Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Final warning and instructiones of Srila Narottama das Thakura

Srila Narottama das Thakura gave some final instructiones that are not only for his disciples but for all followers of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda at present and in the future !Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Srila Narottama das Thakura teachings his disciples the importance of chanting 64 rounds daily

From Prema-vilasa Chapter 18: Shrila Narottama instructs his disciples:

adhanya manaye narottama apanake;
suna sishya bandhugana kahiye tomake.

"Shrila Thakura Narottama considering himself worthless in his natural humility, called all his disciples, followers and friends, and spoke to them the following important instructions.


prathamei krshna-pada prapti laksha jara;
se laiba laksha-nama sankhya apanara.

"Those whose top priority in this life is to achieve the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga-Krishna should voluntarily chant 100,000 Holy Names of daily."

(I believe the translation is one attains the lotusfeet of Krsna Krsna pada ,but Lord Gauranga has been included, They are non different of course )

Narottama-vilasa 10th Vilasa:

Rupamala, the queen of a distant country became so happy on getting initiation from Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura that she took a vow to take 100,000 Harinama (64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra) daily. Seeing her determination, everyone began to sing the glory of Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura Mahashaya.

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