Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

TheKalisantaranaUpanishad explains chanting Hare Krsna the highest wellfare for all in Kali yuga

There is no higher wel being for Gurus and disciples to all chant Hare Krishna it is confirmed in

The Kalisantarana Upanishad
AUM saha nAvavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha vIryam karavAvahai |
tejasvi nAvadhitamastu mA vidviShAvahai | AUM Santih Santih Santih |
"May God protect us (the Guru and the disciple). May we both enjoy the results (of this Upanishad). May we attain strength together. Let the study of this (Upanishad) be illuminating to both of us. Let us not show contempt for each other. Peace. Peace. Peace."
harih AUM | dvAparAnte nArado brahmANam jagAma katham bhagavan gAm
paryaTan kalim santareyam iti | 1
"At the end of Dvapara Yuga, Narada, after traveling the world, approached Lord Brahma and asked him: 'How may I overcome the (evil effects of) the Kali Yuga?'"
sa hovaca brahmA sAdhu pRShTo asmi
sarvaSrutirahasyam gopyam tacchRuNu yena kalisamsAram tariShyasi | 2
"Brahma said: 'You have asked me an excellent question. I shall reveal to you the secret of all Vedas, by which you will cross over the (ocean of) samsara filled with the bad effects of the Kali Yuga. This secret must be preserved and protected.'"
bhagavata AdipuruShasya nArAyaNasya nAmoccAraNamAtreNa nirdhRtakalir
bhavati| nAradah punah papraccha tannAma kimiti | 3
"'By merely uttering the names of the Primeval Purusha, who is Bhagavan Narayana, one is freed from the clutches of Kali.' Narada asked again: 'What are those names of Narayana?'"
sa hovaca hiraNyagarbhah |
hare rAma hare rAma rAma rAma hare hare |
hare kRShNa hare kRShNa kRShNa kRShNa hare hare |
iti ShoDaSakam nAmnAm kalikalmaShanASanam |
nAtah parataropAyah sarvavedeShu dRSyate | 4
"Lord Brahma said: 'O Hari, O Rama, O Hari, O Rama, O Rama O Rama, O Hari, O Hari! O Hari, O Krishna, O Hari, O Krishna, O Krishna O Krishna, O Hari, O Hari! This collection of sixteen names (of Narayana) destroys the evils of the Kali Yuga. I don't see any other effective means (of liberation) in the Vedas.'"
Note: Gaudiyas chant this mantra by reversing the order of the two halves, i.e. the Hare Krishna first and then the Hare Rama. Actually, there has been a good reason for this reversal. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to spread this maha-mantra to all the fallen souls of Kali Yuga, regardless of qualification. Now, technically, there are Vedic injunctions that the Vedic mantras (such as this mantra of the Kalisantarana Upanishad which is from the Krishna Yajur Veda) are not to be publically chanted, and they are never to be chanted by shudras, women, etc. Therefore in order to solve the problem, while keeping within the context of the injunction of the Vedas and thus not offending the Brahmins, Mahaprabhu reversed the two halves. It is equally potent either way and this way it can be freely distributed, chanted in sankirtan, etc.

iti ShoDaSakalAvRtasya jIvasyAvaraNavinASanam |
tatah prakASate param brahma meghApAye raviraSmimanDalIveti | 5
"'(This mantra) destroys the sixteen kalas of the jiva, beginning with the prana, which constitute the veil of ignorance. Then the Supreme Brahman shines forth, just as the solar disc shines forth brilliantly when the clouds vanish.'"
punarnAradah papraccha bhagavan ko asya vidhiriti |
tam hovaca nAsya vidhiriti | 6
"Narada asked: 'O Bhagavan, what are the regulations or injunctions to be followed in chanting these names?' Brahma said: 'There are no regulations to be followed.'"
sarvadA SuciraSucirvA pathan brAhmaNah salokatAm samIpatAm
sarUpatAm sAyujyatAmeti | 7
"'By chanting these names always, whether in a clean or unclean state, a brahmana obtains the four kinds of liberation, sAlokya, sAmIpya, sArUpya and sAyujya.'"
1) sAlokya - living in the abode of God
2) sAmIpya - living in the proximity of God
3) sArupya - living with a form identical with God
4) sAyujya - merging with the body of God
yadAsya ShoDaSikasya sArdhatrikoTIrjapati tadA brahmahatyAm
tarati| tarati vIrahatyAm | 8
"'When a brahmana chants this mantra of sixteen names, for a total of one and one half crore times, he becomes free from the sin of killing a brahmaNa. He overcomes the sin of neglecting his domestic fire.'"
svarNasteyAt pUto bhavati |
pitRdevamanuShyANAmapakArAt pUto bhavati | 9
"'He becomes free from the sin of stealing gold. He becomes free from the offenses committed against forefathers, Gods and human beings.'"
sarvadharmaparityAgapApAt sadyah SucitAmApnuyAt |
sadyo mucyate sadyo mucyate ityupaniShat | 10
"'He quickly becomes free from the sin of giving up all religious duties. He becomes liberated immediately; he becomes liberated immediately. Thus the Upanishad.'"
AUM saha nAvavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha vIryam karavAvahai |
tejasvi nAvadhitamastu mA vidviShAvahai | AUM Santih Santih Santih | 11
"May God protect us (the Guru and the disciple). May we both enjoy the results (of this Upanishad). May we attain strength together. Let the study of this %

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