re-established. I have watched closely your letters since I returned last Spring from India. Remember I advised you to review your e-mails before you fire them off always trying to reduce any rough and tough harshness and I informed you that I appreciated how you were accurate in your assessment many times but had a tendency to deliver some letters with the force of a sledgehammer when a goldsmiths hammer was required. You wrote many goods things this year and on occasion were just too heavy duty in your presentations often appearing as offensive although I know you have a very good heart and occasionally you lose the ability to deliver your message with just the adequate amount strength and kindness. Have you read the article by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswamti Thakur titled "the World needs no Reformer". If not please check it out I believe it is from the Harmonist. Keep up the great example of deep attachment to Krishna's holy names and keep reminding us of the Yuga Dharma and ISKCON's main occupation Street Sankirtana. I agree with you and support you on these things 100%.
All best wishes for your good health and a very HAPPY New Year.
Your insignificant servant,
Ramabhadra das
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Be Strong, never be envious, and be kind to others.
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