Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

This is Srila Prabhupadas mood and serving his Guru Maharaja

One thing that has has to be said in praise of Harikesa (despite his many later deviations) is he trained us in the mood of Srila Prabhupada.That mood is to distribute
Srila Prabhupadas books,Did he show by example? Never ever , he would not even go on one Harinama also, or attend full morning program.Yesterday a former godbrother was finding faults with Srila Prabhupada how could Srila Prabhupada be so cruel and not leave any proper Guru.Well at least we where taught to chant 16 rounds and follow 4 regs.Where you considered strange if you chanted more? That is for sure, and was part of his neophyte mentality.And wen he left so many of his disciples lost faith in KC.The problem is Srila Prabhupada is not made enough the center of ISKCON, otherwise no one would leave because of fallen Gurus.Even we know sannyasis that use and abuse other devotees, and I personally will not stand for it.Sometimes one sammyasi abuse a more saintly and humble sannyasi.One such sannyasi came to me once in Mayapure and was so sad how this other sannyasi was mistreating him so badly.He was known as having gangster connections(gunda) but I confronted him fearlessly and asked he stop mistreating this other sannyasi(who surely was not making it up).This" ravana sannyasi" eventually got exposed for his many crimes and left and got married.
The point I am making there is no need to blame Srila Prabhupada or Krsna for our past,where we taking complete shelter of Krsna chanting His glories day and night?Well then mayadevi will give some slaps...and those who abuse others , do not worry they will get their reactions in the end...BIG TIME
We may put some sannyasi and Guru on a high pedestal, but are they really uttama uttama bhaktas, no none of them.First of all they do not know Srila Prabupadas mood nor follow it.I will expose 2 of these socalled Uttama adhikraris without mentioning their names, not out of fear but as it may seem to impolite and those who need to read this will not try to comprehend the important points I am making,if I mention them by name.One Guru was in ISKCON and the other one is outside of ISKCON.They both have/had many opinions seperate from Prabhupadas and sastra, of course leaving ISKCON is not an option.
Srila Prabhupada did not accept the acarya system, so then someone will ask hos can someone be a Guru and lead an institution? The fact is yes they have to be Gurus and even acaryas by example but they can not act and think they are acaryas.Some have huge temples in the name of ISKCON that is not even cooperated into ISKCON and this is really a scam and fraud, but no one dares face up to those sannyasis that do so.It is a matter for the GBC.So many times I have mentioned about sannyasa and wealth, this is another issue.But sannyasis is not supposed to have large amount of personal wealth as an individual or set up their own institution within ISKCON, this was done by Kirtananada and one sannyasi that was related to him is doing the same to the present time.

Srila Prabhupada is the Founder acarya

Srila Prabhupada suggested the DOM be implemented because it really best guards the interests of ISKCON and limits the abuse of money and power.This was not implemented
and I am convinced because Srila Prabhupada saw many of his leading disciples where ambitious, and they would have rebelled as they did in many ways.For example from the early days of ISKCON they flatly denied to chant 64 rounds .
This important instruction however can not be seperated from Srila Prabhupadas legacy in as so much as the DOM can not be overlooked.The DOM is not a document of "demoniac democratic rule" ( as this term may be used in karmi society) but a brahminical councel to protect Srila Prabhupadas society.I humbly suggest the GBC has a look at it again, and see what can be implemented from there, to benefit the over all spiritual health of ISKCON.The TP can not act independently as if he was God, and we have seen this on occasions,
HH Gaura Govinda Maharaja once shouted in a lecture:" Sometimes the TP thinks he has become Krishna and he kicks out devotees from the temple with no good reason"
(basically because he is a demon... )Though in some rare case there may be need for this devotee to leave, but not for exposing bad standards...if a temple has 50 sankirtana devotees and end up with one and 2 you know it is time to change the TP, likely he is milking the congregation for personal wealth and making the temple his personal property
so better to change leaders if this is the case, and if a TP is flying all over the world(with temple funds) and his temple has no sankirtana party what is this?
Some ambitious leaders are keeping the growth down of ISKCON this is my opinion in some places and in other where they follow nicely like in Gopal Krsna maharas zone in India things are booming and expanding I know I am in ISKCON when I go there,ISKCON LA also is serious about bookdistribution,where ever TP's and GBC 's are serious about distributing Srila Prabhupadas books that is an ISKCON temple....wherever the sankirtana movement is increasing please keep the leaders, if there is no sankirtana get new leaders.
DOM or present system whatever it takes to increase the distribution of Srila Prabhupadas books...
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
your servant
Payonidhi das

I, the undersigned, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, disciple of Om Visnupad Paramhansa 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaj Prabhupada, came in the United States in 1965 on September 18th for the purpose of starting Krishna Consciousness Movement. For one year I had no shelter. I was travelling in many parts of this country. Then in 1966, July, I incorporated the Society under the name and style the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, briefly ISKCON. The lawyer was Mr. J. Goldsmith. Gradually the Society increased, and one after another branches were opened. Now we have got thirty-four (34) branches enlisted herewith:
Amsterdam, Holland
Atlanta, Georgia..............1476 Oxford Rd. N.E. 30322
Baltimore, Maryland...........1300 N. Calvert St.
Berkeley, California..........2710 Durant Avenue 94704
Berlin, West Germany
Boston, Massachusetts........ 40 N. Beacon St. 02134
Boulder, Colorado.............623 Concord St.
Buffalo, New York.............40 Englewood Ave. 14214
Chicago, Illinois.............2210 N. Halstead St.
Detroit, Michigan.............74 West Forest St. 48201
Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Hamburg, West Germany.........2000 Hamburg 6, Bartelstrasse 65
Honolulu, Hawaii..............2016 McKinley St. 96822
Laguna Beach, California......130 Woodland Drive 92651
London, England...............7 Bury Place, Bloomsbury, W..C. 1
Los Angeles, California.......3764 Watseka Ave. 90034
Montreal, Canada..............3720 Park Ave.
New Vrndavana, W. Virginia....RD 3 Moundsville 26041
New York City, New York...... 61 Second Ave. 10003
Paris, France.................c/o Serge Elbeze, BO 113 Paris 14
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania....416 South 10th St. 19147
Provincetown, Massachusetts...104 Bradford St.
San Diego, California.........3689 Park Blvd.
San Francisco, California.....618 Frederick St. 94117
San Jose, California..........70 Hawthorne Way
Santa Barbara, California ....6654 del Playa, Goleta 93017
Seattle, Washington...........n5516 Roosevelt Way N.E. 98105
St. Louis, Missouri...........4544 LaClede Ave. 63110
Sydney, Australia.............298 Birrell St. Bondi, N.S.W. 2026
Tokyo, Japan..................6-16, 2 Chome Ohhashi, Meguro-Ku
Toronto, Canada...............40 Beverly St., Ontario
Vancouver, Canada.............260 Raymur St., No. 305, B.C.
Washington, D.C...............2015 Q Street N.W. 20009
As we have increased our volume of activities, now I think a Governing Body Commission (hereinafter referred to as the GBC) should be established. I am getting old, 75 years old, therefore at any time I may be out of the scene, therefore I think it is necessary to give instruction to my disciples how they shall manage the whole institution. They are already managing individual centers represented by one president, one secretary and one treasurer, and in my opinion they are doing nice. But we want still more improvement in the standard of Temple management, propaganda for Krishna Consciousness, distribution of books and literatures, opening of new centers and educating devotees to the right standard.
Therefore, I have decided to adopt the following principles and I hope my beloved disciples will kindly accept them. There was a meeting in San Francisco during the Ratha Yatra festival 1970 and many presidents of the centers were present. In that meeting it was resolved that an ad hoc committee be set up to form the constitution which is taken into consideration. My duty was to first appoint twelve (12) persons to my free choice amongst my disciples and I do it now and their names are as follows:
1. Sriman Rupanuga Das Adhikary
2. Sriman Bhagavandas Adhikary
3. Sriman Syamsundar Das Adhikary
4. Sriman Satsvarupa Das Adhikary
5. Sriman Karandhar Das Adhikary
6. Sriman Hansadutta Das Adhikary
7. Sriman Tamala Krsna Das Adhikary
8. Sriman Sudama Das Adhikary
9. Sriman Bali Mardan Das Brahmacary
10. Sriman Jagadisa Das Adhikary
11. Sriman Hayagriva Das Adhikary
12. Sriman Krsnadas Adhikary
These personalities are now considered as my direct representatives. While I am living they will act as my zonal secretaries and after my demise they will be known as Executors.
I have already awarded Sannyas or the renounced order of life to some of my students and they have also got very important duties to perform in this connection. The Sannyasis will travel to our different centers for preaching purpose as well as enlightening the members of the center for spiritual advancement. The Sannyasis will suggest for opening new centers in suitable places and the GBC will take action on it. As was stipulated by the ad hoc committee, the function of the GBC will be as follows with particulars:
"The purpose of the Governing Body Commission is to act as the instrument for the execution of the Will of His Divine Grace. And further,
1. The GBC oversees all operations and management of ISKCON, as it receives direction from Srila Prabhupada and His Divine Grace has the final approval in all matters.
2. His Divine Grace will select the initial 12 members of the GBC. In the succeeding years the GBC will be elected by a vote of all Temple presidents who will vote for 8 from a ballot of all Temple presidents, which may also include any secretary who is in charge of a Temple. Those 8 with the greatest number of votes will be members for the next term of GBC. Srila Prabhupada will choose to retain four commissioners. In the event of Srila Prabhupada's absence, the retiring members will decide which four will remain.
3. The commissioners will serve for a period of 3 years, and they may be re-elected at the end of this period.
4. The chairman is elected by the GBC for each meeting. He has no veto power, but in even of a vote tie, his vote will decide. The same will apply for votes cast by mail between regular meetings.
5. Throughout the year, each of the commissioners will stay with His Divine Grace for one month at a time and keep the other commissioners informed of His Divine Grace's instructions.
6. The primary objective of the GBC is to organize the opening of new Temples and to maintain the established Temples.
7. Advice will be given by the GBC in cases of real property purchases, which will be in the name of ISKCON, INC. (Trucks or other vehicles will be purchased in the name of the local president).
8. Removal of a Temple president by the GBC requires support by the local Temple members.
9. The GBC has no jurisdiction in the publication of manuscripts, which will be handled by a separate committee; profits to be returned to Srila Prabhupada."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So far my books are concerned, I am setting up a different body of management known as the BHAKTIVEDANTA BOOK TRUST. The trustees of this body are also members of the GBC, but their function is not dependent on the GBC. ISKCON Press was created for the exclusive publication of my books and literatures and should be continued in that way. During my absence no one shall live in my apartment.
Witnessed by:
Date July 28th 1970
(Robert F. Corens)
Rupanuga das Adhikary
(William R. Ehrlichman)
Bhagavan das Adhikary
(Kelly Gifford Smith)
Karandhar das Adhikary ACB
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Date July 28th, 1970
At the World Head Quarters
3764, Watseka Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90034

POST SCRIPT : Added Oct 17th, 2004 - Scanned in original ISKCON Constitution from 1970
hand written by Srila Prabhupada
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Tirupati 28 April, 1974
Washington D.C.
My dear Rupanuga Maharaja,
Please accept my blessings.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 17, from Washington D.C. and I have very carefully noted the contents.
Regarding Mayapur, as you have begun this program should be regularly followed once a year: meet in Mayapur and chalk out activities for the year. Then, next year meet and see how far things are being done and if necessary make changes for responsible GBC and presidents etc. The meeting is very valuable and must be carried out regularly every year. But one thing is that at Mayapur last time most of the time was spent discussing but no program was made firm for the year. For example, our Tamala Krishna Goswami never proposed to go to the USA at the meeting but now he has decided to go back to the U.S.A. Of course you can go back, but if the matter is discussed at the meeting, then a GBC vote could be taken and they could have selected a replacement. Now this replacement I have to bother. It is not difficult for me, but why wasn’t their discussion of the meeting. Now Karandhara has written asking to come back and I have called him to come to Bombay and if possible he can be engaged as GBC for India.
You are right about Sridhara Maharaja’s genuineness. But in my opinion he is the best of the lot. He is my old friend, at least he executes the regulative principles of devotional service. I do not wish to discuss about activities of my Godbrothers but it is a fact they have no life for preaching work. All are satisfied with a place for residence in the name of a temple, they engage disciples to get foodstuff by transcendental devices and eat and sleep. They have no idea or brain how to broacast the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. My Guru Maharaja used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would achieve success. In the latter days of my Guru Maharaja he was very disgusted. Actually, he left this world earlier, otherwise he would have continued to live for more years. Still he requested his disciples to form a strong Governing body for preaching the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He never recommended anyone to be acarya of the Gaudiya Math. But Sridhara Maharaja is responsible for disobeying this order of Guru Maharaja, and he and others who are already dead unnecessarily thought that there must be one acarya. If Guru Maharaja could have seen someone who was qualified at that time to be acarya he would have mentioned. Because on the night before he passed away he talked of so many things, but never mentioned an acarya. His idea was acarya was not to be nominated amongst the governing body. He said openly you make a GBC and conduct the mission. So his idea was amongst the members of GBC who would come out successful and self effulgent acarya would be automatically selected. So Sridhara Maharaja and his two associate gentlemen unauthorizedly selected one acarya and later it proved a failure. The result is now everyone is claiming to be acarya even though they may be kanistha adhikari with no ability to preach. In some of the camps the acarya is being changed three times a year. Therefore we may not commit the same mistake in our ISKCON camp. Actually amongst my Godbrothers no one is qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix with my Godbrothers very intimately because instead of inspiring our students and disciples they may sometimes pollute them. This attempt was made previously by them, especially Madhava Maharaja and Tirtha Maharaja and Bon Maharaja but somehow or other I saved the situation. This is going on. We shall be very careful about them and not mix with them. This is my instruction to you all. They cannot help us in our movement, but they are very competent to harm our natural progress. So we must be very careful about them.
Our students who are making this political program must be fixed in one point that human society unless divided into the four classes and divisions is animal society. Among the animals there is no intelligence for self realization or how to make life successful. In human life intelligence is better than animals therefore they should know what is the aim of life and to educate human society there is the whole Vedic literature, of which the Bhagavad gita is the quintessence. The Supreme Personality of Godhead orders that there must be four division in human society, a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th class, like that, and the 1st must be ideal. If the whole society is full of rogues, thieves, drunkards, cheaters and demons, where is there question of decent government. There must be division so the lower class men may aspire to be second class men. So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc. Regulative principles means to especially execute devotional service in terms of the revealed scriptures under the direction of the spiritual master. By fulfilling the regulative principles you come to the platform of spontaneous love for Krsna. Spontaneous love for Krsna is there already but is covered by the influence of Maya. The regulative principles are a device how to overcome the influence of maya and come to the platform of spontaneous love of Krsna. If we want to exist as first class men in society all our students must be induced to following the regulative principles. One shouldn’t think artificially he has come to the spontaneous platform. That is sahajiyaism.
The GBC must be vigilant by following the regulative principles and teach by ideal character the presidents of the centers, and the presidents by their ideal character must teach the others then automatically all members of the whole institution will be ideal to the human society. Then we can dictate to administrators or sometimes take hold of the administration. In the absence of competent leaders we may take the post. But we must be very careful in the flow of the political movement we may not forget our ideal life. For example, Parasaram was a Brahmin but when he found the ksatriyas were mismanaging he killed them twenty one times and some of them fled to European countries. This is the history. So far we are concerned we shall keep ourselves in ideal brahminical position and if need be if no ksatriya or Vaisya is here we can take up their work as emergency. Our business is to create ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas but beyond that our real business is to keep ourselves as ideal Brahmins. If we are not ideal we cannot create others as ideal. Training is required for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of social constitution. Persons who are not fit for being advanced by training are sudras or less than that. At the present moment in the world state, there are sudras and less than that. There are no ideal brahmanas or ksatriyas. But these four divisions are imperative. So our business is to keep fit as brahmanas and to train others to be ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas for advancing the whole society. As Krsna says in the Srimad-Bhagavatam:
Tamala Krsna Goswami is going to Los Angeles and I shall give him instruction to join Madhudvisa Swami, Bali Mardan and Jayatirtha and reform the deficiencies. As soon as there is a little deficiency we must repair it or it will create a big hole and the ship will drown. So I have said keep fit. I saw this Vrindaban Candra and Prajapati as a little sentimental without thoroughly understanding. Without following the regulative principles advancement is doubtful, and one may fall at any moment.
As for drugs, not just one party, but everyone was involved. Our process is to reform. Everyone is under the clutches of maya. If we follow the regulative principles we can get out and come to spontaneous love. A diseased man is always under the clutches of disease. But if he follows the prescribed orders given by the __ __ he can be cured. Now, how to reform? If we ask him to go away the whole society will be finished. In the hospital many patients are there and the attempt is made to cure them, not to tell them to go away or to kill them. They try their best to cure them. If they tell them to get out of the hospital or if they kill them, that is easy.
Initiation should be given as a future hope, but we should be careful about the second initiation. As recommended by the president or GBC they should only do so when they are quite confident of a man. Otherwise, he should not be recommended. If you follow this principle it will be successful. Every day I am getting request for second initiation, but I do not know. The responsibility goes to the presidents who pick them. Unless they are thoroughly convinced second initiation should not be given. In the beginning we may be a little lenient. But if someone falls down after being initiated he should not be credited with second initiation.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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