dear Ramabhadra Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Do you still have a Bingo hall at ISKCON Brooklyn? I mean renting out temple property for Bingo?
As I mentioned before this obviously would not please Srila Prabhupada, and I hope something is done to
stop this Bingo business.
Also according to GBC rules of 1996 no activities that brakes the 4 regulative princniples can not take place at at temple.
Nor is renting ISKCON property for such purposes allowed.I know it has been an income for the temple there at least
since I first served there in 1989.I really hope the international GBC will find a solution to this and stop this practise
of renting part of the temple for these activities.According to some devotees there is a yearly meat cook out also by the
local firemen that rent this place is this for real?
I am just suggesting you present this to the international GBC as a dilemma and what to do about it.It was going on even
you became the TP...we discussed it before and I am sensetive to the situation, but I am of the opinion there should
be no compromise as the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya is our all in all.
Actually the temple in Brooklyn can easy be maintained by the congregation if you present to them that there is a bingo hall
to help maintain the temple ,many devotees and congregation will step up to help.I will personally also make a yearly
donation as long as this Bingo hall gets closed for good.(and encourage others to do so)
your servant
Paramananda das
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