Krsna the Supreme Brahmacary!
PAMHO AGTSP A devotee asked me about how Krsna is considered the Supreme brahmacari, because He is the Supreme personality of Godhead and beyond material lust.Even Bhismadeva the greatest of all Brahmacaries has stated that Krsna is the Supreme Brahmacari. Srila Prabhupada has mentioned this in his one lecture: "Bhisma, he is authority. Next to Krsna, Bhisma is one of the authorities. There are twelve authorities. Svayambhur naradah sambhuh kapilah kumaro manuh, prahlado bhismo janakah [SB 6.3.20]. They are the authorities of piety, religion. They are... Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. We cannot decide what is actually piety, religion. But if we follow mahajana, great authorities, then certainly we are unmistaken. So Yudhisthira Maharaja, now all the Pandavas along with Krsna, they have come to Bhismadeva for taking his last instruction. He was lying on the bed of arrows for death. So his father's benediction was that Bhismadeva would not die unless he desires to die. He was a very avowed brahmacari, truthful. And Bhismadeva recommended in the rajasuya-yajna that "Krsna is greater brahmacari than me. Although I am brahmacari, but Krsna is greater brahmacari." Why? "I am brahmacari. I have avoided association of woman, but Krsna, He was young boy and He had so many young girlfriends, still, He was not sexually agitated. He is the greatest brahmacari." That is the recommendation given by Bhismadeva. When Sisupala was criticizing Krsna, Bhismadeva supported Krsna, that "What kind of brahmacari I am? He is greater brahmacari than me. I think I could not save myself, keeping myself amongst the young girls. No. But Krsna can do so. He is real brahmacari." So therefore His another name is Acyuta, "never falls down," "infallible." Every living entity is fallible. Only Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead... Brahma is fallible, what to speak of others, demigods. Brahma was attracted by seeing the beauty of his daughter. Lord Siva was fallible when he saw the beauty of Mohini-murti. So what to speak of others. And Indra, Candra, they are all fallible. Only Krsna is infallible. All others fallible. Therefore pravrtta-vijnana, bhismoktam atha acyutoktam. Acyuta. Krsna was addressed by Arjuna in the battlefield, "Acyuta." Senayor ubhayor madhye ratham sthapaya me acyuta. Acyuta. Acyuta means... He was addressing Krsna as Acyuta because he was feeling rather little hesitation that "Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has voluntarily accepted the position of my driver, and I have to ask Him, ‘Mr. driver, please take me there.' I have to order Him, and He has to carry." Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has taken the subordinate position of carrying order of Arjuna. Therefore he purposely addressed Him, "Acyuta, my dear friend Krsna, don't mind I am ordering You, but You have promised to carry out my order. You are infallible; so kindly do not take into mind, I am ordering You." In the Gopala Tapani Upanisad , Krsna being the Supreme Brahmacari is explained. ,those who also want to understand the Gopala Gayatri ,and om and Klim should read this. This is a translation with commentaries of Srila Visvanatha Chakravati Thakura and and Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana.
Please also hear HH Tripurari Swami's glorification of Gopal Tapani Upanisad: So Krsna even though He enjoys with Gopis still he remains the Supreme Brahmacari: See also Srila Raghunath das Goswami has written in his Stavavali: Song Name: Pratah Pita Pate Kucopari Official Name: Raghunatha Dasa Gosvaminah Prarthana Author: Raghunatha Dasa Goswami Book Name: Stavavali Language: Sanskrit LYRICS: (1) prātaḥ pīta-paṭe kucopari ruṣā ghūrṇābhare locane bimbauṣṭhe pṛthu vikṣate jaṭilayā sandṛśyamāne muhuḥ vācā yukti-juṣā mṛṣā lalitayā tāḿ sampratārya krudhā dṛṣṭvemaḿ hṛdi bhīṣitā stutavatī rādhā dhruvaḿ pātu vaḥ (2) pika-paṭu-rava-vādyair bhṛńga-jhańkara-gānaīh sphurad-atula-kuḍuńga-kroḍa-rańge sa-rańgam smara-sadasi kṛtodyan nṛtyataḥ śrānta-gātraḿ vraja-nava-yuva-yugmaḿ nartakaḿ vījayāni (3) kuhūkaṇṭhī-kaṇṭhād api kamana-kaṇṭhī mayi punar viśākhā gānasyāpi ca rucira-śikṣāḿ praṇayatu yathāhaḿ tenaitad yuva-yugalam ullasya sa-gaṇāl labhe rāse tasmān maṇi-pradaka-hārān iha muhuḥ (4) kāntyā nindantam udyaê-jaladhara-nicayam- tapta-karta-svabhāvaḿ vāso bibhrāṇam īṣāt-smita-rucira-mukhāmbhojam ākalpitāńgam vāmāńke rādhikām- tām- prathama-rasa-kalā-keli-saubhagya-mattam ālińgyālāpa-bhańgyā vraja-pati-tanayam- smerayantam- smarāmi TRANSLATION 1) Early in the morning Jatila-devi met Sri Radha' and Her friend Lalita. Jatila noticed that Radha was wearing a yellow garment on Her breasts, Her eyes were rolling in sleepiness, and Her bimba fruit lips were deeply cut, as if someone had bit them. Although frightened at heart, Radha' externally assumed an angry pose, became furious at Jatila's insinuations, and together with Lalita, in order to defend Herself, fabricated a network of seemingly logical lies. Afterward She glorified Lalita for her skillful help. May Sri Radha' protect you all. 2) I pray that I may fan the two young dancers of Vraja who have become fatigued by happily dancing in Cupid's arena in an incomparable forest grove filled with the instrumental muse of the expert cuckoos and the humming songs of the bees. 3) I pray that Visakha-devi, whose voice is sweeter than the cuckoos, may teach me the art of beautiful singing. I pray that by singing during the rasa dance I will please the youthful divine couple and I will obtain from Them and Their associates many necklaces of gold and jewels as my reward. 4) I meditate on the smiling prince of Vraja, whose splendid dark complexion rebukes a host of monsoon clouds, whose garments are like molten gold, whose lotus face is charming with a gentle smile, whose transcendental body is expertly decorated, and who speaks many clever joking words as, maddened with playful amorous passion, He embraces Srimati Radhika' to His left. When Radha comes back from the Nikunja lilas at night She is mistakingly put Krsnas yellow Dhoti and Krsna put on Radhas blue Sari. So Jatila immidiatly when waking up Radha notices this, and the Gopis like Lalitadevi chastise her, :"You old hack, why you falsly accuse pure Sri Radha? This is simply the sun reflecting one Radhas sari" .They push her out of the room and quikly change the dress of Radha and then when Jatila again enters ,they chastise her, that look how imperfect your eyes are. In Nandagrama when Yasoda wakes up Krsna with intense love, mother Yasoda asks Krsna astonished: Why you wear the blue Dhoti of Balarama? Still Krsna is the Supreme Brahmacari though He enjoys His sweet Nikunja lilas with Radha: Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has written such a beautiful meditation of Radha Krsnas Nikunja lilas and Gita Govinda is also most confidential, however to not confuse the conditioned souls, the acaryas took those scriptures that explains the most confidential Nikunja lilas of Radha Krsna and put them in the Grantha Samadhi that is next to Srila Sanatana Goswami:
Observing Brahmacari is a must, in grhastha life also ,there should be no illicit sex .And Srila Prabhupada warns about illicit sex in the Brahmacari and sannyasa asrama so many times: Krsna Book 80: These instructions given by Lord Kṛṣṇa while talking with His friend the learned brāhmaṇa are very good for the guidance of human society. A system of human civilization that does not promote varṇa and āśrama is nothing but a polished animal society. Indulgence in sex life by a man or woman living single is never acceptable in human society. A man should strictly follow the principles of brahmacārī life or, with the permission of the spiritual master, should get married. Single life with illicit sex is animal life, for the animals have no such institution as marriage. In Vrindavana Srila Prabhupada told devotees that they should live seperatly from their wife and no engage in illicit sex with the wife, sex even with husband and wife for not having KC children is also illicit sex.We are spirit souls ,and have nothing to do with these material bodies. I also wrote an important article about not remarrying.
your servant
Paramananda das
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