Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"To hell with my socalled superiors"
When I realized that Radha Krsna was my eternal parents by the grace of Srila
Prabhupada, I was much relived, however so many socalled Gurus and socalled superiors to me in devotional service where all fake.
Today I reject them all officially to only take shelter of Srila Prabhupada, the Panca Tattva and the holy name:
When I read and carefully study Mukunda Mala stotra it gives me new hope always, the mind may say this is not related to Radha Krsna ,this is all nonsense
all bhakti sastras are related to Radha Krsna.
Anyone who does not chant 64 rounds daily with love can never be my superior, he is not even my equal (though of course as spirit souls we are all equal
if one actually realizes it)..Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada was so strict on devotees chanting 64 rounds ,there is so many books about
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Prabhupada but as most , that read and write such books are not interested in chanting one lakh as ordered by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada this is
all more or less useless.(until one comes to the point of chanting on lahk daily)
We are all very insignificant only there is the holy name and still we chant and chant and have no real love for Radha Krsna, no tears of love for the divine
couple, but so much love for sense gratification and ulterior things, this is all rubbish in the heart.Of course if one does not act on such things and at least
chant minimum 16 rounds and follow 4 regs then on one level one is a pure devotee.But how about those who are so cruel due to their personal ambitions
we have seen many such persons in the name of our superiors, they are not superiors but all fake.Very cruel and selfish persons.
Often I see that those who become GBC's become
so proud they think we can introduce new bogus standards ,so they allow even the serving of grains on Visnutattva days, because they are two
legged animals .To hell with such socalled superiors, if you are a GBC,TP and any leader in ISKCON , hear these words carefully stop :
" Taking grains on the appearance days of Lord Ramachandra, Gaurapurnima,Nityananda Trayodasi, Janmastami, and Narasimha Caturdasi
,Balarama Purnima,Varaha and Lord Vamans appearance days
Advaita Acaryas appearance days causes only birth and death,so listen my dear friendl , you are maybe given this temporary position of responsibility, but
even if you was a Lord Brahma ,I would reject you ,if you told me to take grains on Janmastami etc as it disobeys sastra.Chanting minimum 16 rounds
and following 4 regs will not become fruitful if one does not abstain from grains on Ekadasi and Visnutattva apperance days.
So if you are encouraging this, to hell with you, do not dare talk to me, if your disciples do this , stay far away from me, you are a very sinful person.
Real followers of Srila Prabhupada never takes grains on Visnutattva apperance days, but some are just dull rascals.
Payonidhi das
Stop pretending to be a pure vaisnava if you disobey Lord Caitanyas advise to chant 64 rounds every day, it can not happen.
Those who have love for Lord Caitany will never disobey the instruction to daily chant 100.000 names, all our failures to do so will only cause
inauspiciousness this is the clear instruction of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada....We should never dare call ourself vaisnavas if we disobey
this instruction of Srila Rupa Goswami, even then Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has taught us extreme humility, bhakti is not a cheap thing....
without chanting 64 rounds properly there will never be any Saranagati, without Saranagati one can not attain Krsnas lotusfeet.Kindly stop being cruel
to yourself and take the instruction of Srila Rupa Goswami and daily chant 64 rounds.My dear brothers with all humility at my command please
chant 64 rounds daily, never anything less.Life is very short and precious.

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