Recently Sampradaya Sun has run many articles that justified how it is ok for grhasthas to have illicit sex .However this is not grhastha life it is grhamedhi life.
I just want to respond with one vers of Srimad Bhagavatam and with Srila Prabhupadas purport:
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.1.3
nidrayā hriyate naktaḿ
vyavāyena ca vā vayaḥ
divā cārthehayā rājan
kuṭumba-bharaṇena vā
nidrayā — by sleeping; hriyate — wastes; naktam — night; vyavāyena — sex indulgence; ca — also; vā — either; vayaḥ — duration of life; divā — days; ca — and; artha — economic; īhayā — development; rājan — O King; kuṭumba — family members; bharaṇena — maintaining; vā — either.
The lifetime of such an envious householder is passed at night either in sleeping or in sex indulgence, and in the daytime either in making money or maintaining family members.
The present human civilization is primarily based on the principles of sleeping and sex indulgence at night and earning money in the day and spending the same for family maintenance. Such a form of human civilization is condemned by the Bhāgavata school.
Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter. The knowledge concerning this is called ātma-tattva. Those men who are too materialistic are unaware of this knowledge and are more inclined to economic development for material enjoyment. Such materialistic men are called karmīs, or fruitive laborers, and they are allowed regulated economic development or association of woman for sex indulgence. Those who are above the karmīs, that is, the jñānīs, yogīs and devotees, are strictly prohibited from sex indulgence. The karmīs are more or less devoid of ātma-tattva knowledge, and as such, their life is spent without spiritual profit. The human life is not meant for hard labor for economic development, nor is it meant for sex indulgence like that of the dogs and hogs. It is specially meant for making a solution to the problems of material life and the miseries thereof. So the karmīs waste their valuable human life by sleeping and sex indulgence at night, and by laboring hard in the daytime to accumulate wealth, and after doing so, they try to improve the standard of materialistic life. The materialistic way of life is described herein in a nutshell, and how foolishly men waste the boon of human life is described as follows
Acting like a karmi while dressing as a devotee is not good, it is not so cheap to call oneself a devotee.But some socalled sannyasis has had illicit sex life ,being childmolesters and being homosexuals so if at least we are devotees having sex with our wife what is the big deal.Yes surely it is better to be a grhamedhi devotee and have sex with ones wife than being a sannyasi in name only and secretly doing sins. However the KC solution is no illicit sex, it is for all varnas and asramas.And yes we have seen such "grhamedhi devotees" being jealous when you are a strict grhastha, brahmacari and sannyasi....we all to to look within and find no excuses for any kind of illicit sex, and Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam that over 45 , sex life should be finished for all devotees.
I was on ISKCON desire tree for 3 days , and it was all about how to find partners and eating opulent prasadam.
Lord Caitanya has advised devotees: "Do not dress luxuriously and do not eat delicious foodstuffs." (Cc. Antya 6.236)
And yes for sannyasis Srila Jagadananda Pandit has stated:
Śrī Jagadānanda Paṇḍita says:
vairāgī bhāi grāmya-kathā nā śunibe kāne
grāmya-vārtā nā kahibe yabe milibe āne
svapane o nā kara bhāi strī-sambhāṣaṇa
gṛhe strī chāḍiyā bhāi āsiyācha vana
yadi cāha praṇaya rākhite gaurāńgera sane
choṭa haridāsera kathā thāke yena mane
bhāla nā khāibe āra bhāla nā paribe
hṛdayete rādhā-kṛṣṇa sarvadā sevibe
"My dear brother, you are in the renounced order of life and should not listen to talk about ordinary worldly things, nor should you talk about worldly things when you meet with others. Do not think of women even in dreams. You have accepted the renounced order of life with a vow that forbids you to associate with women. If you wish to associate with Caitanya Mahāprabhu, you must always remember the incident of Choṭa Haridāsa and how he was rejected by the Lord. Do not eat luxurious dishes or dress in fine garments, but always remain humble and serve Their Lordships Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa in your heart of hearts."
He obviously did not give advise to homosexuals being sannyasis as such persons should never take sannyasa and they are spiritual outcastes, unfit for spiritual advise.
However due to Kalis influences sometimes such demons take sannyasa and has caused great trouble to ISKCON.
On CNN Indian version ISKCON versus ISKCON has been brodcast all over India
One Prabhupada disciple said do not tell others about ISKCON faults...well he is aware of faults and he thinks they should be hidden? Just do the propaganda always everything is good and good and there was no mistakes, no one made mistakes.It is all one. And all are Krishna.Always cover it up and become like the Catholic church at all costs always cover up everything bad Popes and priests did.Can anyone blame the Ritviks and many devotess to not subscribe to this? Yes at the same time in our preaching we focus on transcendental knowledge, but if the examples are not there.The excuse is that these socalled bad priests did mistakes out of weakness so they are excused even if they molested kids.For persons that came out of the scandal of New Vrindavana, they have everything to hide and they try to forget their own stupidity of being part of this apa sampradaya created by the madman Kirtananda...
The answers to the success of ISKCON is simple ,stop comforting get out the doors and do Harinama and bookdistribution and become KC.
These obstacels of ISKCON pains me.....
your servant
Paramananda das
Views: 538
Oh, surrender? Give up? But I have so many responsibilities." And māyā, illusion, says to us, "Don't do it, or you'll be out of my clutches. Just stay in my clutches, and I'll kick you." It is a fact that we are constantly being kicked by māyā, just as the male ass is kicked in the face by the she-ass when he comes for sex. Similarly, cats and dogs are always fighting and whining when they have sex. These are the tricks of nature. Even an elephant in the jungle is caught by the use of a trained she-elephant who leads him into a pit. Māyā has many activities, and in the material world her strongest shackle is the female. Of course in actuality we are neither male nor female — for these designations refer only to the outer dress, the body. We are all actually Kṛṣṇa's servants. In conditioned life, however, we are shackled by the iron chains which take the form of beautiful women. Thus every male is bound by sex life, and therefore when one attempts to gain liberation from the material clutches, he must first learn to control the sex urge. Unrestricted sex puts one fully in the clutches of illusion. Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu officially renounced this illusion at the age of twenty-four, although His wife was sixteen and His mother seventy, and He was the only male member of the family. Although He was a brāhmaṇa and was not rich, He took sannyāsa, the renounced order of life, and thus extricated Himself from family entanglement.
If we wish to become fully Kṛṣṇa conscious, we have to give up the shackles of māyā, or, if we remain with māyā, we should live in such a way that we will not be subject to illusion. It is not necessary for one to abandon his family, for there were many householders amongst Lord Caitanya's closest devotees. What must be renounced is the propensity for material enjoyment. Although Lord Caitanya approved of a householder having regulated sex in marriage, He was very strict with those in the renounced order, and He even banished junior Haridāsa for glancing lustfully at a young woman. The point is that one must take up a particular path and stick to it, obeying all the rules and regulations necessary for success in spiritual life. It was Lord Caitanya's mission that He teach the path of Kṛṣṇa consciousness to all men and thereby enable them to partake of the immortality of spiritual life.
from teachings of Lord Caitanya
Atmendriya prIti vAnchA tAr boli kAm; KRSNendriya prIti dhare tAr prem nAm Caitanya Caritamrita: “ The desire to satisfy one’s own senses is called kAma (lust) and the desire to please Krishna’s senses is called prem (love)." Ataeva kAm-prem bahu antara; kAma andhatama prem nirmala bhAskar (CC) “Therefore there is a big difference between lust and love – lust is deep darkness and love is clear light.”
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