Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Dandavats pranams
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Today one devotee asked me about an article:
There are some ignorant persons that think they can manipulate me into their sect mentality , to many things have happened to me over 33 years in ISKCON.There is no going faith in ISKCON as an instituion is gone 100 percent. ISKCON is beyond repair this is my firm believe and ISKCON will never become what Srila Prabhupada wanted it to be.It will only be a shadow of what he intended, and nothing can and will fix it.It is sad but true.Because on GBC level  ISKCON has and remains  deviated from Srila Prabhupada due to selfishness of his disciples.,and the deviated consciousness of  some granddisciples also.
ISKCON can only be fixed if the DOM gets instituted, and the salary system goes away, as long as lazy sannyasis living as parasites of ISKCON these things happens,  they push others to surrender to Krsna but never surrender themselves, I said before that the only persons I see fit for a samadhi was Gaura Govinda Swami and Aindra Prabhu.
   Of course to respect any departed devotee is proper.
But Tamal Krsna Maharaja was manipulative and selfish and so is many of his godbrothers at present. They make females GBC;s do gass fracking, never go on bookdistribution and Harinama , and some do not chant even 16 rounds and follow 4 regs and get married again and again.Run giftshops for personal business etc etc.What to speak of having a bingo hall with meat prices like in ISKCON Brooklyn, the GBC to this day deviate from Srila Prabhupada, it will not be fixed untill they start to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and Krsna and stop their pretense of a show of Bhakti...
your servant
Paramananda das

Sudama Brahmin And The  Takeover

This is a story which had its beginnings  many many years ago. It was told to me by Sudama prabhu who left the planet in  1995. His leaving was most auspicious with devotees having 24 hour kirtan.  Garlands and Tulasi were placed upon his body and he left to the chanting of the  Holy Name. Immediately upon his departure, an unknown Indian brahmin came into  the room, looked around, and then left. (It is said that if someone leaves their  body and an unknown brahmin comes to the room, then that person has gone back  home to Godhead.)
I was Sudama Maharaja's personal servant  off-and-on in NYC for five months in 1975, and I later served him in Badger, CA  for two months before he left his body. During that time, Sudama prabhu revealed  to me something very intensely shocking and distressful.
We were talking about ISKCON in general,  and after some time I then told Sudama prabhu about a conversation that I had  with Satsvarupa Maharaj. I explained that I told Satsvarupa Maharaj at one point  that I felt Srila Prabupada was my spiritual master. (I joined the movement in  1975, got the opportunity to see Srila Prabhupada, and I felt a very strong  spiritual connection with Srila Prabhupada. I was amongst the second group of  disciples to take initiation from Satsvarupa Maharaj in 1978.) Sudama asked me  why it was I didn't get initiated by Srila Prabhupada even though I was supposed  to. After giving Sudama prabhu my explanation, he angrily answered, (referring  to Satsvarupa Maharaj), "He's no guru anyway." Then he went into the explanation  of why he did not feel that Satsvarupa is a guru.
Sudama prabhu revealed to me that the day  before Srila Prabhupada departed from us, all of the ISKCON leaders, including  Satsvarupa Maharaj, the other original ISKCON gurus and other leaders met  together to discuss how to divide up the world. Sudama prabhu told me that Tamal  Krsna Maharaj and another sanyasi - whose name I cannot remember - approached  him and said, "There is going to be a meeting in which we are going to divide up  the world. Don't go anywhere, you should be there." (This was the exact  statement used.)
Sudama prabhu attended the meeting  horrified at what he was hearing. Tamal Krsna started off asking who wants to be  guru. Sudama explained that there was some hesitation and then Romesvara  answered, "I do, I do." Others raised their hands also. Sudama was shocked.  Sudama was then told, "We'll give you Japan and make you a guru later." Sudama  prabhu completely horrified asked, "Srila Prabhupada hasn't even left the planet  yet. How can you be even thinking like this?" Sudama prabhu went on to say,  (speaking to his Godbrothers), "I would rather bloop and falldown then to commit  the sins that you are about to commit." (These were Sudama prabhu's EXACT words  to them as he himself told me.)
After the meeting, when it was concluded  who was to be guru, Sudama prabhu, (who explained that he was present throughout  the whole meeting), said that Satsvarupa Maharaj then addressed the assembly:  "Before we go back, we had better conclude on one story to tell all of the  devotees. The devotees are very smart, and if we have different stories, they  will know something is wrong."
Satsvarupa Maharaj along with Tamal Krsna  then put together the story that these leaders would tell the devotees.  Satsvarupa Maharaj wrote it all down and he and Tamal conferred back and forth  with the other leaders in terms of answering all questions to make sure that  there were no "loopholes" - the EXACT word used by Sudama prabhu - in the story,  and that nothing could go wrong.
Sudama prabhu stayed on to the next day  when Srila Prabhupada actually left. (This was the day immediately after the  meeting in which our GBC leaders divided up the world.) After Srila Prabhupad  left the planet, Sudama prabhu immediately left the movement, knowing what had  transpired in that meeting, and the material ambition and viciousness of these  men. He could foresee the destruction of the movement.
The assembled Vaisnavas may be wondering  why it is that I never came forth with this information at an earlier date and  am now speaking this out. The reason why I did not speak up earlier was because  of how our guru and GBC leaders have so much indoctrinated the devotees that I  did not think that anyone would accept this truth. I also have never used a  computer before, and had no opportunity to be able to get this information out.  I am also seeing that the situation in ISKCON has become so bad that I am  feeling COMPELLED to speak out with this truth. I feel it is my duty to bring  out this truth which was given to me by Sudama prabhu, for the devotees to hear  it, whether they choose to believe it or not.
Your servant,
Ramacandra Das

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