Paramananda Das
23 hours ago near Gaithersburg
Being gay is not normal behavior and Obama is doing a great mistake by endorsing gay marriages..homosex is a great sin ,that leads to a very low form of life in the next birth ,or entering into hellish planets
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김현만 and DeeJay Pravz like this..
Paramananda Das democrats are to liberal on such things , and republicans are corrupt when it comes to money matters , so you want liberal fools that are honest in some matters? Or you want dishonest selfish socalled moral busienss men to run the country ,neither will work, being against abortion is good and being against gay marriages, but if you are a republican seeking world domination you are also a demon.. 23 hours ago · Like.
Sachin Reddy · 9 mutual friends If u say so guruji how different is being straight and always submerged in lust and forgetting ones great responsibility. isn't that even bigger a sin.....? Is't any kind of sexual orientation except for begetting children and continuing the progeny an equally bigger sin...? 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Homosex is demoniac, if someone engage in illicit sex with a woman the karmic reaction is nothing compared to homosex... 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das just today one young man from India said how will I stop being a homosexual..these disgusting things goes on in India also.. 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das but one should not be submerged in lust, but homosex is demoniac and animalistic 8 hours ago · Like.
Sachin Reddy · 9 mutual friends Oh so there are grades even in having sex sinning and getting karmic reactions guruji? If we preach so isn't it like misleadind a large population towards such a wrong path? will not people take excuses and indulge in illicit sex saying its just a bit of karmic reactions which i can wash away later? isn't this really demonic? 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das
Gay gay Gay, no nothing to be "gay" about....
PAHMO AGTSP One disciple of Hrdayananda ( das )is very upset with me about my d...See More..
8 hours ago · Like · .
Paramananda Das first of all stop being gay, if you have illicit sex at least do not be a homosexual that will take you to hell 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das 740614rc.par Conversations Prabhupada: Yes. Some of our men, at least one, left our association. He thought that “This is denying the primary necessities of life.” Rayarama, Rayarama. He left for this reason, that we do not allow the bare necessities of life. Illicit sex, intoxication… He was first-class criminal on this account, but he could not give it up. Therefore he left. Devotee: Yes, I spoke with him in San Francisco, and he said, “Swamiji will not be successful because he does not allow free love in his movement.” He says, “That is why I had to leave because there was no place for me and my boyfriend.” Even he was not attracted to having a girl, but he had a boy. That boy used to be also your typist. He was from Harvard University. Prabhupada: That Neil. Devotee: Yeah, Neil. Prabhupada: Oh. Devotee: And he told me that “Swamiji will not be successful in his movement because he will not allow free love.” I just saw him in San Francisco before I went to India two and a half years ago. We were trying to get him to come back to the temple. Prabhupada: No, he cannot give up these bad habits. Pusta-krsna: You said in Geneva that no one has died from giving up cigarettes or illicit sex. So it is not so hard to do. Prabhupada: No, it is not hard. Now the Christian church is giving liberty, man to man marriage. Most unnatural. Devotee: Previously they didn’t allow divorce. The first principle was there is no question of divorce. Then so many people began leaving the Catholic Church. So then they allowed divorce. And then they did not allow abortion. So again so many people left the religion. Now they allow abortion. And now they are allowing man to man marriage. Prabhupada: Just see. Devotee: They compromise just to keep their followers. Bhagavan: It’s a matter of money. Prabhupada: And that is freedom. So Raya Ramananda left because such freedom is not allowed here. So we have to allow this freedom like the church? (laughs) 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das JSD 6.5 Slaughterhouse Civilization Srila Prabhupada: The priests are after money. They are not first class; they are low-class men. This is the reason that Christianity has fallen down. The priests cannot speak straightforwardly. There is a straightforward commandment–”Thou shalt not kill.” But because people are already killing, the priests are afraid to present the commandment straightforwardly. Now they are even granting man-to-man marriage, what to speak of other things. The priests are sermonizing on this idea of man-to-man marriage. Just see how degraded they have become! Previously was there any conception like this, at least outside America? Nobody thought that a man could be married to another man. What is this? And the priests are supporting it. Do you know that? So what is their standard? 710725SB.NY Lectures And what is the tapasya? That is also… Brahmacaryena. Brahmacaryena. Brahmacaryena means restricted sex life. Real meaning is no sex life, no sex, celibacy, completely. This is tapasya. Therefore, according to Vedic culture, the first beginning of life is brahmacari. (break) But in the brahmacari life there is no sex life. Only in the grhastha life there is sex life, married life. I was reading the other day a magazine, Watch… What is that? Watchtower. So this paper was criticizing so many immoral activities in the Christian world. And one item I was surprised to read that a Christian priest has sanctioned marriage between man to man. That was written there. I do not wish to discuss all those things, but people are degrading for want of this tapasya. People are not taught how to execute tapasya life, tapasvi life. Simply by criticizing will not do. Practically you have to be trained in the life of tapasya. Then it will be effective. Just like we are doing. Here, in our Krsna consciousness movement, in every center, everyone, at least who are living within this temple, must get up at four o’clock to perform the aratrika. This morning I was asking somebody that if you cannot rise, then you cannot live in this temple. Because this temple is meant for tapasya, not for extravagancy. Unless you follow the life of tapasya, you cannot make progress. 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Reddy you and your boyfriend can not have children, can you? 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Lord Brahma, approaching the Lord, addressed Him thus: My Lord, please protect me from these sinful demons, who were created by me under Your order. They are infuriated by an appetite for sex and have come to attack me. It appears here that the homosexual appetite of males for each other is created in this episode of the creation of the demons by Brahma. In other words, the homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac and is not for any sane male in the ordinary course of life. (SB 3.20.26) 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Sachin do not pretend to be a Krsna devotee and have homosex...Krsna will not accept this 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das
talks with Amara das from Galva about homosexuals in ISKCON
3:18pmPayonidhi DasI have a question for youwhat isthe idea behind Galva?what i...See More..
8 hours ago · Like · .
Paramananda Das anyone that is a homosexual and pretends to be a devotee should delete themselves from my facebook list I do not want to talk to such sinners' 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Sachin I like to know if you are a gay if you are I want to delete you from my facebook list,I see you keep a picture of an american homosex movie on your facebook pictures, and you are embrassing other men ...what is up with this? 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das from the Brhahmacari book by Bhakti Vikas Maharaja: Homosexuality Neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality are “natural.” Heterosexual desire is a perverted reflection of our original love for Krishna and homosexuality is another twist. Shrila Prabhupada: “The homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac and is not for any sane man in the ordinary course of life.” (SB 3.20.26) Due to the influence of Kali-yuga, homosexuality is now a common problem. As Kali-yuga advances we will have to accommodate more and more people with past perverse lives and give them the opportunity for purification. If homosexuals sincerely come to Krishna consciousness, what advice should we give them? In the Vedic culture, heterosexual desires can be accommodated within the grihastha-ashrama, but there is no scope for accommodating homosexual desires. Shrila Prabhupada recommended marriage (to a woman!) for a disciple with homosexual desires. This advice may not seem very practical, for the homosexual’s attraction is to men rather than women. But homosexual or heterosexual, the disease is lust. Homosexuality means that the lust has increased to an abnormally high degree. Marriage means to channel that lust in a manner acceptable within the Vedic culture. Anyway, homosexuals coming to Krishna consciousness will need special guidance from senior devotees. The homosexual must be understood as an individual person and be given proper facility after frank discussion. He should understand his condition to be especially fallen, but should be confident that by Krishna consciousness, all difficulties can be overcome. And other devotees should be sympathetic and understanding with such sincere souls. As with any conditioned soul accepted for devotional service, sheltering homosexuals in the ashrama is a risk. As with a heterosexual, we shall first have to see if a homosexual is sufficiently self-controlled before he may be allowed to stay in the ashrama, remembering that, whereas heterosexual brahmacaris are sheltered from the objects of their attraction in the brahmacari-ashrama, the homosexual is surrounded by them. We must be compassionate, but we cannot sacrifice our standards of purity. 8 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das why you indian "devotees " like homosex to much?
Iskcon temple priest booked for sodomy
NEW DELHI: Four persons, including a governing body commissioner of Iskcon (Inte...See More..
6 hours ago · Like · .
Christopher Zajchowski I am straight. I am also a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada. I believe (In My Humble Opinion) that Paramananda's viewpoint that homosexuality is somehow more inherently wrong than heterosexuality is not in accordance with what Srila Prabhupada said. "Accept everything favorable for Krsna consciousness, and reject everything unfavorable." All sex that is not "according to religious principles", as Krsna says in Bhagavad Gita, damns one to eternal, material life separate from Krsna. One must give up sex desire (whatever orientation) in order to become fully Krsna conscious. 5 hours ago · Like.
Paramananda Das illicit sex is of different varieties but all are wrong, but homosex is the most demoniac of them all this is in Prabhupadas teachings, and it is in the Vedas..... 41 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada means nothing if you do not accept his views on gay marriage...and gays..your viewpoints are liberal and not in line with Srila Prabhupadas.I know many socalled Prabhupada disciples,they do not chant 16 rounds and follow 4 regs.Srila Prabhupada said if you do not follow these things you are not my disciple.Being a disciple is not so cheap. 37 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das ISKCON is way to gay friendly and have many homosexual Gurus and sannyasis, and many have had sex with children..Paramgati Socalled Swami is gay and still allowed to be sannyasi...this is not KC and not cool...if you are gay or think gays are religious take your opinions somewhere else.Srila Prabhupada always chastised disciples for being gay.There is no excuses.. 31 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das "A cheater is taking the place of teacher. Therefore the whole world is degraded. You can cheat others that, ‘I am in dress of a devotee.' But what is your character? What is your actual value? That has to be judged. That is called bona fide teacher." (Srila Prabhupada Letter to Hawaii, January 17, 1974) 29 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Letter of 5/26/75 My Dear Lalitananda dasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 13rd, 1975 and have noted the contents. I am very sorry that you have taken to homosex. It will not help you advance in your attempt for spiritual life. In fact, it will only hamper your advancement. I do not know why you have taken to such abominable activities. What can I say? Anyway, try to render whatever service you can to Krishna. Even though you are in a very degraded condition Krishna, being pleased with your service attitude, can pick you up from your fallen state. You should stop this homosex immediately. It is illicit sex, otherwise, your chances of advancing in spiritual life are nil. Show Krishna you are serious, if you are. I hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami 21 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das homosexuals are mostly rude, arrogant and perverted.and have no religion and spiritual knowledge.. 15 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das Tripurari Swami teaches that gays can go find a nice young man ,Srila Prabhupada never said this...this is the rascal teachings of Tripurari... 14 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das so many socalled Prabhupada discples are or where childmolesters,this has destoyed ISKCON and they attract these kind of sinful persons 12 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das ISKCON is mostly run by money hungry persons of all nationalities, by persons from the nisada race that are not purified in KC, by money hungry jews that favor their own kind and are money and power hungry .By rude ,arrogant and demoniac homosexuals and childmolesters, and comforting money hungry indians. 5 minutes ago · Like.
Paramananda Das none of whom will do daily Harinama and bookdistribution
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In Bhagavad Gita Krsna has stated: apareyam itas tv anyam prakritim viddhi me param jiva-bhutam maha-baho yayedam dharyate jagat "Besides these, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature."
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