Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Exposing corruption
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
The first corruption that needs to exposed is anything in our hearts that is not favorable to bhakti, this can best be done
by us individually.If someone is acting as a bogus devotee and leader this needs to be exposed publicly.Srila Prabhupada
did not like the cooking of a chicken in New York temple, but many failed to report it due to a "chicken like mentality" .
We are not chickens but devotees.One of the 64 items of Bhakti is described in Bhaktirasamritu Sindhu 1.2.74- 92) Krsna
Krsna bhakta ninda sravana tyaga-giving up listening to blasphemy of Lord Krishna or His devotees.
When Sulocana Prabhu wrote his famous Guru-business, it was taking as blasphemy and a "socalled (non) devotee killer" was
send to kill him on that principle.Basically he was exposing the corruption in New Vrindavan and Kirtananda "Swami" at the
time.He actually rendered a great service in doing so.Not long after this Kirtananda and New Vrindavan was expelled from
ISKCON.Kirtananda had tried to become a Guru as early as 1967, though obviously never qualified to be so .He was a
childmolester, homosexual and many other things, many has described him as an asura,I agree.
This is not about exposing corruption in others actually about finding out what is wrong with me, why am I not crying
for Krishna? Why am I not absorbed in Radha Krsna's pastimes day and night,why will my mind not be constantly satisfied
to hear about Krsna Balarama? Why will I not constantly chant Hare Krishna , 64 rounds and more as so humbly requested by
Lord Caitanya and Srila Rupa Goswami?Why do I have no attraction for the books of the 6 Goswamis and all our acaryas,
why will I not even carefully study Srila Prabhupadas books over and over again?Why am I so corrupt? Why I have taken this
mind and material intelligence as my Guru? Why I do not constantly practise Atma nivedana,and saranagati, this is the
biggest corruption.Why will I take grains on Janamstami or ekadasi? Why will I run a giftshop in a temple for my own profit?
Why will I allow and rent temple property out to the local firemen to cook meat there? Why will I allow gambling
at the temple? Why will I allow Satya Narayana pujas in the temple and why will I do car pujas, that I know is a total
fraud,why will I not just instead telling the owner of the car ,he is not his body ,just like he is not his car,and please
chant Hare Krishna ,as my car puja will surely not protect him.Why will I be a leader or any kind of devotee in ISKCON
simply chasing women ,and marry and get remarried over and over again.Why will I be a kali chela and run to prostitues, or
surf porn on the internet? Why will I cheat myself by not chanting 64 rounds of Hare Krishna daily? Why will I cheat
my disciples while I am secretly touching an 11 year old girl in a dirty way?Why will I be a childmolester, or sex
addict in any way?Why will I not even chant 16 rounds or refuse to attend morning and evening programs.Why will I use ISKCON
to have my own bankaccount from money I stole in ISKCON? Why will I hate gaudiya math sannyasis when I myself am the biggest
fraud? Why am I a GBC and TP thinking I can allow a salary for myself in ISKCON, because I am to lazy to go get a job?
Or refuse to go on sankirtana at least help the temple maintain me and my family.Why do I make enemies with strict devotees
who only have the interest of ISKCON over their own, over my own selfish rascaldom?Why do I refuse to go on harinama
and distributing Srila Prabhupadas books(SB 7.9.44)?Why am I avers to real ragamarg but prefere to be a materialistic
devotee, finding faults with such advanced devotees, while I have illicit sex with my wife, day and night,and my real
ornaments is envy?Why will I think serving my senses and my own sexual desires is bhakti,and my wife and children are also God
,why as a sannyasi will I flirt with women,telling strict bramacaries my female disciples are beautiful, because I myself am
a fallen rascal.Why as a Guru and / sannyasi will I marry my own disciple and run of with a million dollars, colelected by
my foolish disciples, why will I allow them to buy me a Mercedes though I am opposed to the ritviks feeding a million
school children Krsna prasadam daily? Why will I own a house in Vrindavan though I claim to be a sannyasi.WHy will I
hide in the temple all day and not go preaching?Why as a temple president will I fly all over the world doing nothing
but eat ,sleep and pass gas and not having anything properly in KC to teach,why will I misuse temple funds in this way?
And not even being concerned about wether the temple has bedbugs,what to speak of I have no interest in ever distributing
Srila Prabhupadas books, I am avers to this and to senior, I am an old devotee above rules, I am disciple of Srila Prabhupada
or I joined ISKCON long long ago, even just 2 years and I am senior to those who joined 30 t0 40 years ago.I will not coopperate
with others as Srila Prabhupada put me in position for life and am above the fallible and infallible souls.I am God.(DOG?)
Since I am God I can dictate who can and who can not serve in ISKCON as ISKCON is for my pleasure not for Prabhupadas or Krishnas.
(these are some of the ways of deviation)

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written: "So push the onward march oh soul against an evil deed, that stands with soldiers
lust and hate a hero be indeed"
My dear mind when will you allow me to enter the path of Raga marg, never giving up strict vaidhi bhakti,and allow me
to serve my two masters in Vrindavan,Krsna and Balarama?.
your servant
Payonidhi das

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