Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Continuation of Sri Astadasa Chandah Stava purports to vers 7 part 2

O Krsna Who decorated the home of Nanda Maharaja with your pastimes of crawling about.O Krsna who delighted the hearts of Gokula with your sweetness.O Krsna who was draged about by a restless calf, whoes tail You had grasped. O Krsna whoese pastimes delighted the Gopis
housewives, and made  them forget all about their household duties.O Krsna who became curious and released the calves at the wrong time.O Krsna who frieghtened because of Your stealing activities ,restlessly glances here and there.O Krsna  who  laughed when the elderly Gopis rebuked you.O Krsna whoes face expertly conceals Your guilt as a thief.O Krsna who climbed up on the wooden motar. O Krsna who poked holes in the jars suspended from ropes.O Krsna   who delighted the monekeys by giving the milkproducts to them.O Krsna who broke
the full of fresh youghurt.O Krsna into whoes frightened eyes Your mother gazed, O sun who makes the lotusflower of Gokula bloom, all glories to You.All glories to You
Srila Rupa Goswami here describes the crawling of Bala Gopala ,
  In the Damodarastakam ,Satya Vrata Muni has sung:
namāmīśvaraḿ sac-cid-ānanda-rūpaḿ lasat-kuṇḍalaḿ gokule bhrājamanam yaśodā-bhiyolūkhalād dhāvamānaḿ parāmṛṣṭamatyantato drutya gopyā
rudantaḿ muhur netra-yugmaḿ mṛjantam karāmbhoja-yugmena sātańka-netram muhuḥ śvāsa-kampa-trirekhāńka-kaṇṭha- sthita-graivaḿ dāmodaraḿ bhakti-baddham
itīdṛk sva-līlābhir ānanda-kuṇḍe sva-ghoṣaḿ nimajjantam ākhyāpayantam tadīyeṣita-jñeṣu bhaktair jitatvaḿ punaḥ prematas taḿ śatāvṛtti vande
varaḿ deva mokṣaḿ na mokṣāvadhiḿ vā na canyaḿ vṛṇe ‘haḿ vareṣād apīha idaḿ te vapur nātha gopāla-bālaḿ sadā me manasy āvirāstāḿ kim anyaiḥ
idaḿ te mukhāmbhojam atyanta-nīlair vṛtaḿ kuntalaiḥ snigdha-raktaiś ca gopyā muhuś cumbitaḿ bimba-raktādharaḿ me manasy āvirāstāmalaḿ lakṣa-lābhaiḥ
namo deva dāmodarānanta viṣṇo prasīda prabho duḥkha-jālābdhi-magnam kṛpā-dṛṣṭi-vṛṣṭyāti-dīnaḿ batānu gṛhāṇeṣa mām ajñam edhy akṣi-dṛśyaḥ
kuverātmajau baddha-mūrtyaiva yadvat tvayā mocitau bhakti-bhājau kṛtau ca tathā prema-bhaktiḿ svakāḿ me prayaccha na mokṣe graho me ‘sti dāmodareha
namas te ‘stu dāmne sphurad-dīpti-dhāmne tvadīyodarāyātha viśvasya dhāmne namo rādhikāyai tvadīya-priyāyai namo ‘nanta-līlāya devāya tubhyam
1) To the Supreme Lord, whose form is the embodiment  of eternal existence, knowledge, and bliss, whose shark-shaped earrings are  swinging to and fro, who is beautifully shining in the divine realm of Gokula, who I (due to the offense of breaking the pot of  yogurt that His mother was churning into butter and then stealing the butter  that was kept hanging from a swing) is quickly running from the wooden grinding  mortar in fear of mother Yasoda, but who has been  caught from behind by her who ran after Him with greater speed--to that Supreme  Lord, Sri Damodara, I offer my humble obeisances.
2) (Seeing the whipping stick in His mother's hand)  He is crying and rubbing His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His  eyes are filled with fear, and the necklace of pearls around His neck, which is  marked with three lines like a conch shell, is shaking because of His quick  breathing due to crying. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, whose belly is bound not with ropes but with His  mother's pure love, I offer my humble obeisances.
3) By such childhood pastimes as this He is drowning  the inhabitants of Gokula in pools of ecstasy, and is  revealing to those devotees who are absorbed in knowledge of His supreme majesty  and opulence that He is only conquered by devotees whose pure love is imbues  with intimacy and is free from all conceptions of awe and reverence. With great  love I again offer my obeisances to Lord Damodara hundreds and hundreds of times.
4) O Lord, although You are  able to give all kinds of benedictions, I do not pray to You for the boon of  impersonal liberation, nor the highest liberation of eternal life in Vaikuntha, nor any other boon (which may be obtained by  executing the nine processes of bhakti). O Lord, I  simply wish that this form of Yours as Bala Gopala in Vrndavana may ever be  manifest in my heart, for what is the use to me of any other boon besides this?
5) O Lord, Your lotus face, which is encircled by  locks of soft black hair tinged with red, is kissed again and again by mother Yasoda, and Your lips are  reddish like the bimba fruit. May this beautiful  vision of Your lotus face be ever manifest in my heart.  Thousands and thousands of other benedictions are of no use to me.
6) O Supreme Godhead, I offer my obeisances unto You. O Damodara! O  Ananta! O Vishnu! O master! O my Lord, be pleased upon me. By showering Your glance of mercy upon me, deliver this poor ignorant fool  who is immersed in an ocean of worldly sorrows, and become visible to my eyes.
7) O Lord Damodara, just  as the two sons of Kuvera--Manigriva and Nalakuvara--were  delivered from the curse of Narada and made into great  devotees by You in Your form as a baby tied with rope to a wooden grinding  mortar, in the same way, please give to me Your own prema-bhakti. I only long for this and have no desire for  any kind of liberation.
8) O Lord Damodara, I  first of all offer my obeisances to the brilliantly  effulgent rope which binds Your belly. I then offer my obeisances to Your belly,  which is the abode of the entire universe. I humbly bow down to Your most beloved Srimati Radharani, and I offer all obeisances to You, the Supreme Lord, who displays unlimited  pastimes.
Srila Sanatana Goswami has given an amazing purport:
Srila Sanatana Goswami has described these pastimes :
sadhu-raksha-karam  dushta-
marakam bhakta-vatsalam maha-narayanam  vande
sadhu--the saintly devotees;  raksha-karam--protecting; dushta--the demons; marakam--killing; bhakta--to the  devotees; vatsalam--very affectionate; maha-nariayanam--the great Lord Narayana;  vande--I offer respectful obeisances; nanda--of Nanda Maharaja; ananda--the  bliss; vivardhanam--increasing.
I offer respectful obeisances to Lord  Krishna, who is very affectionate to the devotees, protecting them, and  destroying the demons.He is the great  Lord Narayana and He increases the bliss of Nanda  Maharaja.
Verse  87
jaya  ringana-liladhya
jaya--all glories; ringana--crawling;  lila--pastimes; adhya--enriched; janu--on the knees; cankramana--moving about;  utsuka--eager; ghrishta--rubbed; janu--knees; kara--hands; dvandva--pairs;  maugdhya--of childish innocence; lila--with pastimes; manohara--enchanting the  mind.
O Lord Krishna, eagerly crawling about on  Yourhands and knees, and performing the  pastimes of an innocent child, you enchant the minds ( of the devotees).All to You.
Verse  88
kinkini--of the bells; nada--by the sound;  samhrishta--pleased; vraja--of Vrajabhumi; kardama--in the mud;  vibhrama--wandering about; vyalambi--hanging; culika--top of the head;  ratna--jewel; griva--the neck; vyaghra--of a tiger; nakha--with the nails  ujjvala--splendid.
O Lord Krishna, delighted by the sounds  (of other people's) ankle-bells, You would crawl in the mud of Vraja (as if to  follow them).the top of Yourhead was decorated with a jewel, and Yourneck appeared very splendid, ornamented with  the nails of a tiger.
Verse  89
panka--with mude; anulepa--anointed;  rucira--charming; mamsala--strong; uru--thighs; kati--hips; tata-surface;  sva--own; mukha--face; pratibimba--reflection; arthin--desiring;  pratibimba--reflection; anukaraka--imitating.
O Lord Krishna, you appear very charming,  anointed with the mud of Vraja, and Your and hips becoming gradually stronger as  You grew older.O Lord, You desired to  see the reflection of Yourface and You  saw that reflection, You playfully imitated Your own  movements.
Verse  90
avyakta--inarticulate; valgu--charming;  vak--of words; vritte--activites; smita--smile; lakshya--perceivable; rada--of  teeth; udgama--arival; dhatri--of the nurse; kara--by the hands;  ashamalambin--held; praskhalat--stumbling; citra--amazing;  cankrama--walking.
O Lord Krishna, holding You with her hands  as she was breast-feeding You, Mother Yashoda little teeth beginning to grow in  Yoursmiling mouth, which was speaking  the charming inarticulate words of a small child.At that time You began to walk, Youramazing activites occasionally decorated with  stumbling.
jaya--all glories; angana-gana--by the  gopis; prekshya--seen; balya--childhood; lila--pastimes anukaraka--imitating;  aviskrita--manifested; alpa--little; samarthya--ability; pada--of the feet;  vikshepa--kicking; sundara--beautiful.
O Lord Krishna, thus imitating the  pastimes of a helpless human child, charmingly kicking Yourlegs performing other pastimes, You were  observed by the gopis.
Verse  92
vatsa--of the calves; puccha--by the  tails; samakrishta--attracted; vatsa--of the calves; puccha--by the tail;  vikarshana--dragging about; vismarita--forgotten; anya--other;  vyapara--activities; gopa--of the cowherd men; gopi--of the cowherd women;  pramodana--the delight.
O Lord Krishna, pulling the tail of a  calf, You would in turn be dragged about by him.The cowherd men and women would then forget  all their other activites and become delighted by these childhood  pastimes
Verse  93
griha--household; kritya--duties;  samasakta--attached; matri--of the mother; vaiyagrya--perplexity;  karaka--causing; brahma--by Lord Brahma; adi--and the other demigods;  kamya--beautiful; lalitya--charm; jagat--of the universe; ashcarya--amazement;  shaishava--childhood.
O Lord Krishna, in this way You would  greatly perplex Your mother, who was intent on performing her household  duties.O Lord, Your great charm  enchants Lord Brahma and the other demigods and the beauty of Your childhood  amazes the entire universe.(All glories  unto You).
Twenty-fifth  Obeisance
Verse  94
prasida  bala-gopala
gopi-gana-muda vaha
prasida--please be merciful; bala--child;  gopala--O cowherd; gopi--of the gopis; gana--to the community; muda--joy;  vaha--bringing; anurupa--suitable; vayasya--friends of the same age;  apta--attained; caru--beautiful; kaumara--of youth;  capala--mischief.
O Lord Krishna, O little cowherd boy, O  delight of the gopis, O performer of mischievous childhood pastimes in the  company of Your like-minded friends of the same age, please be merciful to  me.
Verse  95
akala--at the wrong time; vatsa--calves;  nirmoktih--release; vraja--of the residents of Vrajabhumi; vyakrosa--lament;  susmita--nicely smiling; nava-nita--fresh butter; maha--great; cora--thief;  vanara--to the monkeys; ahara--foodstuff; dayaka--giving.
O Lord Krishna, releasing the calves at  the wrong time, You smiled to see the residents of Vraja lament.You would continually steal butter, and also  feed it to the monkeys.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10 Canto describes these lilas:
SB 10.8.21: After a short time passed, both brothers, Rāma and Kṛṣṇa, began to crawl on the ground of Vraja with the strength of Their hands and knees and thus enjoy Their childhood play.
SB 10.8.22: When Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, with the strength of Their legs, crawled in the muddy places created in Vraja by cow dung and cow urine, Their crawling resembled the crawling of serpents, and the sound of Their ankle bells was very charming. Very much pleased by the sound of other people's ankle bells, They used to follow these people as if going to Their mothers, but when They saw that these were other people, They became afraid and returned to Their real mothers, Yaśodā and Rohiṇī.
SB 10.8.23: Dressed with muddy earth mixed with cow dung and cow urine, the babies looked very beautiful, and when They went to Their mothers, both Yaśodā and Rohiṇī picked Them up with great affection, embraced Them and allowed Them to suck the milk flowing from their breasts. While sucking the breast, the babies smiled, and Their small teeth were visible. Their mothers, upon seeing those beautiful teeth, enjoyed great transcendental bliss.
SB 10.8.24: Within the house of Nanda Mahārāja, the cowherd ladies would enjoy seeing the pastimes of the babies Rāma and Kṛṣṇa. The babies would catch the ends of the calves' tails, and the calves would drag Them here and there. When the ladies saw these pastimes, they certainly stopped their household activities and laughed and enjoyed the incidents.
SB 10.8.25: When mother Yaśodā and Rohiṇī were unable to protect the babies from calamities threatened by horned cows, by fire, by animals with claws and teeth such as monkeys, dogs and cats, and by thorns, swords and other weapons on the ground, they were always in anxiety, and their household engagements were disturbed. At that time, they were fully equipoised in the transcendental ecstasy known as the distress of material affection, for this was aroused within their minds.
SB 10.8.26: O King Parīkṣit, within a very short time both Rāma and Kṛṣṇa began to walk very easily in Gokula on Their legs, by Their own strength, without the need to crawl.
SB 10.8.27: Thereafter, Lord Kṛṣṇa, along with Balarāma, began to play with the other children of the cowherd men, thus awakening the transcendental bliss of the cowherd women.
SB 10.8.28: Observing the very attractive childish restlessness of Kṛṣṇa, all the gopīs in the neighborhood, to hear about Kṛṣṇa's activities again and again, would approach mother Yaśodā and speak to her as follows.
SB 10.8.29: "Our dear friend Yaśodā, your son sometimes comes to our houses before the milking of the cows and releases the calves, and when the master of the house becomes angry, your son merely smiles. Sometimes He devises some process by which He steals palatable curd, butter and milk, which He then eats and drinks. When the monkeys assemble, He divides it with them, and when the monkeys have their bellies so full that they won't take more, He breaks the pots. Sometimes, if He gets no opportunity to steal butter or milk from a house, He will be angry at the householders, and for His revenge He will agitate the small children by pinching them. Then, when the children begin crying, Kṛṣṇa will go away.
SB 10.8.30: "When the milk and curd are kept high on a swing hanging from the ceiling and Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma cannot reach it, They arrange to reach it by piling up various planks and turning upside down the mortar for grinding spices. Being quite aware of the contents of a pot, They pick holes in it. While the elderly gopīs go about their household affairs, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma sometimes go into a dark room, brightening the place with the valuable jewels and ornaments on Their bodies and taking advantage of this light by stealing.
SB 10.8.31: "When Kṛṣṇa is caught in His naughty activities, the master of the house will say to Him, 'Oh, You are a thief,' and artificially express anger at Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa will then reply, 'I am not a thief. You are a thief.' Sometimes, being angry, Kṛṣṇa passes urine and stool in a neat, clean place in our houses. But now, our dear friend Yaśodā, this expert thief is sitting before you like a very good boy." Sometimes all the gopīs would look at Kṛṣṇa sitting there, His eyes fearful so that His mother would not chastise Him, and when they saw Kṛṣṇa's beautiful face, instead of chastising Him they would simply look upon His face and enjoy transcendental bliss. Mother Yaśodā would mildly smile at all this fun, and she would not want to chastise her blessed transcendental child.
Srila Prabhupada has given very amazing purports to these slokas: SB 10.8.21
After a short time passed, both brothers, Rāma and Kṛṣṇa, began to crawl on the ground of Vraja with the strength of Their hands and knees and thus enjoy Their childhood play.
One brāhmaṇa devotee says:
"Let others, fearing material existence, worship the Vedas, the Vedic supplementary purāṇas and the Mahābhārata, but I shall worship Nanda Mahārāja, in whose courtyard the Supreme Brahman is crawling." For a highly exalted devotee, kaivalya, merging into the existence of the Supreme, appears no better than hell (narakāyate). But here one can simply think of the crawling of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma in the courtyard of Nanda Mahārāja and always merge in transcendental happiness. As long as one is absorbed in thoughts of kṛṣṇa-līlā, especially Kṛṣṇa's childhood pastimes, as Parīkṣit Mahārāja desired to be, one is always merged in actual kaivalya. Therefore Vyāsadeva compiled Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Lokasyājānato vidvāḿś cakre sātvata-saḿhitām (Bhāg. 1.7.6). Vyāsadeva compiled Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, under the instruction of Nārada, so that anyone can take advantage of this literature, think of Kṛṣṇa's pastimes and always be liberated.
I like to add to Srila Prabhupadas purport that Krsna and Balarama resided in 2 places in Vraja first in Gokula ,Nanda Bhavan and later in Nandagrama : Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has written a beautifull prayer for us to daily chant:
Shri  Nandisvarastaka
Eight Glorifying Nandisvara  Hill
saksan  mahattama-mahaghana-cid-vilasa-
punjah svayam  sikhari-sekharatam upetah
yatresvarah sa khalu  nandati yena veti
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
May Nandisvara Hill,  where the Supreme Personality of Godhead, crowned with a peacock feather and  splendid as a monsoon , enjoyed pastimes, delight me.
parjanya-santati-sukhaspada-purvako  yo
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
May Nandisvara Hill,  rich with the nectar rivers of Krishna’s pastimes that please the grass of the  living entities in the world, and previously the place of happiness for a great  monsoon cloud, delight me.
yat-saubhagam bhagavata  dharani-bhrtapi
na prapyate sura-girih  sa hi ko varakah
nandah svayam vasati  yatra sa-putra-daro
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
With his son and wife  King Nanda lived on Nandisvara Hill.The  good-fortune of Nandisvara Hill was never attained by any other mountain.What is tiny Mount Meru in comparison to  it?May Nandisvara Hill delight  me.
yatra  vrajadhipa-purapratima-prakasa-
barhiksyate bhuvi  jaya-dhvaya-ketu-bhuto
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
May Nandisvara Hill,  where the king of Vraja had his capitol of splendid palaces with spires and  domes where a peacock could be seen happily dancing among the colourful victory  flags, delight me.
krishnah  sa-trsna-nayanah parito vrajabjam
alokate  dvisad-udara-dalatavis ta
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
Krishna sometimes  climbs its aromatic summit and sits on a rock, gazing out with thirsty eyes at  the twelve forests that are the great petals of the Vrajabhumi lotus spread  beneath Him.May Nandisvara Hill delight  me.
jigye  yadiya-tat-raji-saroja-raji-
trailokya-varti-vara-tirtha-yaso  rasaughair
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
May Nandisvara Hill,  which by sprinkling the nectar waters of it’s lakes fragrant with lotus defeats the glory of  the most exalted holy places in the three worlds, delight  me.
yat-tira-sangi-pavanair  abhimrsyamanah
syuh pavana api janah  sva-dasam paresam
sa pavanakhya-sarasi  yad-upatyakayam
nandisvarah sa  mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
May Nandisvarah Hill,  which has at its base a lake named Pavana that purifies and liberates all its  touches with the purifying breeze from its shore, delight  me.
krishnakhyam asti  mahad-ujjvala-nila-ratnam
sute tadeva vasu tat  sva-bhuvaiva drstam
tal labhyate  sukrtinaiva yadiya-sanau
nandisvarah  samad-amanda-mudam dadhatu
May Nandisvara Hill,  which has at its peak a great and splendid sapphire treasure named Krishna,  which was seen by the demigod Brahma, and which may be gotten by the most pious  person, delight me.
durvasana-sata-vrto pi  bhavat-prayatnah
padyastakam pathati yah  sikharisa tubhyam
krishnanghri-padya-rasa  eva sada sa-trsnam
etam janam kuru  guru-pranayam dadhanam
O  Nandisvara Hill, O king of mountains, please be kind to they who try to glorify  you by reading these prayers.Even if  such readers are infested with hundreds of sinful desires, please transform them  into great devotees, full of devotion for their spiritual master, and thirsty  for the nectar of Krishna’s lotus feet.
Nandagrama from a distance:
But all the pastimes of Bala Gopala took place in Gokula:
from Nanda Bhavan in Gokula:
In his Padyavali Srila Rupa Goswami has quoted one vers:
aho ahobhir na kaler  viduyate
sudha-su-dhara-madhuram pade  pade
dine dine  candana-candra-shitalam
yasho yashoda-tanayasya  giyate
One who daily sings the  glories of Yashoda’s son, Krishna, which are cooling as sandalwood and camphor,  is not troubled by the days of Kali-yuga. For him at every step there is a  torrential flood of the sweetest nectar.
—Shri  Kaviratna
Srila Visvanath Cakravati Thakura has commented on this vers:
Krsnas pastimes mixed with aisvarya such as killing Putana and His suddha Madhurya lila ,Sweet pastimes are both presented .Both are worthy of remembrance by Krsnas devotees.
in the next vers SB 10.8.22  Srila Prabhupada has also given an amazing purport:
When Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, with the strength of Their legs, crawled in the muddy places created in Vraja by cow dung and cow urine, Their crawling resembled the crawling of serpents, and the sound of Their ankle bells was very charming. Very much pleased by the sound of other people's ankle bells, They used to follow these people as if going to Their mothers, but when They saw that these were other people, They became afraid and returned to Their real mothers, Yaśodā and Rohiṇī.
When Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma were crawling about Vrajabhūmi, They were enchanted by the sound of ankle bells. Thus They sometimes followed other people, who would enjoy the crawling of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma and exclaim, "Oh, see how Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma are crawling!" Upon hearing this, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma could understand that these were not Their mothers They were following, and They would return to Their actual mothers. Thus the crawling of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma was enjoyed by the people of the neighborhood, as well as by mother Yaśodā and Rohiṇī and the two children Themselves.
     In this way Krsna was fully absorbing everyone in His sweet pastimes as explained in  SB 10.8.24 and 25
The Kumara pastimes of Krsna are mainly for those devotees in Vatsalya Rasa and aspiring for such Nitya seva as associates of Nanda Maharaja  and Yasoda
This next part of Srila Rupa Goswamis meditation :
.O Krsna who frieghtened because of Your stealing activities ,restlessly glances here and there.O Krsna  who  laughed when the elderly Gopis rebuked you.O Krsna whoes face expertly conceals Your guilt as a thief.O Krsna who climbed up on the wooden motar. O Krsna who poked holes in the jars suspended from ropes.O Krsna   who delighted the monekeys by giving the milkproducts to them.O Krsna who broke
the full of fresh youghurt.O Krsna into whoes frightened eyes Your mother gazed, O sun who makes the lotusflower of Gokula bloom, all glories to You.All glories to You
corresponds to SB 10.8.26 to 31
SB 10.8.26: O King Parīkṣit, within a very short time both Rāma and Kṛṣṇa began to walk very easily in Gokula on Their legs, by Their own strength, without the need to crawl.
SB 10.8.27: Thereafter, Lord Kṛṣṇa, along with Balarāma, began to play with the other children of the cowherd men, thus awakening the transcendental bliss of the cowherd women.
SB 10.8.28: Observing the very attractive childish restlessness of Kṛṣṇa, all the gopīs in the neighborhood, to hear about Kṛṣṇa's activities again and again, would approach mother Yaśodā and speak to her as follows.
SB 10.8.29: "Our dear friend Yaśodā, your son sometimes comes to our houses before the milking of the cows and releases the calves, and when the master of the house becomes angry, your son merely smiles. Sometimes He devises some process by which He steals palatable curd, butter and milk, which He then eats and drinks. When the monkeys assemble, He divides it with them, and when the monkeys have their bellies so full that they won't take more, He breaks the pots. Sometimes, if He gets no opportunity to steal butter or milk from a house, He will be angry at the householders, and for His revenge He will agitate the small children by pinching them. Then, when the children begin crying, Kṛṣṇa will go away.
SB 10.8.30: "When the milk and curd are kept high on a swing hanging from the ceiling and Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma cannot reach it, They arrange to reach it by piling up various planks and turning upside down the mortar for grinding spices. Being quite aware of the contents of a pot, They pick holes in it. While the elderly gopīs go about their household affairs, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma sometimes go into a dark room, brightening the place with the valuable jewels and ornaments on Their bodies and taking advantage of this light by stealing.
SB 10.8.31: "When Kṛṣṇa is caught in His naughty activities, the master of the house will say to Him, 'Oh, You are a thief,' and artificially express anger at Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa will then reply, 'I am not a thief. You are a thief.' Sometimes, being angry, Kṛṣṇa passes urine and stool in a neat, clean place in our houses. But now, our dear friend Yaśodā, this expert thief is sitting before you like a very good boy." Sometimes all the gopīs would look at Kṛṣṇa sitting there, His eyes fearful so that His mother would not chastise Him, and when they saw Kṛṣṇa's beautiful face, instead of chastising Him they would simply look upon His face and enjoy transcendental bliss. Mother Yaśodā would mildly smile at all this fun, and she would not want to chastise her blessed transcendental child
.In his Krsna lila Stava Sanatana Goswami writes:
Verse  96
pitha--a bench; ulukhala--grinding mortar;  sopana--staircase; kshira--milk; bhanda--pot; vibhedaka--breaking;  shikya--suspended by a rope; bhanda--pot; samakarshin--pulling;  dhvanta--darkened; agara--in the room;  pravesha-krit--entering.
O  Lord Krishna, entering the darkened store-room, making a staircase of the bench  and the grinding mortar and pulling the ropes You broke the pots full of  milk-products.
Verse  97
netra  matri-praharshana
sva--own; anga--limbs; ratna--of the  jewels; pradipa--illumination; adhya--enriched; gopi--of the gopis;  dharshtya--arrogance; ati--vadka--speaking many words; gopi--of the gopis;  vrata--of the multitude; ukti-from the words; bhi--fear; bhramyat--moving;  netra--eyes; matri--of the mother; praharshana--the delight.
O Lord Krishna, Yourlimbs are illuminated with glistening  jewels.Hearing the harsh complaints of  the gopis, You became frightened and Youreyes moved restlessly. In this condition You gave great delight to Mother  Yashoda.
namani pranayena te  sukritinam tanvanti tundotsavam
dhamani prathayanti hanta jalada-shyamani  netranjanam
samani  shruti-shashkulim muralika-jatany alankurvate
kamanivrita-cetasam iha vibho nashapi nah  shobhate
Now that we have become  Your devotees, Your holy names have affectionately created a jubilant festival  in our mouths. Your bodily splendor, like a dark raincloud, has become the black  ointment of our eyes, and the music of Your flute has become the ornament of our  ears. We no longer take pleasure in material desires. O Almighty Lord, material  desires no longer appear beautiful to us.
—Shri Rupa  Gosvami
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