Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

 Dandavat pranams

all glories to Srila Prabhupada 

Prayer by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura to Radha- Madan Mohan
also known as Madan Gopala astakam:
Shri Madana-Gopaladevastaka by Srila Visvanatha Chakravati

Eight Prayers Glorifying Shri Madana-Gopaladeva




hrdi mamadhaya nija-carana-sarasiruham

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

O Madana Gopala, please place Your lotus feet, which are marked with a thunderbolt, lotus, conchshell, waterpot, and fish, which eclipse all splendours, and which with soft soles have conquered Vrndavana forest, in my heart. Please protect me, for I am now Your home.



vimala-malabir anupadam udita-kantibhih

sravana-netra-svasana-patha-sukhada natha he

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

With every step splendid garlands of the cooling moonlight of Your toenail-moons and the words of Your talkative anklets bring happiness to the path of my ears, eyes, and breath. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home.


manimayosnisa-dara-kutilimani locanoc-

calana-caturya-cita-lavanimani gandayoh

kanaka-tatanka-ruci-madhurimani majjayan

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

O Madana Gopala, as You plunge me in the sweetness of the glittering golden earrings at Your cheeks, in the tilt of Your jewelled crown, and in the handsomeness of Your expertly moving restless eyes, please protect me, for I am now Your home.


adhara-sonimni dara-hasita-sitimarcite


nihita-vamsika jana-duravagama-lila he

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

You place a flute on the red of Your lips, which are worshipped by the splendour of Your smile and decorated with the effulgence of teeth that defeat the splendour of rubies. O Madana Gopala, whose pastimes cannot be understood by the people, please protect me, for I am now Your home.



valaya tatanka-mukha-nikhila-mani-bhusanaih

kalita-navyabha nija-tanu-ruci-bhusitair

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

You are splendid with golden earrings, many necklaces and garlands, dancing anklets and bracelets, and many other jewel ornaments, which are themselves decorated by the splendour of Your form. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home.





madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

O Madana Gopala, with Your merciful glances, which are arbours of millions of celestial desire-trees, with the new blossoms of the splendour of Your face, which eclipses millions of moons, and with the kandala flowers of Your hands, which have nails to attack millions of Kamadevas, please protect me, for I am now Your home



dyuti-sudha-sara puru-karuna kam api ksitau

prakatayan prema-bharam adhikrta-sanatanam

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

O Madana Gopala, who appeared in a humanlike form and was served by Siva and all the demigods, O merciful one, who showed the Earth eternal spiritual love, please protect me, for I am now Your home.


tarani ja-tira-bhuvi tarani-kara-varaka-


lalitaya sardham anupada-ramita radhaya

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

On the Yamuna’s shore is a shady kadamba grove and a glorious jewel palace where You eternally play with Radha and Lalita. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home.


madana-gopala tava sarasam idam astakam

pathati yah sayam ati-sarala-matir asu tam

sva-caranambhoja-rati-rasa-sarasi majjayan

madana-gopala nija-sadanam anuraksa mam

Into the nectar lake of love for Your lotus feet You quickly plunge a sincere devotee who reads these eight nectar verses glorifying You. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home.

When you start your parikrama of Vrindavan, after Varaha Gat , not far from the ISKCON Goshalla ( at this place Krishna,showed
the gopis Lord Varaha is non different from Himself) is a place called Mohan Ter, at this place Cupid tested the transcendental Cupid,Krishna.Trying to create material lust in the heart of the Supreme Personality who was associated with the Gopis,
who either where Nitya siddhas and eternal associates, or sadhana Siddhis who priviously appeared like the personified Vedas, sages of Dandakaranya, and so many catagories of great souls that all had become Gopis due to their past devotional service and pure devotional desires, and now also had become Nitya parishads.
How could Cupid succeed in polluting the Supreme Cupid, Krishna that shoots transcendental arrows of love into the hearts of His pure devotee.The Kama Gayatri mantra is meditation on Madan Gopal, Govindadev and Gopinath, the 3 stages of Sambhanda,abhideya and praoyjana in relation to Krsna who is reciprocating to devotees in all stages of Bhakti.The Gopal
Gayatri is also meditation on Krsna this way, Krsnaya referes to Madan Mohan, Govindaya obviously to Govindadeva, and Gopijanavallabhaya to Gopinath.
Lord Brahma has described Krsna as the attractor of Cupid (or conqueror) in Brahma Samhita:
veṇuḿ kvaṇantam aravinda-dalāyatākṣam-
barhāvataḿsam asitāmbuda-sundarāńgam
govindam ādi-puruṣaḿ tam ahaḿ bhajāmi

veṇum — the flute; kvaṇantam — playing; aravinda-dala — (like) lotus petals; āyata — blooming; akṣam — whose eyes;barha — a peacock's feather; avataḿsam — whose ornament on the head; asita-ambuda — (tinged with the hue of) blue clouds; sundara — beautiful; ańgam — whose figure; kandarpa — of Cupids; koṭi — millions; kamanīya — charming;viśeṣa — unique; śobham — whose loveliness; govindam — Govinda; ādi-puruṣam — the original person; tam — Him;aham — I; bhajāmi — worship.

I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked with peacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids.
PURPORT by Srila Bhaktisiddanta Prabupada

The matchless beauty of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord of Goloka, is being described. Kṛṣṇa, the all-pervading cognition, has a spiritual form of His own. The form of Kṛṣṇa is not a fanciful creation of imagination formed after visualizing the beautiful things of the world. What Brahmā saw in his ecstatic trance of pure devotion, is being described. Kṛṣṇa is engaged in playing upon His flute. That flute by his enchanting musical sound attracts the hearts of all living beings. Just as a lotus petal produces a pleasant sight, so the two beautiful eyes of Kṛṣṇa who causes the manifestation of our spiritual vision, display the unlimited splendor and beauty of His moonlike face. The loveliness that adorns His head with peacock feather figures, the corresponding feature of the spiritual beauty of Kṛṣṇa. Just as a mass of blue clouds offers a specifically soothing, pleasant view, the complexion of Kṛṣṇa is analogously tinged with a spiritual dark-blue color. The beauty and loveliness of Kṛṣṇa is far more enchanting that that of Cupid multiplied a millionfold."

So at Mohan Ter, Cupid became bewildered by the transcendental beauty of Krishna, though in the material world almost all jivas are bewildered by Cupid, he fell down on the ground at Mohan Ter,at the bank of Yamuna and simply cried out :"Krishna ,Krishna ,Krishna".
In his Kalyana kalpa Taru ,Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings:
mana, tumi bhalabasa kamer taranga
jada-kama parihari', suddha-kama seba kori',
bistaraho aprakrta ranga

anitya jadiya kama, santi-hina abisrama,
nahi tahe pipasar bhanga
kamer samagri cao, tabu taha nahi pao,
paileo chare taba sanga

tumi seba koro' ja're, se toma' bhajite nare,
dukha jwale binoder anga
charo tabe micha-kama, hao tumi satya-kama,
bhajo vrndavaner ananga
janhar kusuma-sare, taba nitya-kalebare,
byapt ha'be prema antaranga

1) My dear mind, you are so fondly attached to rolling to and fro upon the waves of lust. Abandoning your sensual material lust, just render service in pure spiritual lust and thus extend yourself into the realm of transcendentally uncommon pastimes.

2) It is not possible to quench the thirst of this temporary mundane lust, for its nature is to continuously create a disturbing situation. Although you desire the things associated with lust, still you can not always get them. And even if you do get the things you lust after, you cannot keep them, for such temporary things will give up your company very soon.

3) My dear mind, you faithfully render service to this mundane lust, but I see that it actually cannot give you anything substantial; rather, it simply burns my entire body with miserable dissatisfaction. So then just give up all your false material lust and just accept the true, spiritual lust by worshiping the Cupid of Vrndavana. Then, He will shoot your spiritual body full of His flower arrow, and you will thereby become filled to the brim with eternal ecstatic love for Him.

So in Vrindavan we worship Madan Mohan ,and Madan Mohan Mohini, Radha Krishna.Further down on
the Parikrama path you will find Imli Tala.At this place Lord Gauranga who is Radha Krishna combined,
is sitting under the Imli tree (Tamarind tree) He is chanting 300.000 holy names of the Mahamantra
(around 192 rounds) and begging all His devotees to please chant minimum 100.000 names (64 rounds), and develop pure love for Radha Madan Mohan.
When will I perfect my life by daily chanting 64 rounds (offenselessly) as instructed by Lord Caitanya
and like Cupid also become attracted to Radha Madanmohan and develop pure love for Krishna
in the stage of asakti and bhava.Dear Lord Gauranga and Madan Mohan please remove all anistha bhakti
from my heart and allow me to serve you in all eternity.
your insignificant beggar
 Paramananda das

Views: 1493

Comment by Paramananda das on August 29, 2010 at 10:13am
Comment by Paramananda das on August 30, 2010 at 10:54pm
manoja-garva-mocanaḿ viśāla-lola-locanaḿ
vidhūta-gopa-śocanaḿ namāmi padma-locanam
karāravinda-bhūdharaḿ smitāvaloka-sundaraḿ
mahendra-māna-dāraṇaḿ namāmi kṛṣṇa-vāraṇam
2) I offer my respectful obeisances to lotus-eyed Lord Krsna, who frees Kamadeva of his pride, whose large eyes are very restless, and who shakes away the gopas' sadness. I offer my respectful obeisances to dark Lord Krsna, whose lotus hand lifted Govardhana Hill, whose smiling glance is charming, and who ripped Indra's pride into shreds.
Comment by Paramananda das on September 1, 2010 at 12:28am
Song Name: Bana Sane Aota Nanda
Official Name: None
Author: Mohana Dasa
Book Name: None
Language: Braja Bhasa

bana-sańe āota nanda-dulāla
godhūli-dhūsara śyāma-kalevara
ājānu-lambita vana-mālā

ghana-ghana śṛńga- veṇu-rava śunaīte
barajavāsi-gaṇa dhāy
mańgala-thāri dīpa kare vadhū-gaṇa
mandira-dvāre dāṛāy

pītāmbara-dhara mukha jini vidhu-vara
nava-mañjarī avataḿsa
cūṛā-mayūra śikhaṇḍaka-maṇḍita
bāyaī mohana-vaḿśa

barajavāsi-gaṇa bāla-vṛddha-jana
animikhe mukha-śaśi heri
bhukhila-cakora cāṇda janu pāola
mandire nā calaye pheri

go-gaṇa sabahuṇ goṭhe parabeśala
mandire calu nanda-lāla
ākula pantheyaśomatī āola
mohana-bhaṇita rasāla

1) Nanda-dulala, the beloved son of Nanda, comes back from the cow pasture. His blackish form sprinkled with the dust kicked up by the cows' hooves, (He wears) a garland of forest flowers which reaches to His knees.

2-4) Hearing the sound of the cowherd boys' horns and flutes, the Brajavasis come running. Standing in the doorways of their houses, All the ladies wave plates of lamps to greet Krishna, who wears yellow garments. His face vanquishes the beauty of the full moon. He wears a fresh Manjari blossom on His ear, a peacock feather in the crown of His topknot, and plays upon His enchanting flute. All the Brajabasis, young and old, behold Him with unblinking eyes, like thirsty partridges upon finding the moon*; they can't bear to return to their houses.

5) All the cows enter their respective sheds, and Nanda-lala walks home. Utterly delighted, Yashomati comes out to meet Him on the path. Relishable is this song of Mohana.
Comment by Paramananda das on May 1, 2016 at 12:06pm
here is something in glorification of Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan.
This is in glorification of the original Radha Madan Mohan installed by Vrajanabha , now worshipped in Karoli .This is of course the Deity of Srila Sanatana Goswami .This Deity was rediscovered by Srila Advaita Acarya (Advaita vat ) under a bannyan tree (still there) close to present Madan mohan temple.He gave this Deity to a brahmin in Mathura that later handed it over to Srila Sanatana Goswami.Most devotees know the pastime of the mechant stranding with his ship on the banks of Yamuna and helped Sanatana Goswami contruct this temple.Before this time Madan Mohan was just offered dough placed in the fire by Srila Sanatana Goswami ,and after cooked offered to Madan Mohan.Krsna told him to at least give him some salt .Sanatana Goswami said today you want salt then after that you want subjis ,rice and Puris and sweets ,I have nothing I can offer you.The following day the whole ship of salt stranded on the banks of Yamuna by Madan Mohan temple .There is a hill where this temple is located called Dwadasaditya tila,,where 12 suns once heated the transcendental body of Krsna after He bathed in Yamuna .And a lake of Krsnas transcendental sweat was manifested.Praskandana-sarovara,It is said that the 12 main demigods sons of Aditi ,took on the form of suns to heat Krsnas transcendental body.Later a temple to the sun god was on top of this hill ,that disapperared over time .Srila Sanatana Goswami build the temple there of Radha Madan Mohan on the banks of Yamuna .(Praskanda Sarovara is dried out long ago and Yamuna devi has moved far away from this temple,
Srila Raghunath das Goswami has described this pastime in his Vraja Vilasa Stava:
Once, accompanied by the gopas, gopis, and lowing surabhi cows, the supremely opulent, noble, and magnanimous Lord Krsna felt very uncomfortable in the winter cold. Twelve suns then appeared at that place, and with great devotion warmed the Lord with their intense shining. I eternally take shelter of this sacred place, which bears the name Dvadasasurya-tirtha (the place of the twelve suns).
When the twelve suns shone from every direction, perspiration fell from Lord Krsna’s transcendental body, and from this perspiration came a charming, splendid, clear lake bearing the sweet fragrance of the Lord’s delicate, supremely handsome, and supremely opulent transcendental limbs. Bowing down, I worship this lake, known as Praskandahana-sarovara.
Srila Krsna das Kaviraja got the blessings of Radha Madan Mohan to write the Caitanya Caritamrta and thus he has offered this beautiful prayer in the introduction to Caitanya caritamrta

jayatam suratau pangor
mama manda-mater gati
Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me.

I hope this gives you happiness in Krnas service
your servant
Paramananda das


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