Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Denmark ,Norway,Finland, and Holland are considered the worlds happiest countries.( was born in Denmark:

It is one of the most atheistic countries ,though people in general are very kind and nice, free education (it did not help me because my dad made to much money, so at the time I was not qualified for Government help to study though I had left home,they changed this later I believe )free healthcare is very good,and in general they take good care of their citizens, and it is a small pretty country with less violence,not like US where more persons have been killed by guns than in all the wars US fought in.Gay marriage is allowed there ( it really shot up the gay and lesbian movement,as they then had nothing to bitch about and got all their " human rights" basically to degrade themselves) .Denmark has never admitted to its slave trade from Ghana to St Thomas and such places, and it is stricken from the history books, very shameful.Yes salary is good ,unless you make to much money. like my cousins that created a band called "Me and mine" the government was ready to take over 60 % of their earnings from their big hit in Japan (that year they sold as much records there as Michael Jackson and Tina Turner), they went to Spain (15% income taxes)Srila Prabhupada once joked :"You will go back to Godhead ,and there will not be anymore income taxes Thank you very much"
.Hhahahah besides this ,birth ,old age, disease...
in Bhagavad Gita Krsna states:
Humility, pridelessness, nonviolence, tolerance, simplicity, approaching a bona fide spiritual master, cleanliness, steadiness and self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification, absence of false ego, the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease; nonattachment to children, wife, home and the rest, and even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me, resorting to solitary places, detachment from the general mass of people; accepting the importance of self-realization, and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth--all these I thus declare to be knowledge, and what is contrary to these is ignorance.

the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease..
With free "universal healthcare" (mostly in US it is not very good yet and many of the citizens have no medical help, and some health insurance companies are simply a fraud)
This Michae Moore has exposed many corruptions in USA.That of George Bush and also in his health care movie Sicko, well he is a liberal so personally I do not agree with many things he says. However I like his exposing of

The Bush administation left billions of dollars unaccounted for.Thus this US corruption does not belong in ISKCON.
Srila Prabhupada has talked about "spiritual communism in ISKCON" vow..yes on the spiritual platform.
Pure devotees have no interest in wealth, so for US born ISKCON sannyasis and spiritual leaders to have huge personal bank accounts is bogus, or for that matter anyone, believe me we have seen deviation in many places, and it goes on in Gaudiya math also, well what to speak of in worldly religions like Christianity.
Abuse of power, money and sex is the fall down in any religion, and in a nation as well,and in each individual.We are all accountable to Krishna the Supreme Lord.

Isopanisad states:
Iso 1: Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.

What makes these countries happy is they do not allow any corruption in politics, in the health care that is run by the government, so everyone gets full benefits, in education.
So being corruption free is the source of happiness.
When a senate has to ask a president what happened to 80 billion US dollars in Senate meetings, and they are not held accountable and arrested, then you know there is something wrong .I watched C span last year about,and the year before about such corruption in the US Government by the former president and his staff.
Do we want ISKCON like that? It should be corruption free.No improper anything..this is the standard we are aspiring for, no covering up sexual abuses, like the Catholic church has done.And no misuse of wealth, it all belongs to God.
your servant
Payonidhi das

Views: 67

Comment by Paramananda das on July 20, 2010 at 6:22pm
the problem is when material problems goes away people mostly forget about God


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