Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

in response to the GBC paper about gays and lesbians in KC

Dear devotees
I found this GBC paper about homosexuals and lesbians they are welcome, just not to live in a temple, what to speak of becoming TP's GBCs, sannyasis and Gurus.Though all homosexual ex Gurus and sannyasis that molested children had so many excuses why they did so.In some cases their crimes did not
even come to attention or was covered up, in the name of what is best for the institution, it basically happen often when a leaders does something terrible, cover it up ,but make
an example out of the "small devotee ".And I am sure glad to see the GBC has taken action since 1986, though I still believe to little has been done to tackle the real problem.
Gays and lesbians have no place to live in an asrama.And if I step on the toes of even some ex gays and lesbians so be it.Because though KC is powerful ,mostly these kind of sins
does not get overcome is one of many examples of this.Thus when such persons appears so detached from the opposite sex ,and is rewarded a position in ISKCON.
It is opening Pandora's box of these persons at least will lord it over ,due to his previous demoniac activities. Though Dhanudhara beat many kinds and was pure evil so did Bhavananda
who also molested kids sexually.Now one was thrown out of ISKCON the other given service? Wether one has Ambarish Prabhu or not as ones personal friend should make no difference. A child molester is a child molester......
As for sannyasis blessings gays weddings or attending them, yes if they can make them stop having illicit and follow 4 regs and chant minimum 16 rounds and make a vow to never try to move into a temple.Personally am tired to find out that some TP and sannyasi is gay.I belive 99 % of devotees are disgusted when this happens and ISKCON needs to be protected from such scandals.Gay Gurus and sannyasis and TP's or gay devotees in the temple sends many into the arms of Narayana Maharaja and the ritviks.US military is "no tell"
policy, ISKCON should be strictly"Do tell and remove from all leadership positions, and best from the temples also"...
your servant
Payonidhi das

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