Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Radha Krsna Lila Kathamrita :Dana Keli Kaumudi

dear devotees

Dandavat pranams

Jaya Sri Guru and Gauranga,Gandarvika Giridhari

Jaya Srila Prabhupada



This is kartika time time for the sweet Radha Krsna Lila Kathamrita : Srila Rupa Goswami has written  Dana Keli Kaumudi ,this is a perfect book to read during Kartika, there is no offence to present it, because the neophyte devotee will not read it anyway even if presented to them:

Krsnas Dana Keli lilas take place at Govardhana and in Varsana and other places, but these 2 places of Dana Ghat lila are most famous:

Vasudeva, Krsnas father from Mathura once came to Govinda kunda to do a sacrifice with Bhaguri Muni (Garga Muni's son in law)

In Dana Keli Kaumudi it is not mentioned that Krsna met Vasudeva at that time , by Krsnas Yogamaya Vasudeva was affraid that Kamsa

might try to kill Krsna if he knew ,since it was predicted that Devaki,,  8th child will kill Kamsa, But Kamsa already knew from Narada Muni and Kamsa send all the demons one by one that all got killed by Krsna.Vasudeva had warned Nanda Maharaja also of imminent danger in Vraja, but for some reason Krsna did not meet Vasudeva untill he came to Mathura at the ago of 10 and a half years.

Bhaguri Muni is a very special person in Gaura lila also:

CC Adi 10.77, Translation and Purport: Devānanda Paṇḍita was a professional reciter of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, but by the mercy of Vakreśvara Paṇḍita and the grace of the Lord he understood the devotional interpretation of the Bhāgavatam.In the Caitanya-bhāgavata, Madhya-khaṇḍa, Chapter Twenty-one, it is stated that Devānanda Paṇḍita and Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya’s father, Viśārada, lived in the same village.  Devānanda Paṇḍita was a professional reciter of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, but Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu did not like his interpretation of it. In the present town of Navadvīpa, which was formerly known as Kuliyā, Lord Caitanya showed such mercy to him that he gave up the Māyāvādī interpretation of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and learned how to explain Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in terms of bhakti. Formerly, when Devānanda was expounding the Māyāvādī interpretation, Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura was once present in his meeting, and when he began to cry, Devānanda’s students drove him away. Some days later, Caitanya Mahāprabhu passed that way, and when He met Devānanda He chastised him severely because of his Māyāvāda interpretation of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. At that time Devānanda had little faith in Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu as an incarnation of Lord Kṛṣṇa, but one night some time later Vakreśvara Paṇḍita was a guest in his house, and when he explained the science of Kṛṣṇa, Devānanda was convinced about the identity of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Thus he was induced to explain Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam according to the Vaiṣṇava understanding. In the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (106) it is described that he was formerly Bhāguri Muni, the sabhā-paṇḍita who recited Vedic literatures in the house of Nanda Mahārāja.

Bhaguri Muni is also mentioned that he performed a Sacrifice for Mahavasu Gopa so that Stoka Krsna would be born:

In Sri GargaSamhita we find this description of Stoka-krsna's birth:

The appearance in  Vrindavan of the gopa Stoka-krsna is also mentioned by Sri Rupa Goswami in Sri Sri Radha-Krsna-Ganoddesa-dipika, Part One, Text 103-107:

"Mahavasu-gopa  desired to beget a powerful and heroic son and a beautiful daughter. To attain  this end the self-controlled Mahavasu engaged Bhaguri Muni in performing a Vedic  sacrifice. (103)

Certain nectarean  foodstuffs appeared from that sacrifice and the delighted Mahavasu gave them to  his wife, Sucandra-devi. (104)

As Sucandra-devi  was hastily eating the sacred foodstuff on her front porch, she spilled some of  it. At that time the doe named Suranga, who was the mother of the doe named Rangini, was wandering in Vrajabhumi. Seeing Sucandra-devi spill some of the  foodstuff, the doe Suranga quickly came forward and ate some of it. As a result  of eating this sacred foodstuff, both the gopi Sucandra and the doe Suranga  became pregnant. (105-106)

Sucandra-devi  gave birth to a son whom the gopas called Stokakrsna and the deer gave birth to  the girl Hiranyangi in the village of Vraja." (107)

note : Hiranyangi is  a sakhi but born from a deer and a close friend of Radharani

Bhaguri Muni is also praised in Vraja Vilasa stava by Srila Raghunath das Goswami and offered him a swet and  beautiful prayer:

Bhaguri Muni, the learned chief priest of Vraja-pura, is the personification of all the Vedas. Everyday He chants mantras for the protection of each of Krsna’s limbs. Everyday he smells Krsna’s head. Everyday he offers Krsna many benedictions. I bow down and offer my respectful obeisances to Bhaguri Muni, the best of the sages.

(later I shall continue my glorification of Krsnas Dana Keli lilas, but for now here is Dana-keli-kaumudi by Srila Rupa Goswami.Srila Raghunath Das Goswami has also written his Dana keli Cintamani.T shall explain about this later, he has also mentioned Krsna's Dana keli lilas in his Govardhana Vasa-Prarthana-Dashakam ,these lilas at Dana Gati at Govardhana are very important to true Gaudiya vaisnavas especailly in Kartika and especailly around Govardhana puja.


Shrila Raghunatha dasaGosvami



atula-prithula-shaila-shreni-bhupa!  priyam me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (1)

pramada-madana-lilah  kandare kandare te

racayati nava-yunor  dvandvam asminn amandam

iti kila kalanartham  lagnakas tad-dvayor me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (2)


ruhajhara-darasanudroni-sangheshu  rangaih

saha bala-sakhibhih  sankhelayan sva-priyam me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (3)

rasa-nidhi-nava-yunoh  sakshinim dana-keler

dyuti-parimala-viddham  shyama-vedim prakashya

rasika-vara-kulanam  modam asphalayan me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (4)

hari-dayitam apurvam  radhika-kundam atmapriya-

sakham iha kanthe  narmanalingya guptah

nava-yuva-yuga-khelas  tatra pashyan raho me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (5)

sthala-jala-tala-shashpair  bhuruhac-chayaya ca

prati-padam anukalam  hanta samvardhayan gah

tri-jagati nija-gotram  sarthakam khyapayan me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (6)

sura-pati-krita-dirgha-drohato  goshtha-raksham

tava  nava-griha-rupasyantare kurvataiva

agha-baka-ripunoccair  dattamana! drutam me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (7)

giri-nripa!  haridasa-shreni-varyeti namamritam

idam uditam  shri-radhika-vaktra-candrat

vraja-nava-tilakatve  klpta! vedaih sphutam me

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (8)



aganita-karunatvan mam  uri-kritya tantam

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (9)

nirupadhi-karunena shri  shaci-nandanena

tvayi kapati-shatho ’pi  tvat-priyenarpito ’smi

iti khalu mama  yogyayogyatam tam agrihnan

nija-nikata-nivasam  dehi govardhana! tvam (10)

rasada-dashakam asya  shrila-govardhanasya

kshiti-dhara-kula-bhartur  yah prayatnad adhite

sa sapadi sukhade ’smin  vasam asadya sakshacchubhada-

yugala-seva-ratnam  apnoti turnam (11)

O  beautiful Govardhana, matchlessly enormous king of mountains! Please  bestow

upon me my most  cherished desire - residence near your side. You took the  shape

of an umbrella with the  arm of your own Lord as the handle, thus pulverizing the

arrogant pride of Indra  who was intoxicated by his own opulence. (1)

O Govardhana, please grant me a dwelling near your side so that I can easily  witness

and serve the youthful  lovers Shri Radha-Krishna as They perform newer and newer

secret, amorous lilas  within your many caves where They become completely

maddened from drinking  prema. You are present and making everything possible. (2)

O Govardhana, please grant me a dwelling near your side for you are very dear to  me. If

you say to me, “ShriRadha-Krishna also perform pastimes at Sanketa and at other places  in

the forests, so why  don’t you desire to reside there?” I will reply that upon your  incomparable

pearl-studded altars,  on your jewelled simhasanas, below your trees, in your

cracks and crevices,  upon your crest and in your multitude of caves, Shri Krishna  and

Baladeva always enjoy  playful sports accompanied by Shridama and the other  sakhas.


O Govardhana, please grant me residence near your side because, having  manifested

a  lustrous black vedi (raised sitting place) with an enchanting scent, you  facilitated

and witnessed the  dana-keli pastime enacted by the youthful lovers ShriRadha-Krishna,

who Themselves are a  treasure-house of delicious rasa-mellows. Thus you  increase

the transcendental  pleasure of Shri Krishna’s exalted rasika devotees who relish  those

mellows.  (4)

O Govardhana, please grant me residence near your side. The unprecedented  Radhakunda

is most dear to Shri  Krishna and also your dear friend. Embracing Radha-kunda

to your neck in a  playful mood, you remain hidden there while watching ShriRadha-

Krishna enjoy pastimes  in Their freshly blossoming youth. That secluded spot is  also

perfectly suitable for  me - I will sit right there and relish Their pastimes with  you.


O Govardhana, please grant me residence near your side. You are worshiping Shri

Radha-Krishna with your  nice spacious fields, ponds, streams and waterfalls,  forests,

fresh grass, and  shade-trees, and you are nourishing Shri Krishna’s beloved cows  whose

numbers are thus  increasing at every moment. Your very name “Govardhana” (gah

means cows, and  vardhayati means to nourish and increase) is successful and  renowned

throughout the three  worlds. If I can reside near you, I will also be able to

receive the darshana of  my ishtadeva Shri Krishna, who comes to you when He brings  His

cows out to graze.  (6)

O Govardhana, please bestow upon me residence by your side right away. Shri  Krishna,

the slayer of Aghasura  and Bakasura, showed you special honour by establishing

Vraja beneath you while  holding you aloft, thereby turning you into a new home for

the Vrajavasis and  protecting them from Indra’s hostility.You are the crown  of

Vrindavana and Krishna  always takes care of you since you are His dear devotee.  Krishna’s

nature is that He is  merciful to those who, although unqualified, reside near  those

whom He honours, so by  residing near you I also will certainly obtain Krishna’s  mercy.


O  Giriraja Maharaja, from the moon-like face of Shrimati Radhika the following  words

have issued: “This hill  is the best of those who are known as Haridasa.” These  words

from the  Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.21.18) have revealed the nectar of your name,  and

all the Vedas have  established you as the fresh tilaka of Vraja-mandala. You are  such

a  high-class devotee, so if I stay with you, I will certainly get high-class bhakti.

Therefore, the most  desirable place to reside is near your side; please grant me  a

dwelling there.  (8)

O Govardhana, you are absorbed in the rasa of friendship towards ShriRadha-Krishna

who are surrounded by  Their sakhis and sakhas, and you are the unparalleled  source

of happiness for the  men, women, birds, animals, and all the living entities of Vraja.

You are so kind.  Krishna just touched you and automatically you lifted yourself up  to

serve Him, becoming  weightless on His finger. You fulfill Krishna’s desires and  protect

all Vrajavasis, so  please accept this most fallen and miserable person and by  mercifully

bestowing upon me  residence near your side, make even poor me a worthy  recipient

of Shri Krishna’s love.  (9)

O Govardhana, although I am a cheater and a rogue, the greatly merciful Shri  Shacinandana

Krishna Chaitanya, who  is most dear to you, has offered me unto you (so you are  therefore

obliged to accept me).  Without considering whether I am qualified or unqualified,

please bestow upon me a  residence near your side. (10)

Whoever ardently  meditates on these ten nectarean verses glorifying ShrilaGovardhana,

the master of  mountains, will obtain blissful residence near Govardhana, thereby  very

quickly attaining the  auspicious jewel of direct service to Shri Radha-Krishna.  (This

composition is recited  in the poetic meter known as “Malini.”) (11)

Srila Rupa Goswami has written so many books:Some are listed in the CC :dana-keli-kaumudi, ara bahu stavavali

astadasa lila-cchanda, ara  padyavali

govinda-virudavali, tahara  laksana

mathura-mahatmya, ara  nataka-varnana


dana-keli-kaumudi--of the name Dana-keli-kaumudi; ara--and; bahu  stavavali--many prayers; astadasa--eighteen; lila-cchanda--chronological  pastimes; ara--and; padyavali--of the name Padyavali; govinda-virudavali--of the  name Govinda-virudavali; tahara laksana--the symptoms of the book;  mathura-mahatmya--the glories of Mathura; ara nataka-varnana--and descriptions  of drama (Nataka-candrika).


Srila Rupa Gosvami also compiled the Dana-keli-kaumudi, Stavavali,  Lila-cchanda, Padyavali, Govinda-virudavali, Mathura-mahatmya and  Nataka-varnana.

note : actually the Stavavali is by Raghunath das Goswami and Rupa Goswamis book is Stavamala, then there is mentioned Astadasa lila cChanda that I am presenting gradually with purports. thus I will try to glorify Srila Rupa Goswami and his books one by one to the best of my ability this will please my Gurudeva ,Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja that was always absorbed in these books, but only gave some glimpses of them.I know if I promote them and encourage devotees to do raganuga sadhana he will be greatly pleased.Srila Gurudeva also promoted to always chant not less than one lahk of the Mahamantra as this is the standard of Lord Caitanya.Some socalled kanistha vaisnavas try to deminish my value in the rangs among vaisnavas let them be, I will not pay them any attention, I shall simply remain and aspire to be the speck of the dust at the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada ,and Srila Rupa Goswami :

adadanas trnam dantair idam yace punah punah |   srimad rupa-padambhoja-dhulh syam janma-janmani || Taking grass between my , I repeatedly that I may become a speck of dust at Sri Rupa Goswami's lotus feet, birth after birth. (Raghunath Das Goswami, Muktacarita.)

(to be continued..)

vaisnava das anu dasParamananda das


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