Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"Sannyasi stockholders"
dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 It has come to  our attention that a certain sannyasi  in ISKCON invest in the stockmarket in the name of Yukta vairagya. Take some money from 
"disciples" and invest it.There is only one word for it:"MAYA".This reflects badly on those sannyasis that are strict.And in my opinion this is most sannyasis
in ISKCON.Most of us will agree on that.
Sannyasis is an asrama of few 
possessions .Actually Srila Prabhupada allowed disciples to ,to some extend to use laxmi for monuments to him, like in New Vrindavan.However
Srila PRabhupada never lived in this Palace.However the neophyte disciples makes a show of opulent worship to the Guru in the hope he will have the 
same.This is strictly against the teachings of Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Prabhupada, lets not forget Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada.
Only the greatest degraded person can imagine Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada approving of a sannyasi investing in the 
stock market,it is simply fraud in capital letters:"FRAUD".
 In the case of our former (socalled ) Guru, Harikesa, he also did this and at the same time developed attachment for women though a sannyasi
and he got married to a socalled female disciple and left ISKCON with many millions of dollars.Now recently the GBC  members swore that laxmi  
they have obtained should not leave ISKCON in case they do....ouchhhh.First of all there is no garantie if a fallen "Guru" finds a female disciple he likes
and he has enough money for life he will not leave.What guaranties is there?.Are sannyasis above the law?Where is the sannyasa ministry?
Maybe this is the reason that sannyasa is forbidden in kali yuga, Srimad Bhagavatam 12 Canto also states that sannyasis in kali yuga often are 
overly eager to accumalate money .I have often seen this in my 32 years as a devotee.
 The argument is :"We are doing this for Krsna", my rebuttal is:" No it is for yourself to enhance you prestige and wealth both are enemies of Bhakti".
Have we not read Vaisnava Ke or Srila Prabhupadas Vaysa puja offering from 1961,where he chastised some of his god brothers for collecting wealth?
Srila Prabhupada points out that grhasthas go to such sannyasis and beg for money and why not, they have crores of rupees in the bank .
Here in US one devotee told me how his Guru gave him cash money to buy a house, and he is praying him back with interests,This is not even legal
according to US laws, however the same sannyasi has been a GBC chairman .These few rotten apples may spoil the rest as Kali yuga goes on.
We can clearly understand that such persons are not on the spiritual platform, and that they are rejected by Lord Caitanya and His Parampara.
(for that matter any strict  vaisnava sampradaya).
Harikesa promised us" disciples" he would build us some facilities in Mayapure so in old age we could retire in peace and do sadhana bhakti.
Did he try to" catch the fish and simply got wet "by his stockholder investments,  (from money all by foolish disciples), or is it more that he used these
foolish disciples to become rich?The answer is obviously yes.I will not pay my obaisences to a fraud in the name of sannyasi that is addicted to wealth
I will not even look at him or talk to him ,I reject him and pray to Surya to purifie my vision should I see such a sinful man,dressed as a sannyasi.
The GBC should kindly make a list so persons like myself and others can avoid such offenders to the sannyasa asrama.
As Aindra Prabhu would have said:"SHAME ON THEM".Let them walk with a sign in Mayapure that says: "I invest in stocks".Even strict grhasthas
do not gamble like this.Deenabhandhu Prabhu told me one sannyasi recently also lost 6 -7 million dollars doing this, so it is also gambling.
Does the GBC expect us to see such persons as its representatives ?The GBC should clearly explain this, but they can not as they can not control
these persons, that are out of control. so the next best thing, make the oath of" financial chastity".What a joke really.
But I am not laughing.Are we envious or jealous of such persons, certainly not, we pity them at the bottom of our hearts, they are far away from
pure bhakti, with their sakama bhakti behavior. 
Have they never read Prema Vaivarta or understood anything?
But theire sakama disciples also see nothing wrong with this as that is also their motivation,anyone who thinks this is ok is surely a sakama devotee.
And yes the karmis are right in one sense, never give to the Guru ( because he will hang himself with this money),better is to beg
 chapaties and chant peacefully than this animal life.
The blind is leading the blind for sure,I have brought a sunlight here,those who can see will see, others stay in the fraud of selfdeception.
I like HH Gopal Krsna Maharaja that flies economy class and rejects fancy cars for himself and has no personal house, and does not invest in stocks
,there is 2  sannyasis(maybe more) and they should learn from him and other  sannyasis, they know who they are....the question is will the GBC 
do anything? 
Queen Kunti has advised against this attachment to wealth as one can not feelingly call out to Krsna,Jesus Christ used to say ,it is easier for a camel 
to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
This is not a time to stick the head in the sand.. 
your humble servant
Payonidhi das

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