Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Paramananda das's Blog (2,359)

Bhaktabhasa .shadow devotees


dear devotees 
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 One siksa disciple of mine was very disturbed by how some devotees treat me, I told him not to worry everything is controlled by Krsna : 
queen Kunti prayed for troubles here is why :
 vipadaḥ santu tāḥ śaśvat…


Added by Paramananda das on February 4, 2016 at 9:30am — No Comments

Bhagavad Gita 3.10

Chapter 3: Karma-yoga

saha-yajnah prajah srstva

purovaca prajapatih

anena prasavisyadhvam

esa vo 'stv ista-kama-dhuk

saha—along with; …

Added by Paramananda das on February 2, 2016 at 10:58am — No Comments

BBT and Brhad Mrdanga



 Yesterday I had a nice talk with Svavasa Prabhu and I am going to distribute books for ISKCON LA again . My heart was never into distributing KBI books because though they deny it they have ritvik ideology . Of course I am not a fan of many changes to Srila Prabhupadas books as they are simply wrong .But I am distributing mainly small and medium books so it does not matter there is no major changes to them. Though…

Added by Paramananda das on February 2, 2016 at 6:25am — No Comments

why does Jayadvaita Swami get everything wrong ?

Jayadvaita Swami was opposed to Srila Prabhupadas statement that Lord Narasimha appeared at Ahovalam , he never apologized for this statement , it is about time for him to admit he was wrong and his Guru was right



Actually Srila Prabhupada told Yasodanandana twice Ahovalam is the place where Lord Narasimha appeared (and we see in the

conversation below Srila Prabhupada does not denie it),J , Prahlada Maharaja appeared in a place in the Kasmire part of now…

Added by Paramananda das on January 14, 2016 at 6:52am — No Comments

"burdened by a spouse"

so many male devotees write "burdened by a spouse" on facebook  good then why are you not taking sannyasa instead of insulting your wife ???

yadi te hari-pāda-saroja-sudhā-
rasa-pāna-paraḿ hṛdayaḿ satatam
parihṛtya gṛhaḿ kali-bhāva-mayaḿ

Added by Paramananda das on January 13, 2016 at 9:00am — No Comments

Lord Ananta in Navadvipa


 Balarama was laughing (prahasya) because He thought, “Krishna never cares to play with Me in My form of Sesa Naga, but now He is playing with this common, mundane snake named…

Added by Paramananda das on January 13, 2016 at 8:00am — No Comments

Lord Narasimhas pastimes from the Puranas

Narasimha Purana is one of the 18 Upa Puranas written by Srila Vyasadeva , Upa Purana just means that it does not cover the 10 subjects of the Mahapuranas , but 5 or more.This has been explained by Sukadeva Goswami in the 12 Canto chapter 7:
sargo 'syātha visargaś ca
vṛtti-rakṣāntarāṇi …

Added by Paramananda das on January 10, 2016 at 9:28pm — No Comments

Lord Narasimhas nails an incarnation of Sudarsana Chakra

Lord Narasimhas nails an incarnation of Sudarsana Chakra

Lord Nrsimha is so exalted that even His nails are glorified by the Vaishnava acharyas! In the Sudarsana-sata-nama stotra of the Sri Vaishnava sampradaya, it is said that Lord Narayana's Sudarshana Chakra descended as the tusk of Varaha, the axe of Parasurama, and the nails of Nrsimha. In this way, the nails of Nrsimha accompany the Lord in His various avatars.
      Trivikram Panditacarya a disciple of…

Added by Paramananda das on January 10, 2016 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

a GBC controlled by a woman is not fit to be a GBC



Rukmini mataji is also preaching this nonsense a woman can be a Guru and being the wife of a GBC has overpowered him to accept a female TP, he is controlled by his wife and her adharmic ideas a GBC controlled by a woman is not fit to be a GBC ·  Braja Bihari das  is fully under the control of his wife so he also favors…


Added by Paramananda das on January 9, 2016 at 11:00am — No Comments

Vantasi Guru

if your socalled Guru had sex with anothers wife and you still worship that person as your Guru you will go to hell and your socalled Guru will go to hell also ,every time you chant pranam mantra to him you are making offences , you should take shelter of Srila Prabhupada not of a vantasi ,someone that eats his own vomit

Added by Paramananda das on December 31, 2015 at 4:52am — 1 Comment

Bhagavad Gita 3.9

yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra

loko 'yam karma-bandhanah

tad-artham karma kaunteya

mukta-sangah samacara

yajña-arthāt—only for the sake of Yajña, or Viṣṇu; …

Added by Paramananda das on December 31, 2015 at 3:43am — No Comments

TOVP not mentioned in Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

it is stated Lord Nityananda Prabhu showed Srila Jiva Goswami in a vision the future TOVP by ISKCON  , if that what so important as seeing Navadvipa in it is original spiritual form ,is questionable ,but if we  have a look in the Navadvipa Parikrama book of that vision given to Srila Jiva Goswami it is clear it it the Yoga pitha  birth place of Lord Caitanya …

Added by Paramananda das on December 24, 2015 at 4:00am — No Comments

offences to Sri Garga Muni and Sri Advaita Acarya




One foolish person that joined in ISKCON Nigeria has spoken much foolishness against Sri Garga Samhita ,it is my duty to speak out.

kathādiṣv iti gargaḥ

Word for word: 

kathā-ādtiṣu — for narrations and so on; iti — so; garga — Garga Muni.


Garga Muni says that bhakti is fondness for narrations about the Lord, by the Lord, and so on.

this is from Narada Bhakti Sutra spoken by Sri Narada Muni

Srila Garga Muni was the…


Added by Paramananda das on December 11, 2015 at 10:04am — No Comments

Brahmacari book and grhastha asrama

Bhakti Vikas Swamis Brahmacari book demonize the grhastha asrama ,it is no doubt a very important book ,but he makes it sound like being a grhastha is almost as bad as being a homosexual this is a huge offence.Sannyasis often think I am the greatest , I am as good as God .Let them think this way ,this is the problem in Kali yuga.False ego .Grhastha asrama does not mean you have to be in maya almost all Lord Caitanyas associates where grhasthas, but Lord Caitanya asked all…


Added by Paramananda das on December 10, 2015 at 9:43am — 3 Comments

Brahmin diksa

According to the Vaiñëava regulative principles, one must be initiated as a brähmaëa. The Hari-bhakti-viläsa (2.6) quotes the following injunction from the Visnu -yämala:

adékñitasya vämoru kåtaà sarvaà nirarthakam 

paçu-yonim aväpnoti dékñä-virahito janaù

"'Unless one is initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, all his devotional activities are useless. A person who is not properly initiated can descend again into the animal species.'"

Hari-bhakti-viläsa (2.10)…


Added by Paramananda das on December 10, 2015 at 9:41am — No Comments

My Gurudeva did not given initiation to devotees that had taken diksa in ISKCON



Some have accused my Gurudeva of given diksa to devotees already initiated in ISKCON on this Video around 13 minutes 16 seconds he is asked about a devotee that was reinitiated by him that was previously a disciple of Goal Krsna Maharaja ,
immediately he responds he should not be.…


Added by Paramananda das on December 9, 2015 at 1:59pm — No Comments

Sri Sri Radha Govinda and the Bingo hall fight

I am so happy that bingo hall was closed by the IRS at ISKCON NY ,there used to be cigarette smoke coming from the Bingo hall into the temple room ,but everyone was just thinking we are making money , I was angry because Radha Govinda is residing there why offend Sri Sri Radha Govinda and Srila…

Added by Paramananda das on December 9, 2015 at 5:37am — 1 Comment

+Śrī Sāraṅga Ṭhākura ~ Disappearance

8 Dec 2015
Trayodaśī, K, 07:14, Svātī
+Śrī Sāraṅga Ṭhākura ~ Disappearance

Added by Paramananda das on December 8, 2015 at 12:15pm — No Comments

editing Gopala raja Stotra

dear devotees
Dandavat pranams
All glories to the lotus feet of Sri Guru and Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
This Gopala Raja stotra by Srila Raghunath das Goswami is a very important prayer to Sri Gopala also known in this world as Sri Nathaji
, I believe Kusakrata Prabhu tried to translate this prayer as he is the only devotee I know have tried to translate Stavavali, however…

Added by Paramananda das on December 5, 2015 at 10:30am — No Comments

Gita Mahatmya chapter 2 from the Padma Purana

The Glories of Chapter Two of the

Bhagavad Gita from the Padma Purana

Lord Vishnu said, “My dear Lakshmi, you have heard from Me the glories of the First Chapter of Bhagavad-gita Now please listen carefully, as I tell you the glories of the Second Chapter.

Once in the South in the town of Pandharpur, a very learned brahmana by the name of Devashyama lived. He was able to perform all kinds of fire sacrifices. He also knew the importance of receiving guest. And by his…


Added by Paramananda das on December 5, 2015 at 9:19am — No Comments

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