Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Sometimes we have seen ISKCON sannyasis attached to their female disciples and in some cases had sex with their female disciples some married them and left ISKCON , do I need to give a list ?I have also seen 3 sannyasis that defended their lusty female disciples chasing devotee men in the temple and making offences to the Brahmacaries this is due to false ego ,sometimes socalled sannyasis pressure other devotee men to marry their fallen female disciples ,they want to dump their responsibility to other men.One devotee told me how his Guru to marry this one mataji his Guru was so close too.So in order to save themselves they say marry my disciples, and such arranged marriages do not last.Jagadish Maharaja (former) was having an affair with a female disciple from Italy though she was married, and he used to chastise the husband who was also his disciple.He told me how Jagadish in a sneaky way stole his wife.I am not sure if Jagadish is still with this mataji, but he left ISKCON and blammed Srila Prabhupada for child abuse in ISKCON .His former wife Laxmimoni was also involved in child abuse in a nasty way and so what Jagadishs good friend Dhanudhara ...many things can be said about this.When I once told a sannyasi your female disciple is chasing me he said ,she would never do this she is so "beautiful" I told him then marry her yourself you rascal and get this animal to stop stalking me .She eventually dragged down someone on waiting list for sannyasa ,who was happy to become a vantasi , much to be learned from this sloka and this chapter ,do not trust sannyasis attached to money and women and power ,In ISKCON London there was one Brahmacari TP that would sit all day long talking nonsense with matajis and when he got agitated talking to them he would suggest someone marry one of these single matajis he was scared to fall in love with ,if he was really a Brahmacari why is he talking with women all day long? He could go on bookdistribution in stead and stop trying to be a sense enjoyer, such loose dealings create loose atmosphere in the temple ,many sannyasis in ISKCON wants to make the temple into a heaven for them and their lusty neophyte female disciples, this is why so many women are given posistiones in ISKCON due to materially attached ISKCOn leaders.Srila Prabhupada once got furious with Hrdayananda Maharaja after he took sannyasa he said why you are talking to the mothers so much ?But sometimes you get falsly accused also when dealing with matajis for preaching and guiding them so there is a balance, but when all the Brahmacaries and bookdstributors get kicked out so the sannyasis can comfort with their female discipels then ISKCON goes to hell.Temples are meant for bookdistributor Brahmacaries, not for womanizing sannyasis and their nonsense female disciples that never goes on bookdistribution ..shame on you naughty sannyasis! I told one sannyasi that wanted to reinitiate one mataji why you want reinitiate her for false prestige she is not chanting her rounds ? Let her first chant at least 16 rounds otherwise what is the use of such a sentimental relationship.When I was temple commander in ISKCON Soho one mataji was sneaking out meeting one boy every day and so devotees told me, and I reported it to Mahaduyti now Swami he said marry her ,take resposibility for her.He was such a rascal, the thing is why she is leaving the temple to be a karmi boy that was the concern of the devotees at ISKCON Soho, so Mahaduyti did not last as TP, because he wanted the prestige of being a TP but not of doing the job properly,we see this again and again .irresponsible leaders.In December what is more disgusting than seeing females and sannyasis sitting and talking all day ? The rascals should be out there on bookdistribution ..I did not complain to the Sannyasa ministry about Mahadyuti Swami ,I find him ambitious and to neophyte to bring anyone back to Godhead ,Guru na sa syat, but since many wants a kanistha adhikari Guru ,ISKCON is providing such kanistha adhikaris as Gurus i wish him good luck
ŚB 11.28.29
कुयोगिनो ये विहितान्तरायै-
र्मनुष्यभूतैस्‍त्रिदशोपसृष्टै: ।
ते प्राक्तनाभ्यासबलेन भूयो
युञ्जन्ति योगं न तु कर्मतन्त्रम् ॥ २९ ॥
kuyogino ye vihitāntarāyair
manuṣya-bhūtais tridaśopasṛṣṭaiḥ
te prāktanābhyāsa-balena bhūyo
yuñjanti yogaṁ na tu karma-tantram
ku-yoginaḥ — those practitioners of yoga whose knowledge is not complete; ye — who; vihita — imposed; antarāyaiḥ — by obstructions; manuṣya-bhūtaiḥ — in the form of human beings (their relatives, disciples and so on); tridaśa — by the demigods; upasṛṣṭaiḥ — sent; te — they; prāktana — of the previous life; abhyāsa — of the accumulated practice; balena — on the strength; bhūyaḥ — once again; yuñjanti — engage; yogam — in spiritual practice; na — never; tu — however; karma-tantram — the entanglement of fruitive work.
Sometimes the progress of imperfect transcendentalists is checked by attachment to family members, disciples or others, who are sent by envious demigods for that purpose. But on the strength of their accumulated advancement, such imperfect transcendentalists will resume their practice of yoga in the next life. They will never again be trapped in the network of fruitive work.
Sometimes sannyāsīs and other spiritual teachers are bewildered by flattering followers and disciples sent by the demigods to embarrass spiritual leaders who are lacking complete spiritual knowledge. Similarly, spiritual progress is sometimes checked by attachment to one’s bodily relatives. Although an imperfect transcendentalist may fall down from yoga practice in this life, he will resume it in the next life on the strength of his accumulated merit, as described in the Bhagavad-gītā. The words na tu karma-tantram indicate that a fallen transcendentalist does not have to pass through the lower stages of fruitive activity and gradually be promoted to the practice of yoga. Rather, he will immediately resume his yoga practice at that point at which he left it. Of course, one should not presume to fall back on the facility offered here but should try to become perfect in this lifetime. Sannyāsīs, especially, should remove the knot of lust from their hearts and should avoid falling into the clutches of flattering followers or female disciples sent by the demigods to expose a so-called spiritual leader who is imperfect in Kṛṣṇa conscious knowledge.

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