Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

One devotees asked me about Radhastami fasting:

you wrote: 
Prabhu is Ekadasi prasad observance recommended for Radhastami, and if so can you post a reference, or a reference in general which occasions should follow the non-grain prasad breakfast or observance for the day.
I meant break fast not breakfast.

my response:
Srila Prabhupada only asked for half day fasting, and devotees in ISKCON often take grains.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada introduced 24 hours fasting as is still followed in some Gaudiya maths,some speculate there is no need of fasting in the name of Her being mercy full, this is a sahajiya idea, not supported by strict Gaudiya vaisnavas
I personally favor this full day fasting. the general ISKCON standard is half day:I can not find the letter by Srila Prabhupada but have read it before,I recall in early days of my KC in 1981 or so we always fasted to noon then mostly had a grain feast.(and went back out distributing books)
However it is better to do ekadasi prasadam otherwise what is the question of fasting?But half day is better than no fasting.There is no mention in Hari Bhakti Vilasa about Radhastami,or Balarama purnima, but if even full Nirjala is recommended for Lord Ramachandra and other Visnutattva days then what to speak of Sri Radha, Lord Nityananda, Advaita Acarya,but because I do not have such sastric references,how can I preach strongly about this?
If you pray to Sri Radha sincerly, I am sure She will reveal in your heart that more strict fasting will please Her more than less
Sorry what else can I say Prabhu
Without the mercy of Radharani, how can we obtain Krishna in that sense it is the most important fasting day next to Janmastami and Gaura purnima
This was the mood of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and many of our acaryas,this I have heard from many sadhus in Vrindavan , but sastra praman is not easy to come by on this matter of Radhastami fasting.
If Radha is kind She will reveal the glories on fasting on Her appearance day in our hearts
your servant
 Paramananda  das

Views: 1786

Comment by Paramananda das on October 6, 2013 at 10:31am
Paramananda Das I read how Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja stated : ekädaçyäù sahasreëa
yat phalaà labhate naraù

rädhä janamäñöamé puëyaà

  • Paramananda Das that by fasting on Radhastami we attain 1000 of times more benefit than fasting on ekadasis ,not that such fasting should be stopped  ,but we should properly understand the glories of Radhastami fasting
Comment by Paramananda das on August 29, 2014 at 1:08am

by the grace of Srimati Radharani I have been able to find prayers that glorifie Her apperance ,this vers from Padma Purana fills my eyes with tears: Veda sastra anurakta ye tulasi vana palakah ,Radhastami vrata rata, vijneyas ce ta vaisnavah,Sri Krsna purato ye ca dipam ,Yacchanti Sraddhaya para nindam na kurvanti vijneyas te ca vaisnavah this sloka is from Padma Purana ,Brahma Khanda 1.31.32 The translation is: Those who are attached to studying Vedic litteratures ,those who protect Tulsi forests .those who fast on Radhastami day ,those who offer a lamp to Krsna with good faith and those who do not critizise others are understood to be vaisnavas.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 29, 2014 at 1:09am

ekadasyam sahasrena yat phalam labhate narah Radha janma astami punyam tasmat satagu nadhikam  :whatever result one can attain by fasting on 1000 ekadasis one hundred times greater results can be attainec by fasting on Radhastami and Janmastami days Brahma Khanda of Padma Purana 7.8

Comment by Paramananda das on August 29, 2014 at 1:10am

by the grace of Srimati Radharani I have been able to find prayers that glorifie Her apperance ,this vers from Padma Purana fills my eyes with tears: Veda sastra anurakta ye tulasi vana palakah ,Radhastami vrata rata, vijneyas ce ta vaisnavah,Sri Krsna purato ye ca dipam ,Yacchanti Sraddhaya para nindam na kurvanti vijneyas te ca vaisnavah this sloka is from Padma Purana ,Brahma Khanda 1.31.32 The translation is: Those who are attached to studying Vedic litteratures ,those who protect Tulsi forests .those who fast on Radhastami day ,those who offer a lamp to Krsna with good faith and those who do not critizise others are understood to be vaisnavas.


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