Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Yestersday a devotee asked me about fasting for Lord Vamanadev:

Sorry here are the links causing me confusion about how to observe fasting for Lord Vamana's appearance day: and
Basically one suggests the ekadasi fasting and Vamana appearance day is observed together and other says they are observed in succession.

Payonidhi Das Das first of all Lord Vamanadeve is best worshipped by full Nirjala fasting as explained in Hari Bhakti Vilasa, and chanting 64 rounds, and reading the pastimes in Srimad Bhagavatam in relation to Him

SB 6.8.13: May the Lord, who assumes the body of a great fish, protect me in the water from the fierce animals that are associates of the demigod Varuṇa. By expanding His illusory energy, the Lord assumed the form of the dwarf Vāmana. May Vāmana protect me on the land. Since the gigantic form of the Lord, Viśvarūpa, conquers the three worlds, may He protect me in the sky.

Saturday Ekadasi, G, 05:52 , U.Asadha


19 Sep 2010
Sunday Dvadasi, G, 05:53 , Sravana

+Break fast 05:53 - 09:59 (Daylight savings not considered)

+Sri Vamana Dvadasi ~ Appearance of Lord Vamanadeva

+Srila Jiva Gosvami ~ Appearance

Gaudiya math calenders is the same on Lord Vamanadevs fasting

After the ekadasi occurs the appearance day of Vamana deva, which is usually a fasting day, being also mahadvadasi. In the case of mahadvadasi fasting on the ekadasi is omitted. One may perform the puja on the ekadasi noon, night or on dvavasi morning. Lord Vamana appeared at noon. But this year the ekadasi is pure so there is fasting on ekadasi day

Lord Vamana appeared at noon.

Sankalpa (ceremonial vow):

ekadasyam niraharah sthitva caivapare'hani

bhoksye sri vamanananta saranagata vatsala

One may perform the puja over a kumbha, install a murti or worship Vamana in a salagram, offering sixteen upacaras, a bamboo danda, jala mala, upavita, paduka and umbrella, the articles held by the brahmacari, Vamana deva.

Asana, padyam, arghyam, acamaniyam, madhuparka, bath, cloth, sacred thread, ornaments, gandha, flowers, incense, lamps, naivedyam, betel nut and pranamas may also be offered.

Special arghya (barley, kusa, tulasi, yoghurt, flowers, etc.) prayer is as follows:

vamanaya namas tubhyam kranta tribhuvanaya ca

grhanarghyam maya dattvam vamanaya namo'stu te

The next day one may feed the brahmanas, give gifts and break the fast.

Conerning this festival Srila Prabhupada has said:

Dress a (little boy), give him a special raised seat, offer him the best prasada. Everyone should offer their respects by touching his feet.

That sounds beautiful, I'll try to do the fast to the best of my ability. So it's okay to break the fast with ekadasi prasadam? I thought you had to break a fast with grains (unless doing nirjala). Apologies for more questions!

Payonidhi Das Das no no you can ask a million questions I am here to preach please never think any other way:on ekadasi you should never take grains right? So since that ekadasi is pure half day fasting with ekadasi prasadam, next day hald day fasting with grains ,,I hope this is clear? and if the ekadasi is impure (and it is not this year) then you fast on dvadasi and it is then a Mahadvadasi, do you follow?

Bg 18.68

ya idaṁ paramaṁ guhyaṁ
mad-bhakteṣv abhidhāsyati
bhaktiṁ mayi parāṁ kṛtvā
mām evaiṣyaty asaṁśayaḥ

For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me.


Yes I think I do follow, basically it is ekadasi fasting until noon on both days and broken with ekadasi prasadam. But then why does it say break fast: 05:53 - 09:59 on the calendar?

Payonidhi Das Das ekadasi fasting untill noon on ekadasi for Lord Vamanadev,next morning you can break ekadasi with grains, well you are fasting till noon again, take one grain of Mahaprasadam,clear now?

Yes many thanks Prabhu. I appreciate you explaining it all so clearly. I look forward to a spiritual weekend. Hare Krishna!

Payonidhi Das Das yes it is a bit complicated

Payonidhi Das Das thank you for being sincere in KC

devotee: Thank you for guiding me in KC

Payonidhi Das Das kindly take the advise of Lord Caitanya and daily chant 64 rounds of the Mahamantra with love and attention

See also SB 8.canto chapter 16 to 23

It is interesting there is no lectures by Srila Prabhupada on the 8th Canto I could find ,or 9th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam ,right now I am having problems with my vedabase so I might be wrong?Maybe disciples of Srila Prabhupada can kindly explain wether His Divine Grace did not lecture on the 8th and 9th canto?

It is interesting to note 2 verses:

SB 8.18.12
The Lord appeared in His original form, with ornaments and weapons in His hands. Although this ever-existing form is not visible in the material world, He nonetheless appeared in this form. Then, in the presence of His father and mother, He assumed the form of Vāmana, a brāhmaṇa-dwarf, a brahmacārī, just like a theatrical actor

purport by Srila Prabhupada
The word naṭaḥ is significant. An actor changes dress to play different parts, but is always the same man. Similarly, as described in the Brahma-saṁhitā (5.33, 39), the Lord assumes many thousands and millions offorms (advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam ādyaṁ purāṇa-puruṣam). He is always present with innumerable incarnations (rāmādi-mūrtiṣu kalā-niyamena tiṣṭhan nānāvatāram akarod bhuvaneṣu kintu [Bs. 5.39]). Nonetheless, although He appears in various incarnations, they are not different from one another. He is the same person, with the same potency, the same eternity and the same spiritual existence, but He can simultaneously assume various forms. When Vāmanadeva appeared from the womb of His mother, He appeared in the form of Nārāyaṇa, with four hands equipped with the necessary symbolic weapons, and then immediately transformed Himself into a brahmacārī (vaṭu). This means that His body is not material. One who thinks that the Supreme Lord assumes a material body is not intelligent. He has to learn more about the Lord’s position. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (4.9), janma karma ca me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ. One has to understand the transcendental appearance of the Lord in His original transcendental body (sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha [Bs. 5.1]).

I like to humbly add :
this is very similar to how Krsna transformed His Visnu form into baby Krsna for the pleasure of Vasudeva and Devaki
Still Krsna is the origin of all Visnu forms not the other way around:ete camca-kalah pumsah
krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
"All the above mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or portions
of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Sri Krsna is the original
Personality of Godhead."*

another interesting sloka:
taṁ vaṭuṁ vāmanaṁ dṛṣṭvā
modamānā maharṣayaḥ
karmāṇi kārayām āsuḥ
puraskṛtya prajāpatim

When the great sages saw the Lord as the brahmacārī-dwarfVāmana, they were certainly very pleased. Thus they placed before them Kaśyapa Muni, the Prajāpati, and performed all the ritualistic ceremonies, such as the birthday ceremony.
According to Vedic civilization, when a child is born in the family of abrāhmaṇa, the birthday ceremony, known as jāta-karma, is first performed, and then other ceremonies are also gradually performed. But when this vāmana-rūpa appeared in the form of a vaṭu, or brahmacārī, His sacred thread ceremony was also performed immediately.

LORD Vamanadev is given a brahmin initiation at His transcendental birth cermony and donations offered to him,being the "Supreme Brahmana"

SB 8.18.14: At the sacred thread ceremony of Vāmanadeva, the sun-god personally uttered the Gāyatrī mantra, Bṛhaspatioffered the sacred thread, and Kaśyapa Muni offered a straw belt.

SB 8.18.15: Mother earth gave Him a deerskin, and the demigod of the moon, who is the king of the forest, gave Him abrahma-daṇḍa [the rod of a brahmacārī]. His mother, Aditi, gave Him cloth for underwear, and the deity presiding over the heavenly kingdom offered Him an umbrella.

SB 8.18.16: O King, Lord Brahmā offered a waterpot to the inexhaustible Supreme Personality of Godhead, the seven sages offered Him kuśa grass, and mother Sarasvatī gave Him a string of Rudrākṣa beads.

SB 8.18.17: When Vāmanadeva had thus been given the sacred thread, Kuvera, King of the Yakṣas, gave Him a pot for begging alms, and mother Bhagavatī, the wife of Lord Śiva and most chaste mother of the entire universe, gave Him His first alms.

SB 8.18.18: Having thus been welcomed by everyone, Lord Vāmanadeva, the best of the brahmacārīs, exhibited His Brahmaneffulgence. Thus He surpassed in beauty that entire assembly, which was filled with great saintly brāhmaṇas

In the Garga Samhita it is mentioned how the demigods went to Goloka Vrindavan in the Varaha Kalpa and asked Krsna to come to earth, one Gopi asked them from which univers they came from,well let me look it up" it is just much transcendental fun not to share"

This is from the 1 th canto of Garga Samhita chapter 2:

kasyandasyadhipa deva
yuyam sarve samagatah
vadatashu gamishyami
tasmai bhagavate hy aham

shri-shatacandranana uvaca—Shri Shatacandranana said; kasya—of what?;andasya—universe; adhipah—kings; devah—O demigods; yuyam—you; sarve—all; samagatah—come; vadata—please tell; ashu—at once; gamishyami—I will go; tasmai—to Him; bhagavate—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; hi—indeed; aham—I.

Shri Shatacandranana said: All you demigods who have come here, of what universe are you the kings? Tell me and I shall go to the Lord at once.

Text 25

shri-deva ucuh
aho andany utanyani
nasmabhir darshitani ca
ekam andam prajanimo
'tho 'param nasti nah shubhe

shri-devah ucuh—the demgods said; ahah—Oh; andani—universes; uta—certainly; anyani—other; na—not; asmabhih—by us; darshitani—shown; ca—and; ekam—one; andam—universe; prajanimah—we know; athah—then; aparam—another; na—not; asti—is; nah—of us; shubhe—O beautiful one.

The demigods said: We have not seen any other universes. We know only one universe. O beautiful one, there is no universe beyond ours.

Text 26

brahmadeva luthantiha
kotisho hy anda-rashayah
tesham yuyam yatha devas
tathande 'nde prithak prithak

shri-shatacandrananovaca—Shri Shatacandranana said; brahmadeva—O demigod Brahma; luthanti-moving about; iha—here; kotishah—millions; hi—indeed; anda-rashayah—universes; tesham—of them; yuyam—you; yatha—as; devah—demigods; tatha—so; ande—in an universe; ande—in an universe; prithak prithak—variously.

Shri Shatacandranana said: O demigod Brahma, millions of universes bob up and down (in the Karana ocean). As you are demigods in one universe, so in each each universe there are many demigods.

Text 27

nama-gramam na janitha
kada vatra samagatah
jada-buddhya prahrishyadhve
grihan napi vinirgatah

nama-gramam—names; na—not; janitha—you know; kada—when?; va—or; atra—here; samagatah—come; jada—stunted; buddhya—with intelligence; prahrishyadhve—you are happy; grihan—homes; na—not; api—even; vinirgatah—having left.

You do not even know their names. When did you even meet them? Never leaving your own homes, you remain happy with stunted minds.

Text 28

brahmandam ekam jananti
yatra jatas tatha janah
mashaka ca yathantah-stha
audumbara-phaleshu vai

brahmandam—universe; ekam—one; jananti—know; yatra—where; jatah—born; tatha—so; janah—people; mashakah—mosquitoes; ca—also; yatha—as; antah—inside; sthah—staying; audumbara-phaleshu—in udumbara fruits; vai—indeed.

You know one universe. Living entities are born in many universes, like mosquitoes in many udumbara fruits.

Text 29

shri-narada uvaca
upahasyam gata deva
ittham tushnim sthitah punah
cakitan iva tan drishtva
vishnur vacanam abravit

shri-naradah uvaca—Shri Narada said; upahasyam—the object of jokes; gatah—attained; devah—the demigods; ittham—thus; tushnim—silent; sthitah—stood; punah—again; cakitan—frightened; iva—as if; tan—them; drishtva—seeing; vishnuh—Lord Vishnu; vacanam—words; abravit—said.

Shri Narada said: Mocked in this way, the demigods were silent. Seeing them intimidated, Lord Vishnu spoke some words.

Text 30

shri-vishnur uvaca
yasminn ande prishnigarbho
'vataro 'bhut sanatanah
tasminn ande sthita vayam

shri-vishnuh uvaca—Shri Vishnu said; yasmin—in which; ande—universe; prishnigarbhah—Prishnigarbha; avatarah—incarnation; abhut—was; sanatanah—eternal; trivikrama—of Lord Trivikrama; nakha—by the nails; udbhinne—broken; tasmin—in that; ande—universe; sthitah—situated; vayam—we.

Shri Vishnu said: We stay in the universe where eternal Lord Prishnigarbha descended, the universe broken by Lord Trivikrama's toenail.

the demigods went to Ksirodaksaiy Visni in that Kalpa and he took them to Goloka Vrindavan, so our univers is famous even in Goloka Vrindavan because Lord Vamanadevs lotus toe broke the layers of matter and the Ganga came thus to this univers.

Hearing these chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam again and again will leave a softhearted devotee in tears of love for Lord Vamanadev
your servant
Payonidhi das

see also ,Vamana Purana is one of the 18 Maha Puranas
if you read Sanskit there is an online version

please see also HH Jayapataka Maharaja wonderful lecture about Lord Vamanadev:

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