Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Akruranath Prabhu is mainly not a gentleman, so I dislike him and have talked with him many times.And he is not concerned ISKCON is on the right track and that things goes on legal . He has some impure teachings I want to expose. Many devotees have started to serve grains on Janmastami and Gaura Purnima, even TP's and GBC's, ISKCON sannyasis and Gurus allow this.However this is not allowed neither by Srila Prabhupada or sastra or our previous acaryas.He states like many it is not important .I have proven so many times this is a bogus practise.But because many do not want to fast they ignore these instructions and so does Akruranath. He argued with me so much and fiercely that taking grains on Janmastami is ok.It is just plain ignorance. I do not take the ISKCON Gurus and sannyasis seriously when they allow such deviations in ISKCON.I do not condone of this at is purely offensive. Secondly he is opposed to me teaching devotees to chant 64 rounds, I do so as my Gurudeva, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja, always taught me and instructed me to do so.And so did Srila Prabhupadas teachings clearly instruct one to chant more. His holiness Jayapataka Swami was once corrected to chant in public by the GBC as many devotees did not believe he chants 16 rounds. Whatever is the case we all have to chant minimum 16 rounds and follow 4 regs as is the very foundation of ISKCON.
Akruranath and many devotees teach you can only be KC when you are in ISKCON.This constitutes vaisnava aparadha.ISKCON means Krsna consciouness, it is not a sectarian movement.But sadly many Prabhupada disciples have made it into something sectarian.They make offences to great vaisnavas like my Gurudeva, to Srila Sridhara Swami, to the two Puri Maharajas etc.This is certainly offensive. As for chanting one lahk, so many ISKCON Gurus and sannyasis have fallen down and more will fall. My advise is they chant one lahk holy names as instructed by Srila Rupa Goswami and all our acaryas ,via the wish of lord Caitanya Himself. This not chanting one lahk is the greatest single most deviation from the lotusfeet of Srila Rupa Goswami and all the acaryas. I teach my disciples almost daily that is the goal , my Gurudeva kept encouraging me for years to do the same, by his Divine mercy I am.
By chanting 16 rounds one will never become free from Nama aparadha it is simply not possible, it is not enough to purifie the soul and go back to Godhead. If it was Lord Caitanya would say it is enough.But chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regs makes one a human being, if done purely.It is the door to bhakti, just as Saranagati is the door to bhakti.Bhakti is not mechanical, there is much more to chanting 64 rounds as described in Harinama Cintamani.Only those of pure intelligence that have heard Harinama Cintamani from a pure vaisnava or understood it purely will take to the chanting of one lahk. To be against Lord Caitanyas instruction to chant 64 rounds is simply demoniac, there is nothing in this world higher than chanting Hare Krsna.We can never chant enough, only to little...The lazy mind the devils workshop .I advocate one lahk and bookdistribution and Harinama, I will not change this .I also do not take money from any disciples , I want them simply to become KC. Again KC is not sectarian, and Bhaktiprajana Kesava Maharaja, Narayana Maharaja, Srila Sridhara Swami etc are also real members of "ISKCON" as they where KC. As Srila Prabhupada says in his introduction to chanting of the Mahamantra: "This chanting is not an artificial imposition of the mind,:
" Krsna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original, natural energy of the living entity. When we hear this transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived."
I love to chant Hare Krsna and Akruranath and other nay sayers can say whatever they like.My prayer is that of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura:
1) kabe ha'be bolo se-dina āmār (āmār) aparādha ghuci', śuddha nāme ruci, kṛpā-bale ha'be hṛdoye sañcār
(2) tṛṇādhika hīna, kabe nije māni', sahiṣṇutā-guṇa hṛdoyete āni' sakale mānada, āpani amānī, ho'ye āswādibo nāma-rasa-sār
(3) dhana jana āra, kobitā-sundarī, bolibo nā cāhi deho-sukha-karī janme-janme dāo, ohe gaurahari! ahaitukī bhakti caraṇe tomār
(4) (kabe) korite śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāma uccāraṇa, pulakita deho gadgada bacana baibarṇya-bepathu ha'be sańghaṭana, nirantara netre ba'be aśru-dhār
(5) kabe navadwīpe, suradhunī-taṭe, gaura-nityānanda boli' niṣkapaṭe nāciyā gāiyā, berāibo chuṭe, bātulera prāya chāriyā bicār
(6) kabe nityānanda, more kori 'doyā, chārāibe mora viṣayera māyā diyā more nija-caraṇera chāyā, nāmera hāṭete dibe adhikār
(7) kinibo, luṭibo, hari-nāma-rasa, nāma-rase māti' hoibo bibaśa rasera rasika-caraṇa paraśa, koriyā mojibo rase anibār
(8) kabe jībe doyā, hoibe udoya, nija-sukha bhuli' sudīna-hṛdoya bhakativinoda, koriyā binoya, śrī-ājñā-ṭahala koribe pracār
1) When, O when, will that day be mine? When will you give me your blessings, erase all my offences and give my heart a taste [ruci] for chanting the Holy Name in purity?
2) When will I taste the essence of the Holy Name, feeling myself to be lower than the grass, my heart filled with tolerance? When will I give respect to all others and be free from desire for respect from them?
3) When will I cry out that I have no longer any desire for wealth and followers, poetry and beautiful women, all of which are meant just for bodily pleasure? O Gaura Hari! Give me causeless devotional service [bhakti] to your lotus feet, birth after birth.
4) When will my body be covered with goose bumps and my voice broken with emotion as I pronounce Krishna's name? When will my body change colour and my eyes flow with endless tears as I chant?
5) When will I give up all thought of the world and society to run like a madman along the banks of the Ganges in Navadvipa, singing and danvcing and sincerely calling out the names of Gaura and Nityananda?
6) When will Nityananda Prabhu be merciful to me and deliver me from the enchantment [maya] of the sense objects? When will he give me the shade of his lotus feet and the right to enter the market place [nama-hatta] of the Holy Name?
7) When will I buy, borrow or steal the ecstasies of the Holy Name? When will I lose myself in the intoxication of the Holy Name? When will I immerse myself in the nectar of the Holy Name after grasping the feet of a saint who constantly relishes the flavours [rasa] of devotion?
When will I feel compassion for all living beings [jibas]? When will I forget my own pleasure in genuine humility? And when will I, Bhaktivinode, meekly go from door to door, preaching your message of love?
There is chanting one lahk and there is preaching and bookdistribution and proper vaisnava conduct ..taking grains on Janmastami is not vaisnava conduct and not chanting one lahk is also not proper. Get there or not ,we want to advance then we have to chant ,carefully know Prabhupadas teachings and that of the acaryas and preach ,do Harinama and bookdistribtuion.
your humble servant
Paramananda das
Views: 351
Akruranath reminds me of how disappointing Berkley temple is , not a place for a gentleman
PAMHO AGTSP Sometimes or way to often I have to deal with arrogant , selfish narcissistic, lazy Prabhupada disciples .I had to since 33 years.And where as many are nice some are straight out rascals and follow nothing. I remember when I was a new devotee and some devotees where falling down that where Prabhupada disciples already within my first 6 months I saw more nonsense than I should have seen in a whole life.Akruranath is not a gentle person..He is supposed to be Akrura not cruel ,but he is a cruel person.He justifies anything that goes wrong or persons that does wrong, even in the name of sannyasa or GBC. He is the kind of person that makes me have nothing to do with ISKCON, simply an arrogant fool your servant Paramananda das
Shrila Thakura Haridasa in Hari-nama-chintamani:
kona bhagya kona jivera shraddha jadi haya; tabe tiho harinama grahana karaya.
“If due to some unknown good fortune, a living entity develops faith in the chanting process, then he will take up the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
bhaktyunmukha jiva shuddha gurura kripaya; shri yugula-brahma-nama saubhagyete paya.
The living entity who becomes attracted to chanting due to heaps and heaps of past pious activities receives the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, which is called ‘shri yugula-brahma-nama’ as it is non-different from names of Shri Shri Radha-Krishna, by the mercy of a pure spiritual master.
yatna kari smare nama sankhyara sahita; tabe name anuraga hayata udita
“After receiving the name, if he chants with great care and attention a fixed number of rounds daily, then he will be able to awaken his dormant attraction for the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
je paryanta anuraga na haya udaya; se parjyanta yatna kori nama sada laya.
“Till he does not develop the attraction for the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, he should take very special care in chanting.
tulasi malaya nama sankhya kari smare;
athava kirtana kare parama adare
“He should vow to chant and remember a fixed quantity of rounds daily on a rosary made of 108 tulasi beads. He can also chant or sing some part of his daily quota in kirtana (with musical instruments etc). He should do so with great respect.
Purport by Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda:
“Once an aspirant develops faith in chanting the biggest obstacle is the attraction of the senses to the sense-objects. To overcome this obstacle and realize the full power of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, the spiritual master gives the disciple instructions on the method of sadhana. The primary upasana (method of worship) is to chant a fixed number of rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra everyday on tulasi beads. This method worship will gradually reward the aspirant with all that which is to be attained. Therefore in the beginning the chanter should sit in a solitary place for a very short time (start with 4 rounds) and chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra with the concentration. Gradually as he keeps on increasing the quantity of his chanting, the cultivation of the chanting will become continuous and all the obtacles will surely be destroyed.
krame kala-vriddhi kori sei nama smare; ati shighra vishayera chanda haite tare.
“If a sadhaka gradually increases the time period (quantity) of his chanting and meditation on the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, then very soon he will become delivered from the entanglement of material desires"
eka grantha sankhya kori arambhire nama; krame tina laksha smari pure manaskama.
“One should begin chanting with a minimum of four rounds of the maha-mantra. He should gradually increase the chanting to the point of chanting and remembering 300,000 names (174 rounds) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra which will ensure the complete fulfillment of all his desires.
mane habe-aja laksha nama je karibo; krame krame tina laksha nama je smaribo.
mahagraha habe citte namera sankhyaya; acire jabe jadya sadhura kripaya.
“When one’s mind becomes very determined and eager to complete the daily quota of chanting and resolves that from today I will chant 64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and gradually will try to achieve the stage of chanting 300,000 names daily, then at that time the inertia (laziness) for chanting will disappear by the mercy of the devotees.
sankalpita nama-sankhya purna karibare; na haya ayatna dekhi bare bare.
“The sadhaka should be very very careful at all times that he completes the chanting of the fixed number of rounds daily without fail.
Purport by Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda:
“When one chants on tulasi beads keeping a fixed count daily then he will experience that he will develop a desire to gradually increase the quantity of his chanting.”
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