Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures



This Bhakti Ratnakara is a very important vaisnava litterature as it describes the life of many of Lord Caitanyas associates in detail.Srila Narahari Chakravati Thakura has ben nicely explained

at and the difference between him and Shri Narahari Sarakara Thakura(they are often mistaken).Srila Narahari Chakravti Thakura also wrote the famous Narottama Vilasa about the life of Srila Narotama das Thakura.Nandanandana das(ACSBP) has written about Narahari Chakravati:

"Sri Narahari Cakravarti Thakura appeared in the late 1600's in West Bengal in a brahmana family. Jagannatha Vipra, his father, was a famous disciple of Sripad Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. Narahari (Ghanasyama Dasa) was a disciple of Nrsimha Cak­ravarti in the line of Srinvasa Acarya.

From youth Narahari observed a vow of celibacy. All his ac­tivities were pure and saintly. He was always meek and humble, thinking himself a mischievous rascal. He used to say, "I am unfit for serving the Lord. I have no qualifications at all." Yet he was extremely learned in the arts of dancing, singing, playing musical instruments. He knew the intricate science of using the musical arts to praise the Lord and His associates.

He was well-versed in the bhakti-sastras and in performing various kinds of devotional service. Being personally chosen by the Lord, Narahari became Radha-Govindaji's favorite cook in Vrndavana. He was known as rasuya pujari (the expert cook-priest) for mastering the art of making palatable dishes for the Lord. Wherever he traveled he established real religious principles. The Vaisnavas always received him with great respect.

Fulfilling the desire of his father and the Supreme Lord, Narahari spent most of his life in the humble service of Govindaji. He ground sandalwood pulp, collected fire wood, cleaned the temple courtyard, picked tulasi leaves and manjaris, fanned Lord Govindaji from outside by pulling a rope.

Out of genuine humility he always kept himself at a distance. He did the service of ten men. The temple pujaris would plead with him not to do such lowly service. Insisting, Narahari said, "I am most fallen. I have no right. It is really merciful of you all to let me render whatever service I can." Narahari passed his days deep­ly absorbed in devotional service. He would always show respect to everyone he met. Seeing Narahari's behavior, the Vrajavasis always spoke about his good qualities.

Narahari Cakravarti Thakura was always satisfied to remain in the humble service of Govindaji. He cooked for the Lord well into his seventies. He simultaneously wrote many books about the Gosvamis and the lives of the Gaudiya Acaryas such as Narottama-vilasa, Namamrta-samudra, Srinivasa-carita, Sanghita-sara-sangraha, Bhakti-ratnakar, Gaura-caritra-samudra."

This chapter one describes a lot about the glories Gopal Bhatta Goswami 's devotion to Lord Caitanya and about his devotional service:

Your servant

Payonidhi das

NITAAI-Veda.nyf > All Scriptures By Acharyas > Narahari Chakravarti Thakura > Bhaktiratnakara > CHAPTER 1

Glorification of the Vaishnava Prabhus

O my Lord Gaurahari, You are the abode of auspiciousness which is as beautiful as the kirtana of Krishna. You are the ocean of elegance, bestower of constant flow of devotion and mountain of love which is as bright as gold. Your beautiful features give soothing relief to the eyes of every living being and you are mankind's salvation from all kinds of misfortune. You are the center of the Lila Vilasa, and the life of the devotees. Be kind to me.1

O my Prabhu, Shri Gopala Bhatta, the bee at the lotus like feet of Shri Gaura. You are the sun which destroys the darkness of illusion, the ocean of kindness and the greatest of all the brahmanas. You are the son of Shri Venkata Bhatta and a valuable ornament of divine love and devotion. You are the destroyer of worldly miseries and a resort of happiness to the misery stricken people. O Lord save me.2

O my Prabhu, Shrila Gopala Bhatta, a bee at the lotus like feet of Mahaprabhu. You are the most skillful devotee of the Lord. O my Prabhu Shrinivasa, whose complexion is as golden as Shri Shachinandana, you are the king amongst all the brahmanas. Please bless me.3

I constantly worship the companions of Shrinivasa Prabhu who is like the wishing tree of devotional love of Shri Krishna Chaitanya Candra. 4

My dear listeners, please repeatedly and joyfully hear the Bhaktiratnakara which is the life of all Vaishnavas and the destroyer of all miseries and misfortunes.5

Glorification of Shri Gaura Sundara and his companions

All glories to Shri Krishna Chaitanya, the God of Gods who was a lover of devotion and whose beautiful features fascinated the whole world.6

He was the husband of Laksmi and son of mother Saci and Jagannatha. He was the life and soul of Nityananda, Advaita and Gadadhara. 7

O my Lord, even the Vedas have glorified you and there is no one who is not attracted by Your lila.8

You are the guru, the power of devotion and an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. You have manifested your Vilasa through these features. 9

The experts in Vaishnava religion always try to glorify your vilasa which in their opinion is the source of well being and good fortune.10

I worship these Vaishnava gurus without considering their education and culture; Shrivasa and his devotional companions, Advaita Prabhu and his devotional followers, Prabhu Shri Nityananda and his associates, Shri Gadadhara and his followers and Shri Krishna Chaitanya the Lord Himself.11

Krishna used to show his vilasa through six channels: Guru, Krishna, devotee (bhakta) power (sakti) incarnation (avatara) and revealment (Prakash).12

Except by His favor no one had the ability to understand the mysterious ways of the Lord's divine lila.13

You are the Lord Himself, the only resort of all living beings. I dare not speak a word against Your will. 14

All glories to Shri Guru Krishna Chaitanya, the mine of valuable gems like kindness and the giver of devotional love.15

All glories to Nityananda Rama who was the Ocean of kindness and mercy, the rescuer of the universe and friend of the poor and unfortunate.16

You are the original embodiment of Mahaprabhu Krishna Chaitanya and the only person who can fulfil the desires of mankind.17

All glories to Shri Advaita Deva the kind hearted savior of all mankind.18

You are a part (amsa avatar) of Krishna Chaitanya. I have not the audacity to attempt to describe your glory.19

All glories to Shri Gadadhara Pandita Gosvami who was the greatest inheritor of the Power of Mahaprabhu and whose devotional qualities overflowed their boundaries.20

All glories to Shrivasa Pandita who was the greatest of all the devotees and whose devotional character was unobtainable even by the Gods.21

All glories to Shri Svarupa, Vakreswara, Shri Murari and Haridasa.

All glories to Narahari, Gauradasa, Suklambara, Shri Mukunda, Vasu, Madhava and Sankara.23

All glories to Vidyanidhi Pundarika and Vasudeva Sarvabhauma Battacarya.24

All glories to Gadadhara Dasa Pandita, Jagadisa and Kashishwara.25

All glories to Shri Paramananda Bhattacarya and Krishnadasa Brahmacari. 26

All glories to the son of the Acarya, Dvija Haridasa and lotus eyed Rai Ramananda.27

All glories to Lokanatha, Shri Bhugarbha, Sanatana and Rupa.28

All glories to Kashi Misra, Gopinatha, Sastidhara, Abhirama, Vamsi and Saranga. 29

All glories to Shri Prabodhananda Saraswati, Shri Gopala Bhatta and the other sons of Shri Venkata.30

All glories to Raghunatha Bhatta, Raghunatha Dasa and Shri Raghava, the inhabitants of Govardhana.31

All glories to Shri Hrdayananda, son of Acarya, Ciranjiva Sena and Shri Raghunandana.32

All glories to Kanu, Dhananjaya, Vijaya, Ramai, Shri Subuddhi Misra and Shri Jiva Gosvami.33

All glories to Bhagavata Acarya, Madhava, Shridhara and Dasa Vrndavana.34

All glories to Krishna dasa Kaviraja Mahasaya and Shrinivasa Acarya.

All glories to Shri Thakura Mahasaya, Narottama and Hari

Syamananda. 36

All glories to the innumerable devotees of Shri Chaitanya candra.37

Shri Krishna Chaitanya was the life of all his devotees who were very fortunate, having received his favor. 38

Unlimited descriptions rush to mind in describing the characters of the devotees of Mahaprabhu Chaitanya who was always inclined to fulfil the desires of those devotees.39

Gaurachandra behaved lovingly with His devotees on whose supplication He had agreed to incarnate in this world.40

The lila that Gaurahari enacted in the Kaliyuga was beyond the comprehension of Brahma, Siva and other demigods.41

That beautiful lila of Shri Chaitanya was divided into three segments beginning, middle and final.42

The first portion dealt with Shri Chaitanya as a scholar , middle portion dealt with the revealment of the glory of kirtana.43

The last portion dealt with Gaurachandra's life in Nilacala as a sannyasi after he commanded Nityananda to take responsibility for Gaudadesh.44

The Kali Yuga was grateful for the presence of Shri Krishna Chaitanya as a glorious sannyasi along with His associates Nityananda and Advaita.45

Prabhu Advaita and Nityananda, the incarnation of Haladhara Balarama, were the inseparable bodies of Shri Chaitanya.46

Who could realize the devotional sincerity of Nityananda and Advaita, who always used to swim in the ocean of love of Shri Chaitanya?47

Who does not wish to hear the nectarine conversations of Nityananda and Advaita?48

Long live these two great devotees of Shri Chaitanya! I wish I had the power to sing their glories in countries near and far.49

In Navadvipa, Mahaprabhu Gaurachandra, Nityananda and Advaita performed many delightful pastimes.50

The devotees of Mahaprabhu relished these nectarine pastimes continuously.51

The Universe was purified by these transcendental lilas of Gauranga, but the enemies of the Vaishnavas were ever deprived of the pleasure of those pastimes.52

Those who received the favorable touch of the Lord's devotees sank deep in the ocean of devotional love.53

Mahaprabhu had done two types of sport namely appearance (prakat) and disappearance (aprakat). Sometimes Mahaprabhu appeared and sometime disappeared before his devotees.54

But while in appearance or in disappearance, Mahaprabhu behaved the same with his devotees. 55

All the Vaishnava scriptures have described the Nadia Vihara of Shachinandana.56

In Chaitanya Bhagavata it is stated: Gaurarai is enacting His lila even today in Nadia, but only a fortunate person gets the opportunity to observe it.57

Mahaprabhu's devotion to Nadia Dharma is a known fact. Whoever denies it is simply a sinner.58

Daily we worship that Chaitanya, Advaita and Nityananda who revealed themselves wearing the Brahmasutra and existed with their external companions in the abode of religion.59

Shri Vrndavana Candra Gaura took the pleasure in strolling through Nadia followed by devotees of many different religious sects.60

Navadvipa and Vrndavana were non different. In one place Mahaprabhu exhibited his pastimes and in the other place Syama.

Navadvipa and Vrndavana seemed to be two different places only to those who had no knowledge of the real identity of Mahaprabhu as the incarnation of Shyama.62

Only those who regarded both Gaura and Krishna as their life and soul, could understand that Navadvipa was identical with Vrndavana

By getting the favor of Mahaprabhu one could realize that the vilasa of Navadvipa was non different from the vilasa of Vrndavana.64

Long live the devotees of Mahaprabhu. Now please listen to my narration. 65

I would like to describe some aspects of Shri Gopala Bhatta's life and character.66

Shri Gopala was a great devotee and lover of the Lord who had taken Gaurachandra as his life and soul.67

Shrinivasa Acarya, the monarch in the realm of love, was the most favorite disciple of Shri Gopala Bhatta. 68

The followers of Shrinivasa Acarya also became very famous for their devotional attachment to the Lord.69

I want to elaborately describe the lives of those devotees for whom Gauranga and his associates were the only refuge.70

O listeners, I request you again and again to think only of Shri Krishna Chaitanya and nothing else.71

The real glory of Gaurachandra in this world was that he could be dominated by those devotees who had nothing but Him within their hearts.72

Shri Krishna chaitanya Mahaprabhu was the life of His devotees and the devotees were the only concern of the Lord.73

According to the wish of Mahaprabhu, the devotees took birth in different places and the Lord could meet them from time to time.

The expert writers of Vaishnava literature have described the meetings of Mahaprabhu with His devotees.75

Those who deny the truth of the relationship between the Lord and His devotees are sure to perish.76

I advise both devotees and lay men to accept this as universal truth and not to try to speculate on it.77

The sincere desire of the devotees is certainly more powerful than the Lord Himself, for Mahaprabhu adores the devotional qualities of His own servants.78

Sometimes Mahaprabhu would go to meet his devotees, and at other times the devotees would go to meet Him.79

The particulars about the ancestors of Shri Gopala Bhatta

Mahaprabhu met Shri Gopala Bhatta in South India.80

I shall summarize the history of the Bhatta family: Shri Gopala Bhatta was the son of Shri Venkata Bhatta.81

Shri Venkata Bhatta lived in the south and was a renowned brahmin scholar of all sastras.82

Trimalla, Venkata and Shri Prabodha nanda were three brothers of whom Shri Gaura candra was the very life and soul.83

Formerly they were worshippers of Shri Laksmi Narayana, but by the favor of Mahaprabhu they later became great devotees of Radha Krishna.84

During his visit to the South, Mahaprabhu Gaurahari spent four happy months in the house of the Bhattas.85

In the book Chaitanya Charitamrita, there was a beautiful description of the Lord's Southern tour.86

There was no mention of Gopala Bhatta in the Chaitanya Charitamrita but his family is mentioned.87

In Chaitanya Charitamrita (madhu kanda 9/82-83) there is mention of a Vaishnava named Shri Venkata Bhatta who respectfully invited Mahaprabhu to his house.88

He washed the feet of the Lord and drank the water with all the members of his family.89

It was said that Gopala, the son of Venkata became ecstatically emotional by drinking that water.90

Although he tried to control his body it shivered in ecstatic love.91

Gopala was a beautiful young man whose complexion was as bright as a golden champaka flower. 92

His lotus like face had large eyes and eyebrows and his nose and forehead bore the bright tilaka of the Vaishnavas.93

How beautiful were his ears and neck. How beautiful were his hands, chest and thin waist.94

How beautiful were his shank, knees, reddish feet. He wore bright clothes and was decorated with many ornaments.95

Everyone was fascinated by his ever increasing beauty and his manliness.96

Having received Mahaprabhu - his life and soul - Gopala engage himself most gladly in the Lord's service.97

I worship Shri Gopala Bhatta Prabhu who was the best of all brahmanas and was engaged with utmost sincerity in the service of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.98

I am unable to describe how Gaurahari favored Shri Gopala Bhatta.

The character of Shri Gopala Bhatta

Nevertheless I shall attempt to describe the character of Gopala who was always engaged in the service of Shri Mahaprabhu.100

He was not satisfied to see Mahaprabhu as an ascetic but he lamented privately.101

He addressed Providence with a choked voice, "O Providence, why was I born in this far away place?102

"Why have you forced me to see Mahaprabhu in the dress of an ascetic and deprived me from observing His pastimes in Nadia?103

"How cruel you are to allow Him the life of a renunciate when I long to see Him as Vrajendra Nandana, the Lord of Shri Radhika."

Lamenting in this way he wept like a mad man and breathed a heavy sigh as hot as fire.105

Forgiving Providence, Gopala then lamented that the ill fortune was his own fault.106

Having spent himself in lamentation, Gopala remained reticent yet Gaurahari could understand the state of Gopala's mind.107

When Gopala fell asleep, the Lord of Navadvipa appeared to him in a dream.108

Lord Gaurasundara strolling through the streets of Navadvipa and he was there with him.109

Nityananda and Advaita took him lovingly in their arms but when they were about to tell him something, he woke up from his sleep.

Gopala looked around in bewilderment and them went impatiently to find Shri Gaura.111

Mahaprabhu was delighted and revealed Himself in the form of a cowherd boy with a blue complexion.112

The divine beauty remained but in a few moments the blue complexion turned golden.113

The glow of Gaurasundara's beauty enchanted the universe. How beautiful was that hair that curled across His shoulders.114

His forehead was decorated by Vaishnava tilaka, his eyebrows were dramatically raised and his magnificent glance stole the hearts of all the ladies.115

His beautiful face defeated the pride of the autumn moon and His smile showered nectar.116

His beautiful dhoti was wrapped with three folds and decorated with various ornaments, His gestures and postures were fascinating.117

The garland of malati flowers hanging round Nimai's neck enchanted Gopala.118

He fell to the feet of Mahaprabhu and again looked at his face with expectation, but the Lord had reassumed His ascetic form.119

Mahaprabhu Gaurachandra pacified Gopala and gave him direct instructions.120

He ordered him to go to Vrndavana as soon as possible for there he would meet two valuable jewels namely Rupa and Sanatana.121

"Tell them about My desire," said Mahaprabhu. "In Vrndavana, you will get many disciples from all over the world."122

Having instructed Gopala, Mahaprabhu took him in his lap and soaked his body with tears from His own eyes.123

Mahaprabhu advised Gopala to keep the instructions confidential and not discus them with anyone. Gopala was very happy with that.124

Shri Venkata Bhatta was satisfied seeing the sincerity with which Gopala served Shri Gauranga.125

He dedicated his son to the gracious feet of Gaurachandra and became truly happy. Thereafter Gopala spent his days and nights with Shri Gaurahari.126

The thought that Mahaprabhu would leave their house after four months made the three brothers morose.127

Trimalla, Venkata and Shri Prabodha nanda wondered how they could spend their days without Mahaprabhu.128

"Who will joke with us" they asked each other. "Who will accompany us while we bathe in the river Kaveri?129

"Who will perform san kirtana in the temple of Ranganatha and who will give worthless fellows like us the gem of devotion?130

Without Mahaprabhu's presence these crowds will all disperse and the holy place shall be vacant."131

Though tears streamed silently down their faces, they did not disclose their worries to any one.132

At the end of the scheduled four months when Mahaprabhu actually left their houses, they cried out in despair.133

As the Lord left their house, the Bhatta's fell on the ground at His feet.134

Mahaprabhu pacified the three brothers by embracing them affectionately.135

After pacifying Gopala, Mahaprabhu continued on His Southern tour. At last He reached Nilacala where He met His associates and devotees.136

He visited Gauda and Vrndavana where He also met many of His devotees.137

The great ascetic Shri Krishna Chaitanya gratified the Kali Yuga with help of his devotees.138

Wherever he went he informed his devotees that he had decided to stay in Nilacala.139

But in South India Shri Venkata Bhatta and his two brothers grew morose because of the separation from Shri Chaitanya.140

In the absence of his master Shri Gopala's state of mind was beyond description.141

He reflected on that moment of separation when Mahaprabhu had assured him that his desires would soon be fulfilled.142

He thought of Mahaprabhu's promise to take him to Vrndavana.143

Gopala remained absorbed in love of Shri Gauranga, and his fame in explaining devotional doctrines began to spread throughout the country.144

His pleasure was derived from spreading the glories of Shri Gauranga and defeating the views of the illusionists.145

Educated people eulogized Gopala Bhatta and wondered how he had gained so much knowledge so easily.146

Somebody said, "The credit goes to Shri Parabodha nanda who has educated him since his childhood.147

"No one can match the learning of Shri Gopala who certainly gained his knowledge through the earnest efforts of his uncle."148

Somebody said, "Because of his vast learning Prabhonanda has earned the title Saraswati.149

Whether awake or sleeping he never thinks of anyone but his Lord Shri Krishna Chaitanya."150

According to Hari Bhakti Vilasa (1:2) "Gopala Bhatta, the disciple of Shrila Prabodhananda and a favorite devotee of Lord Shri Gaura Sundara, is compiling the book Shri Hari Bhakti Vilasa, having satisfied Shri Raghunatha dasa and Rupa Sanatana."151

A renunciate in worldly matters, Shri Gopala Bhatta was both affectionate and poetic. He was an expert in singing, playing musical instruments and dancing.152

The book of verse compiled by Shri Gopala Bhatta for which Prabhonanda should be given first credit - uses to enchant both the readers and the listeners.153

In this way, everyone praised Shri Prabodhananda and Gopala, his nephew who was highly learned and also kind hearted.154-155

Shri Gopala took serious responsibility in looking after his parents who were always satisfied with him.156

Once a brahmin told Shri Venkata Bhatta, "You must be proud to be the father of a son who is illustrious in every way.157

"I have never seen such deep devotion as your son exhibits nor such submission toward parents."158

Venkata Bhatta was delighted to tell the brahmin about Gopala's life long endurance to be a great man.159

Gopala had eagerly anticipated seeing Lord Jagannatha in Nilacala and at the same time he was interested in learning Vyakarana and other scriptures.160

Shri Venkata Bhatta also told the brahmin how his son Gopala had shown sincerity in serving Shri Krishna Chaitanya, the Absolute Being.161

The brahmin enjoyed the stories about Gopala and admired Shri Venkata Bhatta for being the happy father of such a fine son. Thereafter the brahmin returned home.162

The parents of Gopala were certainly fortunate to have a son who had fully dedicated himself to the gracious feet of Shri Chaitanya.163

They gladly lpermitted their son to go to Vrndavana and thereafter they uttered the name of Mahaprabhu and left the world forever.164

After sometime Gopala met Rupa and Sanatana in Vrndavana.165

Although Shri Chaitanya was in Nilacala at that time because he was God Himself He could understand that Gopala had gone to Vrndavana.166

One day he left he house of Misra and went to meet Gopinatha and Gadadhara.167

The attraction Gouracandra felt towards Gadadhara was a precious emotion which only a vastly fortunate man could have deserved.168

Similarly the depth of the friendships between Nityananda and Gadadhara was beyond ordinary comprehension.169

Descriptions of the interactions between Gadadhara and Advaita used to give a sense of soothing relief to those who heard them.

Shrivasa Pandita always admired Shri Pandita Gadadhara and considered him more dear than his own life. 171

No one culd understand what happiness lay in the relation between Prabhu Haridasa and Prabhu Gadadhara.172

Nor could they grasp what sort of love prevailed between Pandita Shri Gadadhara and Dasa Gadadhara.173

No human being exists who can adequately describe the loving relationship between Gadadhara and his Lord Shri Gaurasundara.174

In the house of Gadadhara, Mahaprabhu and his devotees used to take their seats.175

Only the most fortunate could witness the beautiful scene.176

The great ascetic, Mahaprabhu Gaurarai, softly spoke His mind to the devotees.177

" I feel concerned because I have not received any news from Vraja for a long time."178

He told the devotees that he wanted to send some letters to Vrndavana, but as He spoke, a letter arrived from Rupa and Sanatana in Vraja giving news of Gopala Bhatta's arrival there.

In His enthusiam over the letter, Mahaprabhu began to describe Gopala to his devotees.181

"During My southern tour, I had the pleasure of staying at the house of Venkata Bhatta.182

"There I met Shri Bhatta's son Gopala who had already proven himself a great scholar of all scriptures.183

"With the permission of his father, Gopala had gladly served Me with great sincerity.184

"Lord Krishna has been kind to him and he has now gone to live in Vrndavana.185

"Rupa and Sanatana are very dear to Me and they sent Me a letter as soon as Gopala arrived there."186

Mahaprabhu's devotees were happy to hear the Lord relate His story.

The Lord praised Rupa and Sanatana and then sent them His reply.

He wrote, "I am glad to hear of Gopala's arrival in Vrndavana. You should accept him as your own brother.189

"Continue to send Me letters from time to time informing Me of your welfare and activities.190

"The books which you have already written and those which you are currently writing will later be well accepted by the world.191

"The person who will help to circulate all books, has now arrived by the wish of Lord Krishna."192

Mahaprabhu ordered a person to take the letter and many clothes for his Vrndavana disciples and to leave without delay for Vraja.

When the coruier met the Gosvamis in Vrndavana, he delivered the doras, Kaupinas and outer garments along with the letter.194

I dare not attempt to describe how joyfully the Gosvamis received the gifts and letter from Mahaprabhu.195

Shri Rupa and Shri Sanatana lovingly accepted Shri Gopala as their brother.196

An internal revelation helped Gopala identify Sanatana Gosvami at once.197

Shri Sanatana Gosvami described the book Shri Hari Bhakti Vilasa to Gopala.198

While listening to the book, Gopala harbored a secret to serve the deity of the Lord. One night in a dream, Shri Govinda dev told Rupa about Gopala's deshrie.199

Under Shri Rupa's affectionate guidance Gopala learned to serve Shri Radha Raman.200

This subject shall be discussed in detail later, but for now I will say that Gopala's effort in serving the Lord was very sincere.201

Lokanatha, Bhugarva, Pandita Kasiwara, Shri Paramananda and the other devotees all showered thier love on Gopala Bhatta.202-203

He liked to spend his days with Rupa Sanatana discussing the loving pastimes of Shri Krishna Chaitanya.204

Shri Gopala's heart swelled with love for Sanatana while a deep friendship grew between him and Shri Rupa.205

But above all other relationships, Shri Bhatta relished his absorbtion in the service of Shri Radha Raman.206

By dint of his knowledge and devotion, Gopala could satisfy anyone's desirea, and he soon became dear to everyone in Vrndavana.207

According to Prachinairapuktama: I pay my tribute to Shri Gopala Bhatta who became satisfied by the love and friendship of Sanatana and Rupa Gosvami and who constantly remained absorbed in the service of Shri Radha Ramana.208

Some have tried to describe the activities of Gopala Bhatta, but many have failed.209

Whoever tries to debate the deep rooted significance of his life will be plagued by guilt.210

Even the former great poets had failed to describe the whole life and activity of Gopala Bhatta.211

I hope that I will be able to describe it later but not now.212

Although Thakura Vrndavana dasa described the pastimes of Mahaprabhu he did not dare mention the Lord's South Indian tour.213

Vrndavana dasa was the incarnationof Shri Vyasa deva, yet on the advice of Veda Vyasa, he did not describe that part of the Lord's lila.214

Being empowered by Veda Vyasa, Shri Krishnadasa Kaviraja took pleasure in elaborately describing that South Indian tour.215

But he also omitted certain parts so that later poets could elaborate on them just as a guru keeps remnants of food for his disciples to accept as prasadam.216-217

A laymen cannot understand the writing of a great poet so people should give up their speculations on such writings and simply try to accept them as they are.218

Before attempting to write about Mahaprabhu and His associates Shri Kaviraja made a serious effort to understand their characters in depth.219

Vaishnava poets would always approach the devotees of Mahaprabhu in order to understand their desires. After taking their guidance and permission the poets would write.220

Having taken permission from many devotees, Krishnadasa kaviraja wrote several books.221

Shri Gopala Bhatta would not permit his name to be mentioned in amy of the books although he did authorize and encourage Shri Kaviraja to write.222

As ignorant persons we will never know why Gopala Bhatta forbade his name to be mentioned. Perhaps his humility did not allow it.

Kaviraja had'nt the audicity to flout his order and thus Gopala's name is mentioned rarely in Shri Kaviraja's book.224

I have heard from an old Vaishnava that Lokanatha Gosvami gave the same order that his name not be used.225

Krishnadasa Kaviraja took pleasure in writing the infrequent passages which glorified Gopala Bhatta, and he never told Shri Bhatta how he had written them.226

I cannot write extentively about the depth of knowledge of Shri Gopala Bhatta during his life in Vrndavana for fear the book will become too large.227

Shri Bhatta had given many comments on the book Krishnakarmamrta which gave much pleasure to all the Vaishnavas.228

Shri Gopala Bhatta, a remarkable person in the path of pure devotion had performed many supernatural activities.229

At a much later time, Shrinivasa met him and got his desires fulfilled.230

On the order of Mahaprabhu, Shrinivasa took his initiation from Gopala Bhatta and later propagated the Gosvami scriptures in Gauda.231

Mahaprabhu empowered Shri Rupa and others to write and compile scriptures on Vaishnava religion, for the propogation of those scriptures he empowered Shrinivasa.232

Acarya and Shri Thakura Mahasaya were of the same soul in their devotion to Mahaprabhu. Thakura Mahasaya had revealed the powers of both Rupa Gosvami and Shrinivasa in his slokas.233

The slokas by Thakura Mahasaya say:"When shall I be able to find Shri Chaitanya deva, the ocean of kindness, within the range of my vision? His aim was to create many Vaishnava scriptures through the intellect of Shri Rupa and others to later disseminate those scriptures to the people of the world through the efforts of Shrinivasa."234

Shrinivasa Acarya was a grea scholar who benedicted the world by distributing those valuable Vaishnava books.235

By the wish of Mahaprabhu, he had many disciples among whom Ramacandra, Gokula and others became very famous.236

I want to tell the entire world about Shri Ramacandra and Shri Gokulananda.237

Ramacandra and Govinda were two famous brothers whose father was Chiranjiva and maternal grandfather was Damodara.238

Damodara Sena lived in Shri Khanda and was famous for his great poetic genius.239

Shri Sangita Madhava by Shri Govinda Kaviraja says: Th unparallel poet Damodara Vasuki of the nether world, the greatest scholar Vrihaspati of the Heaven and the charitable Shri Govardhana of Gaudadesa.240

No one was capable of defeating Damodara in debates for he was not only a poet but a great rationalist.241

Once a world famous scholar who had been easily defeated by him cursed him to never have any male issue in that lifetime.242

Damodara went to great lengths to pacify the scholar who at last blessed him that he would have a daughter who would be famous throughout the world.243

"Your daughter will give birth to two illustrious sons who will benedict the world by removing all inauspiciousness", said the scholar. 244

Later on Damodara didi get a daughter named Sunanda who was not only beautiful but also a reservior og good qualities.245

The ladies of Shri Khanda appreciated her good disposition and when she was old enough for marriage they searched for a suitable bridegroom.246

Damodara Kaviraja selected Chiranjiva as the most suitable husband for his daughter and gladly gave her in marriage.247

Although I would like to descirbe the marriage ceremony in detail, I will restrain myself as the information is superfluous.

In a village named Kumara Nagara on the bank of the river Nagirathi, many Vaishnavas lived peacefully.249

It had been Chiranjiva Sena's home as well, and after his marriage to Sunanda he decided to settle in Shri Khanda.250

Chiranjiva Sena was very popular in Shri Khanda.251

He was an an associate of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and he indulged in unrestrained san kirtana.252

He was reknown for his kindness in distributing devotional love to the poor and neglected people.253

The author of Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita mentioned Chiranjiva Sena amongst the associates of Mahaprabhu.254

According to Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita (Madhya 91-92) "Mukunda dasa, Narahari, Shri Raghunandana, Chiranjiva of Khanda and Sulchama" were also his associates.255

Chiranjiva Sena was a great scholar who used to live happily with his wife in Shri Khanda.256

She was as submissive to her husband as Arundhuti, the illustrious wife of the saint Vashistha. She was a very well behaved lady and a reservior of supernatural powers.257

Shri Ramacandra Kaviraja

Ramacandra was a illustrious as his parents and his brother Mahananda was born after his brother.258

From his very childhood, ramacandra had a great leaning towards religion and used to behave with the neighbors from a very impartial point of view.259

He was a man of high spirits and was as beautiful as Madana, the God of Beauty. He quickly and easily gained knowledge of all types of scriptures.260

Observing Ramacandra's uniqued qualities, intelligent people began to speculate tha the might be an incarnation of some deity.

By his own will he had taken birth in a Vaidya family and thus people thought he was an ordinary person.262

The Vaishnavas began to think that if he chose the path of a Vaishnava, he could get many Vaishnava companions in future.263

As time passed, people began to take more and more interest in Ramacandra.264

I will not describe the circumstances under which Ramacandra became a disciple of Shrinivasa Acarya.265

But I would like to describe the incident in Vrndavana from which Ramacandra got his title Kaviraja.266

Shri Paramananda Bhattacarya, Shri Jiva Gosvami and the inhabitants of Vrndavana were all enchanted by the poetry of Ramacandra and they confirmed the title of Kaviraja.267-268

Ramacandra Kaviraja was a very qualified man and an intimate associate of Narottama Mahasaya.269

In the drama Shri Sangita Madhava the same information about Ramacandra has been quoted.270

I will discuss the relation between Ramacandra and Narottama later on, but here I aam giving it in a nutshell.27

Kaviraja and Narottama insiparable and people used to utter their names as though they were one person - like Nara-Narayan.272-273

They appeared in this world to bring happiness to mankind.274

As brillant scholars of scriptures they easily defeated the views of the heretics.275

They were expert in teaching the science of devotion and their genius was universally accepted.276

In the book Shri Sangita Madhava the same has been quoted.277

Shri Narottama

Shri Narottama was a great Vaishnava and a life long brahmacari who had visited all the holy places.278

In Shri Sangita Madhava the same description of Narottama has been given.279

Ordinary people could not understand the depth of Narottama's character. He had taken birth simply out of attraction for Shri Chaitanya.280

Narottama was born on the day of the full moon in the month of Magha. Just as the moon grows fuller day by day so also Narottama grew.281

He took education in all scriptures and proved himself very efficent in them. He used to absorb in the thought of the rare qualities of Shri Krishna Chaitanya.282

According to the design of Mahaprabhu, he proved lhimself as the personification of love and devotion with no attraction for worldly materials.282

From a young age he looked forward to the day he could leave home and live like an ascetic.284

He continually prayed to Chaitanya, Nityananda, Advaita and others to fulfil that desire.285

Mahaprabhu and his associates appeared before Narottama in a dream and pacified him in various affectionate ways.286

Once an envoy came from the king of Gauda and Narottama's father and uncle were called to Gauda for some important business with the king.287

He took their absence as a chance to deceive his caretaker, console his mother and leave his home.288

His loving mother Narayani, was a sweet natured woman. 289

Their relationship had been close and confident, and she had never suspected her son might leave home forever.290

Narottama cautiously left his house, carrying the memory of the feet of Mahaprabhu in his mind.291

On the day of the full moon in the month of Kartika Narottama left his house as a bright and beautiful young man.292

He visited many holy places before reaching Vrndavana where he took initiation from Lokanath Gosvami.293

Lokanatha accepted Narottama as his disciple on the day of the full moon in the month of Sravana.294

Shri Lokanatha

I would like to describe the wonderful character of Shri Lokanatha.295

His father was Padmanava Cakravarti, his mother was Sita and they lived in the village of Talakhaina in Jessore district.296

In the book Prachinairuktama, the geneology of Shri Lokanatha's family has been given.297

The old brahmana Padmanava was the father of Lokanatha and a favorite associate of Advaita Prabhu.298

Lokanatha, however felt no attachment for his home and left it to join Mahaprabhu in Navadvipa.299

Mahaprabhu Gaurachandra showered Lokanatha with favor and advised him to leave for Vrndavana immdiately.300

Mahaprabhu purposuley ordered him to go because he would accept the life of an ascetic.301

As an ascetic Mahaprabhu would travel to Vrndavana and he sent Lokanatha there in advance.302

Lokanath understood the Lord's intentions and kwew that Mahaprabhu wuld accept sannyas in a day or two.303

How could the intimate associates of Mahaprabhu tolerate he hair cutting ceremony when the Lord would discard his beautiful curly locks.304

Lokanatha could not even think to of the scene and fell crying at the feet of Mahaprabhu.305

The Supreme Lord Mahaprabhu understood the mind o Likenath, consoled him in an affectionate embrace and silently directed him to go to Vrndavana.306

Lokanatha dedicated himself to the gracious feet of Mahaprabhu, bowed at the feet of the associates of Mahaprabhu and left Navadvipa.307

He wandered with aheavy heart, visiting many holy places before he reached Vrndavana.308

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who was always bound by the love of his devotees, accepted the like of an ascetic and went to Nilacala to see Nilacala candra.309

From there Mahaprabhu travelled to South India. When Lokanatha heard about Mahaprabhu's intinary he also started for the South.310

From South India Mahaprabhu went to Vrndavana. Lokanatha got news of that and immediatetly headed toward Vraja. 311

From Vrndavana Mahaprabhu started for Prayag and when Lokanath heard that he became extremely perturbed.312

He resolved to go to Prayag on the following morning but Mahaprabhu appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to stay in Vrndavana.

Lokanatha could not disobey the order of Mahaprabhu and remianed in seclusion on Vrndavana.314

After a long time he met Rupa Sanatana in Vrndavana and they became very happy in each other's association.315

He also met Shri Gopala Bhatta and others who accepted him very affectionately.316

The relation between Bhugarva and Lokanatha was so intimate that their seperate bodies seemed to be the only difference between them. 317

Prabhu Lokanatha became experienced in every every sphere of life and remained in the serivce of Shrimat Govinda and others for a long time.318

His absorbtion in divine love and distaste for worldly matters made him illustrious throughout the world.319

In the book Hari Bhakti Vilasa, Gosvami Sanatana mentioned Lokanatha's name while starting Mangala charana.320

He wrote, " May Shri Kashiswara Gosvami Prabhu increase the beauty of Vrndavana by his presence and may Krishnadasa Kaviraja Prabhu and Shri Lokanatha Prabhu also shine there.321

At the beginning of the book Shri Vaishnava Tosini he mentioned Lokanatha's name for auspiciousness.322

"I sing the praise of Shrimat Kashiswara, Shrimat Lokanatha and Shrimat Krishnadasa Prabhu who have dedicated themselves to the feet of Lord Shri Govinda.323

Lokanatha took pleasure in visiting all the places in Vrndavana where Krishna had enacted his pastimes.324

Kishori Kunda was a holy spot in the village of Umrao near Chatravana.325

Lokanatha decided to live there in seculsion cherishing the hope that he could one day serve the deity of Krishna.326

Mahaprabhu understood the desire of Lokanatha and appeared before him disguised and carrying a deity of Krishna. 327

He put the deity named Radha Vinod in Lokanatha's hands and immediately disappeared.328

Lokanatha could not understand who had given him such a beautiful deity nor where the person had gone.329

Seeing Lokanatha's bewildered state Shri Radha Vinod smiled and explained.330

"I have been staying in a forest near Kisori Kunda in this village Umrao. I could understand that you were not satisfied so I came to you on my own without taking anyone's help. Now please feed me." Lokanatha could only stand with tears flowing from his eyes.330-333

Yet he hurriedly cooked some food and offered it to Radha Vinod. Then he made a bed of flowers and requested the deity to lie down there.334

Lokanatha fanned him with a leaf and then massaged his legs gaining great satisfaction.335

He wholly dedicated himself to the feet of Mahaprabhu and became absorbed in the nectar like beauty of Mahaprabhu.336

He hastily sewed together a small cloth bag as a temple for the deity.337

The small bag glowed with a divine light. Lokanatha hung it round his neck and carried Radha Vinod with him wherever he went.

The people of the village wanted to build a cottage for Lokanatha but he was quite satisfied living under a tree and did not want a cottage.339

Lokanatha did not have the slightest interest in his own needs or comforts. ordinary people could not realize the depth of his detachment.340

After living a long time in Umrao Lokanatha went to Vrndavana where the Gosvamis heartly accepted him and cared for him.341

He lived there very happily for a long time butthen the fire of separation began t burn in his heart.342

The disappearance of Sanatana, Rupa and other devotees created a great vaccum in the Vrndavana Vaishnava community.343

Throughout the day he lamented the absence of Rupa and Sanatana and grew disinterested in his own life.344

The favor of Lokanatha to Narottma

At that time Narottama arrived in Vrndavana and immediately engaged himself in the continous service of Shri Lokanatha.345

Lokanatha was satisfied with Narottama's attitude and gave him Diksha mantra.346

Shri Gopala Bhatta and the other Vaishnavas accepted Narottama as an intimate friend.347

Narottama got the title Thakura Mahasaya along with the affection of Shri Jiva Gosvami.348

Shrinivasa Acarya met narottama in Vrndavana and gradually a dynamic new circle of Vaishnavas was established there.349

Shrinivasa also met Shyamananda in Vrndavana.350

Shri Shyamananda

Shri Shyamananda lived in the village name Dandeswara. His mother was Shri Dwika and his father was Shri Krishna Mandala.351

Shyamananda was born of a sad gopa family. He regarded Lord Krishna as his life and soul and the Vaishnavas were very dear to him.352

I will not give the details of the lives of Shri Krishna Mandala and Shri Dwika because in doing so the book would become too volominous.353

Shyamananda's father formerly lived in a village named Dharenda-Vahaduapura. Some experts said that Shyamananda was born there.354

Some said that Mandala had lost his eldest son and a daughter. Shymananda was his third child.355

Shyamananda was born at an auspiciousness moment and from the moment of his birth he charmed the local village people.356

Observing the nature of the new born baby, Krishna Mandala told his wife to look after the child with utmost care and then leave his feature in the hands of Lord Krishna.357

The women in the village suggested the name Duhkhia for him instead of any sweet name.358

Because of the difficulty his parents faced in raising him, the name Dukhi was kept.359

Great celebrations were held for him when he ate his first rice (annaprasan) and later when he shaved his head leaving only sikha and the entire village enjoyed the ceremonies.360

Dukhi never played with his friends, but he completed his study in Vyakarana and other subjects in a very short time.361

The people of the village were astonished to see his determination.362

He especially liked to hear the life stories of Gauranga, Nityananda and their associates from the Vasinavas of the village.363

As he sang the glories of Gaura-Nitai, tears would flow from his eyes.364

He always remembered the pastimes of Radha Krishna and served his parents faithfully. 365

When Dukhi had grown up, his parents advised him take diksha in Krishna mantra from any respectable religious teacher of his choice.366

With folded hands he humbly replied that he had already decided to accept Prabhu Hrdaya Chaitanya of Ambika as his reliious guide.

Hrdaya Chaitanya belonged to the branch of Gauridasa Pandita and was a devout follower of Krishna Chaitanya and NItya nanda.368

Dukhi knew that Gaura Nitai were always present in the house of Hrdaya Chaitanya and had decided to take his initiation from that saint if his parents gave their permission.369

He anticipated that his parents would not want their young son to travel alone so far away but he told them that he had already found a solution to the problem.370

When the village people of Dandesvara would travel together to bathe in the Ganges he would simply travel with them.371

He begged for his parents whole heated support of his idea and their blessings as well.372

They were very happy with his proposal and they gladly gave their blessings, considering that it was all arranged by the desire of Mahaprabhu.373

In Ambika, Hrdaya Chaitanya warmly received him.374

He asked Shymananda his name and the name of his village. Shymananda told him his life story.375

Shri Hrdaya Chaitanya was deeply moved by Dukhi's story and gave him the name Krishnadasa.376

He also hinted that he would be known as Shymananda when he would live in Vrndavana.377

The name Dukhi-Krishnadasa became well known as the sincere disciple served his guru as though he were God.378

For that sincere service, Hrdaya Chaitanya was extremely satisfied. 379

Accepting him as a disciple, Hrdaya Chaitanya dedicated Dukhi Krishnadasa at the feet of Mahaprabhu, and thus all the desires of Krishnadasa were fulfilled.380

The book Shri Shymananda Sataka has given an identical biography of Shymananda Prabhu.381

Shymananda lived happuly in the house of his guru but after sometime Hrdaya Chaitanya ordered him to go to Vrndavana.382

Shymananda did not want to leave his guru's house and grew morose.383

But with a loving embrace, Hrdaya Chaitanya again insisted that Shymananda go to Vrndavana.384

Crying bitterly Dukhi Krishnadasa bowed at the feet of Hrdaya Chaitanya and left the house.385

Dukhi Krishnadasa's eyes began to shed tears of love while he envisioned Prabhu Nityananda and Chaitanya.386

Lamenting in various ways he also bowed to the feet of the associates of Mahaprabhu and took leave from them.387

While visiting Navadvipa and other places Krishnadasa continually prayed for pure devotional service.388

While he reached Gauramandala, he cried out in deep emotion and tears rolled from his eyes.389

Calling out the names of Nityananda, Advaita and Chaitanya, Krishnadasa cried in bitter separation.390

Over and over he prayed for the mercy of Mahaprabhu and holy Gauramandala. 391

Could anyone understand why Mohanta Shymananda had been praying to Shri Gauramandala.392

The experts say that Shri Gauramandala was God Narayana Himself and from that holy dham all desires could be fulfilled.393

In a song written by Thakura Mahasaya in the book Shri Shymananda Sataka it is said:"He who takes the feet of Shri Gauranga as hs treasure can get the real wealth of devotion. He who hears the sweet lila of Gauranga, can have a pure heart.394

"He sho speaks the name of Gaurnga can realise the real meaning of love. I glorify that person. Whoever is absorbed in thoughts of the qualities of Mahaprabhu can enjoy the eternal lila of Gauranga and becomes the real ineritor of devotional love.295

"He who accepts the associates of gauranga as eternally accomplished devotees gets Shri Vrajendra Suta (Krishna) and whoever regards Shri Gauramandala as God narayana Himself can live in Vrajabhumi.396

"He who drowns in the ocean of Gauranga's eternal love becomes an intimate associate of Shri Radha Madhava. He who though lives in a home or in a forest can cry out taking the name of Gauranga, Narottama always desires his association."397

Many mahantas have sung the glories of Thakura Mahasaya and Shymananda.398

Remembering the order of his guru with eagerness, Shymananda went straight to Vrndavana after visiting various holy places.399

He had done so much devotional activities in Vrndavana that everyone became very satisfied with him.400

His devotion so much pleased Shri Shymasundara Himself that Dukhi Krishnadasa became known as Shymananda in Vrndavana.401

As Shri Jiva Gosvami found Shyamananda a man of sincere spiritual practices, he taught him all the Gosvami scriptures.402

All the associates of Mahaprabhu in Vrndavana were pleased to include Shyamananda in their circle of devotees.403

Whatever activities Shyamananda performed in Vrndavana were done under the order of his guru.404

On hearing news of Shyamandna's activities in Vrndavana Shri Hrdaya Chaitanya became very happy.405

He wrote a letter to Shri Jiva Gosvami that he was offering Dukhi Krishnadasa to him.406

He requested Shri Jiva Gosvami to fulfil the desires of Shyamananda and then to send him back after sometime.407

He advised Shyamananda to regard Shri Jiva Gosvami as a brother of his guru.408

He also warned Shyamananda to be very cautious in learning devotion and in behaving with the Vaishnavas. 409

With these instructions Hrdaya Chaitanya hoped to make Shyamananda cautious. Shyamananda felt very fortunate to have such a religious guide.410

After a long time, Shyamananda returned to Gauda and gave initiation to Shri Murari and others in Utkala according to the desire of Prabhu.411

The identical form of Shri Shyamananda Prabhu and Shri Narottama

I have not given many details but have tried to present the intimate relationships of Shri Narottama and Shri Shyamananda in a nutshell.412

In Vrndavana, Narottama had been floating in the river of devotional love but due to the wish of Prabhu he left Vrndavana for Gaudadesa.413

I shall describe how he went to Gaudadesa.414

There was a disciple of Narottama named Shri Vasanta who was born of a brahmin family and was a great poet.415

He composes some songs in which he described the travels of Shri Narottama.416

The song by Shri Vasanta says:"O Prabhu Narottama, the ocean of good qualities. I do not know how Providence has created your tender body which has conquered the pride of the golden lotus flower.417

Being mad in the love of Gauranga, giving up the pleasures of riches and enjoying life in Vrndavana, Narottama dedicated himself to the feet of Prabhu Lokenatha.418

Having favored him, Prabhu Lokenatha has captivated him and sent him to Gaudadesa who after visiting Gauda, goes to Nilacala and then again came back to Gaudadesa.419

The associates of Prabhu favored him and composed many songs about him. I Vasanta the servant of Narotttama, say that he has reformed heretical demons to peaceful devotional people.420

In this way, vasanta described the qualities of Narottama.421

Prabhu Lokenatha instructed Narottama to care for the deities of Shri Gauranga-Krishna, to serve the Vaishnavas and to sing sankirtana of Shri Prabhu while he was in Gaudadesh.422-423

In sincere obsrvance of that order Narottama cared for six deities at one time.424

The names of the six beautiful deities were Gauranga, Vallavi Kanta, Shri Krishna, Vraja mohana, radharamana and Radhakanta.425-426

In doing so he followed the practices (rites) strictly and engaged himself wholeheartedly to the service of the Vaishnavas.

The people of all classes an creeds got enormous pleasur from the sankirtana sung by Narottama.428

The associates of Gauranga in Gaudadesa were very happy to have Narottama in their midst.429

Shri Jahnavi devi, the daughter of Swrya Pandita and the wife of Shri Nityananda, was adored by the whole world.430

She was a experienced lady in devotional matters and she loved Narottama very much.431

She was satisfied by his srtong devotional tendencies and by his detachment from worldly pleasures.432

By his own grace he had returned to the village of Kheturi and given the residents his association.433

I am a worthless person, how can I describe the favor which Jahnavi devi showered on Narottama.434

Shri Thakura Mahasaya was a generous person. Whoever received his favor got all of his desires fulfilled.435

Many persons became his disciples, namely Ganga Narayana, Santosha and many others. All credits went to Shri Narottama for this.436-437

Shri Govinda Kaviraja composed some songs which eulogised Narottama.438

In his songs he said:"All glories to Narottama Thakura, the emperor in the realm of love and devotion, who is of the same nature as Ramacandra Kaviraja.439

He is the centre jewel of the crown like love and his emotions are like ornaments. He gets himself seated on the love like throne of Kheturi with the devotees by his side.440

He always engages himself in the service of Shri Radha Madhava and in explaining the book Shri Bhagavat of Rupa and Sanatana.441

He who all the tim absorbs in sankirtana without caring a fig for religious or irreligious things and engages in charity and Yoga always.442

As a scholar of Bhagavat and other scriptures views of Pandits on the subjects of Sankhya, Mimansaka and others.443

He was a threat to irreligious people and a benefactor of love to the poor. Only I, Shri Govinda dasa, am a worthless person as I cannot get his favor.444

The idnetity of Govindadasa

Govinda was the younger brother of the great devotee. Everyone appreciated Govinda's versatile genius in all scriptures.445

He composed many nectarine songs which brought pleasure to Shri Jiva and Shri Lokenatha.446

In his songs he enumerated the glories of the Gosvamis of Vraja and therefore recieived the title of Kaviraja from Lokenatha and Shri Jiva.447

The scent of the verses relating to Shri Krishna Candra carried by the restless vernal breeze blowing from the sandal mountain of Shri Govinda Kaviraja enchanted the desire tree Shri Jiva Gosvami and his bumble bee like devotees and and intoxicated the people of Vrndavana. What activity is more worthy of praise.448

Shri Jiva Gosvami repeatedly sent letters from Vraja requesting Govinda dasa to compose more songs.449

Shri Govinda Kaviraja responded to the request and sent many nectarine songs to Shri Jiva in Vrndavana.450

I shall discuss this again later but for now I will say that Shri Govinda Kaviraja became the center of life for the Vaishnava devotees.451

The verses composed by him grew in beauty and flavor and Narottama, Ramacandra Kaviraja and others were always engaged to taste their substantial sweetness.452

The experts wanted to say that Govinda Dasa wrote the verses in such a satisfied mind that his sincere satisfaction helped his verses to become so enchanting.453

King Hari Narayana, a devout Vaishnava, did not so respect any other person except Ramacandra.454

I check myself for going into details regarding the initiation of Hari Narayana by Ramacandra or the initiation of other people under Hari Narayana.455

Shri Govinda dasa composed the book Shri Rama Carita and dedicated it to Hari Narayana.456

One of the songs in that book says: "All glories to Rama Raghunandana who is the beloved husband of the daughter of Janaka and who is eternally adored by deities, human beings, apes, flying creatures and night travelling entities.457

"All glories to him whose complexion is the color of greeen grass mixed with the new born cloud of the rainy season, and whose eyes are as black as collyrium. He remains peaceful during battles wearing his arrows on his right shoulder and his bow on the left.

His character is as deep as the ocean.458

"All glories to him whose brother Bhargat has sincerely worshipped his sandals by shading them with an umbrella and fanning them with a chamara. He is the God whom Siva, Brahma, Sanaka, Sanatana and other gods attend with folded hands.459

"All glories to him who is worshipped by maruta nandana as the only God. I Govinda dasa, always keep in my heart the truth that Raja Hari Narayana is his guardian."460

Being ordered by Shri Santosh Dutta, Raj Hari Narayana wrote the drama named Sangita Madhava.461

There in the courtship of Shri Radha Krishna is so beautifully described that Shri Santosh Datta became enchanted.462

The biography of Santosh Dutta

I hope my audience will be satisfied after hearing the biography of Santosha.463

In the capital city of Gopalapura on the bank of the river Padmavati lived King Krishna nanda Dutta and Shri Purusottama Dutta who were both great personalities.464-465

Krishnadasa was the younger brother of Shri Purusottama Dutta and people in general liked to see the cordial relation between the two brothers.466

Shri Krishnananda's son was Shrila Narottama whose character has already been described.467

Santosha was the son of Shri Purusottama and the nephew of Krishnacandra and he was a very efficient in the execution of royal affairs.468

He was efficent man who had a great influence on the king of Gaur, the ministers of the State and also the subjects of the king. Everyone obeyed him.469

But he was so kindhearted that he won the love of everyone. Simultaneously he was a respected scholar who enjoyed his absorbing study of the scriptures.470

He was the brother and disciple of Shri Narottama and remained always in the service of his guru, Krishna and the Vaishnavas.471

In the drama Shri Sangita Madhava the same narration about the life of Santosha Dutta has been quoted.472

"Who in this world is a more fortunate gentleman than Shri Santosha Dutta who has earned the dual blessing of Shri Radha and Madhava by his own devotional endeavors and has been able to place their forms in this lotus like heart? Who is more favored than Shri Santosha Dutta who has been able to reveal the true identity of the deity of Shri Radha Madhava by dint of his own purity and his desire to do good to the pwople of the world.473

Oh by the wonderful endeavor of Shri Santosha Dutta the deity of Shri Gauranga then Shri Radha ramana and at last Shri Radha Kanta revealed themselves! Oh what nectarine devotional meetings, philosophical discussions and sincere worship of the guru is being conducted in Narottama's house. There is no place more secur than the feet of Santosha where real devotees and misery stricken mankind can find relief.474

People in general admired Shri Santosha for his wonderful devotional activities.475

Some thought that he must have supernatural power which kept him on the strict path of devotion. Without such power how could a human accumulate such devotional strength.476

Others thought it was by the mercy of Narottama Kaviraja that Santosha was empowered to success in the devotional sphere.477

The drama Shri Sangita Madhava has given the same information.478

"There is much to say about the wonderful endeavors of Santosh but I will not give the details.479

His affection towards Shri Govinda Kaviraja indicated that they were different only in bodily features but equal in inward qualities and habits.480

Shri Kaviraja and Narottama passed their lives in the village of Kheturi with these great and qualified devotees.481

Whoever can understand the true identity of these devotees within his heart can certainly get the favor of Lord Krishna.482

Later I shall describe how Shri Rama candra used toserve his own God, but now I shall discuss the topic of Shri Gokulananda.483-484

Dwija Haridasa, giver of love and devotion was a disciple and associate of Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.485

Haridasa was a highly qualified and experienced devotee who used to engage in Sankirtana throughout the entir day and night.486

His sons Shri Gokulanandana and Shridasa were very promising even from their childhood.487

THey completed their study of scriptures in a very short time and loved to absorb themselves in active sankirtana.488

Shri Gokulananda got the full mercy of Shrinivasa Acarya.489

On the order of his father he took initiation from Shri Acarya and served his guru sincerely.490

His younger brother Shridasa was also a great devotee who followed in his path.491

Shrinivasa Acarya was a loving person who spent his days happily with his disciples.492

He gave them advise in devotional subjects and tried to increase their attraction forthe qualities of Shri Krishna Chaitanya.493

Shrinivasa Acarya and Gokuladasa genius was appreciated by the whole world.494

The Vaishnavas desire to hear the life story of Shrinivasa was never satiated.495

I cannot understand why the Vaishnavas ask an ignorant person like me to write about these matters.496

But please listen to me, as I am ordered by those Vaishnavas to tell you all the stories.497

It is my opinion that whoever attentively hears these topics is sure to get the favor of Gaura who is Himself the Vrajendra dana. Whoever eagerly tells these stories to others is certain to get the favor of Prabhu Nityananda and Shri Advaita .498-499

Whoever has respect for Prabhu Gadadhara, Shrinivasa and others is sure to get the valuable gem of devotion, and whoever has no faith in their devotional qualities is sure to be ruined.500-501

Please listen to the biography of Shrinivasa, there in you will get all your desires fulfilled. From this discussion you will gain much pleasure.502-503

Now listeners, please relish this topic again and again because it will bring you relief from all your worries.504-505

The authorities have named the book Bhaktiratnakara as it includes many waves of verses.506

O listeners, sink in the ocean of Bhaktiratnakara by holding the feet of the multitude of devotees on your head.507

Devotion is the possession of adevotee but it becomes available to a devotee only when he assists another person in acquiring it.

All glories to Bhakti devi to the dity of devotion whose blessings I humbly request. Without her mercy I will not get my desires fulfilled.509

Even if a person perfomrs several religious austerities for a long time it may not be possible for him to obtain devotion for the feet of Lord Krishna.510

If one wants to obtain the gem like devotion to the depth of Krishna one should try to be absorbed in the depth of devotional practices all the time.511

I would caution that person to keep the gem of devotion securely within his heart because devotion, according to all scriptures is the most valuable possession in the world.512

It is easy to obtain salvation through knowledge and to fulfil desires through virteous offerings to the deities, but even if one makes sincere religious endeavors of practices mediatation throughout his life it is not easy to get devotion to Hari which is the most valuable possession in the world.513

Who can realize the true greatness of devotion? For this purpose Shri Chaitanya had appeared in this world as an incarnation to taste the real juice of devotion.514

I wish I could die taking with me all calamities which might befall that incarnation who has made a wretched person like me the possessor of such valuable treasures of devotion for the feet of Lord Krishna.515

I want to hide it in my heart for fear I might lose it becasue of my worldly attachments.516

According to the book Shri Bhagavata (5/6/18) "O my dear king, Lord Mukunda himself is the guardian, guru, beloved friend and the director of your Pandava dynasty and of te Yadus, moreover he sometimes has served you menially because of his love for His devotees. To those who worship Him, He gives salvation but He never gives them the valuable treasure of Bhakti.517

Who can acquire that salvation which even Brahma failed to get? Yet it became available to all by the grace of Shri Krishna Chaitanya.518

Prabhu Nityananda was the incarnation of Balarama and Shri Advaita was the incarnation of Maha Vishnu.519

Their method of distribution of kindness filled the world with oceans of deviation.520

Shri Pandita Gadadhara and others were empowered by Prabhu Himself, also helped the people very kindly to obtain devotion to Krishna. 521

Shrivasa and other devotees of Prabhu also distributed devotion among the people of any class or creed.522

Who can describe the qualities of Gaura who the greatest benefactor of love and devotion? He personally distributed that devotion and empowered his devotees to teach everyone without discrimination against any class or creed.523

To carry out His mission of preaching devotion everywhere, Prabhu directed his companions to form groups and to settle in different places.524

The circulation of devotional scriptures by the Gosvamis

Prabhu sent Rupa Sanatana west where they could circulate many devotional scriptures.525

They wrote the books like Shri Hari Bhakti Vilasa in which they taught many aspects of devotional philosophy.526

They wrote the book Shri Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu, an authentic book of devotional philosophy which gave enormous pleasure to the devotees.527

These two great Vaishnavas were the dearest companions of Mahaprabhu. His memory brought joy to their minds and helped them win the favor of Lord Krnsa.528

Shri Jiva Gosvami and other companions caotivated the world by publishing devotional scriptures.529

Who can describe the devotional qualities of Shri Jiva Gosvami, the favorite of Shri Sanatana Gosvami.530

Shri Sanatana Gosvami

Shri Sanatana was a wonderful personality who had great love for the Shrimad Bhagavata.531

When he was young a brahmin appeared to him in a dream and gave him a Shrimad Bhagavatam.532

When he woke up from the dream and found he did not have the book he was quite perturbed, but later that morning the brahmana actually brought him the book.533

Sanatana became so excited to get the Shrimad Bhagavatam that he sank ecstatically into the deep ocean of nectarine love.534

Whatever realization he gained from the Shrimad Bhagavatam he expressed in his own book Shri Laghu Tosani.535

Shri Jiva Gosvami described the life history of Shri sanatana in his book Laghu Tosani.536

The book Shri Laghu Tosani also gives information regarding the life of Shri Sanatana.537-538

Though Shri Jiva had elaborated on the former book of Shri Sanatana, yet he wanted to say more about Sanatana and for this reason he wrote Shri Laghu Tosani.539

The particulars about the former seven generations of Shri Jiva.

I shall introduce seven generations of Shri Jiva Gosvami's family.

Once there was a famous brahmin named Shri Sarvagna Jagatguru who was a respected Yajurvedi of the Varadwaja caste.541

He was the king of Karnat who had been adored by all other contemporary kings and who was a grat scholar in all the Vedas and was a very fortunate person.542-543

His son, Aniruddha deva, was as spirited as Lord Indra and more famous than the moon (chandra).544

He was a proficient scholar of the Vedas and a favorite of the reigning kings at that time his two queens were also famous.545

Aniruddha deva's sons, Rupeswara Harihara, became well respected for their virtuous qualities.546

The elder son Rupeswara earned his fame as a scholar of the Sastras while Harihara became a master in the art and science of weapons.547

After their marriage their father died, leaving the administration of the state in their hands. 548

But the younger brother Harihara soon snatched the administration power from the hands of his elder brother.549

Having lost all power, Rupeswara and his wife travelled to Paulasthadasa in a chariot pulled by eight horses.550

Shri Sikhareswara befriended him and convinced him to settle down there.551

Shri Rupeswara's son, Padmanava, was a beautiful child and a genius as well.552

He learned the four Vedas so easily that he became famous simply for that alone.553

A man of impiecable character Padmanava was genuinely absorbed in love of Lord Jagannatha.554

Padmanava left Sikhara bhumi and settled on the bank of the Ganges.555

He lived in the village Navahatt which was popularly known as Naihatti.556

In Naihatti Padmanava worshipped the deity of Shri Purusottama.557

By performing a sacrifice (yajna) he got eighteen daughters and five sons.558

The names of his five sons were Shri Purusottama, Jagannatha, Narayana, Murari and Mukunda. 559

His eldest son Shri Purusottama and the youngest son Shri Mukunda were the best of all the five sons in experience and character.

Shri Mukunda deva's son, Shri Kumara, was the light of the brahmana family and a highly virtuous man.561

He always engaged himself in oblation privately and became afraid if any evil soul came in front of him.562

If by channce any non Hindu wasked in front of him he would immediately perform some penances and he would not eat rice.563

Because of some family difficulties he became very disturbed and at once left the village Navahatta.564

He went to Bangadesha with his followers and settled in a village named Bakla Chandradwipa.565

There was a village named Fateavada in Jessore where he built a house for the conveinence of communications with the devotees and Vaishnavas of different places.566

Among Kumardeva's many sons were Sanatana, Rupa and Vallabha the life of the Vaishnava community.567-568

In the book Shri Laghu Tosani, the same dynastic history has been given.569-577

The biographies of Rupa, Sanatana and Vallabha

Sanatana, Rupa and Vallabha were great devotees. Sanatana was the elder brother and Rupa the middle.578

Shri Vallabha was the youngest of the three brothers and his son was Shri Jiva Gosvami.579

This book will be too big if I go into details for describing the nature of relations between the three brothers.580

The king heard from his experts that Sanatana and Rupa might be very suitable persons for posts as minsisters.581

At that time the king of gauda was a powerful non Hindu. He appointed Sanatana and Rupa to two responsible posts in his kingdom.582

Due to fear of the king, they accepted the posts and helped him increase his state.583

The king became so satisfied with the brothers that he divided his kingdom between them and allowed them to enjoy their estate.

They settled in the village named Ramkeli in Gauda along with their wealth and treasures.585

Many scholars from different countries used to visit the court of Rupa and Sanatana.586

There were also singers, instrumentalists, dancers and poets who remained at the service of Rupa and Sanatana in their court.587

They would spend money profusely for state purposes but they never harmed anyone.588

They passed their personal time in the study and discussion of scripture and took part in scholarly debates which would establish their views or discredit the opinions of their scholars.589

If any scholar wrote on the subject of Nyaya sutra, he could not feel accomplished until his work was approved by Rupa and Santana.590

Scholars throughout the country appreciated the acedemic genius of the two brothers.591

As their fame grew, brahmins from Karnata and other countries visited their courts.592

Rupa and Sanatana arranged houses near the Ganges for the brahmins of their own country.593

The Bhatta class brahmins who lived in the village of Bhattabati were scholars of different scriptures. 594

The brahmins of the Ramkeli village assisted Rupa and Sanatana in many importany duties.595

Rupa and Sanatana used to serve the Vaishnavas very sincerely and humbly.596

They had great respect for the brahmins who came from Navadvipa.

Vidyavachaspati was the religious guide of Shri Sanatana and from time to time he stayed at Ramkeli. 598

Shri Sanatana studied many scriptures under him and his respect for Vidyavacaspati knew no bounds.599

He respectfully mentioned the name of his guru in his book Shri Dasama Tippani.600-602

Who has the capacity to describe the remarkable activities of Rupa and Sanatana?603

In a lonely place near their house there was a garden (Kadamva Kanana) and in it was situated the Radha Syama Kunda.604

They used to think of the lilas of Vrndavana and while thinking of it they began to shed tears of emotional upheavol.605

But they contiunously rendered sincere service to their deity Shri Madhava Mohana.606

And they retained an eager anticipation for meeting Shri Krishna Chaitanya Candra who lilved in Nadia at that time.607

They regretted their service to the Muslim king and their father continually performed atonements for the disgrace of serving the Muslims.608-609

They lamented their own position, considering themselves no better than Muslims because of the work they did and the association they kept with Muslims. They felt themselves worthless as tey served the king of the Yavanas instead of the king of their own race.610-611

In the depths of their humble lamentation they considered themselves inferior to the Yavanas.612-613

Though they were descendants of a brahmin king they could not think of themselves as brahmins.614

Whoever got the mercy of Shri Chaitanya developed humble behavior. A devotee never considered himself great but took a most humble position.615-616

Although Shri Krishna Chaitanya was God Himself, He nevertheless maintained the humble mood of a devotee.617

Gaurarai knew that happiness lay in the mood of humility and He taught that principle amongst his followers.618

Only Shri Krishna Chaitanya was able to understand the change that transpired in the minds of Sanatana and Rupa.619

Shri Gaurasundara in Ramkeli

Out of divine love for his devotees Gaura candra went to Ramkeli to meet Sanatana and Rupa.620

The people of Ramkeli- even the Yavanas- went en masse to see Prabhu.621

The happiness of Sanatana and Rupa was unbounded and they went privately to Prabhu and fell at his feet.622

Baring grass in their teeth the two brothers approached Prabhu with suvh humility that the assembled devotees felt a pang of sorrow in their hearts.623

A quote from Chaitanya Charitamrita says that Prabhu spoke out, "Please check your humbleness. I feel very sorry to see your mortified state of mind."624-625

Although Rupa and Sanatana belionged to a respectable family and possessed enormous powers, they exhibited such humility in considering themselves inferior to Yavanas that he brahmanas and others were truly astonished.626-627

Who understood that Prabhu was actually setting the examples for all human beings through his own favorite disciples? 628-629

Lessons of Prabhu to his devotees

Prabhu destroyed the pride of Kandarpa when he stayed in the house of Ramananda. He showed his neutrality in the house of Damodara.630

He taught patience during his stay in the house of Haridasa and he taught humility through Rupa and Sanatana.631

Shri Chaitanya taught all people the four qualities of a devotee: continence, neutrality, pateince and humility.632

The character of Rupa Sanatana was beyond the comprehension of ignorant people and invariably someone argued against their behavior.633

Let them continue such arguments if they cherish the hope of going to hell.634

After blessing Rupa and Santana, Shri Gaurahari and his companions left Ramkeli.635

The happiness of Rupa, Sanatana and Vallabha knew no bounds.636

Kesava Chatri and other scholars were happy to meet Prabhu.637

Having heard different comments from experienced persons, Shri Jiva became very interested in Prabhu and privately observed Him.

Shri Jiva was a talented boy even from his childhood andhad completed his studies in Vyakarana and other subjects within a very short time.639

Sanatana and Rupa were pleased with their nephew Shri Jiva and treated him affectionately.640

Shri Jiva constantly remembered the beauty of Prabhu and he satisfied everyone by his sincere endeavor to learn the scriptures.641-642

Some peopel considered he must be a partial incarnation of some deity for no ordinary person could grasp thevast spiritual knowledge in such a short time.643

People were enchanted to see Shri Jiva who was a beautiful and qualified as Rupa, Sanatana and Shri Vallabha.644

I wish I could die taking away with me any misfortune which might befall Shri Jiva.645

Sanatana and Rupa decided to resign from their minesterial posts.

They performed their deity worships with a prayer for meeting Prabhu and sent a messenger to inform Him of their decision.647

They sent one person to Candradwipa and another to Fateyavada in this connection.648

Shri Rupa and Vallabha stored all their wealth and riches on a boat and sailed to a house from where they could distribute that wealth amongst the brahmins and Vaishnavas. Then they started fro Vraja in pursuit of Mahaprabhu who was already on His way to that holy place.649-650

After Vrndavana Prabhu went to Prayaga where He met Rupa and Vallabha.651

Gaurahari blessed them and directed them to return to Vrndavana as soon as possible.652

The discussion of Bhagavata by Sanatana

Sanatana gave up royal service and began to study and discuss the scriptures in his house. In the midst of the Bhattacarya brahmins in his house, he especially enjoyed discussions of Shrimad Bhagavatam.653-654

Sanatana then went to Kashi and there he met Prabhu. Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita has mentioned all these incidents.655

Prabhu loved Sanatana so much that he personally cleaned Santana's body which had become dirty due to neglect.656

In his book Kavi Karnapura wrote about the special favor Prabhu showed to Sanatana.657

Kavi Karnapura mentioned not only Prabhu's kindness towards Sanatana but also the sincere endeavor of Sanatana which won him the favor of Prabhu.658-660

Prabhu's devotees in Kashi were very happy to see the kindness of Prabhu toward Sanatana.661

On the order of Prabhu, Sanatana went to Vraja. Meanwhile Shri Rupa left Vraja so he missed meeting Sanatana there.662

In Nilacala, Prabhu became anxious to meet Rupa and Sanatana again.663

Shri Rupa and Vallabha were glad to hear the news and they immediately started for Nilacala via Gauradesa.664

Shri Gaurasundara gave the new name Anupana to Shri Vallabha.665

Vallabha was a devotee of Raghunath and he always worshipped the Lord in that form.666

He was very happy in the service of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who was Himself Raghunatha. 667

On the trip through Gauradesh Shri Vallabha gave up his body on the bank of the Ganges. Shri Rupa continued on to Nilacala after some time.668-669

He again found happiness in the association of the companions of Prabhu in Nilacala.670

Favor of Prabhu and his associates to Shri Rupa

Shri Chaitanya, Advaita and aNitai all adored Shri Rupa.671

He stayed with them for a long time and then started back to Vrndavana via Gauradesh.672

In Gaura, he distributed the remianeder of his riches among his relatives, the brahmins and the holy places and being relieved of the burden, started fro Vraja. All these incidents have been narrated in Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita. 673-674

Sanatana's visit to Niladri from Vrndavana

From Vrndavana Shri Gosvami Sanatana started for Niladri through Jhari Khanda.675

After many days he reached Nilacala and met Mahaprabhu who was very glad to see him.676

He affectionately introduced Sanatana to his other associates and kept him for a few days in Nilacala. Then he ordered him to return to Vrndavana.677

At Vrndavana, Sanatana met Rupa and together they scrutinised and enlarged the book Chaitanya Charitamrita.678

Whoever could obtain the favor of these two brothers was sure to get the blessings of Shri Krishna Chaitanya.679

Sanatana's priest was a brahmana who was very well liked when he came to Vrndavana.680

He gave up his attractions for wealth and took initiation from Sanatana Gosvami.681

Still at present, his descendants in Kharagrama do not know anything but the grace of Prabhu Sanatana. 682

Out of love of Krishna Rupa and Sanatana discovered many hidden holy places in Mathura mandala.683

The biography of Shri Jiva

Shri Jiva had grown very discontent in Gauda and he was pulled by his attractions to his uncles in Vrndavana.684

The visit to Vrndavana by Shri Jiva was a peculiar incident.685

From the day of Rupa Sanatana going t Vrndavana a peculiar feeling began to grow in the mind of Shri Jiva who decided to give up all pleasures regarding ornaments, beautiful dresses, comfortable beds and voraciousness etc.686-687

In discussions of royal affairs or worldly matters he simply felt bored.688

Observing Shri Jiva in his perturbed state of mind, someone commented, "O my dear friend, from the sons of Kumeradeva three became great vaishnavas and scholars of scripture: Sanatana; Rupa and Vallabha. I have never seen such stocism and neutrality as exhibited by Shri Vallabha in his detachment from worldly pleasures. When he died on the bank of the Ganges his young son Jiva was stunned. But Shri Jiva also had no interest in wealth or riches. My heart breaks when I think of him. One day I saw him in a lonely place crying bitterly."689-695

But another person replied, "My dear friend, this is natural. It is the blessing of Lord Krishna which makes Shri Jiva behave like this. He has become very reserved and does not think of anything but Shrimad Bhagavatam, which has become his very life. He loves to swim in that ocean of happiness created by discussions about Krishna. No one dares speak anything to him but topics about Krishna. He must have met Prabhu privately because I have seen him faint on the ground after crying out the name of Shri Krishna Chaitanya. My heart aches when I see him rolling onthe ground crying so bitterly that his body is soaked with tears. I cannot bare to hear his lamentation."696-701

"My dear friends, it is certain that Shri Jiva will soon leave his house for ever." "But he is merely a boy," someone argued. 702

"How will he tolerate the troubles of travelling from place to place."703

"His love for Prabhu knows no bounds," commented another man. "He is the light of the brahmin class," said another. "The whole village will sink into utter darkness if he leaves."704

The discussion of Shri Jiva continued amongst the village gentlemen. They could not even return to their homes leaving Shri Jiva in that condition.705

At the same time Shri Jiva sat wondering when he would leave his house.706

One evening, he sat alone crying and singing the holy name.707

Although he tried to control himself he finally broke down and cried out, "O my Prabhu Shri Krishna Chaitanya! O Nityananda! O my Prabhu Shri Advaita candra the ocean of mercy! O dear associates of Prabhu! Please be kind to this wretched fellow!"708-710

Throughout the night his lamentation kept him from sleeping.711

Once before in Ramkeli Shri Jiva had had a dream in which he saw Prabhu and His associates dancing in sankirtana and enchanting the world with a flow of love unobtainable by Lord Brahma. Tonight he saw tht same scene in his dream.713-714

Lacs of people came forward to join that sankirtana, uttering the name of Hari which filled the earth and the sky.715

Suddenly Prabhu disappeared and as the dream faded Jiva awoke up in a sorrowful state.716

Again he fell asleep and a second wonderful scene appeared in his dream.717

I will tell you later what he saw in his dream, but now I want to acquaint you with the former history ;of Shri Jiva.718

When Shri Jiva was only a boy, he avoided playing with his friends or other activities which had no connection with Krishna.719

He would make images of Krishna and Balarama, worship them with flowers and sandal paste and dress them with fine clothes and ornaments.720-721

When he would bow on the ground before them he would weep.722

He offered them various kinds of sweetmeats and then enjoyed eating the prasad of the deities with his friends.723

He loved the deities of Krishna and Balarama so much that even when he was alone he would play with them. At bed time he would clasp the deities tightly to his chest and sleep. His parents could not separate their son from his deities although they thought he was merely playing.724-725

Everyone was happy to see Jiva's love for Krishna and Balarama.726

Chaitanya and Nitai were so bound by his love for them that they appeared to him in a dream.727

Krishna and Balarama also appeared in a dream, and Shri Jiva was enchanted to see Krishna in dark blue color and Balarama in white color.728

They looked like Kandarpa and enchanted the universe with their beautiful postures.729

Suddenly Krishna and Balarama were replaced by Gaura and Nitai and the universe was perfumed by the scent of their bodies.730-731

Overjoyed with his vision Shri Jiva wept and fell at he feet of the two masters.732-733

Gaura-Nityananda Rai, the twin oceans of mercy put their feet on the head of Shri Jiva and embraced him affectionately. Whatever they spoke fell like nectar on the ears of Shri Jiva.734-735

In ecstatic love Shri Gaura sundara offered Jiva to the gracious feet of Shri Nityananda.736

But Nityananda repeatedly instructed Shri Jiva, "Let my Gaura Prabhu be your life and soul."737

When Shri Jiva bowed against their feet, they disappeared and Shri Jiva fell into an abyss of disappointment.738

When he woke from sleep, the dawn was breaking and he prepared to leave for Vrndavana on hte pretext of studying there.739

The people of Navadvipa knew he was going to Vrndavana.740

He bid farewell to his followers and left Fateya with only one servant.741

In the ecstasy of love, Shri Jiva wandered hypnotically arousing the curiouslity of the other travellers on the road. "Who is this young man?" they wandered. "He must be a prince with a complexion of gold like a champaka flower. What a beautiful face! Just see his attractive wide eyes, nose, eyebrows, forehead, ears and curly hair. See his neck, his chest and his nails and fingers on his lotus like hands! How beautiful are his thighs, knees and legs."742-746

They all admired the tulasi garland hanging around his neck and the milk white sacred thread lying across his chest.747

Someone said, "My dear friend, I cannot take my eyes off him. I wish I could die carrying away all misfortune which might befall him.748-749

They said, "we cannot understand why we are feeling so perplexed to see him? We wish we can get ourselves initiation to him.750

Although the people talked, Shri Jiva continued his journey rapt in ecstasy.751

When he entered Navadvipa, everyone acknowledged him as he was the nephew of Rupa Sanatana.752

Being overwhelmed by Shri Jiva's scholarship and devotional practices, the brahmans questioned him.753

Shri Jiva was enchanted by the beauty of Navadvipa.754

That holy dhama covered sixteen krsoa of land with many beautiful flower gardens, tanks, forests, groves, cottages and the banks of the Ganga.755-756

As he wondered, Shri Jiva saw many Vaishnavas who were happy to meet him and took him directly to the cottage of Shrivasa Pandita where Nityananda Prabhu and his associates were sitting.757-759

Nityananda had already foretold Shri Jiva's arrival to Shrivasa and Shrivasa gladly informed Prabhu when Shri Jiva was waiting outside the cottage door. 760-761

Nityananda was glad to hear it and requested someone to call him in.762

Sr Jiva's eagerness to meet Nityanada made him cry uncontrollably and he fell humbly at the feet of Prabhu.763-764

Nityananda Prabhu affectionately placed his feet on the head of Shri Jiva. 765

He raised Shri Jiva from the ground, embraced him warmly and said, "I have come here from Kardaha simply to meet You."766-767

In this way he pacified Shri Jiva in various ways and asked Shrinivasa and other Vaishnavas to favor him.768

He kept Shri Jiva in his association for some days and then requested him to go West.769

At the time of his departure Shri Jiva bowed at the feet of Nityananda in the sadness of their intimate separation.770

By placing his feet of the head of Shri Jiva he affectionately embraced him and said, "Go to Vrndavana soon because it is the order of Mahaprabhu that your family should be settled at that place."771-772

Shri Jiva offered his respects to the feet of all the Vaishnavas and then left for Vrndavana.773

Shrivasa and other devotees blessed Shri Jiva in various ways.774

From Navadvipa Shri Jiva went to Kashi where he met Shri Madhusudana Vachaspati, the professor of all Sastras who was as great as Brihaspati.775-776

The scholar was pleased to eet Shri Jiva and kept him at his place for a long time during which he gave him lessons on Vedanta and other sastras.777

Shri Vachaspati was s impressed by the scholarly capabilities of Shri Jiva that he glorified him throughout Kashi andhe soon became respected as the foremost scholar of Nyaya Vedanta and other scriptures.778-779

From Kashi, Shri Jiva went to Vrndavana and got the mercy of Rupa and Sanatana.780

There can be no end to the descriptions of the qualities of Sanatana, Rupa and Vallabha.781

Raghunaha Dasa

Raghunatha Dasa took leave from his father and went to Vrndavana where he met Sanatana and Rupa.782-783

The book Shri Laghu tosanami has given a detailed dynastic history of Shri Jiva.784-786

The characters of Rupa and Sanatana

Sanatana and Rupa began to live in Vrndavana. Their state of mind only Lord Krishna could realize and out of kindness and love He appeared before them in the form of Bala-Gopala and demanded khira from them.787-789

Being ordered by Mahaprabhu, Rupa and Sanatana wrote many books which became very popular in the world.790

Shri Rupa wrote the books Shri Hamsaduta and others and Sanatana wrote Shri Bagavatamrta, and others. He wrote Shri Vaishnava Tosani and ordered Shri Jiva to edit the book. Being ordered, Shri Jiva wrote Shri Laghu Tosini. The first book was completed n the saka era 1476 and the second book was completed in hte saka era 1504.

In the book written by Shri Rupa, the narrative of Krishna in the form of Gopala has been given.795

The books of Shri Rupa

Shri Rupa wrote some books which had become famous in the world, namely Shri Hamsaduta Kavya, Shrimad Uddhava Sandesha and Chandohastadasaka. 796

He wrote some hymns which had also become famous namely Stakamala, Govinda virudavali, Premendusagara etc.797

He wrote some dramas namely Lalita Madhava, Vidagdha Madhava, Danakeli, Rasamrta Yugala, Mathura Mahima, Nataka-Candrika and Shri Bhagavatamrta in condensed form.798-799

The books of Sanatana Prabhu

Sanatana wrote the books namely Shri Bhagavatamrta, Dika Pradarshini Tika on Hari Bhakti Vilasa, Lila Stava and Dasama Tippani on Vaishnava Toshini which Shri Jiva had been ordered by Sanatana to rewrite in a condensed form.800-801

In the condensed form of the book Shri Jiva had tried to make it more clear by adding some new explainations and rejecting some of the views of Sanatana for which he asked for apoligises from his uncle Sanatana.802

In the saka era of 1476, the book Vaishnava Toshini was completed and in the saka era of 1504 the book Laghu toshini was completed.

I have mentioned all the books written by the Gosvamis but I want to tell you something more. Now listen to me.804

Krishnadasa Adhikari, a disciple of Shri Jiva gave a detailed account of the books written by the Gosvamis in his own book.805

The four books of Shri Sanatana

The four books of Shri Sanatana Gosvami were the two volumes of Bhagavatamrta along with the notes, Haribhakti Vilasa along with its notes (named Dikpradarshini) Lila stava, and Vaishnava Toshini along with its notes.806-810

The sixteen books of Shri Rupa

Shri Rupa Gosvami wrote sixteen books in which he had revealed the different types of divine sports of Krishna.811

The names of the books written by Shri Rupa were Hamsaduta Kavya, Uddhava Sandesha, Krishna Janmyatithi vidhi, Shri Vrihada Ganaddesha dipika, Shri Laghu Ganaddesha dipika, Stavamala, Lalita Madhava and Dana Lila Kaumudi, Dana Keli Kaumudi, Vaktirasa mrta Sindhu, Shri Ujjala Nulamani, Prajukta Khyata Candrika, Mathura Mahina, Nataka Candrika.812-817

He wrote eleven slokas being requested by the Vaishnavas and gave them to Krishnadasa Kaviraja to elaborate on.818

All these slokas dealt with the eight divine sports of Krishna which became very famous in the realm of Vaishnava literature.819

Krishnadasa Kaviraja editted and condensed the book Virudavali.

Apart from the books, Rupa Gosvami composed hymns in separate forms which Shri Jiva compiled in a complete work and named it Stavamala.827-829

The books of Shridasa Gosvami

Shri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami wrote three books, namely Stavamala, Danacarita and Mukta carita.830-832

The twenty five books of Shri Jiva Gosvami

The books written by Shri Jiva Gosvami were namely the Vyakarama named Shri Harinama mrta, its notes Sutra Malika and its metallurgical analysis, Krishnacarana dipika, Gopala Viru davali, the last portion of Rasamrta, Shri Madhava Mahotsava, Samkalpa-Kalpabriksha, Bhavartha Suchaka-Champu, Gopala-Tapani Tika, Vramha Sanhita Tika, Rasamrta Tika, Ujjala Nilmoni Tika, Yagosara Stava tika, Shri Gayatri Vashya of Agnipurana, the narrative of the foot prints of Shri Krishna of Padma Purana, the collective records of the hands and foot prints of Shri radhika, the former position of Gopala Champu, the last portion of Gopala Champu, the famous seven treasties of Shrimad Bhagavata namely Tatta Sandarva, Bhagavata Sandarva, Bhakti Sandarva, Preeti Sandarva and Krama Sandarva, Krishna Sandarva and Paramatma sandarva. 833-851

Following the method of writing of the four Gosvamis, numerous devotees had written many books.852

Only those who had obtained the favor of the deity of devotion, could realize the real meaning of these books.853

The Vedas and Puranas spoke highly about the greatness of devotion, but a real and genuine devotee could do anything however difficult it might be.854

Though the Vedas and Puranas had described the glory of devotion, only a genuine devotee knows exactly what devotion is.855

"Oh my deat friends, I wish I could sing the glories of devotion and of the genuine devotees throughout my life.856

I wish not to be touched by any heretics who halt devotion and devotees.857

Oh my respected devotees of Gaura, who is the supplier f all desires for his devotees, be kind to me because I want to be ever obedient to the feet of Shrinivasa.858

The biography of Shrinivasa Acarya

The universe should be grateful to Shrinivasa Acarya Thakura for his taking birth here.859

Shrinivasa revealed himself in Gaudadesa, Nilacala and Vrndavana.

If I am fortunate enough I will be able to give a detailed description of his revealment but now I am trying to present his history from his birth.861

He was born in the family of a brahmin named Chaitanya who used to live in avillage named Shri Khanda on hte bank of the river Ganges.862

The ceremony of his Shri Curakarama had taken place there and he became a scholar in all sastras in a very short time.863

When he came to know of the glory of Shri Krishna Chaitanya he became so ecstatic that he at once started for Khetra via Shri Khanda.864

He cherished the hope of meeting Shri Chaitanya Candra and his associates in Nilacala.865

On his way he heard the news of the worldly disappearance of Prabhu Chaitanya and sank into the depths of extreme misery.866

Prabhu who was a great lover and life of his devotees appeared before him in a dream.867

Prabhu consoled him in various ways and directed him to go to Nilacala to met his other associates there.868

There he got every favor from the associates of Prabhu who advised him to go to Gaudadesa.869

He could not control his own restless mind and so he again started for Nilacala via Shri Khanda.870

The news of the worldly disappearance of Pandita Gosvami

Before he could reach Yajapura he came to know that Gadadhara Pandita Gosvami had disappeared from the world.871

The news broke his heart and he fainted on the ground. He began to cry so bitterly that even the stone seemed to melt with it.872

Pandita Gosvami consoled him very much through a dream and advised him to go to Gaudadesa again.873

Some maddness crept over his mind but he did not reveal it to anyone.874

On his way to Gaudadesa, suddenly he came to know the news about the worldly disappearance of Nityananda and Advaita.875

This time he firmly decided to give up his own life but the two Prabhus appeared before him and sweetly consoled him in various ways.876-877

In the morning he started for Gaudadesa and visited Navadvipa and other places. He also visited Shri Khanda from where he hastily went to Vrndavana and dedicated himself to the feet of Shri Gopala Bhatta.878-879

He met Narottama then and studied the books written by the Gosvamis.880

The Gosvamis ordered him to go to Gauda and circulate their books.881

In Vana Vishnupura, the king of Vishnupura stole the books but he had to return the books to Shrinivasa and to take shelter under the gracious feet of Shrinivasa.882

Shrinivasa got married under the suggestion of Shri Sarkara Thakura and after some days he went to Vrndavana again.883

He returned to Gaudadesa shortly from Vrndavana and began to stay with Narottama happliy.884

Prabhu Viracandra helped them a lot, by arranging sankirtana in which they could absorb themselves all the time.885

They used to circulate the Gosvami books eveywhere which helped many sinners to get rid of their sins.886

They accepted many disciples there who used to take pleasure in reading these books.887

After enjoying his days in Gaudadesa, he again came to Vrndavana and a channel of communications had been established between Gaudadesa and Vrndavana.888-889

"O my dear listeners, I am an ignorant person I do not know how to describe the most devoted character of a devotee like Shrinivasa, so please listen to me with patience. I also dare to suggest you to keep away from the touch of the heretics who always indulge in wrong debates. Please sink into the depth of Bhaktiratnakara. I being Narahari Dasa, taking the feet of Shrinivasa Acarya in my mind, daringly undertake the effort of writing the book Bhaktiratnakara.890-893

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