Dear devotes PAMHO AGTSP
Here is the Yamuna kavacha as described in GArga Samhita:
Yamuna me sirah patu. Krsna netra dvayam sada. syama bru bhangadesam. ca nasikam naka vasini. May Yanuna kindly protct my head and may Krsna be the only protector of my. eyes.Oh Syama please protect my eyebrows and may you oh Vasisni kindly protct. my nose. Kapolau patu me. saksat paramananda rupini. Krsna vamansa sambhuta. patu karna dvayam mama. May Paramananda Rupini kindly protect my cheecks, Krsna Vamansa please protct. my two ears. Adharau patu kalindi. cibukam suryakanya ka. yamasvasa kandharan cat. hrdayam me mahanadi. May Kalindi kindly protct my lips. and may surya kanya protect my chin. Yamasvasa please protect my shoulders. and may you Mahanadi kindly protect my heart. Krsnapriya patu pristam. tatini me bhuja dvayam. sroni tatam ca susroni. katim me carudarsana. May Krsnapriya kindly protect my back. and may Tatini protect my hips, and may you. Carudarsana kindly protect my waist. Uru dvayam tu rambharu. rjanuni twa amghribhedini. gulfau rasesvari patu. padau papa paharini. May Rambhoru kindly protect my thighs. and may Amghribhedini be the only protector of. my kneee.Oh Rasesvari please protect my ankles and may you. Papaharini protect my feet. Antarbahi radhasco rdhvam. disa su vidisa suca. samantat patu jagatah. pari purnatama priya. Oh most beloved of the Lord of the universe(Krsna). Please protect me from below and above and from all. sides both day and night. One who daily chants this Yamuna Kavacha will attain Goloka Vrindavana. Now Yamuna devi is protecting us, will we not at least not pollute her waters? Garga Muni has given a beautiful prayer to Yamuna, one of the verses read" yah papa-pagkambu-kalagka-kutsitah kami kudhih satsu kalim karoti hi vrndavanam dhama dadati tasmai nadan-milindadi-kalinda-nandini yah - one who; papa - of sin; pagkambu - with the mud; kalagka-kutsitah - defiled; kami - lusty; kudhih - foolish; satsu - with the devotees; kalim - quarrel; karoti - does; hi - indeed; vrndavanam - Vrndavana; dhama - abode; dadati - does; tasmai - to him; nadat - humming; milinda - bees; adi - beginning with; kalinda-nandini - the Yamuna.
To a person that is lusty, foolish, polluted with many sins, and fond of quarreling with the devotees, Sri Yamuna, who is filled with many buzzing bees, gives residence in the transcendental abode of Goloka. Comment: This vers is not to condone haveing quarrels with devotees, but in the material world quarrels happens , but even if one quarrels with devotees , if one becomes fully surrendered to Yamuna devi one may still be abel to go to Goloka Vrindavana.However pure devotees in Kali yuga not only take shelter of Yamuna devi , but of the Mahamantra...
Lust and fighting with devotees are obstacels to Bhakti , but Yamuna devi is so pure and transcedental she can help nullifie these vices Here is my comments to Kali Santarana Upanisad: Please accept my humble obaisences All glories to Srila Prabhupada Kali Santarana Upanishad In the Kali-santarana Upanishad (1-11) (One of the 108 principal Upanishads), the maha-mantra is established as the only means of deliverance in Kali-yuga: hari om. dvaparante narada brahmanam jagama katham bhagavan gam paryatana kalim santareyam iti. [1] "Hari Om! After travelling all over the world, Shrila Narada Muni approached Lord Brahma (his own father and guru) during the time when Dvapara-yuga was about to end. He asked him, “O Lord! How will all the living entities be able to deliver themselves from the most degraded age of Kali which is about to begin.” sa hovaca. brahma sadhu prishto’smi sarva shruti rahasyam gopyam tac chrinu yena kali samsaram tarishyasi.[2] Lord Brahma replied, “You have asked the most important and relevant question for the benefit of humanity. I will tell you now the most concealed secret of the Vedic literatures, with the help of which everyone can easily cross this most dangerous age of Kali. bhagavata adi purushasya narayanasya namoccharana matrena nirdhta kalir bhavati [3] “Simply by chanting the transcendental names of the original enjoyer and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Narayana, all the sins will be cleansed in Kali-yuga.” narada punah papraccha tan nama kim iti.[4] Narada Muni again asked,“Which are those specific names of the Lord which are most effective in Kali-yuga?” ) sa hovaca hiranyagarbah hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare. hare rama hare rama, rama rama hare hare; [5] iti shodashakam namnam, kali-kalmasha-nashanam; natah parataropayah, sarva-vedeshu drishyate. [6] Lord Brahma replied, “The sixteen words-Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare-are especially meant for completely destroying all the contamination of Kali. To save oneself from the contamination of Kali-yuga, there is no alternative in all theVedas except the chanting of this sixteen-word mantra. ) iti shodasha kalasya jivasyavarana vinashanam; tatah prakashate para brahma medhapaye ravi rashmi mandali veti. [7] “This maha-mantra consisting of sixteen names of Krishna is the destroyer of the (16-layered) illusory covering of all the living entities. Only when the coverings are destroyed, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear in the heart of the living entities, just like the sun appears with full intensity when the clouds are removed.” punar narada prapaccha bhagavan kasya vidhi-riti [8] Shrila Narada again inquired from Lord Brahma-“What are the procedures and rules for chanting this maha-mantra?” tam hovaca nasya vidhi-riti sarvada shuci-ashucira va pathan brahmanam salokya samipya sarupatam sayujyatam eti. [9] Lord Brahma replied, “There are no rules and regulations to chant this maha-mantra. It should be chanted always irrespective of whether one is in a pure or impure condition. yadasya shodashikasya sardha trikotir japati. tada brahma hatyam tarati vira hatyam. svarna steyat puto bhavati. pitrideva manushyanam apakarat puto bhavati. [10] “When one chants the 16 names of the maha-mantra 35 million times (sardha trikotir), he absolves himself of the sins of killing a brahmana or a kshatriya, stealing of gold or engaging in harmful activities towards one’s forefathers or other living entities. please note to chant 35 million times with 16 rounds a day will take 55.5 years, 64 rounds one will do so in 15 years,Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada mentions that unless one chants 100.000 names of the Maha mantra daily (around 64 rounds) ones mind will be full of Jnana and karma, it is in his purports to antya lila chapter 9 of Caitanya Bhagavad, and such a person he compares to a nondevotee, sarva dharma parityaga papat sadyah sucitamapnuyat. sadyo mucyate sadyo mucyate ity upanishat. [11] “By chanting the maha-mantra, one becomes quickly purified from all sins accumulated due to rejecting all of one’s duties in our past lives. Thus the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, is the only means, the only means, the only means of thoroughly and immediately purifying oneself in Kali-yuga. Thus ends the Kali-santarana Upanishad.” Srila Prabhupada tried to introduce 64 rounds in ISKCON but some devotees where bargaining with Srila Prabhupada so he reduced it to facilitate his neophyte disciples,thus it has become the minimum standard ,Srila Prabhupada encouraged more chanting : The Hare Krishna Explosion, p. 63, by Hayagriva dasa, Palace Press 1985. "Now that you have beads," Swamiji says the next morning, "you should chant sixty-four rounds every day." "Sixty-four rounds?" To pronounce every word of the mantra distinctly, we require five minutes to chant a round. Sixty-four rounds would take over five hours. "Impossible!" we say. "We'll never have the time." "All right," Swamiji says. "Thirty-two rounds." "Impossible," we say. "We'll never be able to do it. It's way too much." "All right," Swamiji says. "Sixteen rounds. No less." Srila Prabhupada says 64 rounds can be done in 5 hours ,and it is a fact after some time you can chant 64 rounds in 5 hours ,so why not chant 64 rounds?And worship Yamuna devi .. your humble servant Paramananda das
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