Garga Samhita canto 1 chapter 10 describes the transcendental birth of Lord Balarama :
Texts 27 and 28
atha vraje panca-dineshu bhadre
tithau ca shashöhyam ca site budhe ca
uccair grahaih pancabhir avrite ca
lagne tulakhye dina-madhya-deshe
sureshu varshatsu su-pushpa-varsham
ghaneshu muncatsu ca vari-bindun
babhuva devo vasudeva-patnyam
vibhasayan nanda-griham sva-bhasa
atha - then; vraje - in Vraja; panca-dineshu - in five days; bhadre - in Bhadra; tithau - in the day; ca - and; shashöhyam - on the sixth; ca - also; site - in the bright fortnight; budhe - in mercury; ca - and; uccaih - exalted; grahaih - with planets; pancabhih - with five; avrite - covered; ca - and; lagne - on the horizon; tula-akhye - in Libra; dina-madhya-deshe - at midday; sureshu - as the demigods; varshatsu - showered; su - beautiful; pushpa - of flowers; varsham - a rain; ghaneshu - as the clouds; muncatsu - released; ca - also; vari-bindun - drops of water; babhuva - became; devah - the Supreme Lord; vasudeva-patnyam - in the wife of Vasudeva; vibhasayan - illuminating; nanda-griham - Nanda's home; sva - with His own; bhasa - splendor.
Then, in Vraja, after five days, in the month of Bhadra (August-September), on the sixth day of the bright fortnight, when Mercury, five exalted planets, and the constellation Libra were on the horizon, at midday, as the demigods showered a beautiful rain of flowers and the clouds sprinkled drops of water, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, illuminating Nanda's home with His splendor, was born from Vasudeva's wife (Rohini).
Text 29
nando 'pi kurvan chishu-jata-karma
dadau dvijebhyo niyutam gavam ca
gopan samahuya su-gayakanam
ravair maha-mangalam atanoti
nandah - Nanda; api - indeed; kurvan - performing; shishu - of the child; jata-karma - the birth-ceremony; dadau - gave; dvijebhyah - to the brahmanas; niyutam - a million; gavam - of cows; ca - also; gopan - the gopas; samahuya - calling; su-gayakanam - of singers; ravaih - with the music; maha-mangalam - great auspiciousness; atanoti - gave.
Nanda performed the child's birth ceremony and gave in charity a million cows to the brahmanas. Then he called the gopas and observed a very auspicious festival with the music of many singers and instrumentalists.
Srila Vyasadeva and Narada Muni and other sages also appeared to Nanda Maharaja who washed their lotusfeet, Srila Vyasadeva offered prayers to Lord Balarama fortelling His lilas to come and by chanting this prayer on Balarama Purnima one attains Goloka Vrindavana :He was born under Shravana nakshatra on Shraavana Purnima or Raksha Bandhan
Text 30
dvaipayano devala-devarata-
vashishöha-vacaspatibhir maya caagatya tatraiva samasthito 'bhut
padyadibhir nanda-kritaih prasannah
dvaipayanah - Vyasa; devala - Devala; devarata - Devarata; vashishöha - Vashishöha; vacaspatibhih - with Brihaspati; maya - with me; ca - also; agatya - coming; tatra - there; eva - indeed; samasthitah - situated; abhut - became; padya - with water for washing the feet; adibhih - beginning with; nanda - by Nanda; kritaih - done; prasannah - pleased.
Coming there with Devala, Devarata, Vashishöha, Brihaspati, and myself (Narada), Vyasadeva was pleased when Nanda washed his feet and worshiped Him in many ways.
Text 31
shri-nanda uvaca
sundaro balakah ko 'yam
na drishyo yat-samah kvacit
katham panca-dinaj jatas
tan me bruhi maha-mune
shri-nandah uvaca - Shri Nanda said; sundarah - handsome; balakah - boy; kah - who?; ayam - He; na - not; drishyah - visible; yat - with whom; samah - equal; kvacit - anywhere; katham - how?; panca - after five; dinat - days; jatah - born; tat - that; me - me; bruhi - please tell; maha-mune - O great sage.
Shri Nanda said: Who is this handsome boy, whose equal cannot be seen anywhere? How is it He was born after only five days (in the womb)? O great sage, please tell me.
Text 32
shri-vyasa uvaca
aho bhagyam tu te nanda
shishuh sheshah sanatanah
devakyam vasudevasya
jato 'yam mathura-pure
shri-vyasah uvaca - Shri Vyasa said; ahah - Oh; bhagyam - good fortune; tu - indeed; te - of you; nanda - O Nanda; shishuh - child; sheshah - Shesha; sanatanah - eternal; devakyam - in Devaki; vasudevasya - of Vasudeva; jatah - born; ayam - He; mathura-pure - in Mathura City..
Shri Vyasa said: Nanda, you are very fortunate. This child is eternal Ananta Shesha. In Mathura City He was conceived by Vasudeva in Devaki.
Text 33
krishnecchaya tad-udarat
pranito rohinim shubham
nanda-raja tvaya drishyo
durlabho yoginam api
krishna - of Lord Krishna; icchaya - by the wish; tat - of her; udarat - from the womb; pranitah - brought; rohinim - to Rohini; shubham - beautiful; nanda-raja - O King Nanda; tvaya - by you; drishyah - to be seen; durlabhah - difficult; yoginam - by the yogis; api - even.
By Lord Krishna's wish He was brought to beautiful Devaki. O King Nanda, you may see Him even though the great yogis cannot.
Text 34
tad-darshanartham prapto 'ham
vedavyaso maha-munih
tasmat tvam darshayasmakam
shishu-rupam parat param
tad-darshana-artham - to see Him; praptah - attained; aham - I; devakya - by Devaki; asau - he; maha-munih - a great sage; tasmat - therefore; tvam - you; darshaya - please show; asmakam - to us; shishu - child; rupam - form; parat param - greater than the greatest.
I, Vedavyasa, have come here to see Him. Therefore, please show Him, the Supreme Person who is greater than the greatest and who now displays the form of an infant, to us.
Text 35
shri-narada uvaca
atha nandah shishum shesham
darshayam asa vismitah
drishöva prenkha-sthitam praha
natva satyavati-sutah
shri-naradah uvaca - Shri Narada said; atha - then; nandah - Nanda; shishum - the child; shesham - Shesha; darshayam asa - showed; vismitah - astonished; drishöva - seeing; prenkha - on the swinging-cradle; sthitam - situated; praha - said; natva - bowing; satyavati - of Satyavati; sutah - the son.
Shri Narada said: Then Nanda showed them the child Aannta Shesha. Gazing at the child in the cradle, Vyasa, struck with wonder, bowed down, and spoke.
Text 36
shri-vyasa uvaca
devadhideva bhagavan
kama-pala namo 'stu te
namo 'nantaya sheshaya
sakshad-ramaya te namah
shri-vyasah uvaca - Shri Vyasa said; deva - of gods; adhideva - O Lord; bhagavan - O master of opulences; kama - of desires; pala - O protector; namah - obeisances; astu - may be te - to You; namah - obeisances; anantaya sheshaya - to Lord Ananta Shesha; sakshad-ramaya - directly Lord Balarama; te - to You; namah - obeisances.
Shri Vyasa said: O master of the demigods, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Lord who grants desires, obeisances to You! Obeisances to You, who are Lord Aananta Shesha! Obeisances to You, who are directly Lord Rama!
Text 37
dhara-dharaya purnaya
sva-dhamne sira-panaye
sahasra-shirase nityam
namah sankarshanaya te
dhara - of the earth; dharaya - to the holder; purnaya - perfect and complete; sva-dhamne - self-effulgent; sira - a plow; panaye - in hand; sahasra - a thousand; shirase - heads; nityam - eternally; namah - obeisances; sankarshanaya - Sankarshana; te - to You.
Eternal obeisances to You, Lord Sankarshana, the maintainer of the earth, perfect and complete, effulgent and glorious, holding a plow in Your hand, and having a thousand heads!
Text 38
revati-ramana tvam vai
baladevo 'cyutagrajah
halayudhah pralamba-ghnah
pahi mam purushottama
revati-ramana - O husband of Revati; tvam - You; vai - indeed; baladevah - Baladeva; acyuta - of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead; agrajah - the elder broehter; hala - plow; ayudhah - weapon; pralamba - of Pralambasura; ghnah - the killer; pahi - protect; mam - me; purushottama - O Supreme Person.
You are Baladeva, Revati's husband and the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead's elder brother. You are armed with a plow. You are Pralambasura's killer. O Supreme Person, please save me!
Text 39
balaya balabhadraya
talankaya namo namah
nilambaraya gauraya
rauhineyaya te namah
balaya - Bala; balabhadraya - Balabhadra; talankaya - whose mark is the palm tree; namah - obeisances; namah - obeisances; nila - blue; ambaraya - garments; gauraya - fair complexion; rauhineyaya - the son of Rohini; te - to You; namah - obeisances.
Obeisances! Obeisances to You, who are known as Bala and Balabhadra, and who carry a palm-tree flag! Obeisances to You, Rohini's fair-complexioned son dressed in blue garments!
Text 40
dhenukarir mushöikarih
kuöarir balvalantakah
rukmy-arih kupakarnarih
kumbhandaris tvam eva hi
dhenuka - of Dhenuka; arih - the enemy; mushöika - of Musöika; arih - the enemy; kuöa - of Kuöa; arih - the enemy; balvala - of Balvala; antakah - the end; rukmi - of Rukmi; arih - enemy; kupakarna - of Kupakarna; arih - the enemy; kumbhanda - of Kumbhanda; arih - the enemy; tvam - You; eva - certainly; hi - certainly.
You are the enemy of Dhenuka, Mushtika, Kuöa, Rukmi, Kupakarna, and Kumbhanda. You put an end to Balvala.
Text 41
kalindi-bhedano 'si tvam
dvividarir yadavendro
kalindi - the yamuna; bhedanah - dividing; asi - are; tvam - You; hastinapura - of Hastinapura; karshakah - the puller; dvivida - of Dvivida; arih - the enemy; yadava - of the Yadavas; indrah - the king; vraja - of Vraja; mandala - of the circle; mandanah - the decoration.
You divided the Yamuna and dragged Hastinapura. You are the enemy of Dvivida. You are the king of the Yadavas and the decoration of the circle of Vraja.
Text 42
tirtha-yatrakarah prabhuh
duryodhana-guruh sakshat
pahi pahi prabho jagat
kamsa - of Kamsa; bhratri - of the brothers; prahata - the killer; asi - You are; tirtha-yatrakarah - the pilgrim who goes to holy places; prabhuh - the Lord; duryodhana-guruh - the teacher of Duryodhana; sakshat - directly; pahi - protect; pahi - protect; prabhah - O Lord; jagat - the universe.
You are the killer of Kamsa's brothers, a pilgrim who goes to holy places, the Supreme Master, and the teacher of Duryodhana. O Lord, please protect, please protect the world!
Text 43
jaya jayacyuta deva parat para
svayam ananta dig-anta-gatam yashah
sura-munindra-phanindra-varaya te
musaline baline haline namah
jaya - glories; jaya - glories; acyuta - O infallible; deva - Lord; parat para - greater than the greatest; svayam - personally; ananta - Ananta; dik - the directions; anta - the end; gatam - gone; yashah - fane; sura - the demigods; muni - of sages; indra - kings; phani - of serpents; indra - kings; varaya - top the best; te - to You; musaline - who hold a club; baline - powerful; haline - who hold a plow; namah - obeisances.
O infallble Lord, O greater than the greatest, O Lord Ananta, O Lord whose fame is everywhere, glory, glory to You! Obeisances to You, who hold a plow and a club and are the master of the demigods, great sages, and regal serpents!
Text 44
iha paöhet satatam stavanam tu yah
sa tu hareh paramam padam avrajet
jagati sarva-balam tv ari-mardanam
bhavati tasya jayah sa-janam dhanam
iha - here; paöhet - reads; satatam - regularly; stavanam - prayer; tu - certainly; yah - who; sah - he; tu - certainly; hareh - of Lord Hari; paramam - the supreme; padam - abode; avrajet - goes; jagati - in the world; sarva - all; balam - strength; tu - indeed; ari - enemies; mardanam - crushing; bhavati - becomes; tasya - of him; jayah - victory; sa-janam - with followers; dhanam - wealth.
A person who regularly reads or recites these prayers attains Lord Hari's supreme abode. Even in this world he attains all strength. He crushes his enemies. For him are victory, wealth, and followers.
Text 45
shri-narada uvaca
balam parikramya shatam pranamya tair
dvaipayano deva parasharatmajah
vishala-buddhir muni-badarayanah
sarasvatim satyavati-suto yayau
shri-naradah uvaca - Shri Narada said; balam - Lord Balarama; parikramya - circumambulating; shatam - a hundred times; pranamya - bowing down; taih - with them; dvaipayanah - Vyasadeva; deva - O lord; parasharatmajah - the son of Parashara Muni; vishala - great; buddhih - intelligence; muni-badarayanah - Vyasa Muni; sarasvatim - to the Sarasvati; satyavati-sutah - the son of satyavati; yayau - went.
Shri Narada said: After circumambulating Lord Balarama and bowing down before Him a hundred times in the company of (the other sages), intelligent Vyasa Muni, who was the son of Parashara and Satyavati, went to the Sarasvati river.
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