Sastra Caksusa

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Radha Partha Sarathi and come on Krsna ,Chalo lets to go to Vrindavana

Radha Partha Sarathi is that name a Rasa Bhasasa  ? Because Radharani is not with Arjunas friend ,Krsna.The Krsna in Vrindavana is different from Krsna in Mathura and Dvaraka in one sense as Krsna outside of Vraja is Vasudeva Krsna .But Radharani meets Krsna at Kuruksetra so there He is Partha Sarathi meeting Krsna and in that mood Srimati Radharani is asking Krsna to come back to Vrindavana, now you are Partha Sarathi ,but I want you to be only Radhanath and come with me back to Vrindavana ,this is the mood of Srimati Radharani when She met Krsna at Kuruksetra ISKCON-Delhi's portrait. LikeCommentShare Comments Paramananda Das Paramananda Das does Srimati Radharani ever go to Mathura , well there is the pastime She did to sell milkproducts , yoghurt and Krsna become the boatman , that pastimes mostly takes place in Manasi Ganga at Govardhana but sometimes Krsna also takes Radha and gopis to Mathura as the boatman , sometimes the Gopis cross the Yamuna without a boat as is seen in Gopal Tarpani Upanisad Like · Reply · 9 shots o' rum ago Paramananda Das Paramananda Das Srila Rupa Goswami has also stated Srimati Radharani comes to Dvaraka and begs Krsna to return to Vrindavana ,these pastimes are not known to the general devotees , but that is explained in Lalita Madhava : This is from Bhajan Rahasya : The mood of Vraja is glorified in the Lalita-madhava. While meeting Krsna in Nava-vrndavana in Dvaraka, Radha requests Him: cirad asa-matram tvayi viracayantah sthira-dhiyo vidadhyur ye vasam madhurima gabhire madhupure dadhanah kaisore vayasi sakhi tam gokulapate prapadyethas tesam paricayam avasyam nayanayoh (18) O Krsna, persons with fixed minds have hoped for a long time that You will return to Madhupuri, which is filled with intense sweetness. O Lord of Gokula, please go there in Your youthful form and perform Your sweet pastimes before their eyes. This is My only request. Feeling separation, Radha wishes to take Krsna back to Vrndavana, which is filled with ever-sweet memories. Like · Reply · 5 shots o' rum ago · Edited Paramananda Das

Paramananda Das when we come to ISKCON Delhi we are on the way to Vrindavana and Radharani is in Delhi come one Krsna lets go to Vrindavana ,chalo, hindi for lets speed up, lets go.So we bring Radha Partha Sarathi into our heart and when we enter Vraja Mandal then Radha Partha Sarathi become Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara (one and non different ) krshn vrndaavan ke lie jaane kee suvidha deta hai This is how I meditate going from ISKCON Delhi to ISKCON Vrindavana Any mention in sastra Sri Radha ever going ot Hastinapure ? I have not seen any where in sastra  

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