Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

(chapter 18 , 19 and 20 of Visnu Purana) Glories of Prahlada Maharaja from my Narasimha book chapter 17

chapter 18 of Visnu Purana Glories of Prahlada Maharaja : 
The demons reported the preaching of Prahlada Maharaja to Hiranyakasipu .He ordered Prahlada to be poisoned and a huge dose of poison be put into his food offered the food with poison to Lord Visnu and was not the least affected. 
Sanda and Amarka warned Prahlada that if he did not stop glorifying Lord Visnu they would personally destroy and kill him.Prahlada replied that the glorification of Lord Visnu is the cause of all auspicious things, dignity ,wisdom ,wealth and progeny and righteousness and liberation .You are my teachers so you can do as you please.They responded :"We previously protected you from your fathers wrath, since you will not stop your glorification of Visnu .We will create a being to slay you .Prahlada answered :"What being slays or is not slain.Each person is his own destroyer or preserver , as he follows good or evil. 
Infuriated they created a female demon born of the fire,that manifested at their chanting of tantric hymns. The demons attacked Prahlada and the trident she attacked him with broke in hundreds of pieces when it touched Prahlada Maharajas chest .This is not amazing as Lord Hari was fully manifested in the heart of Sri Prahlada Maharaja.The demoness turned around and killed Sanda and Amarka.Prahlada Maharaja prayed to Lord Janardana with devotion to bring them back to life. By his prayers Lord Krsna restored the life of Sanda and Amarka .They bowed to him and offered their blessings,and then ran to Hiranyakasipus palace and told him what had happened.
(copyrighted by me)

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Comment by Paramananda das on March 6, 2016 at 9:49pm

Prahlada Maharaja

When Hiranyakasipu heard that the powerful incantations of his priests had been defeated ,he send for his son, and demanded to know the secret of his extraordinary might .He asked if Prahlada performed some magical rituals to get such power ,or he simply had such powers since birth humbly bowed to his farther's feet and replied:" Whatever power I possess farther is not the result of magical rites and rituals, it is not more than which is possessed in the hearts of all those where Lord Acyuta resides.He who meditates not on doing wrong to others, but consider them as himself is free from the effects of sin.He who inflicts pain upon others in action ,thought or speech sows a seed of future birth.
 The result will be he will suffer in the future. I wish not evil to anyone nor so I speak any offence to anyone.For I behold Kesava in all beings as in my own soul.How then can suffering mental and physical pain inflicted by nature or the demigods affect me,when my heart has been purified by Lord Visnus presence?
 Hiranyakasipu ordered Prahlada be thrown of a cliff , he was unharmed.Then Hiranyakasipu called for the demon Samvara to kill Prahlada Maharaja.Lord Visnu send His Sudarshan chakra and killed the demon.The king called a blistering wind to harm Prahlada Maharaja, Lord Janardana from within his heart drank up the wind. Prahlada was send back to the asrama of his teachers ,and instructed in demoniac politics. Later again he was brought in front of Hiranyakasipu who asked to know what he had learned:.Prahlada replied:" It is true I have been educated in these matters by my teachers, but I do not  appreciate these teachings of duality to me it is idle talk ,as to determine enemies from friends as Lord Govinda is the Supreme friend of all living beings.The Supreme lord is in the the heart of all living being .Hiranyakasipu ordered Prahlada be tied up and thrown into the ocean and Hiranyakasipu ordered to throw huge boulders on top of Prahlada .If he can not be killed shouted Hiranyakasipu let him be buried at the bottom of the sea.
copyrighted for my upcoming book Sri Narasimha 
Comment by Paramananda das on March 6, 2016 at 9:51pm

glories Prahlada Maharaja chapter 19 of Visnu purana 

Comment by Paramananda das on March 13, 2016 at 9:19pm

Prahladas chains burst and freeing him and unharmed emerged from all the bolders thrown on top of him .(Other Puranas state Prahlada was chained by snakes and Garuda came and ate those snakes) Lord Visnu appeared to Prahlada Maharaja and asked Prahlada to ask Him for a benediction. Prahlada Maharaja asked for devotional service birth after birth .Lord Visnu said that this boon you have already recieved ask for another boon.Prahlada asked Lord Visnu to forgive his demoniac father.Lord Visnu blessed Prahlada with freedom from birth and death and disappeared.When Prahlada returned Hiranykasipu embraced Prahlada and cried and kissed his forhead and blessed him saying:May you live a long life".After Lord Narasimha killed Hiranyakasipu ,Prahlada became the emperor of Earth. Whoever read these pastimes of Prahlada Maharaja is free from all sins. Those who hears the pastimes of Prahlada Maharaja with faith and devotion will be protected by Lord Narasimhadeva.


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