Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Guru does not mean he is God
this is in memory of Sulocana Prabhu killed May 22 1986 1 am by a fanatic follower of Kirtananda in LA
dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 After Srila Prabhupada left this world we have not seen anyone qualified to be a Guru.When I joined in 1979 I was expecting to meet Srila Prabhupada
and take initiation from him, little did I know he had left this world a year and some month before.
 Yamunacarya performed a miracle in relationship with Ramanujacarya, at the time he left this world.But those of us that came later have no such fortune.
Guru means Uttama adhikari, otherwise there is kanisthas and some madhymas that may act as "bhakta leaders" ,that kind of diksa and siksa is not bad.
Unfortunatly we see most are overly proud of their own neophyte bhakti and their neophyte Guru.Even if the Guru is found not chanting 16 rounds ,
still some of his fanatic disciples are ready to "kill" those who does not see him as good as God.In the case of Kirtananda, this is what happened when
Sulocana  Prabhu exposed Kirtananda for being a gay guru ,addicted to wealth and power(plus he was/is a childmolester)
.His book "Gurubusiness" is a great warning, that  socalled
Gurus can not act for ulterior purposes.So Guru's are needed but not rascals addicted to power, wealth , and sex.
A real Guru is fully addicted to preaching Krsna Katha, to the lotusfeet of Lord Caitanya and the holy name, and the Divine couple, Radha Krsna.
Actually pure devotees are forbidden to desire wealth ,women and followers, so unless Lord Caitanya Himself asks a pure devotee to accept wealth,
 get married   ,and accept disciples these things are an obstacel to bhakti.However if out of selfish motives such things are accepted, one must be careful
and utilize these things fully for Krsna and purely in the sannyasa asrama, there must be full adherence to the principle of Lord Caitanya, 
Na dhanam,na janam ,na sundarim, kavitam..etc, :
The sannyasa asrama and any asrama is not for  opulent living and false prestige while teaching ignorance, those who are  real devotees  are fully dedicadet to chanting
Hare Krsna and preaching the glories ot the holy name
your servant
Payonidhi das
kindly see also:

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