Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"Sandesh Narasimha" a new form of Lord Narasimha ?Or mental speculation?

PAMHO AGTSP I saw a picture of Lord Narasimha smeared in Sandesh in Simhacalam Germany, though wonderful to see Lord Narasimha even in this" Sandesh-Narasima" form, there is no sastric reference that one can smear Lord Narasimha in bhoga this way,and if there is I kindly like to know the source of such references.This is not to challenge any of the wonderful and sincere devotees, but concern this is maybe not the most pleasing way to worship Lord Narasimha, He is the Sweet Supreme Lord already ,though to non devotees He may not seem so
your servant
Payonidi das
PS before it was bananas that Lord Narasimha was "decorated" in, my understanding is only sandalwood and nothing else should grace the Lords transcendental body

Views: 160

Comment by Paramananda das on August 9, 2010 at 2:06pm
a discussion with Vaidyanath Prabhu about this :many devotees got to preach at Berlin Ratha yatra... very nice
It has become an institution to decorate the Lord like this.
it is not in sastra
also there is a puja by Rupa Goswami with lots of juices but they do not do it fully and noth wit all the various herbs and so on, and it is only for Janmastami
better to just do pancamrta as shown by Srila Prabhupada and not manufacture
Here is Amaras facebook info:!/profile.php?id=100000465372910&ref=ts
thank you Prabhu
He is quite proficient.
He will be able to explain to you.
he is in my friends list I talked to him many times about Lord Narasimha,he is a very nice devotee
well lets see
I don't know how Lord Narasimhadeva will do without the sandesh now He has become used to it.
I accept only what is in sastra and shown by Srila Prabhupada
how about He will be more happy ?
Good thing to do. Whatever isn't in sastra is only a disturbance to society.
devotional service should be done according to that Sruti smrita puranadi
Yesterday Krishna Kripa Prabhu gave class in Hamburg.
yes that is the the fact
from USA?
He talked about just that. Otherwise it will become sentimental.
I am planning to go to Europe in March
yes like in USA many devotees serve grains on Janmastami
When I put bananas on the Lord this year, I thought "How can anyone like this?"
"He must have a special taste. Anyway, He is half animal."
yes how will this give pleasure to Lord Narasimha?
Actually, Lord Narasimhadeva is a little gross sometimes because He is also lion.
His halfanimal form is transcendnetal
He is a vegetarian lion.
noting gross in the Divine form of the Lord
He loved Hiranyakashipu's blood streaming over Him.
That we cannot offer to Him now.
and His transcendental form of Half lion man is only for the material world
In Simhachalam he loos so innocent, but I experienced His influence to be detrimental sometimes.
.. looks ..
well Lord Narasimha is the Supreme gentelman also and washed his lotushands after killing Hiranyakasipu
Yes He is most powerful the Lord of all powers
so He destroys our anarthas
And from that time on he only has fruit and Sandesh on His body, also sandalwood and dried fruit.
his Arca Vigraha form is non different from HIM
well maybe He is furious devotees smear all that stuff on HIM
I am convinced so
After the things are taken off His body, the devotees eat them.
this is like annamaya...
because we can not inconvience Lord Narasimha for out taken prasadam
On His appearance day, all the bananas and fruit are thrown down the altar, and the devotees eat them although it is a fasting day.
Can he not just glance over the prasad he does not need to touch it
It is not considered breaking the fast.
of course it is braking the fast
again all nonsens speculations
Not during the festivals in Simhachalam.
Ask Amara.
well this is their version not based on Haribhakti Vilasa or Narasimha Purana
Nobody will come to the festival if we stop this.
Should be discussed thoroughly. How far are you with your book?
Lord Narasimha says everyone that eats prasadam on my appeareance day is eating only stool
it is in Narasimha Purana
very slowly after my heart problems
I started going to a fitness studio because of back problems. The doctor recommended that.
actually on Narasimha caturdasi best is to fast for 24 hours
actually on Narasimha caturdasi best is to fast for 24 hours
this is Lord Narasimhadevas instruction to Prahlada Maharaja
Prahlada in is previous life did this and was elevated to become Prahlada he was a brahmana in name only in is last life according to Lord Narasima
and was assocaited with a prostitute ten on Narasima Caturdasi he accidently fasted fully along with his lover, she went back to Vaikuntha and he became Prahlada
in his previous life his name was Vasudeva
this is Lord Narasimhadevas instruction to Prahlada Maharaja
anyhow this is certainly the proper thing to do, not smearing all this bhoga on Lord Narasimha and doing at least ekadasi fasting untill dusk or better untill next day (send as a message)
Comment by Paramananda das on August 9, 2010 at 5:57pm
where is sastra is this from?
Comment by Paramananda das on August 9, 2010 at 6:05pm
There is no such mention in Hari Bhakti Vilasa and no Gaudiya vaisnavas do this, even Sri Vaisnavas do not do this, where is the sastric reference?
Comment by Paramananda das on August 9, 2010 at 6:06pm
there is defenitly nothing like this in Hari Bhakti Vilasa or Gaudiya vaisnava tradition, and I have never heard about Sri Vaisnavas doing this it seems not authorized at all, your South Indian touch is nice but unless backed by sastra rather useless
Comment by Paramananda das on August 9, 2010 at 6:47pm
well sastric pramans would be nice,obviously you are not that learned in sastra and do things blinded by tradition,that may or may not be bonafide,Sandesh Kavacha is a speculation for sure
Comment by Paramananda das on August 9, 2010 at 7:18pm
You are being overly critical you are welcome to post the link with the Pancamrta fruitsalad ,that Perumal link only confirms what I have said, sometimes Visnu is dressed as Krishna and butter is offered nothing else
into Krishnas hand ,not even Sandesh only Makan butter freshly made.You know that and I know that.I am going to seea Jiyars againfrom Ahovalam and I am sure there is no such thing in Narasimha worship.Prahlada Narasimha is non existent in Sri Vaisnava tradition, there may be one exception somewhere I am not aware of,that is anoter issue , better is actually to only worship Narasimha alone or Laxmi Narasimha this is even done by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura that installed Laxmi Narasimha at Yogapitha.


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